First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2074: lunar? No dirt?

The world of law is empty, rippling endless ripples, at the beginning, it was like a dragonfly, but then it turned into a huge wave, overturning the world.

Thunder bursts, heaven's punishment emerged, shocked Zhang Bairen to retreat, afraid to step forward.

Zulong didn't know what magical technique he used to reverse the void matter. Then he saw the sky dimmed and the mighty'water waves' turned into a tornado, and then he sucked a figure out of the void of the Dharma Realm, wearing white clothes, flawless and unsullied, quietly Standing there, it seems to be integrated with the world.

"Longsun Wugou!" Zhang Bairen said in amazement.

"Isn't she already in harmony with Dao and Tian Ren? Why did she turn around again and come back to life!" Zhang Heng's pupils tightened.

"Zulong is worthy of being an ancient god, and his supernatural power is almost incredible!" When you look at me and I look at you, everyone in the field is surprised.

From ancient times to the present, people have never heard anyone say that people who have returned to the emptiness through Taoism can even reverse time and space and come back again.

"Wuji!" Li Shimin burst into tears, his hands excited.

Ten years of life and death are boundless, unforgettable without thinking, there is nowhere to say sadness in a lonely grave!

"Long time no see" Changsun Wugu did not look at Li Shimin, but instead set his gaze on Zhang Bairen.

"It's really been a long time since I saw you, I thought I would never see you again in this life, and I don't want to see you again!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

Of course Changsun Wugou didn't come to talk to herself about the old, she came to kill herself! It's strange that he wants to see Wuguo the grandson.

"But I want to see you, I am in harmony with the world, and you can't hide all your actions from me. Today, I will use the cause and effect of the Ancestral Dragon and Dragon Ball to break with you." Changsun Wugou dressed in white. It seems to be integrated with the heaven and the earth, standing there is like the incarnation of the heaven and the earth.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously: "What can I do if I know it? The number of days is hard to change! Even if you are resurrected, how can you do anything to me?"

Behind Changsun Wugou, the void returned to calm, and the mighty whirlpool disappeared. Only one person stood in the void, bathed in moonlight, staring at Zhang Bairen with his eyes firmly:

"As long as you kill you, you can reverse the overall situation! This palace will never let you conspiracy to succeed!"

Changsun Wuguo was talking, a finger was already locked in the void, and he pointed to Zhang Bairen.

"Wuji!" Li Shimin shouted.

"Be careful, you must not be deceived by appearances. Although this person is the eldest grandson Wugou, but he has been controlled by the will of Taiyin. It is the grandson Wugou and the fairy tale of Taiyin who are fighting against you. The methods are weird and unpredictable. Don't be careless" Shaoyang ancestor shouted aside.

"The will of the Taiyin Fairy?" Zhang Bairen's stunned effort, that slender jade finger has been tapped into the center of his eyebrows, instantly turning it into an ice sculpture.

"This Naizulong and Taiyin Fairy both have mental arithmetic and unintentional. The Taiyin Fairy will travel the world with a wisp of will. As long as you can cut off the Taiyin Fairy's will, you can at least delay the Taiyin Fairy's awakening time for ten years." Tao.

Longsun Wugou is the longson Wugou, but it is not the longsun Wugou. The Fairy Taiyin borrows the grandson Wugou a little bit of cause and effect, and works with Zulong to pull the longsun Wugou out of the void again, and then uses the hands of the longsun Wugou to attack Zhang Bairen .

"It's too weak to withstand a single blow!" Fairy Taiyin retracted his finger and walked towards Zhang Bairen. He stretched out his slender jade finger and wanted to bring it to Zhang Bairen to completely seal it.

"Wugou, I finally saw you again." Li Shimin rushed out at this time and blocked the way of the grandson Wukui. He said with tears in his eyes: "I think about it day and night. I only hope to see you. I never thought it was today. Come true."

While talking, Li Shimin stretched out his hands and hugged him to the grandson Wugou.


Raise the palm of his hand and shoot it out; Li Shimin turned into an ice sculpture and flew out, smashing into the mountains, knowing his life or death. But in such a delayed breath, Zhang Bairen had already got a chance, the world law body was running, swallowing all the laws of the Taiyin Fairy, and then turned into a breeze, and he was standing on the back of the Taiyin Fairy when he reappeared. The spear in his hand was blazing with flames, and burned to the grandson Wugou with the shamisen fire.

"I am the master of Taiyin. With this body, I can perfectly display 30% of the power. How can you be my opponent?" The green silk curled up behind the fairy of Taiyin, turning into a rolling cold wave, and curling toward Zhang Bairen like the sky.

Time and space stagnated, Zhang Bairen's actions were frozen.

Whether it is lunar or the sun, there is the power of still time, which can interfere with the movement of time.


The slender and delicate jade fingers landed on Zhang Bairen's chest, and instantly shattered them into powder, and dissipated in the wind: "I heard that you have been made into an immortal body, but I don't know that you can stand my several attacks!"

"Boy, tonight is August 15th and the night of the full moon. It is the strongest day of the lunar yin. If you don't want to die, try your best to stick to tomorrow, otherwise I'm afraid it will only turn into ashes!" Shaoyang ancestor voice It was full of haste: "The 30% of the power during the peak period of the lunar yin has surpassed the ninety-nine percent of the demon gods in the world. You must not stand up against it! The plan for the present is to survive until the sunrise in the east, and then the lunar will naturally dissipate. Go, this attack is a failure."


