First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2135: Zhang Jiao and Kuafu's True Body

He collected the Dinghai God Pearl in his fingertips, retreated from the court powerhouse, and saw the golden sand on Zhang Bairen's eyebrows, and the Buddha, Dao, and Dao in the field were very sad.

I have practiced hard for thousands of years and have not yet reached the threshold of the golden body, but people have walked their own path for thousands of years in just a few decades. How can you tell the Buddhas and Taos to have a balance in their hearts?

The real Buddhists and Taoists packed their bags, turned and walked down the mountain, leaving Zhang Bairen alone on the top of the mountain, facing the mountain breeze, silent for a long time.

"Dinghai Shenzhu has been completed. As long as the Dinghai Shenzhu is there in the future, the Sea Clan will never want to disturb the wind and rain and harm my humanity!" Zhang Bairen stepped forward, crossing the endless void, and went straight to the shore of the East China Sea, holding a ball in his hands. The colorful clusters of light were about to be thrown into the East China Sea, but Zhang Bairen suddenly stopped, and his eyes looked into the mountains in amazement.

"For decades, I have repeatedly set foot in the East China Sea, and I have never noticed that there is such a hidden danger in Human Divine State!" Zhang Bairen's hands stopped, his eyes looked at the mountains and old forests.

Inside the magma pool

A huge figure suddenly opened its eyes, and the whole body exuded the immortal energy, crossing the void and colliding with Zhang Bairen.

"Father Kua! After the Taipingdao disciple took the talisman from Kuafu back then, he went all the way to the shore of the East China Sea and hid here!" Zhang Bairen stepped forward, twisting the void, and went straight to the inside of the magma pool, inside his eyes. Full of shocking colors.

If it hadn't condensed the immortal will and condensed the immortal origin, it is no longer what it used to be, and it is absolutely impossible to find that this huge law body is hidden so deeply with the help of earth veins.

The two looked at each other. Compared with Kuafu's head, Zhang Bairen's body looked like an ant.


With a stern roar, Kuafu's face is hideous, and he wants to use his magical powers to attack Zhang Bairen, but the next moment the void is distorted, without waiting for his actions, Kuafu's eyes regain clarity in an instant, and a pair of eyes look at Zhang Bairen anxiously:

"Save me! Kill me!"

Before he finished speaking, there was another roar, and he became fierce again, and his body's vitality gradually awakened and turned into a stormy sea.

"Interesting! Interesting! You are too greedy, you are too greedy, you have not yet proved that you are a **** of Yang, you want to take the body of the ancient strong, inherit the fate of the ancient strong, it is simply fantastic!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

This Taiping Taoist disciple Zhang Bairen had seen him. When the Taiping Three Treasures were born, this person received the Taiping Taoist talisman and the body of Kuafu. For some reason, Nanhua actually refined Kuafu sacrifice into a yellow turban warrior, and he still fell into this Taiping. Taoist disciples.

This Taipingdao disciple was wishful thinking, and if he didn't have the cultivation level of Yangshen, he wanted to usurp his father's fate and rob him of his flesh. Although Kuafu is dead, the will of the martial arts expert is still in his body. Now the spirit of Taipingdao disciples enters Kuafu's body, but the stimulating Kuafu's spirit is revived, and he has the opportunity to resurrect. The sign.

At this time, Kuafu's will is playing a game with the Taipingdao disciple, but 90% of the chances are that the Taipingdao disciple is not enough to swallow an elephant, but he has become Kuafu, reviving his martial arts will and resurrecting him.

"Unfortunately, you met me!" Zhang Bairen ignored the roar of Boasting Father's flesh, stepped forward to the rune flow in his palm, and instantly slapped his brows and Baihui, and the Taoism culture was suppressed by chains:

"Suppress me!"

Zhang Bairen has touched the immortal wonderland, dealing with a dead body, even if it is the top powerhouse of the ancient times, that is also the dead body, and he will be suppressed in an instant!

"Thank you fellow daoist!" There was a touch of clarity in Kuafu's eyes, and his words were full of the joy of escape after the catastrophe.

"Family Daoist is a Taiping Taoist?" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"Yes, it is!" Kuafu said: "Your Excellency may be able to call me: Zhang Jiao!"

"Zhang Jiao?" Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words: "Giant Lu Zhang Jiao?"

"It's a certain family!" Zhang Jiao said with a wry smile.

Zhang Bairen was stunned, and then suddenly, Zhang Jiao was a top power in the Three Kingdoms period. It is not surprising that he cultivated the Dharmakaya. Although Zhang Jiao failed to rebel and was killed by someone, it was just a soldier's solution. The reincarnation still continues. wave.

"Since your Excellency is a giant deer with horns, you shouldn't make such a mistake. The Yang God wants to win and praise his father before it has condensed. It is simply not knowing the heights of the sky! This kind of mistakes should never appear in the great master!" Zhang Bairen was puzzled.

"You said that I don't want to delay for a while. After I prove the Yang Shen, I will seize and praise the father's body?" Zhang Jiao smiled bitterly:

"But I don't have time!"

"How do you say?" Zhang Bairen heard something in Zhang Jiao's words.

"It's not the old immortal Nanhua, now it turns out to be the reincarnation of the Innate Demon God, who wants to subvert my humanitarian orthodoxy! During the Three Kingdoms period, the old Tao was accidentally deceived and almost caused a big mistake. Fortunately, at the last moment, the strong humanity took action and collapsed. This is a conspiracy!" Zhang Jiao said helplessly: "But this Boss father’s body is a melting pot prepared for him by Nanhua Old Immortal. Nanhua Old Immortal wants to take advantage of his or her life to be reborn, and loses Kua's father’s Taoism and life style. , And then go to the outside of Kyushu to unify the Jiuli people, and instigate soldiers to violate my Middle-earth China!"

