First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2070: Divine shot

The last one is almost completely stepping into the avenue of heaven and man. How easy is it to reverse it?

Looking at Zhang Bairen in the distance, it is hard to imagine that the strong man who used to look like a **** looking down on sentient beings was walking among sentient beings at this moment, ganging up with ordinary people, chatting and laughing with the traffickers and pawns.

Tao is ruthless but affectionate!

At this moment, Zhang Bairen, is it affectionate or ruthless?

Nobody knows!

"Abandon race and personal love, there is only endless love, I love all living beings!" Zhang Bairen and Yijin warrior sat under the mountain, leaning on the bluestone back, and their eyes were unprecedentedly clear.

In the ancestral orifice of his eyebrows, all the three thousand avenue flowers are blooming at this time, and three thousand petals have grown out. The only regret is that the three thousand petals are flawed in perfection, and the variety of them is something to see. It is awkward and not perfect.

"I said Brother Zhang, you said that the governor and the emperor, who wins and who loses?" The Yijin warrior put his arms around Zhang Bairen's shoulders and looked at the distant mountains. At this time, the willow shoots on the moon, and the soft light sheds the ground. , A piece of silver gauze is spread over the world.

"If there are no accidents, the general governor must win. The general governor has the Four Swords of Punishment, the Innate Array Diagram, and the Universe Diagram. Although Li Shimin is the emperor of Li Tang, he has no hope of winning." Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"I don't believe it. You said Zhang Bairensheng, but I said the emperor Li Tang won!" The Yijin warrior widened his eyes: "In all dynasties, since Emperor Xuanyuan, the number one master of my human race has been the emperor of all dynasties. Change has been the case since ancient times. Although the general governor has been known to be flawless, with boundless magical powers, how many people can see the general governor take action in the arena?"

"But I don't believe it, it must be the group of Zhuojun secretly creating a momentum for the chief governor!" The warrior curled his lips in disdain.

Zhang Bairen smiled lightly when he heard the words, his eyes turned into a strange color, and then his eyes looked at the bright moon in the sky, without refuting the words of the warrior.

"You said that if there is no accident, the governor must win, what if there is an accident?" Seeing Zhang Bairen didn't pay attention to him, the warrior couldn't help but leaned his head again, showing gossip on his face.

"It's hard to say, or we will die together, maybe both will lose!" Zhang Bairen's words are full of hesitation. He is now clear and clear, and he has sensed that the general trend in the underworld is oppressing him.

The unity of nature and man is the Daohua of the grandson Wugou, which is different from Daohua. Now Zhang Bairen is only the last line away from the unity of heaven and man. Although he is not truly integrated with the heaven and the earth, he is like a flower in the palm of all things, with a glance.

"I can feel the qi machine of Wugou of Changsun. Wugou's Taoism has entered the world of Dharma from the material world and has become a part of the world of Dharma. Under the right time, place and place, the world of Dharma can come through some kind of machine. Interfere with the material world!" Zhang Bairen closed his eyes.

Supernatural powers and spells are all objects of the law world. The grandson Wugou returns to the void, enters the world of law, and becomes part of the world of law, which is equivalent to incarnation of the law, incarnation of a magical power. If you want to be exposed in the material world, you must have a suitable wedge.

"Old Antique in the East China Sea will definitely make a move to create a wedge for Changsun Wuguo to interfere with time and space!" Zhang Bairen frowned.

"Whether it is lunar or the candle dragon in the depths of the East China Sea, or even the unfathomable Prime Minister Turtle is a great threat to me! Now I have stood on the cusp of the storm, if I live, everyone will unite to deal with it. Me! It's better to turn from light to dark..." Zhang Bairen slowly pondered.

He also didn't want to think that Taiyin, Zhulong and others are oss, which can be called the powerhouse of the first level of horror. How simple is he himself?

The Sun Dharma body controls the power of the sun and can suppress the lunar yin and even the demon gods in the world. This alone is enough for the world's strongest to work together to deal with him.

What's more, in addition to the Sun Law Body, it is also in charge of killing calamities between heaven and earth, and the four swords of Zhuxian have returned to Kunlun for five thousand years, but they have already vented, making all the demon gods more scrupulous. Zu Long knew about the existence of half of Zhoushan, and now all his hole cards have been revealed. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, Zhang Bairen can't guard against it even though he is defenseless.

The only hole card is one's own divinity, or the small world within the divine nature, this is the final hole card.

He always felt that his own divinity was not simple, it was a terrifying existence.

There is no reason for this feeling, but it fills his heart and calls him a firm trust.

"If I don't die, how can you wait for civil strife, how can you beat you to death for the fairy machine?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of solemnity.

Zhuojun has become a place where wind and clouds gather in the world, he has no choice!

Compared with the general trend of the world, he is more worried about the last white hair of his family. Once this white hair falls off, he will enter the heavens and will have no children in the future.

It seems that Zhang Bairen's thoughts have been found. In the depths of time and space in the ancestral aperture of his eyebrows, a vague figure suddenly opened his eyes, and thousands of laws intertwined in the divine eyes.

