First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2110: Mute eats coptis

Looking at the warm smile on the corner of Zhang Bairen's mouth, I don't know why everyone in the field just felt chills in their hearts, as if something bad was about to happen, a chill came from the spine to the back of the head.

"Dao Changquan, my heart is so touched, how can it not be fulfilled?" Zhang Bairen's words were full of excitement, his eyes were reddish, and a little moist was constantly circulating.

"What do you mean by your majesty?" Zhang Heng suddenly felt a sudden burst in his heart, and a sense of evil surged from his heart.

"Don’t hide it from you, before turning around and rebirth, the general governor left a message. Back then, the general governor was inherited by the Nuwa Empress. I accidentally learned some of this method of replenishing the sky and refining stone!” Zhang Bairen said with a smile, “Everyone. Gao Zhen cherishes the people, loves the world, and loves the land of China. I feel ashamed in my heart. I actually thought of hiding selfishness before."

"I want to refine and formulate sea gods in the Huaqing Palace. Now that the origin of the innate gods, the fragments of Bu Zhoushan, and the methods of refining the stone to replenish the sky are all available, it has no regrets for you Dao leaders, and can fulfill your Dao leaders' boxing. Heart!" Zhang Bairen's words were full of excitement.


Dead silence

Buddhism and Taoism, you look at me and I see you, all of them showed a touch of panic, Dharma coughed dryly, and the words were full of disbelief: "Your Majesty is joking, right? Your Majesty must be joking, right?"

"The mage thinks that I can make a joke about this important event?" Zhang Bairen looked down at Bodhidharma, his eyes full of scrutiny:

"Why, Master Mo wants to go back, what I said before is a lie to fool me?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare! The monk doesn't dare!" Bodhidharma shook his head repeatedly and vetoed it, but his face was more bitter than eating bitter melon.

"Your Majesty, a pot of pill in the Old Dao Pill Furnace has not been completed yet. After the old Dao has finished the pill, I will come back again..." Zhang Heng felt a little panicked.

"It's just a pot of elixir, how can I be up to the billions of people in China? How about I pay you ten pots?" Zhang Bairen interrupted Zhang Heng without waiting for Zhang Heng to speak.

Zhang Heng smiled bitterly, the corners of his mouth were bitter, and he looked at Zhang Bairen with a look of helplessness in his eyes.

Catch the ducks and put them on the shelves. At this time, everyone only hates their own mouths. What did they do before?

Nowadays, people are holding the handle, and the Taoists are dumb and eat coptis, and they can't speak.

Regret it?

Do everyone dare to regret it?

Don't look at the strength of the Li Tang dynasty today. If you give the emperor Li Tang an excuse to make trouble, do you still want to preach in the Middle-earth China?

I am afraid that from now on, the Taoism will be extinct.

The flags of the Zhuxian Array are fluttering to cover the sky, slaughtering hundreds of millions of beings of the Sea Clan, and all the heroes of the East China Sea who have been killed have bowed their heads and proclaimed them. How dare you to tease the emperor when you see it with your own eyes? How to talk about lies and deception?

"Huaqing Palace? It's a good place!" Yuan Shoucheng said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will go to Huaqing Palace after this, and participate in the research and development of the method of Sea God Pearl!"

Zhang Bairen nodded with satisfaction, his gaze swept across the Buddhist and Taoist masters, and the bitter melon faces, and then stepped out first: "Everyone, please follow me!"

Huaqing Palace

Back mountain

The raging fire was led by Zhang Bairen's Taoism. Zhang Bairen led you Gaozhen through the Huaqing Palace, a path straight to the Houshan Continuous Palace, and along the bluestone path to a mouthful of ‘pool water’.

The blue bricks were paved, and the hot air rushed into the sky. Ten meters away, I felt hot and unbearable, and seemed to scorch the human body.

The magma is hot, but it hasn't spurted out, nor smelted blue bricks.

In front of the pool, there is an ancient pill furnace with seven holes and the Big Dipper. Carved dragons and phoenixes on the ground, outline mysterious runes, suppress the veins here.

The ancient alchemy book and the bird seal are mysterious and unpredictable, and there are colorful lights in the cauldron that constantly flicker, setting off here like a holy land of gods.

Zhang Bairen spread his fingers, and placed a red tray on the bluestone counter, turning around to look at Gaozhen:

"What do you think of this place?"

"It's a holy place for spiritual practice," Bodhidharma praised: "Here, yin and yang blend, water and fire are in harmony, and the magic of the Tao is endless. In it, the innate Taoist rhyme is looming, like a person in the cloud and mist, knowing guests from the sky.

"In the future, all Dao leaders will refine treasures here, the cost of eating and wearing, and the daily consumption of cultivation and consumption will be borne by the court!" Zhang Bairen pulled the red silk cloth on the tray on the stone table, but he saw 24 different shapes. The stones are placed inside: "Everyone, this is the stone that fell off the mountain before the ancient times!"

"The rocks of Bu Zhoushan?"

All Gao Zhen's eyes lit up, and they leaned forward to surround the stone table and looked down.

Yin Gui took a piece of gravel in his hand and looked at it carefully for a while before sighing with emotion:

"The world of the ancient times is really fascinating. The fragments of Zhoushan can be forbidden. It is so wonderful!"

Everyone took the stones in their hands and played with them, and they couldn't put it down for a while.

