First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2219: Decreed to

Yang Xuanzhen felt helpless when he heard the words, and he felt like he was beeping a dog.

The great master the Chen family referred to was Yang Su, who was the dominant court, and Yang Xuangan, who rose up to rebel. As for the treasures he handed over? It is the treasure house of Yang Gong that the world has rumored and rumored.

If he had Yang Gong's treasury in hand, would the Yang family still survive?

Back then, Yang Su did have countless savings and accumulated countless wealth, but Yang Xuan felt that they were all used up when he raised his army. Where would he go to find a treasure house for Yang Gong?


Go and tell the Chen family, the Chen family doesn't believe it!

"Furthermore, the one that I waited for and Yang Su had already released five suits. Even if there are treasures, they won't be left to me? The Chen family doesn't make sense at all. This is deliberately seeking an excuse to embarrass us!" Yang Xuanzhuo's eyes Full of helplessness.

"Furthermore, when Duke Yang was killed, it was the governor who killed Yang Gong, and the relics of Gong Yang belonged to the governor. Who would dare to pull his teeth from the mouth of the governor?" Yang Xuanzhen's eyes were full of helplessness, what could he do?

He is also desperate!

When he got up and went to the backyard, Yang Xuanzheng looked at Yang Yuhuan who was meditating not far away, and said nothing.

"What's the matter with uncle?" Yang Yuhuan opened his eyes, looking at each other with black and white eyes.

Yang Xuanzhen was silent for a while when he heard the words, before he said, "Is there any news from your master?"

"My master is in retreat and hasn't appeared in the world for three years!" Yang Yuhuan stared at Yang Xuanzuo with a pair of wonderful eyes: "Uncle has trouble?"

"No, you are good at practicing. In this world, only strength is true! You have a special physique and a unique personality. Don't waste the talent that God has given you!" Yang Yuhuan encouraged Yang Yuhuan, and Yang Xuanzhen turned away. go with.

Yang Yuhuan stared at Yang Xuanzuo's back, and then said after a while: "Uncle must be in trouble, but it's a pity that Master is closed, and I'm low-powered..."

No matter what, the one who should come will be back.

Third day


There was only a loud noise that spread throughout the Yang Mansion, and the two vermilion gates were kicked and shot across the lobby towards Yang Xuanzhen.

"Asshole, who is presumptuous in my Yang Mansion!" Yang Xuanzhen jumped up and broke through the sonic boom, reaching out to catch the two doors with both hands, but was staggered.


The door burst open, and the entire lobby was beaten into a sieve as if it had been hit by a storm.

Tables, chairs, benches, calligraphy and paintings on the walls, plaques, and walls were all devastated in an instant.

There was a sound of footsteps, but a group of seven people walked slowly from the door to the hall. Along the way, there were servants who were hit by the door and broke and fractured, and there were servants in the lobby who could not avoid being shot into a sieve.

Human life never seems to be worth money!

"" Yang Xuanzhen stood in the lobby, trembling with anger, pointing at the person coming, speechless.

"Yang Xuanzuo, you don't want to be shameless, now that the Yang family has fallen, you can't keep that treasure!" The big man walking in the center said, the big man walked with dragons and tigers, his whole body was steaming, and he was already in the realm of seeing God. Obviously he kicked that kick before.

"This is the Yang Mansion. How can you wait to be wild? Don't you know the court's laws? The old man is also the court commander anyway, and he will definitely hand over the book to you in the future!" Yang Xuanzhen calmed his breath and gradually calmed down. Waved his hand to signal the left and right servants and guards to retreat, Yang Xuanzhen did not make senseless resistance, so as not to kill people: "Chen Xiao, you must not deceive people too much!".

Glancing at the group of people on the opposite side, four see gods and three Yang gods. Obviously, they came from the opposite side, all of whom were good at the Chen family.

The middle-aged man in the middle is the current Chen Family Patriarch, right and left are the masters and elders of the Chen Family.

"Haha! Too much deception?" The middle-aged man, Chen Xiao, the head of the Chen family, smiled coldly at this time: "Hand over Zhezi? You are in Luoyang, Zhezi entered Chang'an, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it. I Chen The family has already made a covenant with Liang Wang Wu, and your memorial will be detained by Liang Wang before entering Chang'an. You should accept your fate, otherwise Yang Mansion will never have peace in the future."

"You..." Yang Xuanzheng was anxious, but didn't know what to say.

"Yang Xuanzuo, are you going to hand over Yang Gong's treasure?" Chen Xiao smiled coldly.

"I don't know what Yang Gong's treasure is, even if you kill me!" Yang Xuanzuo said with a stern expression.

"Hehe, I really don't cry without seeing the coffin!" Chen Xiao smiled coldly: "If you continue to be stubborn, I am afraid that your house will be restless in the future, and there will be bereaved guests every day, one life per day. Start with the man, then To the guard, the maid, your son, the lady, the madam, and finally you."

"I am the imperial court commander, dare you to kill me!!!" Yang Xuanzhen couldn't believe it.

"Hehe, there are too many people in Luoyang City who have died in vain over the years, and you are not the only one!" Chen Xiao smiled coldly.