The flames between the heaven and the earth were rolled up, and the powder shattered in the void was reorganized, and instantly turned into Zhu Rong's true body, holding the Zhu Rong flag in his hand, looking at the grandson Wugou in front of him with a pair of eyes, Zhang Bairen's face was grim: "Hehe, I have Zhu Rong's true body, I am not afraid of you!"

While speaking, Zhang Bairen rolled up Zhu Rongqi in his hand, and the Liuwei real fire swept across the void, smelting the cold air between the sky and the earth, and burning it to the fairy of Taiyin.

"I forgot, you still have Zhu Rong's true body and Gonggong's true body" Shaoyang patriarch patted his head.

"Zhu Rong's true body?" Fairy Taiyin wrinkled, looking at Zhu Rongqi who had come from the attack, and for the first time, he stepped back, avoiding Zhu Rongqi's sharp edge, stretched out his palm, twisting time and space, and grabbed Zhang Bairen.

"Protection!" Zhang Bairen displayed Zhu Rongqi to protect his body.

The next moment, I only felt that the world was spinning and the earth was shaking, and the mountains were shaking. Zhang Bairen was frozen by ice, and was dragged out of Zhu Rongqi by the Taiyin fairy out of thin air, smashing an unknown number of mountains.

The ancestor Shaoyang covered his eyes and said with a sorrowful voice: "You are silly, all defenses are chicken dogs in front of Fairy Taiyin. Fairy Taiyin can interfere with time. You can't resist the past and the future at a thought!"

"Oh, is this the power of the Lord of the Moon?" Zhang Bairen stood up. Even though he had mastered 80% of Zhurong's true body, Zhang Bairen suddenly felt like a child sledgehammer in front of the Sun Fairy.

If the fairy of Taiyin lifts the weight as light, he is as light as the weight.

Confronting masters of the same level, his own supernatural powers are naturally unfavorable, and Zhu Rong's true body is a crushing force. But facing a monk with a higher realm than himself, his cultivation level is not worthy of Zhu Rong's strength, and there are flaws everywhere, and he is beaten to perfection.

However, Zhu Rong's true body has mysterious and unpredictable power, and it is definitely not the power of 30% of the lunar yin to break! Even if Zhu Rong's true body stood there quietly, the other party could not break it.

"Lunar? If I remember correctly, the ancestor, this little girl is still the younger generation of the ancestor and mine" Zhu Rong shook his head in Zhang Bairen's ancestor orifice: "It's a pity, your kid just mastered the frame of the ancestor's real body, the subtleties. Seeing kung fu and seeing the victory and defeat, you can’t show it. You have to be careful, the fairy of Taiyin can display 30% of the power, which is by no means the upper limit. It is already in harmony with the void, and with the blessing of the lunar star behind it, the seven-point strength still has of!"

"Seven-point strength? No? Then why does she only show three-point strength?" Zhang Bairen was shocked when he heard this.

"Fairy Taiyin has just regained his will. Now that the vicissitudes of time have changed over hundreds of millions of years, it is natural to be familiar with the rules of heaven and earth. Only by familiarizing with the rules of heaven and earth can you exert your ultimate strength!" Zhu Rong said unhurriedly: " It’s more appropriate that Fairy Taiyin borrows the cause and effect of the grandson Wugou and asks the grandson Wugou whether she can agree or not. But the grandson Wugou also restrains part of her power. She wants to suppress the will of the grandson Wugou at all times."

Zhang Bairen suddenly felt a chill when he heard the words. If Fairy Taiyin exerts 70% of his power and does not use his trump cards, he is afraid that it will be difficult to escape from birth today.

"Quick battle and quick decision. Before he is familiar with the rules of the world and completely suppresses the little girl's will, he will refine the law body that holds his thoughts to death and turn it into ashes. By then, the Taiyin fairy will not rely on it and will naturally retreat." Gong pointed out.

"Fairy Taiyin, although you have lived for hundreds of millions of years, you still have nothing to do!" Zhang Bairen shook Zhu Rongqi in his hand, but saw Zhu Rongqi grow in the wind, covering the starry sky in an instant, and rolled over to Fairy Taiyin.

Looking at the law of the sky full of fire, the raging flames circulating in the void, curling up endless murderous intent, the Fairy of Taiyin frowned: "Damn it, Zulong, this old loach is improper. I have never told this palace. , You actually took control of Zhu Rongqi."

Taiyin Fairy had to retreat Facing the Jiuwei real fire that the Zhu Rongqi raised, its origin is hard to freeze.

"Zhang Bairen, you are going to hurt my beloved wife!"

Seeing that Zhu Rongqi ignores time and space and the distance, he wants to wrap the Taiyin Fairy in it, but sees the sound of dragons below, and Li Shimin cuts behind Zhang Bairen from the mountain under the law of fate.

"Bastard!" Zhang Bairen was in a dilemma at this time. He had to accept Zhu Rongqi and turned around to guard against Li Shimin: "You are crazy! She is not the eldest son Wugou at all, but Taiyin fairy borrowed the eldest grandson Wugou's body. Now if you can't take it Next, you and I will die later!"

"Li Shimin, don't listen to Zhang Bairen's nonsense, that is the grandson Wugou, you and I work together to break through the nothingness, and use cause and effect to resurrect the grandson Wugou, how can it be related to the Taiyin fairy" Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball is suspended in Li Shimin at this time Above the head, the words are full of temptations to provoke right and wrong.

"Asshole! Do you believe the old loach?" Zhang Bairen scolded angrily.

. m.

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