First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2124: Condensed immortal rune

What is immortality?

After the golden body absorbed the immortal wonderland from Zhuxian's divine welfare, it absorbed all the key points about Zhuxian's immortality, and immediately realized it and fell into a state of epiphany.

Mingwu doesn't mean it can be used. When Zhang Bairen opened his eyes again, it was already three years later.

"Want to step into the realm of immortality, but it has to be divided into three steps" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed a little: "The first step is to condense the power of immortality!"

There is no doubt that Zhang Bairen has already done this, and done very well! Under the pressure of the power of the world, Zhang Bairen didn't need to do more himself, the ultimate immortal power of the golden body had been transformed.

The second step is to hammer out the immortal will, and only the immortal will can control the power of immortality. Of course, when the power of immortality alone has no effect, only after the power of immortality is transformed into a certain kind of original rune can it exert incredible power.

The third step is the immortal body. After the will is immortal, the immortal rune can be condensed, and only then can you truly live forever and immortal, the heaven and the earth will die but I will not die, the chaos immortal law will not die.

"The second step, immortal will!" Zhang Bairen muttered, and then fell into a state of retreat again.

When Zhang Bairen woke up again, it was already eight years later. In eight years, things are right and wrong, and many things will change.

After sitting for eight years and sitting for eight years, Zhang Bairen finally condensed his first immortal rune.

The incense worship of millions of sentient beings for eight years has just provided it with a resource for condensing runes, which shows how difficult it is to condense the immortal runes.

"Immortal! Immortal! There are 129,600 runes in the immortal realm, but I have just started, that's all!" Zhang Bairen looked at the Imperial Palace with a pair of eyes, slowly stood up, and opened. He opened his eyes and shot, but saw that the whole Li Tang kingdom was in disorder, and there was a hint of wind and rain coming to blossom the building.

"Interesting! Interesting! I have waited for eight years. Is it time to finally do it?" Zhang Bairen shook his head, "Unfortunately, I don't have enough time! The difficulty of the Law of Destiny is beyond our expectations. How difficult it is to understand the law of fate!"

Indeed it is!

Even if these guys don't make trouble secretly, they can't imagine that they will fully understand the law of fate in decades!

"Your Majesty, you are out of the customs." The Wu family woman saw Zhang Bairen who was leaning on the railing alone, and quickly stepped forward to respectfully salute.

"Today, August 13th" Zhang Bairen looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The air was already stained with frost, and then I saw a woman from the Wu family holding a large cloak behind Zhang Bairen, looking at Zhang Bairen with her tender eyes.

"Your Majesty has finally left the customs, now Li Tang's country is not peaceful," the Wu family woman whispered.

"I know, it's just a bunch of clowns!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Prince Li Hong!"

East Palace

Li Hong stroked the sword in his hand, spreading the sword light across the wall, condensing the moonlight, obviously the sword was not an ordinary sword.

"The emperor has been in seclusion for eight years" Li Hong lowered his head: "A woman from the martial family has been in charge of the government for eight years. I wait for a protagonist to have an heir. Isn't it enough for the enchantress?"

"Prince speak cautiously!" Xuanzang shook his head, his eyes showed a dignified look: "Don't pretend to talk about your majesty's merits and demerits, you must know that the entire palace is in your majesty's eyes and ears."

With a flick of Li Hong's palm, the sword turned into a horror and shot into the scabbard on the wall in an instant: "Is the time set?"

"August 15th" Xuanzang nodded, twisting his rosary.

"Good! Good! Good! On August 15th, my Royal Highness will send troops to Qingjun, except for the enchantress!" Li Hong smiled coldly.

While talking, suddenly a guard walked into the bedroom and said to Li Hong: "His Royal Highness, the emperor has summoned you to go to the Temple of Nourishment."

"I'm out of the customs?" Li Hong moved his finger when he heard the words, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: "How could it be so coincidental?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this time, on the side of Qingjun, the power of Buddhism has been gathered, which is the general trend of the world. Even if you are a king of the dynasty, you have to do it!" Xuanzang smiled unhurriedly and said warmly: " Buddhism is true, but you never do things that are uncertain!"

"It's been eight years..." Li Hong sighed, walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the Hall of Nourishment.

"His Royal Highness!" the guard shouted.

"What's the matter?" Li Hong paused.

"The minister is worried that the martial witch will preach the imperial decree and want to murder His Royal Highness" the guard whispered.

Li Hong's face condensed when he heard the words, and he turned to look at Xuanzang: "How does the mage feel?"

Xuanzanghui opened his eyes, watching the emperor Li Tang's dragon spirit, and sighed softly after a long time: "The emperor is indeed out!"

Li Hong knew what he had said, turned around and walked out.

In the Hall of Nourishment

Zhang Bairen sat in front of the tea stove, playing tea without hurries. The martial arts woman's slender hands helped Zhang Bairen clean the tea set, but he heard a sound of footsteps. Li Hong walked into the hall and saw that Duan was sitting a few times before, as if he was an immortal god. Zhang Bairen felt lost in his heart.

