First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2198: 10 The King Attacks

What means will the devil have?

The divine light was flowing in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and the karma thread in his hand was crisscrossed, revealing the divine light.

"Interesting!" Zhang Bairen closed his eyes and continued to deduce his unfinished method.

Yin Cao Difu

Ten Temple Yama was standing in one place at this time, but saw the vacant wind and clouds turbulent, a mysterious and unpredictable aura continuously connected to the void, winding and twisting to connect the mighty sky.

"It's done, Ge Xuan has been plundering Yinsi ghosts to refine the soul-gathering banners. This Ge Xuan is the second-generation ancestor of Lingbao, and he inherited Zuo Ci. Whether it is Zuo Ci or Ge Xuan, it doesn’t matter. People. But he has a powerful disciple, called Ge Hong, and even a longevity man who has proved immortal wonderland. I waited to use black and white impermanence as an excuse to attack the Daomen Pure Land and pull out a nail for the time being! That door is one of the most important dragon veins of my Yin Cao, and it must not continue to fall into the hands of the human race!" Shebi's face was cold, and he looked at the nine kings of Hades: "This time you will go through it yourself. ."

"Following the decree!" The group of heroes respectfully saluted.

Daomen Law

However, I saw a figure walking slowly from the horizon. Although the figure was small, it contained a mighty momentum. The whole world seemed to be blessed by it. The power of the infinite heaven and earth made it extremely great. The figure enveloped the mighty power of the world. , Walked towards the Taoist Dharma Realm.

"King Yama, why did you come to my Dao Sect and Dharma Realm?" Zhang Heng's expression changed. He looked at the aggressive Yama King, and stepped forward to stop him.

"Find someone!" King Yama paused, guarding the will of Cao's body, the overwhelming and mighty aura rolled towards Zhang Heng.


The void shook, and Zhang Heng's expression changed slightly. He only felt that the surrounding world had become unfamiliar in an instant, and the entire world was full of soldiers, all his enemies.

"Interesting! Is this Hedao? Become the master of Yin Cao!" Zhang Heng frowned, a purple light flashed in his arms, and the fragments of the source shed light, which actually resolved the oppression of the surrounding world.

"My Human Race Law Realm, how come there is the person you are looking for? I don't know who you are looking for?" Yin Gui walked out and stood beside Zhang Heng.

"Black and white impermanence!" Yama King looked cold.

"Black and white impermanence is your yin Cao's person, how do you find people in my Dao Sect law domain?" Zhang Heng suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Haha, but in the feeling of this king, black and white impermanence is within your Dao Sect Dharma Realm! Maybe it is your Dao Sect secretly attacking my demon clan, maybe!" King Yama's words were full of mockery.

Hearing what Yan Luo said, Zhang Heng's expression was cold: "There is no one you are looking for, you should go back quickly."

"Hehe, you two really refuse to hand them over?" King Yama's eyes were full of coldness.

"If you don't have the person you want, how can I hand it over?" Zhang Heng smiled coldly.

"Is there anyone I'm looking for? You'll know when you tell me to go in, and you can't say anything!" Yama King looked cold.

"Hehe, the ancestor of the demon clan, Shebi Zhe once said that he had nothing to do with my Dao Sect Dharma Realm Qiu. Do you want to make Shebi Zhe eat his words and lose weight?" Zhang Heng's eyes were full of scrutiny.

"Haha! You're going to be long-winded, I just ask you not to let it go!" King Yama's expression was cold.

Yin Gui and Zhang Heng glanced at each other, and countless information exchanges passed by in an instant. King Yama clearly came with a fierce manner. Maybe the black and white impermanence is really in the realm of Taoism.

Regardless of whether the black and white impermanence is in the Taoist Dharma realm, no matter what happens today, King Yama cannot be called in!

If the black and white impermanence is really hidden in the realm of the law, wouldn't the real people of the Taoist sect have their mouths to argue? If the black and white impermanence is not in the realm of the law, and the king of Yama will be swaggered in to search, wouldn't it be the face of the ancestors of Taoism? How to raise your head in front of everyone in the future?

and so

No choice!

No matter what happens today, the Yama King must never be allowed to enter the Pure Land World!

"King Yama, you don't want to deceive people too much, do you really think that there is no immortal talisman, and I will try to steal a life later? Will you be afraid that your demon clan will fail?" Yin Gui's eyes were murderous.

"Hehe, I just ask you not to let go!" King Yama's eyes were full of coldness.

"If you want to enter the realm of Dao Sect Law, unless you step over on the poor Dao," Yin Gui looked cold.

The atmosphere in the court was dull, and the three of them froze. You look at me and I look at you, and they all look gloomy.

King Yama did not get angry, but looked at the Pure Land Dharma Realm with a pair of eyes, as if waiting for something, a little bit of divine light circling around him.

He is waiting! Wait for a hands-on excuse!

Within the law

In front of Ge Xuan's body, the pill furnace was blazing with flames. He held the ink-like flags in his hand and threw it into the pill furnace. He rubbed his palms: "My ancestors today I refined a treasure that specializes in collecting souls. ghost……."

When the words fell, Ge Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and saw the black and white two-color air current swirling in the pill furnace, and the two ghosts wanted to escape.

"Give me back!" Ge Xuan waved his big hand and patted the black and white airflow into the pill furnace again.

