First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2224: Wu Zetian and Taiyin

Great Zhou Dynasty

Chang'an City

Hall of Nourishment

Wu Zetian reclining on the soft couch, the light flowing in the laws within his eyes.

As a woman, Wu Zetian was ruthless and her relatives did not recognize her, but she had to say that she was a hard-working and life-loving person, and she was making full use of every minute and every second of her, and there would never be any waste.

She believes that the water drops through the stone, and she cannot understand the final pass of fate, just because she didn't work hard enough.

The night was slightly cool, the bright moon hung high, a ray of moonlight from the sky fell on Wu Zetian's bed through the window, and a hazy figure emerged from the moonlight.

The curtains, floors, and walls of the palace were soaked with frost.

Wu Zetian opened his eyes, and a phoenix gas circulated around his body, bursting all kinds of laws in an instant, expelling the coldness:

"Who are you!"

"Lord of the Taiyin in this palace, you can call me: Palace Lord" The voice of Fairy Taiyin was cold and monotonous, revealing the loneliness of eternity, and it seemed to have a sinking magic.

"Huh?" Wu Zetian stood up slowly, looking at Fairy Taiyin with a pair of eyes, and there are definitely not many people who can ignore the Dragon Qi's manifestation in Chang'an.

At least apart from the one in Zhuojun, she had never seen it.

The person in front of you is one

"It's interesting! The palace lord rushed into my bedroom late at night, uninvited, but it was a bit rude!" Tai Wu Zetian smiled: "But you can come here, it's a skill. Just talk about it."

She didn't know who the Lord of the Lunar Star was, but the woman in front of her was a bit interesting.

"My palace is here to solve the disaster", Fairy Taiyin chuckled.

"Disaster? What disaster is there in this palace?" Wu Zetian smiled disdainfully.

"Magic!" Fairy Taiyin spit out two words gently.

"Who are you? How do you know!" Wu Zetian's expression suddenly changed when he heard this, his eyes staring fiercely at Taiyin Fairy.

"You don't care who I am, you just need to know that we have a common enemy." Fairy Taiyin smiled slightly.

Wu Zetian's face changed after hearing this, and it took a long time before he said: "Do you have a way to unlock the magic seed from me?"

"No! This Demon Seed has completely integrated with you. Unless Zhang Bairen is dead, no one can untie it," Fairy Taiyin said unhurriedly.

"Then you?" Wu Zetian looked sullen.

"Don't pretend, tactics are useless to me. If you are really so angry, you will disappoint me!" Fairy Taiyin smiled softly, seeming to have taken Wu Zetian.

Sure enough, Wu Zetian recovered his silence after hearing this: "I don't want you to talk nonsense."

"Although I can't crack the Demon Seed, I can help you kill Zhang Bairen and help you suppress the Demon Seed!" Taiyin Xingjun said.

The woman from the Wu family changed her face when she heard this: "Really?"

Lunar Xingjun smiled and said nothing.

"How to do it?" Wu Zetian looked at Fairy Taiyin with a pair of eyes, and had to admit the beauty of the woman in front of him, making him jealous and couldn't help being ashamed.

That is a beauty that astounds time and space!

"Melt my mark in your Yang God, and then as long as it is in the moonlit night, you can use the power of the lunar star and the power of this house! Under the moonlight, even if you are severely injured, you can instantly Recovery, even if you are beaten to death, you can be instantly resurrected! And you can also borrow the power of this palace, Zhang Bairen is definitely not your opponent, as long as you can borrow the power of this palace, killing Zhang Bairen is easy!" The fairy's eyes were full of brilliant light.

"Fuse your mark? If I fuse your mark and kill Zhang Bairen, I would be happy, but if you take the opportunity to use this mark to manipulate me, and then drive the tiger and devour the wolf, I will be even more troublesome! Although the governor can steal my cultivation base, he never controls me! And you...We don't know each other, I don't know you!" Although Wu Zetian was moved, he was worried.

"You are the daughter of destiny, you only need one step to become the lord of destiny, will I lie to you, whether this imprint can control you, you should be able to tell!" Fairy Taiyin flipped his palm and revealed a full moon, soft The brilliance of shining shining on the hall, shining on the face and body of Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian looked hesitant, and after a while, he said, "It's not impossible that you want me to melt your mark. You and I still need to sign a contract with the gods. If you violate the soul, you will not die!"

Fairy Taiyin smiled slightly, how can she deceive people with her pride?

Wu Zetian said that Fairy Taiyin didn't object: "Yes!"

Wu Zetian turned and walked into the secret room, and soon took out the contract of the gods and placed it in front of Fairy Taiyin.

Fairy Taiyin smiled, a mark was submerged in the contract, and then the contract was turned into ashes and disappeared.

The golden light circulated behind Wu Zetian, and a golden body slowly emerged, looking at the Fairy Taiyin: "Come on!"

Fairy Taiyin smiled and flicked his finger, the mark flew towards the golden body.


Zhang Bairen sat cross-legged in front of the waterfall to meditate, and suddenly opened his eyes: "What kind of power is this? You want to enter Wu Zetian's soul?"

