First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2214: Blessed One Blocks the Way

Zhang Bairen's strength is obvious to all in the world, and the world is silent for a while, and all the powers are silent.

The power of the Sanqing Law Bodies surpassed everyone's expectations.

Walking in the middle-earth jungle, Zhang Bairen stepped on famous mountains and rivers, with a hazy flower in his hand.

"Sure enough, I used the Three Pures as the carrier to make the incarnation of cause and effect, the incarnation of reincarnation, and the incarnation of yin and yang descend into the body of the three pures. The effect was unexpected! The three dragon auras, even if I do it myself, will cost I did not think that it would be calmed by the three incarnations now!" Zhang Bairen kept speculating in his heart: "If the power of the'tribulation' is not used, and the main body of the Zhuxian sword is not used, I am afraid it will not be these three. Respect the incarnation of any opponent!"

Zhang Bairen's face was solemn, and these three avatars were afraid that they were no longer able to compare the second and third steps of immortality.

"The only regret is that the time for persistence is limited, otherwise, why should I go eastward and just kill it!" Zhang Bairen was silent.

All things are in balance, and no one can break this balance, except for the legendary fairy.

"It's a pity, the incarnation of Sanqing is just a ray of Sanqing Qi left by the old man, if I can get all the Sanqing Qi..." Of course, this is also to imagine, how long can a wisp of Sanqing Qi bear? When the time is up, it will fall apart, and it will no longer be able to bear the advent of Dharma.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​At this moment, a Buddha's name echoed in the thousand mountains, and the mighty Buddhism Tianyin snaked and twisted the void.

A white monk blocked Zhang Bairen's path.

Wherever the white-clothed monk sits, the world, mountains and rivers have all become the background of this person, the sky and the earth are the only one, and the heavens and everything are ants.

"World Honored!" Zhang Bairen's pupils shrank, a touch of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

Immortal qi flows around the world, and the vicissitudes of eternal qi surging out of the world, the rivers and the sun lose their color.

"I haven't seen it for a few years. I never thought that the Governor of the Great Metropolitan Government has also proved the Immortal Wonderland, and his strength has become more and more unfathomable! Sure enough, he is favored by the world, he is extraordinary and enviable!" The World Zun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes. Showing a little surprise.

"It's just a coincidence." Zhang Bairen doesn't think there is anything to be proud of. He can no longer calculate according to the routine.

For example, the golden body, under the pressure of the world, has been condensed to the point of gathering immortality. If this is spread out, it is simply whimsical and makes people unbelievable.

His golden body is only two meters long, and the distance is still a lot less than one foot. But in terms of quality, those strong men who have perfected the golden body are not good enough.

Listening to Zhang Bairen's words, the corners of the world-zun's mouth twitched slightly, and then he smiled calmly: "This chance is a coincidence."

Zhang Bairen received the great grandeur flowers and walked slowly to the world-zun's body: "Why don't you polish the golden body in samsara, come to find me?"

"After all, I created Zen Buddhism. Now that I have suffered a catastrophe, I should come forward no matter what!" The World Venerable looked at Zhang Bairen quietly with a pair of eyes.

"Although you are physically immortal, you are still far from my opponent! Your cultivation is now much worse than Zhang Heng and Wang Xizhi!" Zhang Bairen sat down in front of the world.

"The governor also knows that cultivation level cannot represent strength, nor can it represent God's channel method" Blessed One smiled lightly.

"You want to stop me?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Don't dare" World Honored shook his head: "I just want to fight with the governor. If I can win a trick by chance, I hope the governor will not be offended."

"You are confident!" Zhang Bairen was noncommittal.

"I have an immortal golden body and a world in my palm. The governor knows that my strongest magical powers are these two types. As for the Seven Treasure Tree, it is for the enemy. We are far from the enemy! In order to avoid harming harmony, the governor As long as I can escape from the world in my palm, this seat has nothing to say, immediately retreat to reincarnation to polish the golden body, and decree to Buddhism to help you preach to the east." The Lord said with a smile.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen smiled: "You are confident."

"If the monk wins, I hope the governor will meet my three conditions." The Lord looked at Zhang Bairen,

"Say it" Zhang Bairen was noncommittal.

"The first is that the Eight Immortals need to block the magical powers of the Eastern Journey, follow the example of the Buddhism and Taoism, and go to Tianzhu to preach in the flesh!" said the world.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen twisted a fruit: "What else?"

"Leave me Buddhism incense inheritance!"

"Yes!" Zhang Bairen lowered his head and said.

"Third, it is the future dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, and the governor shall not intervene anymore!" The World Venerable stared at Zhang Bairen with scorching eyes.

"Yes!" Zhang Bairen smiled and looked at World Zun.

"The governor, the monk is rude!" The universe opened in the palm of the world-zun, and went to cover Zhang Bairen, taking Zhang Bairen in in an instant.

"Capital Governor, although you can use your magic tricks, if you can escape from the universe in your palm, I will lose!" the Lord said.

I saw the universe change in the palm of the world-zun, instantly turning into a world of three thousand horizontal sands, densely piled up, arranged in a mysterious formation.


