First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 638: The world in the palm, the weirdness of Falang

I said: Let there be light!

So the world has light.

The world is different, but Zhang Bairen can't tell what is different.

The earth is changing slightly, accumulating heat continuously, which is the prelude to the formation of volcanoes.

"It's a pity that there is no water in this world!"

Looking at the grass that seemed to never grow up, Zhang Bairen sighed helplessly.

"There is still one step left, and the five elements will be perfect." Zhang Bairen smiled.

The absence of water on the earth does not mean that there is no water in this endless void.

The endless void has endless elements, but it will take hundreds of millions of years for this endless element to take shape.

Zhang Bairen couldn't wait for hundreds of millions of years, so he could only search for the Five Elements Spiritual Relics.

Zhang Bairen can feel that the four of the five elements have returned to their place. In fact, the five elements can barely operate, but the speed of operation is too slow. It is not that there is no water in the earth, but it is very small and almost invisible.

If you rely on this world to self-regulate and you want to derive the power of water, you don't have to think about it forever. Zhang Bairen couldn't wait for ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, he couldn't say that the bones and scum were all rotten.

"The Five Elements World is just like this. I only wait for me to find the water spirit to promote the evolution of the world." Zhang Bairen thought about leaving the small world, thinking about what he had gained from this trip.

The supreme vacuum handprint performed by the monk of the Falang Temple, whose power Zhang Bairen saw with his own eyes, the real Yang Shen was captured in an instant without checking, this power is simply earth-shattering and heaven-defying.

The magic seed was planted into the monk Falan’s soul, and Zhang Bairen had a clear understanding of monk Falan’s circulation of Qi, the operation of his exercises, and his visualization.

Naturally, the vacuum mud mudra technique cannot be concealed from Zhang Bairen's method.

It's just that Zhang Bairen found that there was a large blank in the memory of Monk Falan Yuanshen, and even this blank could not be read by himself.

"Weird!" Zhang Bairen showed a strange color: "Monk Flange's memory is blank, either it was erased by a kind of magical power, or it is a supernatural power that cannot be read by anyone."

"This old monk has so many methods" muttered, and began to study the vacuum mud mudra. Fortunately, the vacuum mud mudra was not in the blank, otherwise Zhang Bairen would cry to death.

After a while, Zhang Bairen suddenly exclaimed: "What a powerful palm in the Buddha Kingdom, what a powerful vacuum handprint!"

The word ‘empty’ in the vacuum mudra is derived from the four elements of Buddhism.

The earth, water, wind, and fire are all empty, and empty is chaos and chaos.

Empty is color, and color is emptiness.

Many people have got it wrong, thinking that the term'color' here means lust. In fact, emptiness is form, and form is emptiness, which is the main theme of Buddhism, the core idea of ​​Buddhism, the source of Buddhist teachings and fundamental laws. The term ‘color’ here means ‘colored’, which can be understood in a narrow sense as things with colors, and in a broad sense it refers to the material world full of flowers. The material world is full of flowers, and you can use a ‘color’, color instead of general reference.

Empty is not empty, which refers to chaos. The source of the birth of all matter and nothingness is the origin of the universe.

Empty is not empty, color is not color.

Void is matter, and matter is emptiness.

Emptiness is all beings, and all beings are emptiness.

The vacuum mudra is the ‘emptiness’ that cultivates.

Not the vacuum defined by science in the 21st century, but the emptiness in the Buddhist sense.

When Kong cultivates to the realm of Mahayana, matter can evolve. Emptiness is the origin of all things, where all things are rooted, emptiness can shape all things and derive all things.

The ultimate of this empty handprint is to shape a world, no wonder Zhang Bairen screams after he has been in the knowledge for a while.

Zhang Bairen instantly thought of his own world, and even cut a space bubble.

Strictly speaking, Zhang Bairen's space is an empty space, which is a real empty space.

Then all things are cavitation and the five elements are derived.

"The Buddha kingdom in this palm is simply vain, even if you cultivate an endless void? The evolution of matter is calculated by hundreds of millions of years. By then, the soul of human death will be scattered, and it will be placed in the vacuum of the law. It will also disappear." Zhang Bairen shook his head.

Everything in the world, only the world can last forever.

