First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2164: Innate vitality

Turning back the palm to suppress this, Zhang Bairen wandered outside the Kyushu barrier, and felt that a strong person nearby was coming to visit him. Zhang Bairen turned into a breeze and left.

Now Zhang Bairen is a living target who accepts the reckless Qi machine training. As long as the Jiuli strong people see him, they can know that they are actually from Shenzhou.

Zhang Bairen concealed his path all the way, and went straight to the guidance provided by the wives, with a little light in his eyes.


The time of the half-zhu incense passed, the void in front of him suddenly collapsed, the power of the law between heaven and earth surged, a big hand that covered the sky and shone with colorful divine light came from outside the sky and grabbed Zhang Bairen.

At this moment, the vitality between heaven and earth was condensed into iron plates, turning into a cage to bind Zhang Bairen.

"Vitality?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a gleam of light as he felt the mighty innate spirit of the heaven and earth.

"It's been a long time since I saw people in Middle-earth China come out. Since you can break through the Kyushu barrier and get out of it, you are also the top powerhouse in China. It is worth my ancestors to deal with you!" The vitality spirit said, as if The voice of the mighty sky, like a golden mouth and jade language, turned into order and bound to Zhang Bairen.

"Are you vitality?" Zhang Bairen looked at the vitality condensed all over his body, with a little bit of murderous in his eyes flashing, and then smiled coldly, the next moment the body of the world turned, the vitality that had gathered was swallowed completely.

"Today I want to see what the innate gods are capable of!" Zhang Bairen's words fell, and the divine light in the sleeves flowed, and the sword of death glinted with cold light slipped from the sleeves, and Zhang Bairen was grasped by Zhang Bairen, endless murderous intent. , The law of the void seems to be frozen.

This is not the land of Shenzhou, what does he care about?

The sword of Zhu Xian rose into the sky and was released unscrupulously. The endless beings within a million miles were captured by murderous intent and lost their will.

"This murderous intent? Xuanyuan! It's you!" Yuan Qi Shen's eyes were full of panic. Five thousand years ago, the Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi slaughtered countless gods in Kunlun Mountain with a sword of death. The world was shocked by the gods. Fear, how can he not remember this murderous intent?

It was also the murderous intent that rushed into the sky that forced the gods to go far beyond the territory, establishing the trend of five thousand years of humanity, making the human race come out in large numbers and giving the human race time to develop.

This murderous intent will never be forgotten as long as it is a strong person five thousand years ago!

"Xuanyuan, I didn't expect you to live again! Could it be that you got rid of your energy back then?" The vitality god's words were full of solemnity.

"Kill!" Zhang Bairen said nothing, the sword in his hand was magnificent, and the sword of Zhu Xian killed countless laws in the past. The imprisonment of the spirit of vitality was like tofu, and it was shattered in an instant.

"Hehe, I was able to kill you for the first time back then, so naturally I can kill you a second time!" The vitality **** smiled coldly, and the whole body gathered together: "Vitality Cannon!"

A group of the Five Elements Rule, which was condensed into substance, was staggered and struck Zhang Bairen. The rule collapsed in the void and turned into pieces.

"Kill!" Zhang Bairen's expression remained unchanged, his immortal will flowed, and the sword of death was cut out, the light of the law shattered, and then he continued to chop towards the vitality god.

"What a powerful sword, did you slaughter the gods in Kunlun Mountain with him back then?" Yuanqi God saw that his move was easily resolved by the opponent, and his eyes showed solemnity.

"Sword of stars!"

The vitality **** stretched out his palm, the sky full of stars swayed, and instantly reorganized in his palm, turning into a dreamy and hazy starry sky, slashing towards Zhang Bairen like a sharp sword.

"Is it just so capable?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, and when the Zhu Xianjian passed, thousands of stars shattered, and Zhu Xianjian ignored the distance of the void, and had reached the vitality **** full of hundreds of feet.

"What a sharp sword of Zhu Xian!" There was no panic in the eyes of the spirit of vitality, and a pair of eyes stared at the sword of Zhu Xian firmly.

At this time, Zhang Bairen came to the body of Yuanqishen and saw the face of Yuanqishen clearly. It was a face that was flawless and flawless, and he didn't know how many girls would fascinate him.

Of course, if the innate gods would be interested in ants like humans!

"Die me!"

Zhang Bairen sneered, as long as Zhu Xianjian was inserted into the body of the vitality god, and he died without a burial place, even if you are a congenital god, you must call Lao Tzu father.

"Bang!" The spirit of vitality suddenly exploded, and the body merged with the heavens and the earth. In an instant, the wind and clouds gathered for thousands of miles, forming a huge face, looking down at Zhang Bairen: "Boy, let you see the power of the true god!"

The vitality of God and Tao are in harmony with the law of real body fusion, and in an instant the vitality between heaven and earth turned into its body, with a big mouth and a mouth, rolling up the mighty endless storm, the countless plants and trees in the wild land were uprooted, and I don't know how many monsters were crying and being swept by the dragon Wrapped in, fell into the mouth of Yuanqishen.

The big mouth swallows the sky, swallows the universe, and suddenly bites towards Zhang Bairen.

Although I don't know what is in that big mouth, it is obviously not a good thing.