"The king, save me! The king, save me!"


Daomen Dharma Realm Edge

The atmosphere between heaven and earth is dull

Zhang Heng and Yin Gui glanced at each other. You look at me and I look at you, both of which are determined. After the Yama King has been dismissed, Haosheng will go back and search carefully.

If you find traces of black and white impermanence, find ways to silence your mouth. If there is no trace of black and white impermanence, the matter will be revealed.

"King Yama, why are you so sure that black and white impermanence is in my human law world?" Zhang Heng showed a suspicion in his eyes.

King Yama was shocked when he heard the words, but he said calmly on his face: "I'm already in harmony with the Yin Cao, the black and white impermanence is in my eyes as bright and magnificent, and there will be no mistake. It must be your human race secretly playing the black hand, will The strong man of my demon clan was taken into custody."

"Haha, detention? Maybe it's Black and White Impermanence who ran into my Daoist Dharma Realm?" Yin Gui laughed coldly.

As he was talking, suddenly black and white qi from the horizon rose into the sky, and the black and white impermanence wolf crying ghost sounded: "The king, save me! The king, save me! The people of the Taoist school want to harm me, and I hope the king will help!"

The voice was stern, and those who heard it were sad.

When Zhang Heng and Yin Gui heard that voice, they both changed their colors. They didn't expect that black and white impermanence was really in the realm of Dharma.

"Asshole, dare you!" Yama King shot, the endless laws gathered, slapped into the distance with one palm, and rolled up the overwhelming cloud.

"Hugh has to do it in our Taoist law domain!" Zhang Heng and Yin Gui subconsciously intercepted them.

The two took the opportunity to turn their heads, but saw that the black and white impermanence turned into a flow of air to flee, and then a Taoist was waving the flag in his hand and was arresting the black and white impermanence: "Don’t run away, the ancestors I lack is you, as long as you enter my banner. , That's it!"

"Ge Xuan!"

When the two saw the figure, they were all shocked.


Before he could think about it, the two faced King Yama with a palm, and they were shocked and flew out.

"Stop going~"

King Yama shook the two of them flying, and they were about to rush into the Dharma Realm. At this time, Zhang Heng made a move in his palm, but saw the pagoda emerge. The thirty-three-tier exquisite pagoda gleamed with divine light and suddenly suppressed King Yama.

"Hehe, if I was not your opponent before there was no harmony, but I am already in harmony now. If you are right with me, it is equal to the same Yin Cao Jifu, against the whole world!" King Yama stretched out his palm. Hold the exquisite pagoda firmly.


At this time, King Kong Zhuo flew out of Yin Gui's hand, smashing King Yama's head dizzy. King Kong Chuo was a magic weapon of the immortal, and it contained a trace of immortal humanity. Even King Yama, who was in harmony, fell dizzy and fell to the head of the cloud.

"Rampant! Not to mention imprisoning my underworld black and white messenger without authorization, and even dared to attack my underworld king, could it deceive my underworld king?" There were thunder and anger in the distant sky, but he saw eight human figures coming across the sky, with a continuous momentum. Compressed from the world of Dharma.

"Crap!" Yin Gui cried secretly, staring at the incoming person with a pair of eyes, with a dignified look in his eyes: "My diamond bracelet only exerts seven points of power, even if it can force the king of Yama. Retreat, but you should never knock the opponent out!"

Touch porcelain!

This is definitely touching porcelain!

The other party comes Yama King touches porcelain first, black and white impermanence sits behind the real human race. Then the kings of the underground palace followed closely, this is to completely erase the human legal world!

At this time, the Dao Qi machine in the Dharma Realm rushed into the sky, and the Dao Sect people were awakened by this Qi machine, and they walked out of the grass house to look at the Eight Kings who came together. The virtual air machine was stagnant, and it seemed that people could not breathe.

"What to do?" Zhang Heng and Yin Gui looked at each other, their eyes full of helplessness.

"Bring me back!" A big hand in the void exudes immortal energy, imprisoning the black and white impermanence that is about to flee, and stuffing it into Ge Xuan's banner: "Since the underworld kings have come in badly, I can't wait and wait. , Since this black and white impermanence dare to calculate and wait, let's keep it!"

Ge Hong is here!

Dressed in coarse linen, he glanced blankly at the kings of the underworld, and gave Ge Xuan a respectful salute: "Meet the ancestor."

"What's going on?" Although Ge Xuan didn't know what happened, he knew that all these changes were naturally related to him.

An unpleasant feeling arose in Ge Xuan's heart.

"The ancestors should not panic. These things are left to the disciples. Black and white impermanence contains the mysterious law. Since we take the initiative to throw in the net, if we don't accept him, wouldn't it be incompetent?" Ge Xuanfeng lightly, holding the medicine pestle slowly Slowly walked out of the realm of the law, came outside the barrier, looked at the menacing underworld kings, and his eyes showed a dignified look: "This time I am afraid that my human tribe has come to the fore. The Taoist lair that has been in business for thousands of years will soon be lost."

"Unexpectedly, the gods also lost their words and became fat!" Zuo Ci walked from the depths of the Dharma Realm.

"Haha, it was enlightened by the ancestors back then, but at the intersection of the four great earth veins of the Yin Cao, how can the Yin Cao let such a heavy fall in the hands of my human race!" Zhang Heng shook his head.

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