"Back then, I got a glimpse of the opportunity, stole the Nanhua old immortal talisman, and took away the body of this demon god. Nanhua old immortal chased after him. Now I am reincarnated and my cultivation base is still weak. No matter what, I am not an opponent of Nanhua old immortal. In that case, it would be better to take a dangerous move...Even if Kuafu is resurrected, it is much better than Nanhua's seizure of Kuafu's body!" Zhang Jiao smiled bitterly.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Jiao, showing a thoughtful look, but he was very clear in his heart, Zhang Jiao did not tell the truth, there must be a big secret hidden in the body of Kuafu.

However, he has now proved the immortal wonderland, and he can't take the so-called chances to his eyes. In the Kunlun Mountain battle, Nanhua was reincarnated and reborn as a Nanhua real person, he must have a plan.

"Before I was accepting the Kuafu inheritance, who knew that Kuafu's will actually felt the abnormal condition in the body and wanted to recover and come back to life!" Zhang Jiao smiled bitterly.

Zhang Bairen was noncommittal when he heard the words. Although he said that he could ascend to the sky in one step, he didn't care.

This is confidence in your own strength!

"Today I will help you to suppress Kua's father's will. You will slowly merge with Kua's will with your hard work in the future! It is also a chance for you, a good relationship between you and me!" Zhang Bairen said To turn around and leave.

"No birth, you can stay!" Zhang Jiao hurriedly shouted.

Zhang Bairen's movements were stagnant, and then a subtle touch rose in his heart, but the same was true. If he dreamed of returning to the Three Kingdoms, would Zhang Jiao not know him?

"Is there anything else?" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at Kuafu's body.

"Nanhua has been looking for me. If he finds traces of the old way, I am afraid that I will die because of the old way. I hope you will save me once. Jiao, I am grateful!" Zhang Jiao said quickly.

Zhang Bairen swept the horns, then smiled, but when he stomped his feet, he saw a line of lines deriving: "If you can take away and praise your father, it would be a blessing to my human race, but you must swear to protect the human tribe in the future. Human Kyushu, I can save you once."

"I swear by Zhang Jiao, as long as your Excellency is willing to save me once, Zhang Jiao will protect the Kyushu Human Race and protect my humanity and orthodoxy in the future!" Zhang Jiao's eyes are full of helplessness, but there is no alternative.

Nowadays, fighting against Kuafu's will every day, the energy can't help but escape, Zhang Bairen can find it, let alone the old Nanhua immortal?

Zhang Bairen set up a large formation, completely concealing Zhang Jiao's aura, and then sighed, "I hope you can keep your promise!"

The words fell, leaving Zhang Jiao blankly soaked in the magma, looking at Zhang Bairen's back with a pair of eyes speechless for a long time.

A stream of light flickered on the horizon, but saw a Taoist in Tsing Yi descending from the sea. After seeing Zhang Bairen’s purple dress, he shivered suddenly, his scalp numb for a while, and he resisted the urge to turn and run, pretending to be relaxed. Standing on the beach seems to be enjoying the beauty of the sea and the sky.

"You seem to be afraid of me!" Zhang Bairen looked at the Taoist Tsing Yi in front of him. After leaving Zhang Jiao, he was about to cast the Dinghai God Orb, but he accidentally saw the Taoist Tsing Yi.

Taoist Tsing Yi is not surprising, but with Zhang Bairen's eyesight, how can he not notice the fear that Taoist Tsing Yi is inadvertently exposed in front of Damn, isn't this servant dead? How come back to life? It doesn't count if you survive, and you'll get a golden body! "Seeing the little gold sand on Zhang Bairen's eyebrows, Taoist Tsing Yi cursed in his heart: "Sure enough, good people don't live long, and they are left for thousands of years! "

"What's wrong? Why don't you speak?" Zhang Bairen looked at the Taoist in front of him.

"Xiaodao has seen the Daodu, because I look up to the Dadudu's supernatural power all the time, and today I suddenly see the Dadudu's true face, so I am very excited..." The Taoist quickly raised his hand and made a gesture of admiration.

"Oh?" The light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed, even though he was a golden body, he couldn't see through the soul in the skin.

"Your Excellency is also a Yang God, how can it be described by a trail? Isn't it disgraceful?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

The Taoist smiled stiffly when he heard the words, and then quickly said: "Yes, yes, what the captain taught is that the Taoist is incoherent when he sees the captain's joy."

Zhang Bairen scanned the Taoist, his thoughts turned: "The East China Sea is the territory of the Dragon Clan, what are you doing here?"

"Because the realm is too late to break, so I came to relax, I don't know why the governor came here?" The Taoist asked Zhang Bairen back after turning the topic.

"Hahaha, it's also a fate. The day before yesterday, Pang Dao picked up the body of a Primordial Demon God, which seems to be the true body of Kuafu in the legend, so today I want to try my luck again!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"What!!!" The Taoist exclaimed, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Why are you so excited?" Zhang Bairen showed a touch of abuse in his eyes.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! The Taoist heard that the governor had such an opportunity, and couldn't help but sigh. I wonder if the governor can take out the real body and open his eyes to the trail?"

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