The corner of Zhang Bairen's mouth was slightly tilted, and he placed the drawing of Dinghai Shenzhu on the case table: "The drawing is here. I will light the fire of good fortune later, and it's up to you now!"

"By the way, many restrictions on this Dinghai Shenzhu are all evolved on the Dinghai Shenzhen. This Dinghai Shen Needle stays here and you can do it for your reference!" Zhang Bairen flicked his finger, and the Dinghai God Needle flew out from his sleeve, instantly turning into a baby's head. Thickness, inserted into the granite.

"Dinghai Shenzhen?"

A group of monks gathered around again.

Ignoring the Taoists, Zhang Bairen came to the entrance of the magma cave, looked at the hot magma below, and said, "Huaqing Pool is the most mysterious, and this volcano presents the infinite yin and yang. It is to refine this treasure and ignite the fire of good fortune. The best place!"

Zhang Bairen flicked his finger and saw that his fingertips were staggered with countless laws. Before everyone could react, he had fallen into the hot lava.

"As long as I sit in the city of Chang'an, the fire of good fortune will not be extinguished. In the future, my human race plan will fall on you Dao leaders!" Zhang Bairen said meaningfully: "My Yang life is less than 20 years. Be sure to practice this treasure within twenty years."

All Taoists have a bitter face, each bitter face is drooping, and they are silent.

It took a long time before I saw Zhang Bairen smiled and said: "Everyone, I am going back to the palace. All the equipment for refining treasures has been sent to you. It's up to you now."

"I'll wait for your majesty to be sent off!" All of you Gaozheng will give a gift.

Zhang Bairen went away without looking back, leaving you Gaozhen to stand up, and then came to the magma pool one after another:

"This is the fire of good fortune?"

What is the color of the fire of your fortune?

Unspeakable, untouchable, untouchable, it makes people feel unspeakable.

"Oh!" Lu Jingxiu sighed and sat directly at the railing:

"This time I'm really planted, how can he have good luck!"

"That is, the process of refining the Sea God Orb is extremely complicated. Even if we work together, we can never expect to succeed in less than ten years. This time, I really fell in!" Yin Gui turned into a bitter melon face.

"I blame you, if it weren't for your old-fashioned words to please and behave, how come we are held by the emperor!" Hui Neng glared at Lu Jingxiu.

"What's the matter with me? It's your own soft ears, you are willing to listen, but can you blame me?" Lu Jingxiu quit, glaring at Hui Neng.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the two was strong and becoming more intense, Zhang Heng shook the whisk: "You guys don't want to quarrel. Now that the matter is over, we are left here by the emperor. Instead of quarreling, it is better to find a way to refine the treasure and get out early."

"Yes! That's right! Instead of complaining about each other here, it's better to mention spiritual refining, even if we have contributed to the human race!" Yuan Shoucheng smiled as a peacemaker.

Zhang Bairen tapped the case table with his fingers, looking at the white clouds in the sky silently.

"How sure is your Majesty to refine the Dinghaishenzhen?" The Wu family girl stood behind Zhang Bairen, gently holding her spine.

"All of you real people are the people of Taoism, ten years is enough!" Zhang Bairen thought slightly.

"Your Majesty knows and sees obstacles. As the saying goes, he has learned the Dao and has his own skills and specializations. Wouldn't it be true that all the real people of Dao Sect cultivate Dao Dharma, and the proof is based on the method of longevity. OK!" The Wu family woman whispered.

When Zhang Bairen heard the words, he turned his head and glanced at the Wu family woman with profound meaning: "The Mo family has fallen into the Left, and it is difficult to contend with the orthodoxy. When the two sides meet, it must be life and death. Where is the mind to refine treasure?"

"Regardless of Buddhism, Taoism, or the side of the philosophers, they are all citizens to Li Tang, and your majesty should be able to tolerate others," the Wu family woman said softly.

Zhang Bairen remained silent, and after a while, he said, "It's not that I refuse to accept the magic door, but the people refuse to accept them. Back then, the king of Yan Li Yi rebelled, and a hundred schools of people colluded with the demon **** to slaughter ten cities. This sin is unforgivable."

The martial artist was silent and no longer spoke.

Who do you tell me about the sufferings of the Baijia?

Everyone was cheated by Li Yi, and Li Yi was cheated by the Demon God!

What if you know you were wronged? The thing has been done, and since a mistake has been made, then the sin is unforgivable!

"Ha ha!"

There was only a sneer, spreading in the mountain breeze.

"Your Majesty, Qintian Supervisor, please see me!" A small yellow door walked in.

"Tell him to come in!" Zhang Bairen said to meet your majesty" Qintian Supervisor Sizheng respectfully saluted.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at the Qintian Supervisor Sizheng.

"Three days later, it will be the day when the Li family worships the ancestors."

"Then just sacrifice to the ancestors" Zhang Bairen was noncommittal.

"Ominous!" Qin Tian Supervisor lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"Ominous? What's the ominous?" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed coldly.

The Qintian Supervisor was hesitating when he heard the words, looked at Mingming Void with his eyes, then lowered his head and said: "The minister thinks that your majesty should cancel the ceremony of ancestor worship."

"Naughty!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "If I cancel the ancestor worship, don't I want to be laughed at by the people of the world? What style!"

The Qintian Supervisor was lowering his head when he heard the words, and he dared not refute the words.

ps: make up one more...m.

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