First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2067: The real difference between humanity and heaven

"Sister Qixi, have dinner!"

Li Hegu held the steaming ceramic bowl and placed it in front of Qixi Festival. He picked up the bowl and chopsticks and drank it. After a few sips, he saw no movement and looked at the tile in front of him. The Tanabata Festival of the jar asked in surprise, "Why don't you drink it?"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Tanabata woke up from the sluggishness, suddenly raised his head and glanced at Li Hegu, looking at the dirty earthen jar, and the earthen jar could not be distinguished as grass roots, bark, and rice. Mi Li in the shell, awakened from a daze on the Chinese Valentine's Day, looked at Li Hegu with a pair of eyes, and subconsciously asked, "You just eat this?"

"Otherwise? Now although Li Tang is well-known and peaceful, he is not so rich. It is not easy to have enough to eat. Where is the right to choose?" Li Hegu was stunned: "You are Miss everyone, I am used to eating white noodles with polished rice. I can’t eat white noodles once a year after waiting for the poor, but I feel wronged by following me. Your father is right, I am not worthy of you..."

"No! No!" Seeing Li Hegu's bleak expression, Qixi Festival was startled when he heard the words, and quickly picked up the black earthen jar and placed it beside his mouth, but the blackness reached the edge of his lips, but he couldn't speak.

In response to Li He’s expectant eyes, Qixi could only bite his scalp and swallow a little, resisting the urge to spray the black object out, Qixi frowned and swallowed hard, after a long while I swallowed it, but felt that my throat was hot and painful, and my throat had been scratched by the rice husk.

"Xiaowen gave me a lot of money before leaving, let's go buy some polished rice!" Qixi put down the crock pot, with a touch of helplessness in her eyes.

Looking at the back of Qixi Festival, Li Hegu sighed and put down the earthen jar in his hand. The glutinous food that was originally eaten with relish was too difficult to swallow.

"Hey!" Li Hegu sighed, and hurried to catch up: "Wait for me~"


On the way to Luoyang City, Qixi Festival suddenly said to Li He.

"Huh?" Li He looked at Qixi in surprise.

"I will definitely try to adapt in the future" Qixi said with his head lowered.

"It should be me who said I'm sorry, not to mention being rich, I can't even eat polished rice, I am incompetent!" Li Hegu smiled miserably, lowered his head, his eyes were helpless.

"Let's go! Why can't you eat it, but I can't eat it! Let's go back!" Seeing Li Hegu's sadness, Qixi stopped his footsteps, turned and walked back.

Li Hegu stayed on the spot, looking at the back of Qixi Festival, he sighed: "If you get a wife like this, what can your husband ask for?"

After a word fell, he turned and continued to walk towards Luoyang City.

Days pass by day by day

Time is passing slowly

A cool breeze blew from the horizon, and a piece of withered yellow leaves was swayed, which was stuck by Zhang Bairen's hand and placed it silently in front of him.

"August 15th, here it is!" Zhang Bairen sighed.

Yang Xiyue picked up the tiger-skin vest and put it on Zhang Bairen to block the cold wind blowing: "Three days later it will be August 15th! The Battle of Cuiping Mountain will attract the attention of the world. Countless people are vying to wait and see. Most Governor and Li Shimin will definitely meet. Become an absolute sound."

Zhang Bairen remained silent, but with a flick of his fingers, the leaves fell in his hand, drifting in the wind and falling into the mountain stream, missing him.

"How is the Qixi Festival?" Zhang Bairen asked.

Na Lanjing looked at Zhang Bairen's increasingly subtle white hair with a pair of eyes: "You already know it, so why ask me to wait?"

Zhang Bairen was silent, carrying his hands on his back for a long time without saying a word. After a while, he said: "This battle will set the world on top, and the humanity must be unprecedented, but before that, there is one important thing that needs to be done."

"The Governor, the Four Seas Dragon Race is ready to go. Now the Four Seas are ready to move and may counterattack at any time. How about a decisive battle between the Governor and Li Shimin?" Yuan Tiangang stood up and said.

Without a word, Zhang Bairen turned and walked to the cliff. After a long time, he said: "General Yu and General Zhang, stop your little actions, don't embarrass Qixi!"

"This..." Yu Juluo and Zhang Xutuo were stunned when they heard the words, and suddenly panicked. For some reason, a bad feeling rose in their hearts.

"Knowing the destiny, it is hard to guard against the sky! I, Zhang Bairen, took a shortcut in order to catch up with the time of the old antique's tens of thousands and thousands of years of cultivation. Humanity is my calamity on this day. It is inevitable! There is no escape!"

Zhang Bairen swept across the women and lowered his eyebrows: "I want to hold a wedding ceremony. Zhuojun always wants to have his own mistress, right?"

When Zhang Bairen's words fell, Na Lanjing and the other women were all breathing stagnantly, and a pair of eyes stared at Zhang Bairen, with a look of expectation in their eyes.

"This is the love debt I owed by Zhang Bairen, and I must have an explanation!" Zhang Bairen lowered his eyes.

"We have so many sisters, who are you going to marry?" Nalanjing's voice kept trembling.

"Hehe, how about it together? I don't want to lose sight of the other, and neglect the others!" Zhang Bairen turned his head and smiled, his smile shining brightly, instantly condensed for eternity.

Zhang Bairen is getting married!

As soon as this news came out, the world was shocked, and the whole world was shaken.