At that moment, he saw in Zhang Bairen the immortality of the years, the wind and rain, the ancient times, from the distant ancient time and space to the present, across the years and time, and the immortality.

Immortal mood!

That inadvertent ray of immortal mood captured Li Hong's mind. Unfortunately, Li Hong had never seen an immortal strong man. I don’t know what this ray of immortal mood meant, otherwise he would not dare to take it even if he was borrowing ten courage from him. The thoughts that shouldn't be taken up.

"The sons and ministers pay homage to the emperor, long live the father!" Li Hong knelt to the ground and kowtowed.

Zhang Bairen remained silent, but continued to fiddle with the tea cup. The hall fell silent for a while. Li Hong, who fell on his knees, stiffened, and his heart gradually sank to the bottom.

This is definitely not a scene when a normal father and son meet!

"Get up!"

After half a cup of tea, I heard a faint sigh as if it came from the clouds outside the sky, but Li Hong's ears sounded like a natural sound, and he could not wait to stand up.

"Sit down, this is the six-root clean tea that I have brewed. It can get rid of the name of the fire, see the nature and get rid of the evil roots of greed and desire, and those who cannot be saved are the ones who cannot be saved. Drinking this tea can understand the nature and see the true face! "Zhang Bairen's clear eyes did not contain any power, but he looked at Li Hong quietly, and was shocked that Li Hong quickly lowered his head and drank the tea.

The tea was hot, but Li Hong didn't know how it was hot.

"Good tea!" Li Hong subconsciously praised after drinking the tea.

"What kind of taste can the cow chew the peony?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, and then sighed. He only heard the tea splashing, and filled Li Hong again: "Drinking!"

Li Hong lowered his head when he heard the words, this time he picked up the tea and slowly pecked, lowered his head and looked at the kettle, not daring to look into Li Zhi's eyes:

"Father's retreat for eight years, I don't know how to enter the country?"

"Slightly advanced, to this level of cultivation, all rely on the skill of water and ink, no luck!" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Hong with a pair of eyes: "You have been fascinated by authority, you must know that gong is me. The foundation of the family’s foothold is the key to suppressing the world. Authority and wealth are all for the practice of Taoism. After all, it is not a good end to give up the basics and the last. For eight years, your martial arts training has made no progress. Your heart has been blinded by power. It’s time to practice meditation and drive away the gloom in my heart."

Zhang Bairen's words meant something, and he kept beating Li Hong. If he could understand the meaning of his words, it meant that this person was still saved!


Li Hongman's mind is full of powers and powers, all of the ninety five supreme positions, how can he understand the meaning of Zhang Bairen's words?

"Yes, the father's words make some sense, and I really should retreat well and strive to break through the martial art realm as soon as possible." Li Hong nodded after hearing this, glanced at the martial artist, and suddenly said:

"My father is in retreat and should be the prince to supervise the country, but I don't know why my father allowed a woman to ride on my Li Tang man's neck to give orders? Foreigners will only think that I have no Li Tang and make them laugh!"

Li Hong's words fell, and there was silence in the hall. The woman of the martial family stopped making tea with the tea splashing out.

Zhang Bairen remained after a while and said: "I have my own opinions on this matter, it is not your turn to ask!"

Li Hong's face was red, his fists clenched in his sleeves, but he lowered his head and stopped talking.

After drinking a cup of tea, Li Hong suddenly stood up: "Father, the sons and ministers still have important matters to deal with, let's leave now!"

Li Hong bid farewell, but the woman from the Wu family suddenly fell to her knees and kowtowed to Zhang Bairen: "It's all about the concubines, which has caused trouble for your majesty. I hope that your majesty will not embarrass your concubines. Your majesty will preside over the affairs of the court."

"Haha, I have my own plan!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly and drank the tea in his hand: "Sure enough, the medicine doctor will not die, the Buddha is a destined person!"

"He wants to find his own death, no one can save him!" Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, looking at the blossoming Chang'an City with his hands on his shoulders, and said after a long time: "I want to force me to abdicate, I'm afraid you don't have the ability. ; Except for my birthday, which is about to be reaped, who can decide my fate!"


Prince House

The fine porcelain cup in Li Hong's hands turned into powder: "It's simply too much. This is a country handed down from the ancestors. He even allowed a woman to control me, where did Li and Tang's heroes put me? Where did I put my Li family boy? For the sake of the face of my ancestors and the authority of my Li family, even if this seat bears the infamy of killing kings and unfilial piety, he still has to fight with him to the end. Since he does not listen to the advice, it is no wonder that I disregarded the feelings of father and son. The Ninth Five-Year Supreme Position was overturned."

"His Royal Highness has made a decision this time?" Xuanzang smiled softly.

"August 15th, the night of the full moon, is when he died!" Li Hong's eyes were red and his eyes were cracked.

Chang'an City

Lanterns have been hung all over the streets, and the red lanterns are hanging high. August 15 has not yet arrived, but there is already a trace of Mid-autumn joy.

The busy streets on the street are rubbing shoulders and shoulders, telling the prosperous and splendid chapters of Li Tang for decades. 8)

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