First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2212: Kill

Although the demon is powerful and can shake people's Taoism, Zhang Bairen has become a Huijian!

As soon as all the demon heads broke into his eyebrow ancestral orifice, the next moment he saw Hui Jian burst into immeasurable divine light, turning countless demon heads into ashes between his fingers.

"Magic swallows the world"

Xuanzang turned into a demon **** at this time, spreading his mouth to cover the sky and the sun, and swallowed it towards Zhang Bairen with an endless feeling.

"Devildom! You guy actually opened up the devildom with the help of the universe in the palm of the Buddhism!" Zhang Bairen's method saw through the many demon barriers in the mouth of Da Zizi, and saw a world of ‘devil’ in his mouth.

I dare not really ask the emperor Da Zizai to swallow himself, God knows what the consequences will be if he is swallowed into the opponent's demon world.

"Hui Jian!"

A bright light illuminates the sky, splitting the swallowing power of the emperor in an instant, and then Zhang Bairen's palm stretches out from the sky to the earth, covering a space and time, reversing the chaos of the yin and sun and inverting the order. This palm covers the universe of the sun and the moon, and the sound of'crash' Lieutenant General Da Zizai suppressed it, and then saw the power of extreme cold flow, flashing at absolute zero, and knocked Da Zizai back to its original form, and a ray of immortal power turned into a sword of death, piercing the body of Da Zizai.

With a scream, the emperor Da Zizai flew into Xuanzang's body again, and then the sound of ‘click’ and the ice spread, instantly turning Xuanzang into an ice sculpture.

All this is a long story, and Xuanzang has been frozen in ice before everyone can react.

The fifth ancestor stopped moving, looking bitterly at Zhang Bairen, his magical powers gradually dissipated.

"Since I have already taken action, it means that the general situation is gone. Instead of thinking about the decline of Buddhism, you should think about how to get a golden body within 30 years!" Zhang Bairen sneered.

Thirty years?

Fifth ancestor, look at me and I look at you, it seems that there is enough time.

"The governor of the capital is very skilled, I will wait for the wind! Today's matter has come to an end, and I will leave now!" The five ancestors did not say anything but turned away.


The country lord shouted, and the five Buddhist masters left without saying a word.


The earth shook, and the young monk King Kong was shot into the sand, revealing a large pit.

A handprint the size of one hundred meters appeared in the desert. The young monk King Kong rolled in the palmprint, then stood on the yellow sand, grinning at the sky above the Karma Dharma:

" are so unreasonable, you used my magical powers to attack me, shameless!"


The karma body dissipated, and the corners of Zhang Bairen’s mouth curled up: "Sure enough, this dharma body has endless magical uses. If there are monks who practice the avenue of cause and effect as a medium, the karma body is attached to it, I am afraid that it can compete with the immortal strong. Although. It's just a momentary fight, but it's still great."

"King Kong, everyone has faded away, are you still stubborn?" Zhang Bairen stared at the young King Kong monk.

"Esoteric Buddhism is my home. If you want to break the foundation of Tantric Buddhism, you are ruining my home! You have ruined my temple back then, but this time I can't retreat!" The young monk King Kong looked at Zhang Bairen with stubborn eyes. .

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, and it took a long time before he said: "If the human race is gone, will Tantric Buddhism still exist? No one can destroy Tantric Buddhism, I just counted it with the help of Tianzhu Qi."

"Really?" The little monk lowered his head and thought for a while before he looked at Zhang Bairen seriously.

Zhang Bairen smiled softly, noncommittal.

"Today's general trend has been achieved, but I will never give up like this!" The young monk King Kong went away, only his voice floating in the yellow sand.

Everyone left, only the Lord Tianzhu remained in the yellow sand.

Anyone can go, but he can't!

Because Tianzhu is his, no one can take food from his mouth!

He has no retreat!

Is it interesting to retreat, destroy the country and die, and survive?

Tianzhu's territory is not much smaller than the entire Li Tang.

The population and dragon spirit will naturally not be weak.

"Back then, Li Shimin carried the power of the Heavenly Khan, but I was still beheaded by me. How do you compare to Tianzhu Kingdom?" Zhang Bairen looked at the Lord Tianzhu: "As the saying goes: he who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man. The unification of the world is the general trend. Whoever dares to disobey will inevitably be turned into ashes."

"The general trend? Whose general trend? It's the general trend of your Zhang Bairen alone!" There was a sneer from the horizon, and the Tubo master didn't know when he came to the court. The whole body of dragon Qi rolled over half of the sky and pressed towards Zhang Bairen.

"Tubo?" Zhang Bairen sneered: "You dare to take the initiative to step into the calamity, but you are seeking your own death."

"Hehe, when you occupy Tianzhu, will you let me go to Tubo? If I don't come today, I can only wait for death in the future!" The Tubo country lord smiled coldly.

"One is to kill, and two are to kill. Left and right are just a sword thing! To die early and resurrect, what can you do if I am fulfilled?" Zhang Bairen slipped a simple long sword from his sleeve, shaking slightly in his hand. Exudes humming.

The five ancestors of Buddhism and Xuanzang were both defeated by Zhang Bairen's fingers, but at this time, they were only the two masters, so they asked Zhang Bairen to use weapons, showing the threat of each other.

