First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2149: Pot

Looking at the branches wrapped around his body one after another, the immortal energy flowed and exuding the power of immortality, Zhang Bairen's eyes flickered, as if he did not see the branches that were constantly absorbing his own vitality and spirit. .

The divine light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flowed, and he wanted to break away from the golden body, but the branch was unprecedentedly tough, even the light of the law could not cut it open.

"Boy, don't waste your efforts, my branch is equivalent to the immortal artifact of the human race after being refined by the original source. It will not be damaged at all. You can accept your fate! The mere ants want to enslave me? It's a wishful thinking!" Wood Monster's eyes were full of mockery.

"Oh? Really?" Zhang Bairen didn't panic, just smiled, the next moment the whole body vibrated, and then the spirit of his body circulated, and the world law body vibrated, but Zhang Bairen turned into a breeze and dissipated, getting rid of the imprisonment of the branches. .

"This?" The Wood Monster stared at the empty branches, his movements stopped, his eyes widened in surprise, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

"I don't know if you and other innate gods can't stop the punishment" Zhang Bairen's words are full of mockery.

The next moment the void vibrated, and then there was a flash of lightning flashing red, shooting out from Zhang Bairen's fingertips, and hitting the immobile wooden monster on the ground.

A terrible scream sounded, and the Earth Monster, Water Monster, and Fire Monster screamed from the Wood Monster, and rushed to hundreds of miles away.


The Wood Monster was too late to escape, a screaming scream came out, and then turned into a streamer and flew away to the south, with a cold voice echoing between heaven and earth: "Boy, this time we are finished!"

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen smiled without saying a word, winking at the other three big beasts, and all the beasts jumped up and chased the wooden beasts.

Can't beat and beat, can only escape!

The Wood Monster was very helpless. Looking at the three major Monsters that were chasing after him, he couldn't help but angrily said: "You and I are born from the same origin, so why bother to be so hard?"

Without responding to the wooden monster, the light of the laws in the sky transformed into a snare and enveloped the wooden monster.

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, the Wood Monster simply fleeed forward with all his might, and kept shouting: "Er, etc. is simply a scum and shame of the demon clan! Patriarch I am ashamed to be with you!

As he spoke, he saw the wood beast staring at the mountains and forests in front of him, and suddenly he was stunned: "I know the world like a palm, and every plant and tree is like a flower in my palm. Why is the world in front of me so strange?"

The thoughts turned, and the speed of the wood monster was too fast, and it was too late to think and understand. It had already plunged into the strange mountain forest.

The three great powers such as the Earth Monster stopped their movements, and looked at the Wood Monster rushing in the mountains and rivers, and the Water Monster smiled slightly: "It's done!"

"I waited to live up to my expectations and drove this into the universe, and then the suppression of this lion depends on the means of the governor." The monster looked at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen came to the field with a few flickers and waved to the void in front of him, but saw the void twisted into a picture scroll, which he held in his hand.

Everyone looked at the picture scroll carefully, but saw that the Wood Monster is running desperately in the universe map.

"When I enter the inner universe, I have suppressed this with Bu Zhoushan, forgive him for having to succumb!" Zhang Bairen swept across the three demon gods, and everyone entered the inner world with a wave of his sleeves.

"Something's wrong!"

In the Universe Map, the Wood Monster stopped his movements and looked at the strange mountains and rivers in front of him, with a cold sweat bursting out of surprise, carefully looking at the world in front of him, and then slightly tentatively sensing the methods he had left before, but there was no response.

"I am no longer in the world before!" This was the first thought of Wood Monster, and then the next thought began to flash out: "It is calculated!"

As for escaping from the seal, he didn't even think about it. If he could escape the seal, why would he be bound for hundreds of millions of years?

"The map of the universe! Yes, it is the map of the universe!" After a while, he saw the Wood Monster gritted his teeth: "Even if it drives me into the map of the universe, don't want me to surrender!"

Inner world

With the palm of Zhang Bairen's hand, Bu Zhoushan flew from the sky and stood in the small world, becoming the backbone of the small world.

Looking at the chaotic mountain of Bu Zhou, Zhang Bairen showed a thought in his eyes, then went to the foot of Bu Zhou Mountain, opened the Universe Map, and shook slightly, the figure of a wooden monster appeared in the field.

"Ant, it's you!" Wood Monster looked at Zhang Bairen coldly, and wanted to take him down.

Only after mobilizing mana, I felt that everything in my body was imprisoned. I noticed the familiar aura, and then he cried out in amazement, "Bu Zhoushan!"

"Since the ancestor does not know Zhoushan, I don't need to repeat it too much. Now that the ancestor is suppressed under the mountain of Buzhou, he will never see the sun. I don't know if he surrenders to me?" Zhang Bairen smiled and looked at the wooden monster.

