First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2230: Turkic means, blood return

Innate gods live in the hundreds of millions, witnessing history, witnessing the rise and fall, all of them are old and cunning, how easy is it to kill?

There are only two ways to kill the innate gods. The first is that the aura of the innate gods is close. The second is the qualitative difference, so that the innate gods have no resistance.

Zhang Bairen gently stroked the jade rabbit with his fingers. At this time, Zhang Xujiao and Yu Juluo came together, and Zhang Xituo's eyebrows were crescents, and he stood in front of Zhang Bairen with an ugly expression: "The Governor, it seems something is not good. !"

Zhang Bairen did not speak, but fell on the crescent moon at the center of Zhang Xutuo's eyebrows, with a dignified look in his eyes:

"Hou Yi Shooting the Sun?"

"Not bad!" Zhang Xutuo whispered.

"Unexpectedly, there is actually this layer of cause and effect!" A faint haze emerged from Zhang Bairen's heart, his eyes were staring at the beard before his eyes, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a ray of chaos flowed in his hands: "No problem! No problem! No! Get in the way!"

Zhang Xuluo did not evade, allowing the Chaos Demon Seed to enter his body and completely merge with his own.

Zhang Bairen closed his eyes, sensing all the spirits of Zhang Xutuo, the law of reincarnation in his hand circulating: "Reincarnation, present!"

A water mirror appeared in front of Zhang Bairen, projecting a divine light, and the law of reincarnation within it flowed, swaying towards Zhang Xutuo.

I saw the water mirror fluctuate, and then stopped abruptly, still an endless void.

"How is it possible! You don't have a past life, it's impossible!" Various thoughts flashed in Zhang Bairen's mind, and then turned around: "Fine, you wait and go training."

Yu Juluo and Zhang Xituo wanted to stop talking, but after all they walked respectfully.

Zhang Bairen looked at the back of the two with a pair of eyes, and then turned to look at the ancestor Shaoyang: "What did the ancestor say?"

"Didn't you guess it?" Shaoyang Patriarch whispered.

Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, then sighed, and slowly let out a sigh of regret, his eyes filled with regret: "Is this reincarnation?"

The ancestor of Shaoyang was silent.

"That wolf god, what do you plan to do with it?" Old Ancestor Shaoyang said with a smile.

"Of course it's fattening up! The dog in the twelve zodiac **** Gu in Wubufan hasn't been sacrificed yet. This servant took the initiative to send it to the door, but it's no wonder we!" Zhang Bairen looked at the shadow under his feet: "Pass the letter to Wubufan. Say the chance has arrived!"

Southern Xinjiang

In front of an altar the size of a hundred meters

Wu Bufan stood respectfully, holding the incense in his hands: "Respectfully invite the Fairy Taiyin to come."

"I've heard of you in my palace!" Void moonlight was dim, and the fairy of Taiyin turned into a human form, projecting out in front of Wu Bufan.

"The younger generation sacrifices the twelve Yuanchen. If the younger generation can help the younger generation, the younger generation is willing to send the younger generation!" Wu Bufan said.

"You are so ambitious! Under the whole world, the only person who can touch the light and control the time is the candle nine yin. Even if you are an acquired body, even if you train for twelve yuan, you are afraid that the mortal body cannot hold ten. The power of Er Yuanchen has devoured himself to ruin his life!" Fairy Taiyin looked through Wu Bufan's bottom line at a glance.

"Things are man-made, if you can train for twelve yuanchen, wash your body with the power of time, one day you can freely control the power of time!" Wu Bufan whispered.

The fairy of Taiyin was silent when he heard the words, and it took a while before he flicked his finger. A stream of light flew out, and the body full of innate divine light fell in front of Wu Bufan: "This is the innate rabbit god. The collection has always been with you, using its **** origin, enough to help you become a rabbit. Now that you have become a monkey and a dragon, plus today's rabbit, you have become one-tenth of it, which is rare. "

"Thank you Fairy for perfection" Wu Bufan hurriedly stepped forward to put away the body of God Rabbit, but saw that God Rabbit body was as white as jade, without the slightest impurities, as if it was floating there like a ball of light.

Seeing this, Fairy Taiyin nodded: "You only need to follow the orders of this palace in the future, and it will not be difficult to practice the twelve zodiac gods. Back then, the gods slaughtered the gods, and I may not be able to get the corpses of the twelve zodiac gods, but I can find It's not difficult to get seven or eight."

While talking, Fairy Taiyin pointed out and landed on Wubufan's eyebrows.

Wu Bufan was shocked, that finger seemed to embrace the endless time and space, and embrace the great power of heaven!

There is no way to hide, no way to stop, you can only accept it abruptly!

"Yes, it's pretty well-behaved!" Fairy Taiyin curled up her mouth: "If that's the case, I'll give you some advice."

Half a day later

Wu Bufan sent away Fairy Taiyin, stroking the crescent mark at the center of his eyebrows, and his whole heart sank into the bottomless abyss:

"Trouble is big! It's even worse this time!"

Even if the Zodiac God Gu is not guided by the Taiyin Fairy, he has an endless lifespan, and he can practice it slowly, rather than being driven by such enslavement.

"General Governor, you are going to save me this time!" Wu Bufan said with a downcast head.

