First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2228: Grassland Storm

The demon king heard this silently, and after a long time, he sighed, "I regret that I couldn't kill this dog back then!"

Kill early and kill late, so it's better to start early.

He did regret it, but unfortunately there is no regret medicine to buy!

What's more, there was the blessing of the emperor of the Sui Dynasty, and Zhang Bairen had the incarnation of a **** to cover up the secrets. It was too difficult for the hundred thousand mountains to work in the land of the human race! .

"I just hope that the dead sheep can make up for it, it's not too late!" The Great Sage Mochizuki looked at the Demon King on the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"Zhang Bairen lays out the world, taking Tianzhu and Tubo from the west, and the Turkic countries in the east!" The demon king's eyes are full of murderous intent: "Central Earth is controlled by it. Now the Eight Immortals are traveling east, I can't continue to be passive like this!"

"What's the clever plan of the king?" Mochizuki's eyes shone brightly.

"You Mochizuki clan was the subordinate of the Taiyin Fairy back then, you can sway the will of the Taiyin Star, and get the blessing of the Taiyin Star!" The Demon King smiled and said: "The Turks have the blood of the wolf clan. Now that the Taiyin Fairy is here, you should take action to invite the Taiyin Star. The fairy mobilizes the power of the Taiyin to bring the blood of the Turkic tribe back to the ancestors. This chess game set in the past should also be unveiled. If it is late, I am afraid that things will be difficult, and Zhang Bairen can't continue to accumulate momentum."

Hearing this, Great Sage Mochizuki nodded: "Don't worry, you can leave this to me. Now that the Kyushu barrier is about to be broken, it's time for us to wait for the monsters to counterattack the humans."

But seeing that Mochizuki's words fell and his figure disappeared, a person went straight back to the cave, looked at the tens of thousands of big and small demon soldiers and demon generals, and said loudly: "Children, quickly build the altar and start the Sirius Screaming Ceremony. !"

With an order, countless demon clan masters began to move, and the entire clan became busy and began to build the altar.

In just half a day, the altar was built, and tens of thousands of demonic tribes gathered around the altar.

"Today's sixteen, it can be regarded as the full moon, I wait for the master to recover, today I respectfully ask the master will come!" Xiaoyue Sirius roared up to the sky, bonfires blazed up into the sky, in an instant raging flames, countless tribes kneeled at this time He fell to the ground and bowed to the bright moon in the sky.

"Xiaoyue Clan, please be merciful to the Lord God, and grant will!" The demon saint's figure was twisted and turned into a pure white rhino, like a jade crystal with no trace of impurities, every hair and skin texture If all are crystal-free.

The will of countless tribesmen gathered together, accompanied by the overwhelming incense, leading to the place of the void.

next moment

I saw the void distorted, and the bright moon like a disc gradually narrowed the distance, turning into the size of a wheel, and shining all over countless monsters.

The monster beasts greedily absorbed the power of the Taiyin Star, and their strength increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Mochizuki clan pays homage to the Lord of the Taiyin!" The Great Sage Mochizuki respectfully saluted, creeping on the ground respectfully.

Even though he had broken the inner void, he dared not raise his head in the face of the pressure from the depths of the bloodline.

"Mochizuki clan?" A deserted voice resounded between heaven and earth, revealing a touch of memory and a touch of doubt.

"Unexpectedly, the vicissitudes of life have changed over the years. After hundreds of millions of years have passed, the Mochizuki clan still has a tribe!" Fairy Taiyin sighed.

"I wait for the Lord's will to come today, I have to ask for something important, and I hope the Lord will accomplish it!" Mochizuki said respectfully.

"I already know what you think, what you want, and what you ask for, no need to say more, this palace already knows!" Fairy Taiyin's will gradually dissipated, but the power of Taiyin increased dozens of times in an instant, crazy Infused into the monks of the Mochizuki clan, they washed the marrow and cut hair in an instant, their strength improved by leaps and bounds, and their blood was purified.

The twisted void returned to calm, and the full moon went away, leaving countless Mochizuki tribesmen who practiced individually and received the blessing of the lunar yin.

The endlessly desolate Taiyin star, Taiyin Fairy lay in the crystal coffin, a wisp of will returned to his body, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked:

"Interesting, I didn't think there was such a move. Next, my palace is about to make a move. I wonder if you can take it!"

Human world

Zhang Bairen looked dignifiedly towards Shiwan Dashan with a touch of dignity in his eyes, tapping his knees lightly with his fingers: "The will of Taiyin Fairy descended on Shiwan Dashan, but it is not good! Unexpectedly, Taiyin Fairy and Shiwan Da Shan There is a connection! The strength of Shiwan Dashan must not be underestimated."

Shiwandashan has been living in seclusion for thousands of years, and no one can predict how many masters are hidden in it.

Zhang Bairen stroked his chin and looked into the distance. It took a while before he closed his eyes: "As long as the eastward journey is successful, regardless of the 100,000 mountains or the dragon clan, the only thing that can be done is to be crushed in the face of the world."

"No matter what plots and tricks you have, I will just crush them!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a cold light.