Words came from the other side of the World-Honored One, and the World-Honored One was stunned. His eyes were full of shock: "Impossible! How is this possible! I have already taken you in."

Zhang Bairen smiled: "You are capturing me from the past!"

Zhang Bairen has mastered the power of time. Even though it is only a few short breaths, if he makes a calculation unexpectedly, it will be overwhelming.

At the moment when the Blessed One displayed his magical powers, he mobilized the power of time and changed the time and space of his body. The Blessed One did take him in, but through the power of time, he returned.

"You..." The world-zun's eyes were full of incredible: "You are a scam!"

Zhang Bairen smiled, twisting a petal with his fingers, and gently blowing the petals to the ground: "Cheat, then I will give you another chance?"

The words fell and the petals fell.

Blessed One's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Without waiting for Zhang Bairen to speak, he took it in, and then silently counted his breaths. It took more than thirty breaths before he threw Zhang Bairen into the dreamy, upside-down and blurred world: "This is done!"

"Can I use my magical powers now?" Zhang Bairen tilted his head and looked at the endless world, and couldn't help but admire the world-zun's magical powers. If he was really trapped here, it would be almost impossible to escape.

"The governor has the means to do it," the world-zun said with a smile.


With a chuckle, the petals in front of the Buddha turned into powder, and then Zhang Bairen walked out of the petals.

The World-Honored One was stunned. After a while, he said: "The art of causality, your Excellency has been in control of your heart, monk, I lost!"

There is no joy or anger on the face of the Lord, no hatred.

"Master, don't worry, Buddhism can't be destroyed, and Taoism can't be destroyed. Everyone is fighting for the number of auras, the last number of auras before the end of the law!" Zhang Bairen slowly stood up, with grass in his mouth: "There is something you said. Yes, the Eight Immortals go west to teach the Fa, if they rely on supernatural powers, it would be too simple."

"What do you mean by the Governor?" The World Honored's heart jumped and his eyes lit up.

"I'm not stupid. Why do I need to make things complicated? It's good to be simple!" Zhang Bairen grinned, showing his white and neat teeth.

"You..." The world-zun almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood.

Zhang Bairen smiled, and then said unhurriedly: "That's the thing. You can have Bodhidharma in Buddhism and the fifth ancestor, and you will have a golden body if you have a certificate. You must be too greedy. It is, otherwise things will be reversed."

When the world-zun heard the words silently, he had to admit that what Zhang Bairen said was reasonable.

"You are now immortal. It is not good to have too many bonds. Now I cut the bonds for you, but you have to thank me!" Zhang Bairen chuckled.

The Blessed One's face was bitter, and he shook his head, with a sigh that echoed between the heaven and the earth, his figure disappeared in the heaven and the earth without a trace.

Return to Zhuo County

Zhang Bairen came to the front of the waterfall. A group of children gathered together, it was a scene of family harmony.

The excitement is over

Zhang Bairen said to Nalan quietly: "Preach for me on the various Go to Tianzhu to preach, and the classics need to be selected."

"The Dao Sect old guys have already prepared!" Zhong Liquan walked from the sky, shaking the puff fan, "I have 800 volumes of Jindan Avenue in the pure Yang line. The Shangqing Dao Fa and Yuqing Dao Fa each have 800 volumes, and there are also celestial masters. Dao classics, a total of 7,400 volumes. This is an excellent opportunity to gain incense and magnificence, how can the old antiques of Daomen miss it."

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, and after a while, he said: "It is not appropriate to teach the Fa like this. Daomen actually set up a story, it is naturally according to the rules. The first product can pass three thousand volumes, the second product can pass 800 volumes, two Do not teach the Fa under the product."

"This..." Zhong Liquan changed color: "I'm afraid that Dao Sects will be crazy. You must know that there are only three first-class Daomen and only five second-class Daomen."

"The qualifications to teach the Fa are in my hands, so I can't help the Dao Sect to oppose it!" Zhang Bairen interrupted Zhong Liquan's words: "If this matter is ordered, let's do it like this."

After hearing Zhang Bairen's words, Zhong Liquan nodded when he heard the words, and then said after a while: "He Tiantian is the only thing left for the Eight Immortals. I don't know what the Governor intends..."

"Wait for her for twenty years! Just to become enlightened with Qiaoyan!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

Now the Eight Immortals are set, first are Lu Dongbin, Zhong Liquan, Li Bai, Li Chunfeng, Shenggu, Emperor Xuanyuan, He Tiantian, and Qiaoyan. Among them, Lu Dongbin’s achievement of Yang Shen is imminent, and Zhong Li’s warrant is immortal. Li Bai, Li Chunfeng, and Shenggu are all cultivated. Success, not far from Yangshen Wonderland.

The remaining Emperor Xuanyuan, He Tiantian, and Qiaoyan were afraid that they would have to wait twenty years to grow up.

"Everything is ready, I only owe the east wind. I only hope that there will not be too many twists and turns in the past 20 years!" Zhang Bairen looked towards Shiwan Dashan with a pair of eyes: "I don't know why, every time I use one gas to transform three clears, I always feel that there is something in Shiwan Dashan. Cause and effect implicated."

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