First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2145: Millions of years later, Nuwa Empress is stronger than the Emperor of Heaven

The Buddhist plan Zhang Bairen didn't want to know, nor was he in the mood to know. He already has a sense of urgency and must improve his own strength in the shortest possible time, so that he has the capital to fight against the ten kings of the Yin Cao and the ancestors of the gods.

Countless runes flashed in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and the immortal patterns of the four swords of Zhuxian circulated in his eyes, constantly absorbing the nourishment passed by the four gods of Zhuxian.

A mountain is higher than a mountain, and a generation is stronger than a generation!

The second generation of innate gods was slaughtered by themselves and had no resistance. They could face a generation of gods who were on par with the immortal powerhouses of the human race, and even the ancestors of the gods, it was not so easy to defeat them.

More importantly, the innate gods are uniquely endowed by nature, and there is no one who can fight side by side between the human race and himself.

These old antiques are waiting for the great changes in the world in the depths of reincarnation. It is difficult to count on them.

"Hehe, the Governor is worthy of being a distinguished person, even in his free time, he will never delay every minute and every second!" A chuckle sounded, and the dim figure slowly emerged from nothing, slowly standing in front of Zhang Bairen chuckle.


The four swords of Zhu Xian vibrated in the sleeves, and the murderous intent continued to escape, but they were bound by Zhang Bairen's sleeves and could not vent.

"Zulong, you are bold, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Zhang Bairen looked at the figure in front of him with a pair of eyes, revealing a touch of murderous intent.

"The ancestor's soul is immortal and immortal, even if you have the sword of death, you can't cut my origin!" Zulong's words were full of indifferent.

When Zhang Bairen heard the words, he didn't think that he could not cut the ancestral dragon, but his own sword of death was not yet complete.

"You didn't come here to think about nonsense with me!" Zhang Bairen's words were full of indifference.

"Of course, the ancestor is here to make a deal with you!" Zu Long stared at Zhang Bairen earnestly with a pair of eyes.

"Are you making a deal with me? What do we have for a good deal?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zulong in front of him with clear eyes, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

"Give me back the bodies of Dragon Ball and Azure Dragon King!" Zu Long stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Then what?" Zhang Bairen was calm and calm, not irritated.

"I know that you are looking for the five monsters, I can tell you the whereabouts of the other two monsters!" Zu Long stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"I can find it by myself, there is no need to make a deal with you!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

"Why do you need it? Everyone is racing against time. If you can find the other two beasts as soon as possible, Daoxing can go further, and in the future against the big catastrophe, you can go further in the battle of the fairy, why bother? This kind of harm to others and detriment to oneself?" Zu Long stared at every face of Zhang Bairen, saw the disapproving action on his face, and finally used his killer: "What's more, the demon gods are extracting the origin of the other two monsters. , If you want to return to the peak state, they are the four ancestor-level demon gods, which are enough to compare the immortality of the human race during the peak period. Once the strength is restored, I am afraid that the human race will be earth-shaking and the mountains and rivers will be unprotected. I can't find the ancestors. Dragon Ball doesn't matter, the key is that you human race, I'm afraid it will be over!"

"What are you talking about!!!" A flash of lightning flashed in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and his hair was erected behind his back. The demon gods can tune the origins of monsters to restore their own strength, which Zhang Bairen knew.

It was precisely because he knew that he knew that Zu Long never lied to himself.

Where are the simple ones among the demon gods?

Shebishi is the demon **** suppressed by Empress Nuwa. Whether Xuanming or Xiaoshou, they are all highly skilled warriors, and even the weakest spring **** Jumang, is also the existence of fighting against King Yu.

What kind of character is King Yu?

The ability to set up the Kyushu enchantment and completely drive the aliens out of the Middle-earth China is rare in the world. It is afraid that the inner void is broken and swayed on the edge of the outer vacuum.


If the demon gods are to be restored to their peak state, the demon gods in the united underworld, I am afraid it is... really a real trouble.

Seeing Zhang Bairen who was silent, Zu Long was not in a hurry. He slowly hummed a small tune, his eyes looked at the furnishings in the cabin, as if looking at something antique, his eyes were full of seriousness.

"I promise you, Dragon Ball will give it to you, and you will tell me the whereabouts of the other two monsters!" Zhang Bairen looked at Zulong with a pair of eyes.

"Old ancestor, I have changed my mind now" Zu Long suddenly turned around and smiled, then continued to look at the lines on the tea bowl in front of him without looking up.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Bairen's expression changed.

"I not only want you to return the Dragon Ball to me, even if it is the body of the Azure Dragon King, you must return it to me and help me complete the transformation of my body!" Zu Long said without raising his head.

"Impossible! Never!" Zhang Bairen didn't want to veto it flatly.

"Hehe, that's the five ancestor-level powerhouses. Although your Zhuxian sword formation and Qihua Sanqing are powerful, you must know that there are not only five ancestor-level demon gods in this world. By then, the old monsters will see the hope of victory. I'm afraid that things are not what you think it is. Say it calm down and calm down!" Zu Long's words were full of mockery.


