First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2082: Degenerate

Zhang Bairen didn't comment on Yin Gui's words, but he stretched out his hand and slowly filled the tea cup in front of him and pushed it to Yin Gui:

"The big red robe of Mount Wuyi is refined with innate water, and Zhu Rongzhen is concocted by Zhu Rongzhen. The old Taoists will have a good time this time"

Yin Gui remained silent, drank the tea slowly, and then said after a while: "Sure enough, amazing!"

"General Governor, all the generals have gathered" Zuo Qiu Wuji stepped forward respectfully at this time and saluted Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen nodded, and turned to Yin Orbital: "In the matter of Yin and Cao, I have to bother Dao Chang a lot. Let me deal with the housework first, Dao Chang is free;"

Seeing Zhang Bairen stood up and was about to leave, Yin Gui couldn't help but ask: "What are you going to do about the Qixi Festival? Is it possible that you really want to step into the Avenue of Heaven and Humanity?"

Zhang Bairen paused, turned around and glanced at Yin Gui, before he smiled: "As long as you can become an immortal, even if you step into the avenue of heaven and man, why not?"


Before the graves of all women

At this time, hundreds of Zhuojun Gaozhen, military commanders, and officials were all standing there with serious faces. The lineup was neat and orderly, and there was unspeakable strictness and depression. A heavy atmosphere lingered in everyone's hearts.

Yu Juluo and other warriors occupy the first squad. After that, the warriors are arranged in order. They are those who see the martial arts and the bone-changing warriors.

At a glance, hundreds of warriors were neatly aligned, forming a square.

"Meet the Grand Governor"

Everyone gave a salute.

Zhang Bairen nodded, his gaze fell not far in front of him, Xiaowen at the forefront of independence, with a gentle smile on his mouth.

"The governor, all the powerful figures in Zhuo County, are all here," Zuo Qiu wuji said.

Zhang Bairen remained silent, but looked at the tombs of the women not far away, and said after a while: "There is still one person left, wait!"

The words fell, and the scene fell into a dead silence, filled with unspeakable depression.

Fishing Tackle Luo and others, look at me and I look at you, glance at each other, staring at each other but never know who is missing.

When the time for a stick of incense passed, I saw a black-robed guard walking quickly and respectfully saluting Zhang Bairen: "The Governor, Princess Qixi is back."

Zhang Bairen opened his eyes, and a rare touch of vicissitudes appeared in his eyes: "After all, I will do a break."

Qixi Festival is here, but Qixi Festival looks very haggard at this time, the clothes are gradually stained with layers of cold dew, the soil is stained with the corners of the clothes, and the sweat slowly flows down from the temples, which wets his clothes.

"Puff Tong" Qixi Festival kneeled directly in front of Zhang Bairen, whispering: "Father!"

The words stopped, and the voice choked.

Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, looked at the embarrassing Qixi Festival, and sighed softly: "Get up."

"Daughter can't but dad" Qixi snorted.

"It's rare, you're still willing to recognize my father" Zhang Bairen slowly stretched out his hand to help Qixi up, without the slightest anger on his face.

For some reason, looking at Zhang Bairen at this time, everyone in the field shuddered subconsciously. Zhang Bairen at this time made everyone feel a little strange.

"Do you really recognize Li Hegu? Are you willing to give up Zhuojun's glory and wealth and the magic formula for immortality?" Zhang Bairen looked at Qixi with a pair of eyes, showing a little emotion.

"The daughter knows herself ashamed of her father's cultivation and sustenance, but the daughter really likes Li Hegu, and she hopes that her father will accept the ban on her daughter. The daughter is willing to give up everything and hope that her father will complete it!" Qixi again kneeled down in tears On the ground.

"Qingxi Festival, do you know what you are talking about?" Nalan said quietly like thunder, reprimanding, full of anger.

"Qixi, how can you abandon your father for an outsider" Lu Yu was also anxious at this time.

The situation of Zhang Bairen, everyone knows best, there is still the last thread of blue silk, you can step into the Avenue of Heaven, Qixi's move is no less than personally pushing Zhang Bairen up the cliff.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his hand and interrupted Nalanjing's words. A pair of eyes swept across the worried eyes of the officers and men in Zhuojun, seeing the guilt in the eyes of Zhang Xuluo, Yu Juluo and others, and sighed softly: "The matter of the heavens, What can be hidden from me? This is the fate! My fate is Zhang Bairen!"

"You have a good life and think about it." Zhang Bairen looked at Qixi, his eyes gentle and full of love.

"No need to think about it, my daughter has set Li Hegu in this life, even if the sword will fall into **** forever, she will never repent," Qixi said without hesitation.

"Really do not regret it?" Zhang Bairen looked at Qixi Festival.

"No regrets for death!" Qixi's words were firm.

Zhang Bairen was silent, and the atmosphere in the field was stagnant. The hearts of the people nearby were irritated, but they dared not speak, and did not dare to violate Zhang Bairen's will.

"On Qixi Festival, you have to think about it again. The chief governor is the father who gave birth to you and raises you. Isn't that enough of Li Hegu's sweet words? Is it worth abandoning his father for a man?" Yang Xiyue couldn't bear it Live the exit and scold.

Qixi Leng Ran: "I have lost my father for 16 years, and I don't care if I will get it again."