"Impossible, how can you walk down the Buzhou Mountain? How could I be under the Buzhou Mountain!" Mu Wohou was shocked, struggling but didn't believe Zhang Bairen could throw himself under the Buzhou Mountain.

"Old friend, this kid is very human. In the Taikoo battle, Zhu Rong and Gonggong knocked down Buzhou Mountain, and that half of the Buzhou Mountain was refined by him, so you can accept your fate!" play.

"You... it's impossible!" Wood Monster exclaimed, "Never, I would rather die than surrender to you!"

"Old guy, take a good look at the world in front of you. Although this world has just been opened up recently, the laws are unprecedented and the development potential is endless. You have to think about it. If you are suppressed under the mountain, you will never see the sky. , Or join us, surrender to the Lord's command!" Huo Beast said, a pair of eyes scanned the wooden beast below.

Hearing the words, Wood Monster looked up. With the strength of Earth Monster, he could see through the small world energy at a glance. Looking at the constantly evolving world barrier, there was a touch of shock in his eyes: "This is the world he opened up? How can there be such a perfect small world? ? Chaos is automatically spawned!"

Zhang Bairen stood aside silently with his hands on his back. He still doesn't know what a small world means. It's just clear that you have a small world, and you must not let it out easily.

He did not speak, naturally the other three monsters brag about it!


After a long time, I heard the fire beast said: "The last era of immortality is a hundred years later, and the next is the catastrophe of the end. You have to think about it. It is so difficult to escape after a hundred years! If you come out, you have to wait for countless calamities in the deadly chaos, and after experiencing a great catastrophe, whether you can survive by then or not. The world of this kid is better than one. What does chaos really mean, don’t you know it?"

Wood Monster was silent when he heard the words, and remained silent for a long time.

Become a fairy in a hundred years?

It is simply impossible!

After suffering a great catastrophe, she really had enough!

"Nuwa, you **** has sealed me for hundreds of millions of years, and bad my chances of enlightenment, you deceived too much! You deceived too much!" The wooden monster roared to the sky, his voice full of anger.

No one responded to Wood Monster's words, letting Wood Monster vent its madness.

"Now the opportunity is right in front of my eyes, and I have no brother power. A hundred years is enough to evolve this world into a small thousand world..." Earth Monster said in a low voice.

The wooden monster was silent, and after a long time he looked like a **** that was defeated. He looked at Zhang Bairen, gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, you are cruel!"

The five great beasts were born in the Great Tribulation of the Opening of the Heavens and the Earth. What a proud existence, even if the immortal cannot be called to surrender.

The palm of the hand stretched out, the magic seed tumbling, and the air of chaos surrounded.

Wood Monster stared at the Demon Tire with a pair of eyes, and then suddenly closed his eyes: "Come on!"


Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and the magic seed penetrated into the body of the wooden monster, fusing with its true spirit origin.

In an instant, Zhang Bairen controlled everything in the wood monster body, and the idea of ​​the earth monster was revealed before Zhang Bairen's eyes.

Looking at the wooden monster the size of a Zhang Bairen moved it out from the bottom of the mountain, looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, and smiled after a while: "I have seen seniors!"

Wood Monster's nose is not a nose, and a face is not a face. He snorted, then scanned the world in front of him, and finally turned to look at that Buzhou Mountain, silent for a long time.

After a while, the Wood Monster said: "Now only Fire Monster is the only thing left in this world. This is the cornerstone of the world's suppression of energy. As long as the five monsters converge, and then the five elements are converged, the Wu Zhou Mountain can be refined. , Fused with this world, swallowed the power of Chaos upright, and made Bu Zhou Shan grow again. With this Bu Zhou Shan suppressed, this world has the cornerstone to advance to the Great Thousand World."

"Time will prove that you and my choice are not wrong!" Water Monster smiled lightly: "Do you think I am a fool? If we can survive the catastrophe, we can also follow this kid to enlightenment. If we can't resist the catastrophe, this The kid is turned into ashes, we are free again, and we are relaxed, and we end up with no loss. It is less than 100,000 years before the next catastrophe, a mere 100,000 years of enslavement, it is worth it!!!"

The Wood Monster was taken aback when he heard the words, then Bitter Melon's face split instantly, full of joy: "Yes! Not bad! It is indeed such a reason, surrendering to this kid, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"A hundred thousand years from now?" Zhang Bairen moved in his heart, but didn't ask too much. According to the temperament of the demon gods, he would never tell him, and if he asked, it was just a question.

"Time is urgent, the next step is to look for the Golden Monster. Our old brothers have been scattered for hundreds of millions of years. Now it is time to reunite!" The Earth Monster sighed.

"Yes, brothers are united, it is profitable! If it weren't designed by the Nuwa Empress to separate our brothers, I am afraid that it is not us who will be suppressed, but she is right!" Huo Wohou smiled.


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