The congenital gods were exiled to the void by the human race, because the gods did not have the leading role, so the gods did not dare to return. If there are five ancestor-level peak powers once there, I am afraid that the battle of the gods will be in sight.

Lightly tapping the case table with his fingers, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of anger, staring at the remnant of the ancestral dragon on the opposite side.

"Even if you help me complete the physical transformation, I will never want to return to the peak state within five hundred years. You will be immortal after five hundred years. What are you afraid of?" Zu Long's words were full of sorrow.

"I would rather see the five peak-level ancestor gods, and never want to see the ancestor dragon at the peak, you are much more terrifying than them!" Zhang Bairen stared at the ancestor dragon with a pair of eyes.

Zulong heard the words and shook his head: "Things have priorities. If you can interrupt the demon gods to seize the origin of the beast, the human race will be safe. If you don't interrupt the movements of the gods, the human race will be earth-shaking within 30 years. And I... five hundred years later, the vicissitudes of life, who knows where your cultivation has reached? The human race has at least five hundred years of preparation time."

Zu Long finally raised his head and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Could it be that you don't have confidence in yourself?"

In response to Zulong’s gaze, Zhang Bairen and Zhang Bairen looked at each other for a while, then slowly closed his eyes, and sneered in his heart: "Why five hundred years, fifty years is enough! When my sun dharma body becomes complete, I will call you and other demon gods into ashes. !"

However, if you agree too happily, it will make Zulong suspicious.

This kind of too old guy has survived from the Great Tribulation to the present, and his strength is indescribable and almost incredible!

Gently stroking the tea cup in his hand with his fingers, Zhang Bairen opened his eyes after a while, facing Zulong's gaze, Zhang Bairen's eyes opened and closed: "Okay, I promise you!"


Zu Long's heart trembled, but his face remained calm and said: "Sure enough, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, why should you do things that harm others and yourself. With five monsters protecting the way for you, you will definitely save a lot of trouble. And I Can restore strength and prepare to become immortals to prove Taoism, so that you and I are mutually beneficial, only then will it be a great way!"

Zu Long smiled: "Sign the contract!"

Zhang Bairen glanced at the contract, and then took a shot to leave a mark on the contract, and then the light in the sleeves flowed, and a gray dragon ball slipped out and fell into his hand.

Perceiving the Qi of Ancestral Dragon, the dragon ball suddenly shook and turned into a lavender divine light. After getting rid of Zhang Bairen's bondage, it sank into the Ancestral Dragon's soul.

The ancestral dragon's soul is condensed in the blink of a finger, and it is no different from the real flesh.

"Li Shimin actually left a small trick in the ancestor's dragon ball, but it is also vulnerable!" Zu Long shook his head: "Where is the body of the Azure Dragon King?"

"You wait a moment!" Zhang Bairen's words fell and turned into a clear breath and disappeared, and his figure disappeared.

Chang'an City

The depths of the prison

Suddenly a figure appeared

"Your kid hasn't been here for a long time!" A familiar voice, a familiar figure, an old body sitting on a rocking chair gently peeling peanuts, drinking a little wine.

"Senior!" Zhang Bairen looked at the disheveled old man, not daring to be careless, and quickly stepped forward to respectfully salute.

"Are you going to abandon those vulgar things and take over for the old man to guard the prison?" The old man raised his head dim eyes were brighter than ever before, flashing endless divine light.

"I..." Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The younger generation never promised to guard the edict for the ancestor."

"Hey, it's not here to guard the edict, what are you doing?" The old man lowered his head with interest and continued peeling peanuts.

"The junior came here to take away the body of the Azure Dragon King." Zhang Bairen didn't conceal it. For some reason, he always felt that the old man in front of him was terrifying.

As one's cultivation level gets higher, the more he can perceive the pressure inside.

The old man peeled the peanuts for a while, raised his head and looked at Zhang Bairen earnestly for a while, then lowered his head: "Have you decided? Have you really thought about it? That's the Taigu Zulong. Once it recovers its peak strength, it will destroy Kyushu. In a flash! If it weren’t for this, if you were guilty of Heaven’s Dao and caused the Nuwa Empress to suppress it, this world would have belonged to the Dragon Clan. If the Zulong was restored to its peak strength, you should know how terrifying it is!"

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard this. He was thinking of a way to persuade the old man, and after a while he said, "Is the immortal strong or the emperor strong?"

The old man was silent when he heard the words, and after a while he said: "The Emperor of Heaven is stronger than 99.999% of the immortals in this world."

"Is the Emperor Qiang still the Nuwa Empress Qiang that day?" Zhang Bairen asked again.

"Naturally, Tiandiqiang" answered the old man with unprecedented affirmation.

In the past, Zhang Bairen discussed this matter with others, and everyone was ambiguous. Who knew that the ancestor of the human race in front of him did not hesitate to say that the emperor is strong!

"Of course, Empress Nuwa has been a fairy queen for hundreds of millions of years, so she is naturally strong!" The old man added: "The two are not comparable. They are like oranges and apples. Who knows that one is better?"

ps: make up one more.

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