First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2128: The death of Luo Shixin

Li Zhi's toughness was somewhat beyond the expectations of the demon gods. In a **** battle, 50% of the cultivators in the field were considered abolished, and all the demon gods had their own injuries. At least none of them would be restored to the original source that was lost today. .

Zhang Bairen lowered his head and looked at the black handprints on his chest. As the black energy spread to the whole body, his face suddenly became dignified, and his eyebrows were tightly clustered in one place:

"What a powerful extravaganza!"

This is the law of extravagant corpse. If this law of attack is not contained, oneself will be corroded by this law sooner or later and become a puppet of the law.

Zhang Bairen carried his hands and looked into the distance with a pair of eyes. After a long time, he sighed: "It's time to end!"

"Li Zhi, you are so vicious, you actually slapped my fellow humans!" Zhang Heng pointed at Li Zhi, his eyes full of anger.

Zhang Bairen smiled softly: "Since you do it, you are the enemy! You and the other demon gods have harmed my future. I haven't even started to blame you. Now that the old Taoist priests have been beaten up, is there any reason in the world?"

Zhang Heng looked at the scars on Zhang Bairen's chest, and just smiled coldly: "Good and evil will eventually pay off, ancestors, I won't take advantage of you, so you can think about it yourself!"

The words fell, but Zhang Heng turned and left, turning into nothingness and disappearing in the void.

At this time, all the real people of Buddhism and Taoism are all wounded, and none of them has tried to recover for three or five years. Fortunately, everyone is a strong dharmakaya and can awaken the reincarnated body at any time. Otherwise, it will be troublesome to fall into reincarnation. Up.

Buddhism and Taoism walked completely clean, only the anti-king of all walks of life stood under the city at this time, looking up at Zhang Bairen at the top of the city.

Yanyun eighteen riders firmly held Luo Yi's protection, Zhang Bairen scanned Luo Yi with a pair of eyes: "Your sins will naturally be judged by the general governor in the future, but I can't exceed the rules on behalf of you, you go!"

Hearing this, Luo Yi covered his chest, staring at the quietly standing city head with his eyes, and looked down upon Li Zhi, who was silent.

It was a long time before I heard Luo Yi shout: "Go!"

Come fast, go fast!

In a blink of an eye, the rebels outside the city walked away completely, leaving only Zhang Bairen standing at the top of the city.

"His Majesty!"

Cheng Yaojin and others stepped forward, looking at the shocking handprints on Zhang Bairen's chest, with a touch of worry in their eyes.

"Proclaim my will, the officials listen to it!" Zhang Bairen swept over the officials, and the officials saluted.

Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed and fell on Li Xian: "Li Xian step forward!"

"Father, my son is here" Li Xian's face flushed at this time, with a premonition, he hurriedly stepped forward and saluted.

"Emperor: Ministers, civil and military, I will immediately make Li Xian the crown prince, if I have any accidents, Li Xian will be the lord of my Li Tangxin, I respect this!" Zhang Bairen glanced over the ministers, the words came out, and it was an understatement. Set the legacy of Li Tang's future.

"My son, thank you Father!" Li Xian was so excited, he immediately bowed and saluted.

"Get out!" Zhang Bairen's figure was erratic, disappeared without a trace, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Hall of Nourishment

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Li Zhi who walked in, the woman from the Wu family showed a touch of worry and looked at Zhang Bairen worriedly.

"I have three days left. I will do nothing for these three days. I will accompany my concubine Ai!" Zhang Bairen didn't wait for the martial woman to speak. He picked him up and threw it on the big bed. Then he burst into the sky with laughter. The scenery is endless for a time.

Outside the Hall of Nourishment

Yuan Shoucheng and Yin Gui, you look at me and I look at you. Yuan Shoucheng sighed slightly: "I didn't want to stay in the deep palace for more than ten years in a blink of an eye. Now I suddenly left, but I feel a little bit reluctant."

"The dragon spirit in the palace is circling, suppressing and destroying the ten thousand laws, what is good!" Yin Gui shook his head, his words full of emotion:

"Although Li Zhi is dead, the general governor is back, whether Luo Yi or the demon gods, life will not be too easy!"

Without responding to Yuan Shoucheng's words, Yin Gui turned around and left: "See you in Zhuojun!"

"See you in Zhuojun!" Yuan Shoucheng shook his head, turned and left.

Zhang Bairen is about to return, what is the use of them staying here?

After three days

Zhang Bairen sat up on the soft couch, looked at the naked martial arts woman who was as white as jade, he couldn't help sighing slightly:

"How far you can go in the future is up to you, and it's not worth a couple of you and me!"

The words fell, slowly stood up and fell softly, got up and walked out of the Hall of Nourishment, standing on the railing and looking at the endless scenery outside the city, could not help but sigh, the body instantly sat down, the vitality of the whole body was cut off with a finger, only a golden light disappeared In the dark.


Only heard a scream, the emperor's dragon gas exploded, awakening the Wu family woman on the soft couch.

Son of heaven, Bintian!

Li Tang Guozuo, a new era is about to begin, and the legend of Zhuojun is beginning to continue.

