First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2217: Humanity in 3 words and 2 words

At that time, Li Longji had just left Chang'an City, and he was intercepted and killed by a group of men in black. His own guards died in battle. If they were not saved by the men in black, the consequences would be disastrous.

Only when he thought of the ghostly figure of the man in black, from the sight of the gods to the bone-changing, in just seven or eight breaths, he would kill more than fifty people one after another, Li Longji was hot.

"This is Zhuojun?" Looking at the hundred-zhang-high layers of deep mountain and old forest, the leaves are falling down on the quiet ancient road, and the air is exuding a refreshing fragrance. Li Longji couldn't help but his brain was clear: "It's hard to think, Bei There is such a high mountain, such a blessed place in the earth. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would never believe it."

"This is not Zhuojun City, but just outside Zhuojun City. The governor has been practicing hard in this mountain for 20 years and has never seen anyone. Today, if you make an exception to summon you, it is a surprise!" Jing Wuming looked up and down Li Longji, couldn't see the brilliance of the person in front of him, his martial arts cultivation was slack, and he somehow entered the eyes of the Dadudu and other eminent people.

Li Longji scratched his head when he heard the words. Although he was upset, he did not dare to say more.


The sound of galloping horses rang out, and with a sound full of breath, the two horses stopped not far away.

"Wu Sansi! Li Ji!" Li Longji's expression suddenly changed: "Why are they here?"

"Who am I? It turned out to be Li Saburo!" Wu Sansi rode on the horse, looked at Li Longji who was embarrassed not far away, smiled immediately, and walked off the horse proudly, and tied the horse at will. On the stone pillar, a stride meteor came to Li Longji: "Why is Saburo so embarrassed?"

Unspeakable weirdness and ridicule, the eyes are full of condescending triumph: "I can't imagine that you have some luck with this rubbish. I am afraid that there are thousands of miles away from Chang'an City. It is true that you can come here alive. It's rare!"

" dare to murder the emperor's relatives and relatives, you are really bold!" Li Longji pointed at Wu Sansi, his eyes full of anger.

"Hehe, Li Saburo, don't bite people, which eye did you see that I harmed you? The emperor sues the imperial court, but you must pay attention to the evidence!" Wu Sansi smiled coldly.

On the one hand, Li Ji tied his horse and walked over, watching Jing Wuming with solemn eyes, his pupils couldn't help but shrink: "I have seen brother Dao!"

"It's you, we've been gone for some years!" Jing Wuming said in a voiceless voice.

"It's really gone for some years, I don't know if the chief governor is well?" Li Ji respectfully said.

"What you don't talk about is nonsense, most of them have supervised cultivation to become immortal, immortal, and of course they eat well and sleep soundly! If there are fewer disobedient chess pieces, then it will be more comfortable!" Jing Wuming turned to the mountain Go:

"Come on all of you, the governor has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Li Longji put aside Wu Sansi, and quickly followed up: "Senior, I am in a **** coat. I went to meet the chief governor for fear of something wrong. I wonder if I can let me take a bath?"

Jing Wuming gave Li Longji a weird look: "No, just follow me."

He is an incarnation of Zhang Bairen, would Zhang Bairen dislike himself?

of course not.

"General Li, who is that person?" Wu Sansi followed Li Ji and walked towards the mountain, asking for a voice.

"The shadow of the governor, the number one killer in the world, Jing Wuming, who killed the most powerful is unknown!" Li Ji whispered: "Put away your temper, don't cause trouble, the people of Zhuojun will smash. No, so as not to bring disaster to your martial family."

"My aunt is the emperor, who would dare to destroy my Nine Clan!" Wu Sansi muttered in his heart, disapproving, but still smiled on his face and said: "This king knows."

Everyone has a cultivation base. Although Zhuojun has a high mountain, everyone is not tired.

As soon as I reached the top of the mountain, I heard the sound of a waterfall in the distance. After three turns and nine turns, my eyes suddenly became bright. I saw a waterfall pouring down from the top of the mountain, and the rapids reflected the rainbow.

In front of the waterfall, a figure dressed in purple was sitting, and Jing Wuming was standing quietly not far away.

A very ordinary man, ordinary is like the grass and trees in the mountains, a wave of waves in the boiling waterfall, inconspicuous.

"He is the general governor? Is he ordinary? Just a common man?" Wu Sansi looked sideways at Li Ji, and then confirmed his judgment to Li Ji.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Li Ji glared at Wu Sansi with a serious face, before he stepped forward respectfully, and came to the figure ten feet away.

"Li Ji pays homage to the chief governor!"

The waterfalls in the mountains and forests rushed, Zhang Bairen did not turn around, Li Ji's movements remained unchanged, and continued to maintain the posture of worship.

"Liang Wang Wusan thinks to meet the governor!" Wu Sansi stepped forward, holding his fist in a salute.

To be honest, before he came, he only thought how strong the governor was, but after he got here, he only had endless disappointment in his heart!

That figure is too ordinary, so ordinary that people lose their awe. Even though Li Ji told him too much about Zhang Bairen's legend when he came, he has the pride of belonging to the royal family.