"It's not ashamed to speak!" The Tubo leader broke through the sonic boom, hitting Zhang Bairen with a punch like a meteor.

The emperor's dragon qi guards the tweet, and the power of the law of destiny suppresses Zhang Bairen.


The power of immortality flickers. If you want to deal with the emperor's dragon, one is the power of immortality, and the other is the power of law.

The power of immortality swept across the long sword, and then Zhang Bairen pointed it out with a sword, ignoring the time and space distance, and went straight to the throat of the Tubo Lord.

"What a weird sword!"

The Lord Tianzhu exclaimed, and the long knife flew out of his hand, rolling up the sound bursts, fragments of the void shattered, and slashed towards that weird sword.


Zhang Bairen took the sword and retreated. This sword pierced the time. Through the past and the future, if the Lord of Tianzhu had not rescued him before, I am afraid that the Lord of Tubo had become a corpse.

How did you experience Zhang Bairen's mysterious method in places like the barbarians in Tubo?

He just escaped, touching his neck with one hand, looking at Zhang Bairen in shock.

Zhang Bairen smiled: "How?"

"What a weird sword!" Although the leader of the Tubo kingdom was frightened, he was not panicked. There is no simple stuff to become the leader of a country.

"You can't even take my sword, and you dare to provoke me?" Zhang Bairen sneered.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Although his sword can pierce time, it only has three or five breaths in the past. As long as we start to be alert before three or five breaths, he will never want to succeed! This method can only be calculated. People who are unfamiliar with the details are useless to us!" The Lord Tianzhu smiled coldly, and had already taken the lead to slash over with a big knife.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The leader of Tubo came back to his senses, and immediately followed the leader of Tianzhu to kill.

"Xiaoxiao Falling Leaves Invisible Sword, persuade the monarch to look back!" Zhang Bairen stroked the sword's front with his hand, then the power of the law flowed, the power of immortality was transferred, and he killed the two kings.

The shadow of the sword, the light and the sword, filled a radius of fifty miles, thanks to the desert, otherwise I am afraid that sentient beings will suffer disaster.

The three of you came and went, and the radius of tens of miles turned into blades and swords, and the yellow sand continued to explode and rise, rolling for an unknown number of times.

Facing the Dragon Qi of the emperor, to be honest, Zhang Bairen really had no good way except for hard work. The only way to defeat the Dragon Qi of the Emperor is to crush it.

Three of you came to me to go to the moon to reach the sky, and I walked thousands of strokes. The governor of Tubo and the governor of Tianzhu were all over, but the injuries were not serious.

Opposite Zhang Bairen is no longer as indifferently as before, and the hair on his head is slightly scattered, and the whole person seems to be integrated with the vast void.

Gonggong's true body had already retreated. Zhang Bairen scanned the two people in the field. At this moment, the Zhuxian **** in his body moved from the ancestral orifice of the eyebrows, and a ray of Zhuxian sword energy filled with endless vitality poured into his body.

Zhang Bairen called this force born from the extreme of death a ‘catastrophe’!

"I won't kill you. If I kill you Tianzhu Kingdom or Tubo, it will inevitably lead to chaos. It is not good for me to restrain my temper. Today I will only severely inflict Er etc., and then Er wait obediently to go back and wait for death! "Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, shaking the sword in his hand, and was about to cut it out with a sword, but the yellow sand under his feet rolled, palms stretched out and locked his legs.


Taking this opportunity the Lord of Tubo and the Lord of Tianzhu joined hands and beheaded to Zhang Bairen.

"Unexpectedly, you betrayed me!" Zhang Bairen sighed softly, his body dissipated into a flowing wind, and he regrouped a hundred meters away in an instant.


The underground yellow sand exploded, and the East Turk Khan was holding a saber in his hand, staring at Zhang Bairen with a grim expression.

"Unexpectedly, the East Turks would also take action!" Zhang Bairen stroked the green silk in his ear blankly: "It seems that the slaughter of millions of people in this seat back then has been forgotten by you!"

Hearing this, the Lord of the East Turkic Kingdom could not help shaking his body, and his eyes were full of murderous intent: "I will not kill you, you will kill me sooner or later! The Taoist wants to dominate the outside world and treat my alien race as a chess piece to shed blood for your Han people. I will never agree to this!"

"It doesn't matter whether you agree or not. As long as I kill you, it's fine to establish a country lord who is willing to agree to my request!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Even if you are added to it, what can you do? It still can't change the general trend, you Waiting is still going to die!"

"Really? It's not known who will kill you! How can I know if I haven't tried!"

"Come out!" Ignoring the Lord of the East Turks, Zhang Bairen looked at the yellow sand under his feet with a pair of eyes: "You have practiced my Five Gods and Ghosts, and you can't escape my perception. In fact, from the moment you arrived, I already know."

"I thought you were helping me. Who would have thought that after decades of not seeing you, you would betray me! I have treated you well, why did you betray me?" Zhang Bairen's words did not contain anger, some were just emotions.

The yellow sand did not move, still dormant in the mud.

"Do you think I'm gnawing you?" Zhang Bairen couldn't help feeling sad for the other party: "Who in the world doesn't know the mystery of the Five Gods and Ghosts, but you don't know it, what a pity!"

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