Outside Zhuojun City


In a dilapidated thatched house, the surrounding walls were blowing in cold wind, and there was only a scholar sitting in the dilapidated thatched cottage, holding books in his hands and speaking.

The candle flame was faint, and the cold wind blew, the scholar slowly stood up, raised his head to look at the sky and the moon, and said nothing.

"Cough cough cough~"

A rush of cough awakened the scholar and quickly walked back to the house, only to see a scrawny old woman lying on the bed, shivering in the cold autumn wind covered in thatched grass.

"The various states of life are really hard to describe. All these are a bowl of sweet and bitter eight-treasure porridge, which is endless aftertaste!" The young scholar put down the books in his hand and slowly came to the old woman, looking at the old man's gray hair. , Flushed cheeks, obviously suffering from the wind and cold.

"You are the parents of this seat, and you are also the parents of this seat. Luo Yi rebelled rashly, and the powerful family gained power. Zhuojun didn't know how many poor families suffered from seedlings!" Zhang Bairen snapped his fingers, and a green light circulated in an instant. Washing the hair and cutting the marrow of the old woman was reborn, and the disease was wiped out.

"I want to give you a perfect old age, just..." But I saw a figure walking out of the scholar's body, and in an instant he was reborn as Zhang Bairen. He glanced at the scholar, and then looked at the old woman on the bed. People have never changed the trajectory of the two people's lives, and disappeared in the dark.


Luo Shixin's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, looking at the three figures on the opposite side, his eyes were full of disbelief.

There are hundreds of feet in his body, and there are densely piled up corpses, including warriors in Zhuojun and strong grasslands.

Looking around, there were wolves everywhere, and countless fireworks rose into the sky.

The corpses everywhere, the blood stained the soil red, it should be Feihong stepping on the blood mud.

"I can't stop you! I can't stop you, Luo Shixin!" Luo Shixin was crying, but blood and tears flowed out.

The back of the hand violently violently, and the body was trembling constantly.

At this time, Luo Shixin was like a lone wolf, and his voice was full of wailing and despair: "Beasts! You are all beasts! The innate gods are aloft, why bother to be an innocent man? That is one hundred thousand lives, one hundred thousand families. One hundred thousand parents are heartbroken, one hundred thousand women keep their widows!!! One hundred thousand orphans are about to become children without fathers, why are you so cruel?"

The servant bone Huaien shook his head when he heard the words: "I can't realize what you said. The gods are all ants. When you are the powerful in the Central Plains slaughtering the people of the grassland, you have thought about the millions of wives and children who lost their fathers. ?"

"I am guilty of Luo Shixin! I am guilty of Luo Shixin! I am sorry for the chief governor's cultivation, I am sorry for the 100,000 dead soldiers, I am guilty of Luo Shixin!" Luo Shixin was howling, tears have drained, only blood and tears rolled.

He saw with his own eyes one hundred thousand soldiers being slaughtered in front of him, but there was no way to save them.

One hundred thousand Zhuojun elite, one hundred thousand Zhuojun Dahaoerlang, what do you want him to say? How to do?

Going deep alone, broke the military taboo!

No words to die!

"General Governor, Luo Shixin, I am sorry for you. Only a deadly fight can we repay the mistakes committed today!" Luo Shixin clenched the spear in his hand and shot out countless blood beads with a flick, and then killed all the demon gods.

The most powerful person wants to go, no one can stop it, even the innate gods can't stop it.

But Luo Shixin can't go!

He has no face to face those 100,000 elders, and facelessly the face that 100,000 women look forward kill! "

Pu Gu Huai'en burst out with golden light all over, clashing with Luo Yi.

The black light circulated around Shebi's corpse and turned into a black hole, constantly devouring the corpse on the battlefield, turning it into a steady stream of origins to make up for the scars left by the various battles around her.

"If you can swallow all the blood and energy, the sword injury left by Li Zhi before will be healed!" A smile appeared in the eyes of Shebi's corpse: "What your Excellency said is really good, slaughtered 100,000 soldiers, Luo Shixin It will fight to the end, and the Human Race is still as ignorant as the ancients!"

Ju Mang didn't take it seriously: "Human race is a strange race, I can't figure it out!"

The skill of talking, the confrontation has become vain, and the two sides have begun to compete for the origin.

"Go and help him. It's a little difficult to kill this by just taking in one person, but don't let him go! The Golden Beast cannot be delayed. We still need to go early and return early. Drained the background!" She Bi Shi looked at Ju Mang.

Ju Mang nodded when he heard the words, took a step towards the manifestation, and slapped Luo Shixin with a palm: "The little thief will die!"




A series of sonic booms rolled up, and Luo Shixin screamed like a lone wolf with one enemy and two, making people feel sad.

Half a quarter of an hour later

"Puff whistle~"

The blood spattered, Luo Shixin's head rose into the sky, and he was held in his hand, and the hot blood spurted out three feet.

"Are you okay!" Ling watched at a fragmented corpse not far away, Jumang's body turned into hundreds of pieces wriggling in the mud, constantly absorbing the nutrients from the mud.

"You were bombarded with your real body, but I never thought that this kid would have the idea of ​​dying together, igniting his own blood, and suffered a big loss for a while, and this time it's a big loss!"

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