When Zhang Bairen felt Wu Zetian's spirit, he saw the full moon flying towards the center of his eyebrows.

"Fairy Taiyin!" Looking at the hazy figure in the moonlight, Zhang Bairen changed color suddenly, and instantly replaced Wu Zetian's physical control rights, and the golden light circulated around him: "Get out of here!"

The golden body pinched the Yin Jue, trying to block the full moon.

"Don't want to control my destiny! The tributary of destiny, suppress me!" Wu Zetian gritted his teeth, and the winding stream of destiny flashed behind him, suppressing Zhang Bairen's will in his body.

"You..." Zhang Bairen suddenly changed his color. While trying to suppress Wu Zetian, he wanted to control Wu Zetian's golden body to fight the full moon, and he was immediately stretched.

"If your real body is here, with my will, you naturally need to retreat!" Fairy Taiyin looked at Wu Zetian's golden body and smiled slightly: "Unfortunately today, the full moon is fifteenth and it is a full moon, and you are just a thought!"

A flawless finger stretched out from the moonlight, and the flick of the finger suppressed Wu Zetian's golden body, and then pushed the full moon, the full moon merged into the center of Wu Zetian's eyebrows, leaving a round of moonlight halo around the golden body The cinnabar flashes.

Zhang Bairen had no choice but to suppress Wu Zetian, but also resisted the will of the Taiyin.

If Wu Zetian was willing to cooperate with him, he would naturally not be afraid of the mere will of Taiyin, but he couldn't at this time.

The matter was a foregone conclusion, Zhang Bairen sighed softly, gave up resistance, and let the will merge into Wu Zetian's golden body.

"Are you a fairy of Taiyin?" Zhang Bairen no longer paid attention to Wu Zetian's will, but looked at the moonlight fairy of Taiyin on the opposite side.

Even with Zhang Bairen's will, he couldn't help being intoxicated, and there was a feeling of wanting to sink in his will.


The beauty is beyond words, it seems that the whole world is bleak and sinking in front of it!

Immortal Dao has become no longer important. People would rather give up Immortal Dao and pursue this kind of beauty!

If you can get this girl, what is the meaning of immortality?

What's the point of immortality?

"Beauty and trouble water, no wonder the existence of the Great Ancient War!" Zhang Bairen's divinity moved slightly, and he woke up from sinking in an instant, and his words were full of gentleness: "Fairy, in fact, we don't need to be enemies. Isn't it good to live together peacefully? "

"Can you give up reversing time and space?" Fairy Taiyin looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of wonderful eyes: "Everything is destined."

"If you can give up reversing time and space, we might still be able to live together!" Fairy Taiyin was breathtakingly beautiful.

Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words: "Yes!"

"What?" Taiyin was taken aback when he heard the words.

"I said yes" Zhang Bairen said with a smile: "As long as you marry me!".

"Impossible, everything is destined! You and I will fight!" Fairy Taiyin shook his head.

Zhang Bairen was inexplicably sad when he heard this: "Does the fairy have to be my enemy?"

Fairy Taiyin shook his head: "It is destined! You are an accident, a variable!"

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, the will of Taiyin Fairy dissipated, and only a cold voice resounded through the hall: "The contest between you and me has begun! I could kill the Emperor of Heaven, and I could kill you!"

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, manipulating Wu Zetian's body and looking up at the lunar star in the sky, after a while, he sneered and said, "Good means!"

This is to Wu Zetian!

"Do you think that with the support of Taiyin Fairy, I can defeat someone Zhang?" Zhang Bairen shook his Will retreat, leaving Wu Zetian standing at the railing in silence, and after a long time he smiled coldly: " None of them are good birds!"

"Your Majesty!" The guard outside the door noticed something was wrong and quickly broke into the palace.

"Retreat, I want to be quiet!" Wu Zetian said coldly.

The guard retreated, and Wu Zetian floated a water mirror in front of him, looking at the halo of the moon at the center of his eyebrows, he seemed to have a special feeling with the moon in the dark.

"I don't know if it is good or bad, but no matter what the result is, it won't be worse than it is now! Only after passing the general governor's level can I talk about other things!" Wu Zetian frowned.

In his heart, Zhang Bairen is much more terrifying than Taiyin Xingjun! This is an inexplicable intuition.


Zhang Bairen raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky: "I have the four swords of Buzhou Mountain and Zhuxian, and I am already invincible!"

"Next is the power of cultivating Jie, Jie's power can wound the immortal strong, kill those immortal origins between heaven and earth, Jie has exceeded the heavens! Although he is very weak, he has unlimited potential!" Zhang Bairen slowly Lowered his eyebrows: "Mr. Taiyin, such a terrifying avenue of charm. It is derived from the body's instinct. No creature can stop it. Even the laws of heaven and earth will be charmed by him and cannot bear to hurt one finger."

"The power of the law is of no use in front of the Taiyin. If you want to fight against such a powerful person, only the power of immortality can avoid the power of charm!" Zhang Bairen tapped his knees with his fingers: "There is a long way to go! It's hard to come by, and I still need a good study. I have some guesses and ways to deal with such big enemies as Taiyin."

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