First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 542: See Chunyang

Hearing the words of the sable, Zhang Bairen looked up and down, and being able to speak and speak must have changed his bones, which is equivalent to a human being in the realm of easy bones.

However, there are some special monsters. Some monsters are very good at bone-changing, and some monsters are quite weak even if they are easy to bone.

"I have an explanation with Qingyang Palace, but whatever you do, you are not the Governor’s Chinese food." Zhang Bairen grabbed the sable and scanned the guards of the military secret palace: "Immediately exit the Qingyang Mountain Range and wait for Qingyang Palace to respond. We have long since disappeared, and Qingyang Palace can't catch up to find the place even though it is domineering."

With a word of order, the guards of the Secret Mansion of the armed forces ran away and disappeared into the jungle after a while.

Qingyang Mountains

The highest peak, Nanshan, has been flattened, and there are many palaces around acres of ancient trees.

The Taoist temple was quiet. A young man wearing a green shirt and a hair crown, with a crown of jade and a handsome face like a woman, stretched out his slender fingers, teasing the rabbit in front of him.

"Stupid sheep! Stupid sheep! It's not good! It's not good!" At this moment, a chirping broke the tranquility in the forest, and a bird flew in and was supported by the young man.

"Thrush, what's the matter?" The young man's voice was cold, like a spring in the mountains.

"The mountain came down and a large group of horses and men galloped in the forest, as if they were looking for something." Thrush's voice was crisp: "It seems that the visitors are not kind."

"Huh?" The man slowly held the thrush in his palm, his eyes were pure like spring water in the mountains: "I'm going to tell the master!"

After speaking, the man walked swiftly towards the main hall, but he saw a ruddy-looking man who looked like a man in his forties sitting in the middle of the lobby slowly sculpting something.

"The master is becoming more and more obsessed with mechanical techniques" the man sighed slightly.

"What do you know! It is the best way to study things. A few days ago, Sun Simiao's old thing was enlightened by Zhang Bairen, and he actually caught a glimpse of the legendary Sun God, this old thing is really good luck, but unfortunately, I don’t know the best way to be a teacher. Where? The man is holding a small carving knife in his hand and is constantly sculpting the sculpture in his hand.

"Zhang Bairen" the young man's eyes were full of brilliance: "I don't know what this kid has, he can actually enlighten the real Sun Simiao."

The old man said, "The weather is extraordinary!"

"Master, the brigade has come down from the mountain, are we going to drive it away?" The young man squinted his eyes.

"Not only the brigade, but even Zidian was taken away. This little thing has a contempt of contempt. It prides itself that speed is everything, and it is not a big somersault," said the old way slowly.

"Take the sable? It's so bold. In order to unlock the sables, the master fed countless elixir. These people dare to take the sables, and they must not let them go out alive." The young man's face instantly Coldly.

"The visitor is your acquaintance. I'm afraid you are reluctant to leave it after you see it. Go get the sable sable back," the old Taoist said without raising his head.

Hearing what the old Taoist said, the man was taken aback: "Acquaintances?"

In the forest

Zhang Bairen took the lead, leading the group of people and horses to constantly shuttle through the mountains and forests, and the grass and trees swayed wherever they passed, causing air currents.

"Capital Governor, do you think Qingyang Palace will send someone to surround us?" Zuo Qiu Wuji looked worried, obviously he was scrupulous about Qingyang Palace to the culmination.

"Isn't this nonsense? This is the Beppu of Qingyang Palace. Let's show up here. It's weird if the people from Qingyang Palace don't come to question clearly!" Zhang Bairen walked hurriedly in the dense forest.

Suddenly, there was a pause, and the whole team came to a standstill, standing motionless in the dense forest, looking at the distant jungle silently.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his hand to stop the movement of the guard behind him, tucked the sable into his sleeve, looked at the dense forest not far away, clasped his fists in both hands: "The governor of the capital is the military secret mansion Zhang Bairen, I don't know which Dao is in front of Qingyang Palace. Long face?"

As the trees turned, a familiar figure appeared in front of him. Zhang Bairen was shocked to subconsciously put his long sword across his waist, with an angry expression on his face: "Damn! You have enough Qingyang Palace, but you still want to play me with the same means. I'm so bullied!"