He must be the heir of the future Da Zhou, the future emperor!

How can you kneel down and worship a captain?

On the one hand, Jing Wuming was unhappy, but looking at Zhang Bairen's unwavering back, he chose to remain silent.

where is this place?

It's just a mere prince of the Tang Dynasty, very valuable?

And most of the governors are several times older than your aunt. How rude are you?

Wu Sansi is indeed proud, that is the pride of imperial power, the pride of nobles.

Except as the emperor, who is worthy to bow down?

While Li Ji saw sweat on his forehead, he was anxious, squinted at Wu Sansi, and couldn't help but sighed in his heart. He blinked helplessly, cursing Wu Sansi as a wood.

where is this place?

You dare to put on the air of King Liang?

I bow and salute, you just bow and salute?

Lao Tzu and the governor were in the same era, what are you little kid?

What Wu Sansi did on weekdays had long aroused Li Ji's dissatisfaction, so he didn't say anything at this time and simply cheated him on this.

What's more, he dare not say anything.

"Li Shimin's great-grandson Li Longji pays homage to the governor!" Li Longji quickly stepped forward and came to Li Ji's side. He fell to the ground with his robes and bowed three heads respectfully.

Seeing this scene, Wu Sansi suddenly felt a sudden burst in his heart. He had a premonition that he had a bad feeling. In his heart, he wanted to kneel down, but it was too late, because the figure in front of the waterfall had already turned around and his eyes fell on Li Longji's body. :

"Li Shimin?"

"Exactly!" Li Longji said respectfully.

"It happened a long time ago!" Zhang Bairen sighed, "Get up!"

The three stood up and looked at Zhang Bairen's indifferent face, each with their own thoughts.

"General Governor..." Li Ji stepped forward to speak, but saw Zhang Bairen wave his hand, motioning Li Ji to stop, and then looked at the poor Li Longji, nodded: "When you are here, I already know everything in my heart. Thirty years later, the Wu clan is still located in Litang, which is the fixed number that year."

"Thank you, the governor!" Li Longji was immediately overjoyed when he heard the words, and fell to his knees respectfully.

"General Governor!" Li Ji's complexion changed, Wu Sansi's complexion changed wildly, and the murderous intent was revealed in his eyes.

"Jing Wuming" Zhang Bairen said.

Hearing the words, Jing Wuming took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone that he had prepared long ago, as well as a blank volume of decree, which he placed a few days before Zhang Bairen's case.

"The general governor think twice! The humane dynasty has changed, it should be..." Li Ji couldn't help but say.

"Don't be verbose, the trick of the general humanitarianism is just to fool the ordinary people, my will is the general humanitarianism!" Zhang Bairen interrupted Li Ji's words, slowly picked up the red cinnabar pen, and left the golden yellow on the decree. Handwriting.

"Hmph, your Excellency took a big breath, and even said that I am going to blow the sky!" Wu Sansi couldn't help it, and stood up coldly.

According to his anxious temper, being able to suppress it like this is already considered good.

"Presumptuous! You have your voice in front of the governor, so I don’t have to slap your mouth quickly!" Li Ji felt Jing Wuming’s murderous intent. He didn’t wait for the other party to attack, and slapped Wu San with a big slap in the face. Fainted on the bluestone, teeth flew out.

"Huh!" Jing Wuming snorted coldly, a junior, he was too embarrassed to chase after Think twice! "Li Ji smiled bitterly and looked at Zhang Bairen.

"No matter how long-winded you are, you can stay and make flower fertilizer for me." Zhang Bairen said unsatisfactorily, shocked that Li Ji was soaked with cold sweat behind his back and did not dare to speak.

On the one hand, Li Longji's expression was astonished, and he couldn't imagine that between the few words of the youthful understatement, the general who was pouring power into the field was so frightened, as if he had met a natural enemy, and his son had met Lao Tzu.

"I have two decree here" Zhang Bairen stopped writing, slowly rolled up the decree in his hand, and placed it on a tray:


After Wu Zetian abdicated, he was passed on to Li Longji, the descendant of Li Tang!


……. "

Zhang Bairen's words paused, revealing all the colors he was thinking about, and his eyes were constantly shining with the law of cause and effect:

"Luoyang Yang family, there is a beauty Yang Yuhuan, this seat is for you today! Then Yang Yuhuan will be the lord of your harem, the queen of the world in the future."

Gift marriage?

Both Li Ji and Li Longji were taken aback.

Luoyang Yang?

Nowadays, despite the collapse of the family family, the power of secretly operating is still not small, and the Yang family is still a first-class family.

"Yang Xuangan, Yang Su!" Zhang Bairen suddenly thought of them.

"The governor, those old guys in Luoyang are old foxes. They are afraid of disasters and refuse to allow me!" Li Longji was happy at first, but then he said with a sad face.

"You just have to go to Luoyang with this golden decree, and Zhai Rang from Wagangzhai hasn't seen him for a few years. If you are free in the future, go and see him for me!" Zhang Bairen sighed slightly: "Also, Shangguan Wan'er is also good. It is also good to fill in a small one for you and become a side room."


Steal fragrance

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