"You don't have to worry, chaos is nothing tolerant, just wait for you to practice the twelve zodiac **** Gu, the mark of slavery of the lunar fairy, I can swallow it at will!" Zhang Bairen's words sounded in Wu Bufan's body: "Next you will work hard to practice God Gu, the time for the Great Tribulation is running out."

East Turks

"Luo Yi! I dare to slaughter my tribes, really deserves death! I have now completed the transformation, and still treat us as failing before?" The high priest woke up first and looked at Yan Yunshi who slaughtered his family. Baqi suddenly roared, and patted the sky with one palm.

"It's the power of the heavenly gods!" Luo Yi's expression was moved, but he was not afraid. The powerhouse in the realm of Dao already had the ability to compete with the supreme existence, let alone he has been broken into the void?

"Kill! Besiege this old guy first, there is something wrong with this guy!" Luo Yi yelled, and Yanyun Eighteen Cavaliers stood up and attacked the high priest.


The high priest was bombarded, but he had not suffered severe damage. The bombed body was reorganized in an instant.

"I am an innate god, you can't wait for the second step of martial arts realm. Although you can defeat me, tear me, and behead me, I am immortal!" The high priest smiled coldly, "I am a wolf god. The gods of the Xiaoyue Sirius clan, you and the human race ants are not easy to cultivate. If you are willing to submit to this throne, you may spare your life, otherwise you are afraid to die here today."

"It's not ashamed to say it!" Luo Yi smiled disdainfully, and the next moment he rose up, everyone was in a fight again.

The battle in the field has become fierce, the wolf **** is constantly bombarded by everyone, and the blood of the **** is swallowed by the eighteen horses, but he can't be killed for a long time, and he regains his true form in an instant.

"Bold Luo Yi, dare to come to my Turkic presumptuous!" Hearing an angry shout, silently completed the transformation, instantly turned into a streamer, and joined the battlefield.


The emperor's dragon vibrates, and the strongest will also be suppressed.

At this time, some Turkic powerhouses awakened one after another, and Luo Yi didn't change his face: "For the time being, we will withdraw first, and we will ask for the decree of the general governor, and then come to care about Turks."

Eighteen strong men turned into blood and went away, and the Turkic tribes turned into corpses wherever they passed.

"Don't chase it!" The wolf **** said, his eyes were full of dignity. No one could see that the cracks on the skin under the wolf god's clothes were flowing, and they could not heal.

"I wonder if you are the wolf **** or the high priest?" Silently asked with doubts.

"You will call me the high priest in the future!" The high priest turned and walked towards the altar: "After the tribe wakes up and reorganizes the dragon spirit, we will attack Zhuo County to take revenge! Revenge for the countless dead men."

Turning and scanning the countless tribesmen in front of him, the high priest roared to the sky and turned into the sound of howling wolves. The degeneration of countless Turkic tribesmen on the ground turned out to be dozens of times faster. In just half a time, millions of Turkic tribesmen have been transformed.

Entry point

The giant wolves rushing into the sky with a demon spirit roared up to the sky, and continued to bow to the lunar star. The white hair had never been impurity, it was extremely pure.


Sirius Howl

Endless Taiyin shines

In an instant, countless Sirius on the ground turned into a strong man, but this strong man had a wolf head, wolf claws, and wolf skin, just like a human race.

"Prepare for war! Prepare for war!" With a sigh of silence, the emperor's dragon qi reorganized in an instant, and it was more than ten times stronger than before, which was comparable to the middle-earth dragon qi.

far away

Luo Yi, who was fleeing, changed color in astonishment: "Something has happened, and most of them are supervising tigers in trouble!"

Wolves, speed and cunning come and go without a trace, they are born to cooperate well. Coupled with its infinite power, I am afraid it is invincible!

Only Yijin Dzogchen can compete with it!

If the wolf clan has people who practice martial arts, the innate blessings they get will be even more terrifying.

"I see the difficulty of innate gods, right" Shaoyang ancestor looked at Zhang Bairen.

"Innate gods are the manifestation of the power of rules between heaven and earth, and it is difficult to be killed! Unless they have special weapons, they can't hurt the origin of the gods!" Zhang Bairen understood.

His Four Zhuxian Swords are four treasures that can kill the innate gods!

And the sun chain.

"The wolf **** is just an ordinary god, and it is very different from gods such as Shebi Zui!" Shaoyang Ancestor said meaningfully.

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and looked at the dragon energy gathered by the Turks, still expressionless.

He is not worried about the wolf tribe. Although the wolf tribe is strong now, if he wants to do it, he can slap all the millions of wolf tribes to death with one palm.

What he is worried about are those innate races!

"Training! Training is the most important thing!" Zhang Bairen lowered his eyebrows: "Spread my decree, Zhuojun Arsenal is open at will, as long as you can kill ten wolf monks on the battlefield, you can enter the Arsenal to exchange for the Secret of the God of Martial Arts Code."

He thought of the battle against the deer that year, the strength of the Jiuli tribe, that came from the strength of blood.




The sound of war drums shocked the world.

How many years has it been?

How many years has the Zhuojun war drum sounded?

How many years has no one provoke Zhuojun's majesty?

Countless people of Zhuo County stopped one after another, put down their needlework, raised their heads to look at the martial arts field, and then ran away with a ‘oooo~’.

That is the thirst for war! The desire for military merit!

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