First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2210: Figures walking against time and space

Although his mouth is tough, the action in his hands stopped abruptly. Zhang Bairen's Four Swords of Zhu Xian was definitely not a joke!

And especially now that Zhang Bairen has gained the general trend of the world, and now Shiwan Dashan has just established a demon country, the aura has not yet stabilized, and the dragon qi has not completely gathered, so it is not suitable to fight.

Although the human race is turbulent now, it is not a good time to take action. What is happening today will sooner or later find a place.

"Hehe~" Seeing the fingers retracted in the clouds, Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a disdainful smile, slowly turning sideways to look back at the people in Binzhou City, sweeping the monks all over the city, and finally his eyes fell in front of his eyes. The heroic youth.

"Good sword! He has such a sharp edge in kendo at a young age, but he is a good seed!" Zhang Bairen's eyes fell on the young man, as if he saw a familiar shadow.

"The younger generation's surname is Li, the character is Taibai, and he studied under the sword sage Pei Yu in Hedong! Before Pei Gong passed away, he left two sword monuments in Pei's house. The younger generation inadvertently realized the sword intent from that sword monument!" Li Bai respectfully said. .

"Li Bai?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words, and he secretly calculated that his appearance was indeed called Li Tang's kingdom and historical time and space was distorted. Originally, Li Bai in the Xuanzong period of the Tang Dynasty was born in the Wu Zetian era.

Li Bai is still Li Bai, and the time of birth is still that time, but everything is delayed.

He acted for the great Sui to continue the national fortune for decades, and everything has not changed, only the historical trend has changed.

"Pei Yu?" Zhang Bairen stared at Li Bai with doubts in his eyes, then said ‘Yes’ and turned and walked towards the mountains.

If Zhang Bairen can say that it is good, it is really good. From then on, Li Bai is afraid that he will be famous in the world.

"The chief governor and stay here!" At this time, Li Bai came back to his senses, looking at Zhang Bairen's away back, disregarding the entangled, resentful, and grateful feelings of the surrounding people, he turned into a streamer and chased after Zhang Bairen.

There was wind at Zhang Bairen's feet, and a path fell straight on the mountain fifty miles outside the city of Bingzhou. He glanced at Li Bai who was chasing after turning into a sword light, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked: "Sure enough, I didn't expect it."

"You junior, what do you chase me for?" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Bai, who was panting and unconscious, stopped to escape and his eyes were full of seriousness.

"The chief governor is known as the number one sword in the world, and the juniors are daring to find some tips from the chief governor!" Li Bai's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Zhang Bairen is known as the "No. 1 Sword in the World". For Jian Xiu, he is the **** in the sword. Li Bai meets Zhang Bairen, just like a common man meets his own god, how can he miss this opportunity?

Those eyes were full of passion and love for the sword.

The corners of Zhang Bairen's mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes were so familiar. In a trance, he seemed to see himself and Pei Yu back then.

This was the second time in his life he saw such hot eyes.

Li Bai is worthy of being known as the sword fairy.

Sincere to the sword, sincere to the heart, sincere to the Tao!

"Alright!" Zhang Bairen smiled, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked. He opened his eyes and saw Pei Yu's energy in Li Bai.

At that time, Pei Yuming was completely dead, but he never imagined that he would reincarnate again after his origin returned to the void. This is samsara, cause and effect, and fate.

"If you can beat me by one and a half strokes, I will give you a great advantage!" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Bai with a satisfied smile on his mouth.

Now that Lu Dongbin, Zhong Liquan, Li Chunfeng and He Tiantian have returned to their positions, Li Bai is an excellent candidate right now.


The sword light circulated, and the next moment an iron sword was unsheathed from Li Bai's waist, and he saluted Zhang Bairen respectfully: "Please enlighten me from the Governor!"

Zhang Bairen smiled and stroked his palm, but saw a willow branch flying in the distance, which he held in his hand.


The sword light is like water, rushing endlessly, flooding Zhang Bairen overwhelmingly, this sword light is pervasive and extremely tricky.

Zhang Bairen's willow branches flew out of his hand, suppressing his own cultivation base as Li Bai, the willow branches in his hand flew horizontally and horizontally, constantly rolling through the void, rolling up ripples.

The sword lights of the two were intertwined in one place, and the grass and trees within a radius of ten zhang were flying, the sand and gravel were constantly rolled up, and the horrible sword gas pierced through the gravel and penetrated into the depths of the underground soil.

When the sword gas passed, the mountains and rocks were cracked, and the vegetation was crushed and turned into powder, which continued to dance with the wind.

one move

Two strokes

Three strokes


In half a quarter of an hour, 800 moves passed, and only a ‘click’ was heard, the willow branches in his hand broke, and the sky was gone. Li Bai’s long sword had been returned to his sheath, and he respectfully saluted Zhang Bairen: "The junior is rude!"

"Yes, yes, with the sword intent that Pei Yu left behind, you can practice to such a level, you can be called a genius in the sword, my way is not alone!" Zhang Bairen's mouth was slightly raised: "Pei Yu's sword intent was also the same back then. What I have taught is that what you understand is the sword intent of Absolute Immortal. Although it is a bit hot, it has lost its three flavors. Today I will give you a good fortune and give you a ray of sword aura of Absolute Immortal."