Zhang Bairen's eyes rose with anger, looking at the familiar face, the murderous intent in his eyes couldn't help but escape.

"Mr. Xiao Zhang is really majestic. When he met my old acquaintance, he is now beginning to show his majesty. If I wanted to help you in Xiangnan, you were so unconscionable!" Taoist Chunyang was angry and a pair. Zhang Bairen stared at him.

"Nonsense! There is no real Chunyang person in this world, there is only one disgusting old guy, Chunyang Palace actually dares to tease me, the Governor is fighting with you today!"

While talking, Zhang Bairen's sword light gleamed, and he slashed towards the real person Chunyang not far away.

"You actually want to kill me!" Looking at the sword light that was slashed, the real person Chunyang did not move, letting the sword light approach his delicate neck.

The cold front was overflowing, Zhang Bairen's long sword stopped on Chunyang's neck, looking at Chunyang's iron-green face, he seemed to realize that something was wrong, and quickly put away the long sword, and said with doubts: "You really are Chunyang. Real person?"

While talking, he stretched out his hand and instantly held him to Chunyang Zhenren's ear, and began to scratch, his skin was red, leaving a few blood marks.

"Your kid went crazy as soon as I saw me. What kind of crazy is going on now!" Chunyang real person opened Zhang Bairen's hands with a thin face: "You actually want to kill me, then you kill it! Let me see Chunyang. The wrong person actually knows you like a wolf-hearted person."

Zhang Bairen didn’t seem to hear what Chunyang said. He just looked at Chunyang dementialy, and then suddenly stepped forward and held Chunyang in his arms and rubbed it into his chest: "You really are Chunyang. Real person, that old thing will show me before he dies. Real person Chunyang is really alive. I'll just say that we have been afflicted with each other for a few months. How can I misunderstand you? That old dog should be a real sin. , I changed my face to look like you, but I was so stupid that I believed the old dog's words. If I had known this, I should disperse the old dog's soul and not leave him a chance to reincarnate."

Real Chunyang's complexion was flushed, and he struggled hard, but couldn't get rid of Zhang Bairen's arms, but said in shame, "You let me go!"

"I won't let it go. If you slip away, I will be heartbroken. It would be nice to see you again." Zhang Bairen hugged the real person Chunyang, with no nasty thoughts in his heart, and some were just touched.

"What the **** happened?" Chun Yang couldn't get rid of it, so he could only calm down honestly, and asked.

"Don't you know, there was an old dog who turned into yours to blame me, saying that there is no Chunyang in the world, so I was so angry that I slaughtered the old dog, and only hated me for not breaking it. "The soul of an old dog" Zhang Bairen's face was gloomy, and he hugged him for a while before letting go of the real person Chunyang. His eyes were full of excitement: "It would be better to see you alive now, and I will never let people really hurt you in the future. , If anyone dares to do something to I have to destroy the nine clans."

Listening to Zhang Bairen’s domineering words, Chun Yang was moved in his heart, but he was angry on his face, and clicked on Zhang Bairen’s head: "You, you know **** and kill all day long. I have already stepped into the Zuo Dao without knowing it. It's a calm heart. How can you get the results of fighting like this all day?"

Although Zhang Bairen has mentioned it in one sentence, how does Chunyang Chunyang know the danger? So he touched the back of Zhang Bairen's head and slowly circled him in his arms.

The two hugged for a while, and Zuoqiu Wuji coughed from behind. The two of them woke up like a dream. Looking at the eyes behind them, Zhang Bairen quickly released his hands without leaving a trace and said: "You come with me, there are some things. Just about to talk to you."

After Zhang Bairen and Taoist Chunyang entered the dense forest and separated from the crowd, they looked at the real person Chunyang: "Qingyang Palace? This is the Beppu of Qingyang Palace. I didn't expect to meet you. It's a coincidence. Otherwise, I I don’t know how long it will last."

True person Chunyang rolled his eyes and said, "What are you doing here in the Qingyang Mountain Range? This Beppu is now guarded by my master. I naturally followed the master to clean it up. Instead, it was you who ran to the deep mountains and old forests for no reason. what?"


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