First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2078: Zhu Rong shot

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, she revealed an unspeakable coldness, which came from the loneliness before eternity.

The mountains seemed to be infected by the loneliness, and there was silence.

"Long time no see?" Zhang Bairen's thoughts turned, and then he nodded: "It's really been a long time since I've beheaded your followers, the Great Sage Xiaoyue, but I met you again this time."

"Stop playing the advantage of your tongue, there are still three hours before dawn, and you will definitely die within these three hours!" Taiyin Fairy looked at Zhang Bairen with a cold gaze, facing the eyes of Taiyin Fairy, somehow Zhang Bairen felt that Taiyin Fairy's gaze seemed It reveals the eternal loneliness, as if it is an ancient well that is bottomless, and it has never set off a wave of waves in ten thousand years.

"Three hours? How about we gamble?" Zhang Bairen smiled and looked at Fairy Taiyin.

"How to bet?" Fairy Taiyin didn't mind Zhang Bairen's delay. She also needed time to completely blend with the body of Wuguo.

"I bet you can't kill me in three hours" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"How about winning or losing?" Fairy Taiyin blinked.

"If I win, how about the fairy staying with me all night?" Zhang Bairen's words were full of teasing.

Taiyin Fairy looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of deserted eyes. Although he had never seen the true face of Taiyin Fairy, Zhang Bairen could already imagine Taiyin Fairy's ten thousand years of lonely face, as if the frost that could not be removed.

"Hehe, you fanatic, you are confident! It's a pity that you don't have a chance, you will be wiped out tonight, and you will be frustrated by me! Later, when I capture you, I have to leave a ray of your soul to light the sky lantern!" The voice of the Fairy of Taiyin remained silent, and Zhang Bairen was shocked secretly: "Not good!"

It's really bad!

He opened his mouth so frivolously, but wanted to break the mood of Fairy Taiyin. As long as Fairy Taiyin was shaken by the slightest thought, he could find a chance to turn defeat into victory. Unfortunately, Fairy Taiyin did not waver at all.

"Don't the fairy dare? Still not confident to beat me?" Zhang Bairen's fingertips floated with an imaginary petal.

"What can you do if you win? Left and right are not a dead word!" Fairy Taiyin smiled coldly.

Unexpectedly, when the Taiyin Fairy's words fell, his words were absorbed by Zhang Bairen's fingertips petals. In an instant, the petals were solidified and turned into a contract, which he held in his palm.

A crystal clear petal, like an ice sculpture, with the agreement between the two written on it.

At this time, Fairy Taiyin pointed, and Zhang Bairen didn't wait for Zhang Bairen's reaction to break through time and space.


Zhang Bairen's physical body collapsed in an instant, and the Daohua turned into nothingness, and in an instant he walked away, avoiding the finger of Fairy Taiyin.

After the physical body was reorganized, Zhang Bairen looked at Fairy Taiyin with lingering fears: "This lady is so strong!"

"The existence that can fight the Emperor of Heaven, even if only 30% of the will comes, is not something you can deal with! Unless you prove to be golden, there is still a chance to deal with," Shaoyang ancestor muttered aside.

"Yes, the treasure entrusted to Yangshen is very mysterious!" Fairy Taiyin scanned Zhang Bairen's avenue of flowers, and for the first time there was a ripple in his eyes: "I want this treasure!"

While talking, Fairy Taiyin once again brought him to Zhang Bairen, shocked that Zhang Bairen quickly mobilized his supernatural powers, the energy flow around his body, and the **** of punishment thunder shot out.


God Lei of Heaven's Punishment didn't seem to have seen the movements of Fairy Taiyin, and straight across the body of Fairy Taiyin, flattening the distant mountain.


Fairy Taiyin's palm was like a lover's hand, and gently stroked Zhang Bairen's shoulder, as if he was flicking away the grit from his body for the lover.

Then Zhang Bairen turned into an ice sculpture and froze on the spot.

"This is impossible!" Zhang Bairen's mind was snarling frantically: "This is absolutely impossible! How can I have no resistance?"

"Idiot!" Shaoyang ancestor reluctantly covered his forehead: "The Moon Star is in charge of the power of time, and his attacks run through the long river of time. Between the past and the future, you can only mobilize the power of time to counterattack."


The blue flame rolled up, surrounding the ice sculpture in an instant, burning Zhang Bairen's soul and body: "How to solve Li Shimin's death and dissolve your sword spirit?"

"Unlocking the Zhuxian Sword Qi is simple. As long as the strongest person can drive the Zhuxian Sword Qi out of the body; but Li Shimin's body was beaten into the Zhuxian Demon Soul, and the Demon Soul will consume his destiny body, and then devour it. The emperor's dragon energy, and then swallowed his three treasures of spirit and energy! It's hopeless, this man is dead!" Zhang Bairen laughed wildly in the ice.

in vivo

The flow of petals representing the power of time and the origin of the'ice cold' unexpectedly absorbed the entire body of ice layer after layer. In an instant, Zhang Bairen got out of the trap, and the Zhuxian formation was lifted, and the Taiyin fairy was enshrouded in it.


Obviously, Taiyin Fairy didn't see any movement, but suddenly a palm penetrated his heart, freezing all his mind, and even the Three Jewels of Spirit and Qi were frozen.

at this time

Only when I saw the Fairy Taiyin running his magical powers, he slowly stretched out his hand and slapped into the dark.