Endless Steppe Tribe

At this time, the leaders of the East Turks gathered together, their eyes were full of solemnity. In this endless night, some were just the uneasy screams of horses.

No bonfire

Or maybe I dare not light a bonfire

At this time, more than 30 leaders and leaders gathered together, sitting around and making a punch. There was no kumiss and roast lamb, but some were cold and dead.

In the middle of the crowd, an old man sat cross-legged with weird lines on his forehead, and his body was covered with various spells.

"High priest, you are the only remaining old man in the tribe. Zhuojun is simply too much to use my grassland to train soldiers and herd horses on my grassland! Yanyun eighteen riders chases and kills the tribes of my grassland day and night, and I hope the high priest Wait for me to teach."

The past few years on the grassland have not been so difficult. Although the grassland was founded and took the opportunity to restore some of its glory in the past, Yanyun Eighteen Cavaliers broke through to become the eighteen most powerful men, and launched a **** recovery on the grassland.

The grassland is famous for nomadic herders. The eighteen horses of Yanyun come and go like the wind to raise and fight. As long as a tribe goes out to graze, they will inevitably be hunted by the eighteen horses of Yanyun and become nourishment for the eighteen horses of Yanyun.

The eighteenth rider of Yanyun is practicing blood magic arts. It uses the blood of the prairie creatures as nourishment to kill the hearts of the prairie people. I am afraid that more than one million people have died.

Now, what the grassland lacks is no longer cattle and sheep, but population.

As long as it is a man, whether young or old, as long as they encounter it, there is no reason to be spared.

Eighteen Turkic cavalry come and go like the wind, even if the Turkic empire is strong, they can’t help each other. Although the Turks have dragon spirit, it is not waiting for the Turkic Khan to react. The convenience has disappeared in the grassland, leaving only the ground. wreckage.

The Turkic Khan was also helpless in the face of the eighteen knights who came and went like wind and did not blink.

A dozen of the small Turkic nomadic tribes, and a little more than a few thousand of the medium-sized tribes, are facing the eighteen most powerful people, and they are also the most powerful people who practice blood magic, just a few breaths between their fingers. But all the massacres were exhausted, and there was no room for the other party to react.

"Silent Khan is in retreat, thinking about ways to contain the Eighteen Riders. Now the Eighteen Riders are getting more and more fierce. The speed of my birth and breeding every year can be as fast as the other party's slaughter. This is treating us as livestock. , Continue to slaughter and use! Now you can only ask to sacrifice to you!" The words of the leaders filled the sky with resentment.

Hearing this, the old man in the center slowly opened his eyes, his eyes showed a full moon, and it seemed that a dreamy and hazy figure of all sentient beings flashed by:

"The glory of the ancestors is about to return, and the ancient gods have given their will. The time for my grassland tribe to counterattack Middle-earth is about to come! Tonight will leave the Khan silently, I will wait to visit the Khan!"

The priest slowly stood up, walked out of the darkness, looking at the corpse in that place, the flames in his hands rose, and countless corpses turned into ashes.

Turkic Royal Court

On the contrary, it has the scale of the Central Plains Prefecture, and the circulation of its inner powers is not magnificent, but it also has a somewhat civilized appearance.

"My lords, the Khan is already waiting for you in the palace!" When everyone returned to the palace, there were guards waiting.

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and went straight through the layers of portals to the palace.

Silently Khan stood in front of a map, looking at the map with his back to the hall.

"I'll wait to see you sweat!"

All the leaders gave a gift together How many people died this time? "Silent Khan regained consciousness, turned his head and scanned his subordinates.

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, and their faces were sorrowful. It took a long time to see the high priest hoarsely saying: "Five thousand! We went too slowly. After we went, the other party had already withdrawn."

"It's useless to go fast! The other eighteen most powerful people, although the leaders are extraordinary in strength, they are also difficult to block the opponent's edge, and they will inevitably be killed by the opponent! On the contrary, you have to be thankful that you did not hit the opponent. !" The Khan sighed silently: "It's the incompetence of this king, which makes you feel terrified day and night, and the people are slaughtered and helpless! This king would rather fight the opponent to the death, than want to do this all day long. But... Compared with massacre and humiliation, inheritance is more important than tribal inheritance. Even if the other party regards me as cattle and sheep, we must bear it! For the tribe! For inheritance!"

"As long as you don't die, there is always a chance for revenge!"

The leaders heard the words silently, but the high priest smiled at this moment: "The king must not blame himself, don't you hear the time? Now that my Turkic **** is resurrected, it will not be long before the eighteen riders are proud. Our opportunity to counterattack Middle-earth has arrived."

"Oh? What's the explanation for this?" All the tribal chiefs looked at the old priest one after another.

The old sacrificial face bowed to the sky with a pious expression: "The lord of the wolf **** is up, the supreme lord of my tribe has been resurrected, and the decree has just been lowered, and we have to build an altar, accept the glory of our ancestors, and accept the baptism of the power of the yin. The opportunity to fly into the sky to counterattack Middle-earth has arrived."

"Really!" Silently sipped Khan and stood up in joy.

The other leaders also looked at the old priest in the field with scorching eyes.

"Please build the altar, the authenticity will be known right away!" The old priest smiled.

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