Zhang Bairen flicked his fingers, and the sword qi flew out of his hand and sank into Li Baimei's ancestral orifice.

"Disciple Li Bai, thank you, Master!" Li Bai pulled up his robe and fell to his knees.

Zhang Bairen did not object to the title of Master. Instead, he stroked his chin. After a while, he said: "You and I are destined today, and now the end of the Dharma Tribulation is coming. Although you have some talents, you are still late in your practice and want to be in this era. Detached, it's almost a dream."

While speaking, Zhang Bairen took out a gold seal: "Today I will give you an infinite sword, a gold seal, and handpicking you as one of the eight immortals. In the future, I will kill and robber my human race, and I will be immortal as soon as possible. "

"The disciple is willing to abide by the law, but I don't know what to do with the eight immortals?" Li Bai questioned.

"This is the grand plan of eastward travel. When the time comes, the cause and effect will lead you to understand it naturally!" Zhang Bairen smiled and disappeared into the world: "You go back and practice hard, don't let go, otherwise when the catastrophe comes, you will be true. The spirit is unsafe."

Zhang Bairen went away with a smile on his mouth. Now the Eight Immortals have returned to the Seven Immortals, and Zhu Xian's Four Swords have also sent three handles.

Zhong Liquan, Lu Dongbin, He Tiantian, Li Chunfeng, Li Bai, the reincarnated body of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi, saint aunt, among them, Lu Dongbin had the sword of punishing the immortal, Emperor Xuanyuan had the sword of slaughter, and Li Bai had the sword of jue, and there was still a trapped sword, which was never given away.

"I don't know where Zhu Rong and Gonggong were reincarnated, but Zhu Ronggonggong's cultivation level is unpredictable. Thirty years is enough to achieve immortality. I am afraid that they may not take care of me. If people seek immortality, how can they care about me?" Zhang Bairen touched me. With his chin, how to find the rest of the person, he was in trouble.

"This matter is not in a hurry, this kind of thing is not in a hurry, I am thinking about it!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed brightly, and the sparks of wisdom in his eyes kept flickering, and there seemed to be inexplicable feelings that were implicating him.

Without saying a word, Zhang Bairen followed that impenetrable lead and descended to the small village outside Chang'an, where he froze.

Feeling the familiar Qi machine, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a stunned look: "The twins? They are all! But how can this Qi machine be so familiar?"

Zhang Bairen concealed his figure and went straight to the thatched house. It was an ordinary house. There was only one woman weaving in the house, and a pair of twin sisters lay not far away.

"Qiaoyan!" Zhang Bairen's pupils shrank, and his eyes were shocked: "This is impossible, Qiaoyan is dead, no one can resurrect!" Zhang Bairen's body was trembling constantly, and he stepped forward panting heavily with a pair of eyes. Staring firmly at the twin sisters in front of him.

"Who is it? Who has the ability to pull its origin from the void to reverse the cause and effect?" Zhang Bairen stared at the twin sisters with breathlessness, Qiaoyan could be resurrected, does that mean that the rest of the people also Can the same be resurrected?

The emotions in Zhang Bairen's heart were tumbling, and his eyes were filled with horror and inconceivability. Even with his current cultivation level, he could never pull out Qiaoyan's origin from the void.

The Qiaoyan in front of her was the same she was before she was alive, but she was not.

The bottle is still that bottle, but every time the water is filled in and poured out, it is no longer the original water.

"It's her! It's her!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were ruddy at this moment: "I don't care if the water in there is water that I am familiar as long as it is her! It's them!"

With a flick of his finger, the two consciousnesses fell into the second woman, and then Zhang Bairen turned and left: "In this case, please ask Zhong Liquan and Lu Dongbin to take the initiative to enlighten the second woman."

"Since he has returned, it is just right to be enlightened by the Eight Immortals! You are my only sister. How can this opportunity be missing for you?" Zhang Bairen's expression was astonished, and his eyes were filled with excitement: " shouldn't be. Who on earth has such great ability to pull Qiaoyan out of reincarnation!"

"Qiaoyan was beheaded by Yuwen Chengdu in the first place, dispelling the three souls and seven souls. Who has such an ability to reunite with the origin?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of disbelief.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Zhang Bairen was playing with scorpion sperm in his hands, his eyes full of solemnity: "Maybe it is God's will?"

He raised his head and looked at the blue sky, and fell into contemplation for a while.

A certain dimension cave

Zhang Daoling, Yin Xi, and Jiang Shang were stunned at this time, as if they had seen something incredible, their bodies were constantly trembling.

"It's impossible!" Zhang Daoling stood up suddenly in shock, looking at the long river in amazement with his eyes.

In the long river of light at that time, a figure in purple clothes came against the long river of time, stepping on time calmly.

"He's here! He's really here!" The three people trembled constantly, not afraid, but excited.

Human cultivation base can be so strong! Things that gods and demons can't do!

Suddenly, the shadow of the figure was projected, and the three of them felt as if they were struck by lightning, and only felt their brains dizzy, and then a dark chest in front of them became stuffy, and the shadow had been lost in the long river of time.


Steal fragrance

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