"Which is your father's life for your food and clothing? Although your father is absent these years, there are tens of millions of people in Zhuo County who love you! Why do you think I will spoil you when I wait? Why do I indulge You? If you don't have the face of your father, who would treat you like this!" Yu Juluo yelled coldly, "Really awkward."

Qixi was silent, just bowed his head and knelt down.

"Everyone, don't want to say it!" Zhang Bairen waved to interrupt everyone's cursing, and turned to look at the graves of the women, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "Ask what love in the world is, and teach life and death!"

After a long silence, he turned around: "Since you have a choice, how can I fail you?"

With his palm stretched out, Zhang Bairen stroked Qixi’s forehead, shocked that the military commanders and women on one side were shocked, but Yuan Tiangang’s voice said with a stern voice: "Du Governor, no!"

"General Governor, think twice!" Yu Juluo exclaimed.

"The Governor..."

Lu Yu and others burst into tears.

"The chief governor, still think twice, take care of the human race!" Zuo Qiu Wuji grabbed Zhang Bairen's arm.

Zhang Bairen slowly pushed away Zuoqiu Wuji's palm, opened Yin Gui's sleeves, and then gently stroked Qixi's body, only to see the sun's robe turned into golden light, flying out of Qixi's body and submerged in his sleeves.

"Thank you daddy for perfection" Qixi Festival burst into tears, and my heart was extremely happy. Although I don't know why the soldiers of Zhuojun behaved like this, they only thought that everyone was reluctant to bear themselves.

"Let's go and wait. After I have dealt with Zhuojun's affairs, I will send you down the mountain, and I will break the relationship between you and my father and daughter!"

Zhang Bairen had a gentle smile on his face, but this smile suddenly made Qixi's body chill, as if he had done a big mistake, making him frightened, and even the excitement of lifting the forbidden law disappeared in an instant.

In the dark, I have lost the most precious and precious things.

"Since you are no longer the princess of Zhuojun, the treasure that belongs to my Zhuojun needs to be left." Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, but saw the light from Qixi's body fly out, and all fell into Zhang Bairen's sleeve.

Then I saw a crystal clear scorpion essence shot out from the waist of Qixi Festival, falling on Zhang Bairen's chest and wailing constantly, as if he had noticed Zhang Bairen's condition, and kept crying.

"Xiaowen, come forward" Zhang Bairen took the scorpion sperm.


Xiaowen respectfully salutes.

"Since you are the person in charge of Zhuo County I have chosen, this scorpion essence will send you self-defense in the future! This scorpion essence is the innate creature I captured in my childhood. It is being fed by my divine blood. There is infinite power and power. "The enemy of one" Zhang Bairen handed the scorpion sperm to Xiaowen.

"Father, this is something from sister Qixi, don't you worry about it..." Xiaowen hesitated.

"From today onwards, she will no longer be your sister." Zhang Bairen threw the scorpion essence into Xiaowen's hands, and looked sideways at the Zhuojun heroes: "From today onwards, Xiaowen will be the leader of Zhuojun and will take charge of Zhuojun for me. County affairs. I have already explained everything. Today is just a cutscene."

"Where are the Jing family brothers?" Zhang Bairen's voice became a little cold and indifferent inexplicably, making people a little bit afraid.

"Meet the Governor"

Jing Wushuang walked out of the shadow of Qixi Festival and stepped forward with Jing Wuming respectfully.

"The Governor has already arranged everything for your brother. Just follow the tips." Zhang Bairen took out two tips from his arms and handed them to the Jing family brothers.

The Jing family brothers led the way, Zhang Bairen looked towards Qixi Festival: "Go down the mountain, and you will have time in the future. Come and worship at your mother's grave."

Tanabata looked at her shadow, and then at the scorpion sperm in Xiaowen's hand, she burst into tears, her lips moved and she wanted to say something, but after all, she didn't say anything, she just trembled, and said with a trembling:" Dad...daughter is not filial..."

"This seat is not your father!" Zhang Bairen waved to interrupt Qixi's words: "Let's go down the mountain, you are not allowed to step into this mountain in the future."

Tanabata heard the words like lightning strikes, and his body limp to the ground. After a while, he rolled and got up, knocked on Zhang Bairen one after another, and then stood up. Just looking at Zhuojun’s in the old days when he was afraid of holding himself in his mouth, and the aunts, uncles and uncles who were afraid of scaring on their heads, those who love themselves the most, regard themselves as enemies, those eyes seem to I want to cut myself a thousand Qixi Festival can not help but shake.

"Let's go down the mountain" Zhang Bairen smiled gently.

Qixi's lips trembled when he heard this, but after all he didn't say anything, staggering down the mountain.

White hair

Looking at the back of Qixi Festival, Zhang Bairen's last hair finally turned into black and beautiful hair. How can there be deep memories without experiencing it in person? How can you realize it? Love cannot be eaten! I resurrected Li Hegu, just for today, and used Li Hegu to help Qixi's enlightenment.

"The Governor!"

The group of heroes knelt to the ground and exclaimed, Yu Juluo and others wept bitterly.

"Don't cry! Don't be afraid!" Looking at the women with tears, Zhang Bairen smiled, and even stepped forward to wipe the tears from the corners of the women's eyes: "Will I still be me?"

"Are you really you?" Lu Yu choked with words, looking at Zhang Bairen with red eyes.

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