"Damn time, I hate the power of time!" Zhang Bairen blinked.

Fairy Taiyin looked at Zhang Bairen indifferently, but with a flick of his fingers, he saw an extremely cold light from his fingertips penetrate Zhang Bairen's body, and the next moment a blazing blue flame rolled up, surrounding Zhang Bairen.



Unprecedented pain


He was frozen, unable to suppress the extremely cold flame at all.

"Do you have any other skills?" Fairy Taiyin came to Zhang Bairen with wide eyes.

Zhang Bairen remained silent, and slowly closed his eyes, just urging Daohua to absorb the cold air of the Fairy Taiyin.

"Boy, your treasure that is entrusted to the Sun God is indeed extraordinary. If you want to absorb the sealing power of the Taiyin Fairy, you don't have to think about it in three days. You have been caught by the Taiyin Fairy's icy light, which is the most vicious. , On the night of the full moon, it will ignite the three treasures of the spirit and energy of the middle person, and continue to consume his life!" Zhu Rong's voice sounded in Zhang Bairen's eyebrow ancestor orifice.

"What can the ancestor do?" Zhang Bairen quickly said after hearing the words like a savior.

"If you don't sacrifice to Zhoushan, you can naturally break the supernatural powers of the Taiyin fairy, but it also confines your own supernatural powers," Zhu Rong said.

"No, I will resolve this period of cause and effect tonight, and decide the outcome!" Zhang Bairen categorically rejected: "The fairy of Taiyin will wake up sooner or later. Is it possible that I will stand against the mountain for a lifetime?"

Zhu Rong was silent when he heard this, and after a while, he said: "If you are not afraid of my ancestors and I will take your body, you will infuse my true spirit into your true body, and I will control Zhu Rong's true body, calm down today. It's not difficult to mess up late. It's just...this Ice Soul Divine Light is troublesome."

"Okay! If the ancestor can help me withdraw from the Fairy Taiyin, I will naturally be happy! As for the mere physical body, the ancestor wants to take it away!" Zhang Bairen disapproved.

It is not that he has no way to defeat Fairy Taiyin, but it is not easy to display it. Whether it is the Four Swords of Zhuxian or the Sun Law Body, he can defeat the will of Fairy Taiyin by 30%.

But the point is, it's hard to show it now!

I can't find a way to restrain the power of the Taiyin Fairy's time. You only have to eat the food. What if you have the sword of Zhu Xian? Before you swing your sword, people have already subdued you.

It's like studying the atomic bomb. What if you have an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb? You need to have advanced technological equipment that can shoot out atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs. You can't throw them on other people's territory. Both atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs are just a display, nothing more.

"To help you through the calamity tonight, it is considered that the two of me have paid back part of your cause and effect. I will be reincarnated in a short time. Your kid is too weird, and it is good to have less cause and effect with you!" Zhu Rong He whispered, jumped out of Zhang Bairen's eyebrow ancestor orifice, and instantly fell into Zhu Rongzhen's body.

The extremely red flames rolled up, and the layers of ice enclosed in Zhang Bairen's body, vaporized between the fingers of his fingers, and turned into droves of water vapor to dissipate in the dark.

"Zhu Rong's true body, you are good fortune! It's a pity, Zhu Rong's true body is exquisite, but you can't show it at all! This supernatural power is insulted!" Taiyin fairy smiled coldly, with a touch of disdain in his eyes.

Taking a step forward, Fairy Taiyin traveled through time, and once again took a palm towards Zhang Bairen.

"Weak, if your real body is like this again, maybe it's worthy of my ancestors to take it seriously!" Looking at the Taiyin fairy who wandered through the long river of time, Zhu Rong's feet melted in an instant and turned into hot magma, and then Zhu Rong in one shot The flag was held in his hand, and the raging nine flavors burst into the sky.

"Drink!" Zhu Rong's voice shook the world, the mountains trembled, and his voice vibrated in Zhang Bairen's ancestor's aperture: "Boy, Zhu Rong's true body is not that useful! You look good!"

Just standing there simply, Zhu Rong's entire body was constantly exploding like glass. Then the void twisted and shook in the next moment, a palm came across the long river of time, and came to Zhu Rong quietly. Inside.

"My Zhu Rong true body has been detached from detached from destiny, I am the incarnation of the law, the world is one, the past and the future are all now me!" Zhu Rong smiled coldly: "The power of the warrior, You can fist up to smash the stars, and down to smash the earth. Even if time goes by, you can penetrate it!"

Zhu Rong blasted out with a punch, and the void rippled in layers, and then he saw Zhu Rong blast out with a punch, hitting the future Taiyin fairy with a palm.


With a single blow, Fairy Taiyin flew upside down and fell out of Hanoi since time has passed, looking at Zhu Rong's true body in amazement:

"Impossible, Zhu Rong's 80% of the power is also shown to you in your hands. How can you interfere with the flow of time?"

Zhu Rong was silent, and the Fairy Taiyin gritted his teeth and said: "Unless you are the immortal Zhu Rong who comes! You are not Zhang Bairen, you are the true spirit of Zhu Rong!"

"Hehe, Zhu Rong has been dead for hundreds of millions of years, what do you think? As long as you can win this round," Zhu Rong said unhurriedly.

ps: It will be added in the afternoon, codewords in the morning. 8)

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