"There is no king in your wait! Today, if you don't apologize, I will go to Beijing and report to the imperial court. I hit and died outside the Xuanwu Gate. This lady is not convinced that you can wait to cover the sky with one hand!" A crisp voice sounded, accompanied by the fragrance , But saw Yang Yuhuan walk into the lobby with a cold expression:

"Now the times have changed, and it is no longer the world of a family of powerful families. Even if the five surnames and seven sects have to be dissolved, what is the talent of the Chen family, you dare to be so arrogant!"

"Yuhuan, go back soon!" Seeing the girl walking out, Yang Xuanzuo suddenly changed her color and hurriedly scolded.

Although the girl's twenty-eight years is not very old, she already has everything she should have. At that moment, the lobby was depressed, and the people in the Chen family were ashamed, and they were faceless facing the fairy who looked like a fairy.

"Huh~, wait, my son has changed his mind now!" Chen Xiao stared at Yang Yuhuan with a pair of eyes: "Not only to ask you the Yang family to hand over the treasure, but also to marry me and do something. Concubine's room! Otherwise, within three months, the Yang family will definitely die."

"You..." Yang Xuanzhen's body trembled with anger: "Too much deception, I fight you!"

The sonic boom was rolled up, and the two sides fought against each other in an instant, only to see a number of figures in a vertical and horizontal direction, rolling up all the winds.

Chen Xiao stood still, and the four strong men who saw the gods around him shot together, the two sides crisscrossed, and then after five breaths, only a loud noise was heard, a rockery outside the door crashed and Yang Xuanzhen lay in the ruins of the rockery. The blood was sprayed from the mouth and the clothes were ragged, the bones all over his body were broken, and he could not move.

"It's settled, I will marry this lady in three days, and these two silvers are the betrothal gift!" A piece of broken silver flew out of Chen Xiao's hand, shot the beam before the drill, and embedded it in.

"Don't think about fleeing, you can't escape in this Luoyang city!" Chen Xiao smiled coldly.

"Your Excellency is so majestic!" At this moment, a sound came from outside the door, which floated gently into the yard after several tens of feet.


Everyone looked towards the gate, but saw a man wearing a python robe approaching the hall. The man was very young, only in his twenties.

Behind the man, there were more than twenty martial artists. Although they were only in the realm of bone-changing, and seeing only one god, the momentum could not help but surprise people.

"Mongolian robe? The prince? There is indeed a prince in Luoyang city, but there is no such a young prince as you! I don't know where your prince is? This is my Chen family and Yang family's personal affair. !" Chen Xiao does not lose if he loses. This is Luoyang City. What about the prince? Haven't you beaten him?

Li Longji walked into the lobby, his eyes were captured by Yang Yuhuan, and his heart was beating continuously, which was unexpectedly strong.

"Oh? Since you know that I am the prince, then you dare to threaten me?" Li Longji was stunned, his gaze forcibly moved away from Yang Yuhuan, put away the throbbing in his heart, his eyes looked at the Chen family and his group .

"Xingyang Chen Family!" Chen Xiao said.

"What then?" Li Longji smiled coldly: "The clan family is a thing of the past, and you still dare to play the signboard of the clan family, you really do not live or die."

Just like during the severe crackdown in the 21st century, you even dared to call yourself a black society. Isn't this looking for death?

"Behind my Chen family is Liang Wangwu thinking twice, I don't know if this prince knows it!" Chen Xiao said coldly.

The prince, he is not afraid of because behind him is the most favored prince of the dynasty, and it is very likely that he will come to Dabao in the future.

"Wu Sansi? Do you think Wu San thinks about me?" Li Longji smiled, ignoring Chen Xiao, he was too lazy to care about the dead, but looked at Yang Xuanzhen in the ruins: "But Master Yang Xuanzhen?"

"Exactly, I don't know who is your Excellency?" Yang Xuanzhen saw the master of God, and at this time the broken muscles and bones all over his body reconnected, slowly sitting up and breathing heavily.

The other party is Yang Xuanzuo, that is his cheap uncle!

"Please governor's decree!" Li Longji said to the guard behind him.

But seeing a guard holding the jade box in his hand, he walked up quickly, Li Longji held the jade box in his hand:

"Does your mansion have a lady named Yuhuan?"

"I am!" Yang Yuhuan stepped forward.

"It's her!!!" Li Longji was suddenly filled with happiness at this moment, with unprecedented excitement, satisfaction and joy.

"Miss!" Li Longji solemnly bowed: "The governor of the general governor made an order to designate Miss Yuhuan as Princess Li Tang and Empress Li Tang in the future."

"This is the decree of the general governor!" Li Longji handed the jade box to Yang Xuanzuo.

Everyone in the field was dumbfounded, but Yang Xuanzheng's eyes lit up: "The chief governor? The chief governor?"

"It's the one from Zhuojun who can get married!" Li Longji said with a smile.

"Really?" Yang Xuanzhen snatched the jade box, opened the decree and looked at the handwriting on the golden decree. The mighty energy, he knew that there was no difference in his heart.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! The sky is endless for my Yang family! The sky is endless for my Yang family!" Yang Xuanzheng smiled.

Yang Yuhuan's complexion changed on one side, his eyes gloomy and uncertain.

"Huh, what a general superintendent, it's just pretending to be a ghost!" Chen Xiao smiled coldly.

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