"To be true to heaven?" Zhang Bairen smiled suddenly, and even received the Zhuxian sword. The blooming of the avenue blossomed out of the petals representing the law of cause and effect, and instantly merged with Zhang Bairen.

"I'm about to learn the methods of the innate gods!" Zhang Bairen has never really fought against the innate gods. No matter the gods such as the corpse, or the dream of returning to the ancient times, he has never really experienced battle.

The gods such as Shebi Zhe were in the Kyushu enchantment, so they dared not let go! Dreaming back to the ancient Zhuxian sword formation, all the gods have finished playing, where is Zhang Bairen's business?

After all, it was the first time that he truly fought with gods and saw the methods of gods!

Don't worry about winning the vitality, it is the right thing to see the gods' methods at this time.

In an instant, Zhang Bairen became causal, and the endless karma of the world was in his eyes, densely packed as if the silk thread covering the sky and the sun, if there is intensive phobia, seeing the overwhelming silk thread, I am afraid that he will faint.

The law of cause and effect is one of the supreme laws indispensable for the operation of the world and the survival of sentient beings. Only with cause and effect can there be all sentient beings in the world and the world will operate.

At this moment, the big mouth opened to bite at Zhang Bairen, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he had already seen the black thread connecting him.

That is cause and effect!

The cause and effect of myself and that big mouth!

"Kacha!" Zhang Bairen ran his finger across the void, cut off the cause and effect between himself and the vitality, and then saw the big mouth sucking, but he couldn't help it.

"Chaos!" Zhang Bairen stood under his big mouth, raised his head and looked at the big mouth of the **** of vitality in the sky, and he was shocked.

Yuanqi Shen actually simulates chaos in his mouth, and it is still a chaos that can be controlled by Yuanqi God. If he is sucked into it, it will be a big trouble.


The spirit of vitality looked at Zhang Bairen in surprise, the mighty vitality vortex was unable to shake his figure.

"This kid has some ways!" At this time, the spirit of vitality did not dare to underestimate Zhang Bairen, only seeing the light brewing in his eyes, and then suddenly opened his mouth the next moment, spit out a chaotic air current like a cannonball, and hit Zhang Bairen.

"Chaotic Qi! It really is Chaos Qi! This is the real Chaos Qi!" Zhang Bairen looked at the smashing air current, his pupils suddenly shrank: "Is this the power of the vitality god? Return the vitality between heaven and earth," Turn into chaos!"

"If I can suppress the spirit of vitality, my chaotic world can even take a peek into the state of Dzogchen, as long as I can seize the law of vitality!" Zhang Bairen's heart beats wildly at this time, letting the chaotic energy drown himself, feeling When the chaotic air eroded his body, Zhang Bairen's eyes turned into small lanterns, staring at the vitality in the sky.

"Hahaha, Chaos Qi can make everything return to the origin. You are trapped by the Chaos Qi, and you can only end up being trapped by refining. Today next year will be your death day!" The mythical words of Qi are full of arrogance.

"Really!" Zhang Bairen's world law body revolves, absorbing the sky full of vitality, and even the chaotic energy is decomposed by the world law body.

"Huh!" The spirit of vitality showed a look of surprise, and the next moment the void condensed into a palm, the vitality of the world of billions of miles was boiling, and the magnetic field was instantly chaotic. Shooting towards Zhang's a disordered magnetic field, Even if the golden body has to be suppressed, so as not to be attacked by the magnetic field, the innate gods really have no simple ones! "The cold light in Zhang Bairen's eyes: "If you want to kill the vitality, you must first shoot him out of the state of being in harmony with the Tao, forcing him to reveal his true body!" "

Although Zhang Bairen's Zhuxian Sword was powerful, it could not kill the law between heaven and earth, and could not kill all the vitality between heaven and earth.

Only by forcing the true body of the vitality **** out and interrupting the connection between the vitality **** and the law of heaven and earth can the true body of vitality **** be destroyed.

Under the palm of the palm, the yin and yang are lingering, seeming to turn into a great mill for destroying the world, grinding his true body into powder.

"Even the innate yin and yang are controlled by you. What a vitality god! What a vitality god!" Zhang Bairen flickered, avoiding the palms of the vitality god, and then the endless laws of cause and effect flowed in his eyes.

After a while, Zhang Bairen's eyes suddenly lit up, and the palm of his hand stretched out the sword of Zhu Xian and turned into a hazy lightsaber, and the law of Zhu Xian was erratic.

"Everything in the world is in cause and effect!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

Sword out

The void seemed to stand still for an instant, billions of miles of vitality collapsed, and a chain reaction was rolled up like a bomb, and a terrifying vitality storm was formed in an instant, shocking countless monks and monsters in the forest to kneel to the ground.

"This is impossible!"

The true body of vitality appeared, and his eyes were full of bewilderment looking at Zhang Bairen: "Even the **** of cause and effect, it is impossible to cut the connection between me and the world. I am the **** of vitality. I am the manifestation of the law. This cause and effect Not under the control of the gods, not under the talisman of heaven!"

"cause and effect?"

Zhang Bairen murmured and looked at the spirit of vitality: "This sword is enough to break the connection between you and the world for a cup of tea. If you lose your vitality blessing, I wonder if you still have any skills?"

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