The red lanterns of Zhuojun Neiyin were hung all over the streets, and ten miles of red gauze covered the sky and the earth. The whole Zhuo County was full of joy.

"It's a big wedding? Is it impossible to avoid the calamity of heaven and humanity after all?" Guan Zizai calculated with his fingers, and after a while, his brows frowned: "No! You said at the beginning that the heart of heaven or human heart is just your roots. Heart, but there must be a qualitative difference between Tianxin and Human Heart! What is the mystery in this?"

Guan Zi is puzzled. Although they are all in the original mind, they must be different.

Because he was puzzled, Guan Zizao came to Zhuojun and came to the ancestor Shaoyang. His eyes looked at the frowning ancestor Shaoyang. There was a touch of sorrow in his eyes. He was about to ask questions, but he was caught by the ancestor Shaoyang. Waved to interrupt: "You don't have to ask, I know what you want to say!"

"Although Tianxin and Human Mind are both original minds, there must be a difference, otherwise the general governor will not be too late to step into the Great Avenue of Heaven and Humanity." Guan Zizai still asked.

"Of course there is a difference, the difference is big!" Shaoyang ancestor said with a wry smile: "Without the fetters of seven emotions and six desires, you can be called a heavenly man."

"What's the difference?" Guan Zizai was puzzled.

"The way of observing the sky, the way of holding the sky! The people who do not affect the operation of the sky and the earth are all ants, and all of them can be killed" Shaoyang ancestor said with a wry smile.

"For example?" Guan Zizai said.

"For example, Li Shimin, if Zhang Bairen stepped into the Avenue of Heaven and Humanity ten years ago, he would not consider all causes and consequences, and would directly kill Li Shimin, thus ending all the turmoil." Shaoyang ancestor said: "It is precisely because of Zhang Bairen at that time. Did not step into the avenue of heaven and man, knowing that killing Li Shimin would cause countless Li, Tang and dragons, and the world would fall into the turbulence of the vassal rule again, which is not good for humanity, so Li Shimin stayed and kept it forever."

"You said it's not terrible!" Shaoyang Ancestor's hair turned white: "What can I do? I'm helpless too!"

Guan Zizai frowned, "I still don't understand!"

The old ancestor of Shaoyang clicked: "For example, if you want to kill a person, a normal compassionate and high true power will consider whether he is guilty, and how his parents, wives and children should survive! But if you step into the avenue of heaven and man, you will not Just kill it after thinking about it! When you kill an ant, will you consider the feelings of the ant colony? If once you kill someone who shouldn't be killed, it will cause humanitarian chaos, then the trouble will be big!"

"I seem to understand." Guan Zizai touched the picturesque sideburns.

"So are you, why did you ask him to pin his love on Qixi's body in the first place?" The ancestor Shaoyang complained about Guan Zizai at this time.

Guan Zizai did not carry this pot: "I can’t be blamed for this. At that time, Dudu Du was only a short distance away from the heavens and humans. Qixi had the blood of the sun and placed the love thread on Qixi, but it prevented Dadu Dutian from being humanized. Pin the love thread on Qixi Festival, I am afraid that the general governor would have transformed into a deity 16 years ago."

The ancestor Shaoyang was silent, and it was useless to say anything now!

"The way to break the game is to call Qixi to go back to the mountain for Qingxiu, but now it is unable to return to the sky and has become a dead end! Qixi will not come back no matter what!" Shaoyang ancestor clutched his hair.

"I'll tie her back" Guan Zizai turned and left.

"It's useless" Old Ancestor Shaoyang shook his head: "If you dare to forcibly hit the mandarin duck with a stick, it will deepen the relationship between the two and turn good things into bad things."

Just like a pair of normal men and women, if the parents of both parties are forcibly separated, it will make the two of them remember it for a lifetime and leave a deep impression in their hearts. If you ask them to join together and are troubled by tea, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and firewood, they might get divorced in three to five years.

Who is right about this kind of thing?

"The word for love is not in the combination of both parties. Although the combination of double hair will instantly make Qixi emotional, forcing Zhang Bairen to become Taoist. But if the two are separated by the end of the world, when the longing is deep, the friendship between the two will be the same. The same result! This is a dead game! No one can make a living!" Shaoyang Patriarch's eyes were full of pain.

Guan Zizai was silent when he heard the words, looking at the sky with his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chang'an City

Li Shimin standing at the railing

Zu Long's voice sounded in his belly: "It's not good!"

"How to say?" Li Shimin puzzled: "Zhang Bairen's big why is it bad?"

"Zhang Bairen is going to degenerate heaven and man!" Zu Long's voice was full of anxious taste: "Isn't it all right before? How come you have become heaven now?"

"What can you do to degenerate the human? I will kill him with one sword!" Li Shimin didn't care.

"Blow your big cowhide! Now take charge of the supreme killing and robbery. Once the avenue of heaven and man is completed, it will be transformed into the incarnation of the heavenly path, and the killing and robbery will be turned into the heavenly path. Who can escape the world? All beings are dead, restart the ending of earth, water, wind and fire!" Zu Long's voice is full of solemnity: "It's not right, it shouldn't be so fast! He must be stopped, and he must not be allowed to transform successfully."

ps: Well, Nine Lives is simply a shame in the author world. I succumb to the lewd power of the local tyrants. Thanks to the leader "Chu Mengyao's Dream" for the reward. The boss is too rich... Add one more! Alas, if you don't agree, you will get a hundred thousand rewards. You can't show up in the group anymore. 8)

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