A white hair fell off at the temples, but he saw the depths of his ancestor's orifice, his divinity turned into a figure, and the white hair was taken away with a flick of his fingers, and he was involved in his own chaotic world, and disappeared.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen frowned, but saw that white hair grew on his own divine body, turned into white hair, and then the white hair instantly turned into a law and dissipated in the divine body. In the glory.

"What do you want?" A wild voice awakened Zhang Bairen, and the warrior pushed Zhang Bairen: "You haven't said yet, what will happen if there is a change?"

"Look at my temples, do you still have white hair?" Zhang Bairen said to the martial artist.

The warrior was taken aback when he heard the words, swept across the temples of Zhang Bairen, and then stretched out his hand Bara for a while, and then said: "If you wear black hair, why do you have white hair?"

"You haven't said yet, what will happen if something happens?" The warrior stabbed Zhang Bairen in the waist.

Zhang Bairen took out a bronze mirror from his sleeve, looked at his sideburns earnestly, and said casually, "You'll know it then."

"Cut, boring!" The warrior lowered his head and drank his drink.

"Have you seen it?" Zhong Liquan's voice was trembling. He watched Zhang Bairen's last white hair fall off at the temple, and at that moment his heart was filled with incomparable panic.

"What do you see?" Qiu Luke and Hong Fu chased up.

"A white hair fell from the temples of the governor," Lu Dongbin said casually.


The bearded man lost his voice in horror, and his eyes were full of fear if struck by lightning.

"Really? You are right!" Yin Gui walked to the front quickly, his voice trembling.

"Naturally it is true. Not only I saw it, but even this Taoist priest also saw it." Lu Dongbin pointed to Zhong Liquan.

"Really?" Yin Gui stared at Zhong Liquan with a pair of eyes.

Zhong Liquan sighed, and after a long time he finally nodded, but saw that Yin Gui seemed to be tens of years old at that moment, turning into a declining old man, he pushed everyone away and stepped out to Zhang Bairen. Staring at Zhang Bairen's temples, his lips trembled and said, "Did it fall off?"

Zhang Bairen nodded: "It really fell off."


Yin Gui sat on the ground, desperately looking at the bright moon in the sky, without saying a word for a long time.

"Old Taoist, what's wrong with you? Why are you guys weird?" The warrior's eyes were full of curiosity.

Zhang Bairen didn't say that his last thread of love was turned into a law, and it was absorbed by the divine nature to complete the divine nature, because he did not know how much change this last thread of blue silk would bring.

Outside Luoyang

Inside thatched cottage

Looking at the polished rice bought by Li Hegu on Qixi Festival, tears rolled and wet his cheeks.

"I can't help you!" Li Hegu put the polished rice on the table, looked at the empty mush inside the clay pot, and then looked at the red and swollen throat of Qixi Festival, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I am willing!" Qixi's smile was full of sweetness.

If it hadn't been forbidden, I'm afraid Qixi had already fallen into Li He's arms.

"I'll cook for you" Li Hegu mentioned the polished rice, turned and walked outside the house.

"Hegu, since you can't get fame, why don't you follow me to practice? My Taoist has a double secret method that can help you." Qixi Festival looked at Li Hegu, who was busy on the stove, with big eyes bent into crescents.

Li He's drumming stopped, and after a while he said, "Okay!"

"That's good, you and I can also be a couple of immortal gods in the future" Qixi said with a smile: "I will beg him tomorrow, I must go to my body."

"Are you really stepping into the heaven?" Yin Gui looked at Zhang Bairen in disbelief.

"Although it fell off, it just fell off naturally, and the love is still there! It's not even a thread!" Zhang Bairen narrowed his eyes.

That green silk was only pulled out by divine external force, not Zhang Bairen's desperate nature, it fell off naturally.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Yin Gui almost jumped up in shock: "It scared me!"

Zhang Bairen turned around with a smile, and looked at the moon in the sky with his eyes: "If you want to break the relationship, it is so simple."

Hearing this, Yin Gui stood up and glared at the bearded man and Zhong Liquan: "People are scary, they will be scary!"

"No, he has a high level of truth, and he has cultivated a body that does not leak. How can his hair fall off?" Zhong Liquan shook his head, refuting what Yin Gui and Zhang Bairen said.

Zhang Bairen smiled and put away the bronze mirror, only to see a white hair on the temples grow again, drifting in the wind.

"How good is this! How good is this!"

The Taoists all breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"What is the impervious body, you guys can really brag, the powerful people who have trained the imperceptible body, have long gone to the mountainside or the top of the mountain to find a place to watch the battle, where will they brag with us?" The warrior lazily hugged his arms and lay on the bluestone behind him: "Don't make drafts if you brag!"

Just at this time, the sky's dragon groaned and the sound of breaking through the sky had arrived.

ps: I owe you a lot of money to the big guys, and pay it back slowly. I don't remember how much I owe, anyway, I won't be able to write this book...emmm

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