Zhang Bairen’s world now has four of the five elements, and he can barely drive the water source qi in the small world to circulate. If Zhang Bairen falls one day, perhaps the world can be preserved and transformed into a truly unowned world, and endless beings will evolve in the future.

"This vacuum handprint is too whimsical, but it is of reference to the universe of my sleeves, especially the explanation of this vacuum handprint about'emptiness', which is even more beneficial." Zhang Bairen stunned secretly and began to reform. The universe is in my sleeve.

Strictly speaking, Zhang Bairen's sleeves are just a distorted space, which is still in the great world, and has not formed its own space.

"If I can really comprehend a piece of my own space, it will also have innumerable benefits for the control and origin of my own world" Zhang Bairen frantically fell into the study of space.


To practice emptiness in Buddhism, you need to know emptiness and know everything in the material world to the extreme before you can comprehend it.

"This technique can be cultivated at least at the realm of Daoyang God" Zhang Bairen opened his eyes, full of helplessness: "Empty involves the material realm and the chaotic realm, and it is not my control at all. This even involves time. , Cause and effect, but how did the old monk of the Falang Temple make it? Weird! Weird! The old monk is at best a fake sun god."

Zhang Bairen was very strange in his heart. Why can this old monk be able to practice, but he can't?

"I will look for the memory of this monk again" Zhang Bairen began to perceive the movement of Dao Gong in the body of Falang Temple through the magic seed.

Temple of Fran

The host of the Falang Temple sits in the center of the main hall with a peaceful face, the Buddha sculpture stands peacefully behind him, and the golden figure is lifelike.

"Weird! I clearly felt the Qi of the Heavenly Demon that day, but why didn't it show the slightest trace?" The old monk knocked on the wooden fish, his eyes full of gloom.

"Brother, is there something bothering you?" The golden body Arhat walked in from outside.

"I probably caught the calculation of the governor, but I couldn't find anything wrong, but every time I meditate and recite the scriptures, I will feel the boundless shadow of my heart rising in my heart, seeming to swallow me at any time." The monk looked solemn.

Heard this

The golden Arhat suddenly opened his eyes and looked up and down the abbot's body, wondering: "Senior brother, did you lose to the governor, and you have a demon barrier in your heart? Now you have a thorough soul and clean glass, where is there any impurities? The pure colored glaze body does not stain dust, and is not afraid of foreign demons. How could the brother have a devil in his heart."

The old monk frowned: "I'm afraid it's a great free demon! I can't even think about it for fifty is the inner demon?"

Hearing this, the golden-body Arhat's complexion was silent, and when he cultivated to this state, his various responses were not necessarily false.

Da Sui Military Camp

Zhang Bairen furrowed his brows: "I didn't find anything unusual? It's just an ordinary old monk. How can there be the power to open up the'emptiness'. Could this old monk have already reached the threshold of the Supreme Dao?" How could the threshold be trapped by the immortal rope?"

Zhang Bairen was puzzled, so he explored for a while and began to slowly comprehend the world in his palm.

First understand its legal principles, there may be a turning point in the future.

Emperor camp

Yang Guang sat there with a gloomy expression.

"Your Majesty" a middle-aged monk stood by his side respectfully.

"How did the mage talk to me back then?" Yang Guang tapped the case with his finger.

The monk was silent upon hearing this.

"There are such temples hidden in Tubo. If it weren't for Zhang Xujiao, I would really be buried in the bones." Yang Guang looked at the monk with a grim expression: "Didn't the master say that the Buddhist family is lingering outside the Great Wall? You gave it to me. There is no Falang Temple!"

"Amitabha, if the monk walks in person, he must give his majesty a satisfactory explanation." The monk bowed.

"Go! Don't disappoint me!" Yang Guang said with a cold expression.

But seeing the monk stepping out of the big tent, his face suddenly became gloomy: "Where are the Buddhist temples? There are 480 Buddhist temples outside the Great Wall, but where is the Falang Monastery?"

After speaking, the monk stepped forward, with lotus growing step by step, and headed towards the Buddhist temple.

Looking at the Buddhist temple hidden in the mist from afar, the monk's complexion suddenly changed, and his face was distorted seven or eight times before he hurriedly rushed forward.

ps: The leader is more.

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