First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 796: The water **** of Huai Shui, draws the origin of the sea eye

Race advantage!

What is racial advantage?

As in the current situation, how can human power be able to match whales?

Under water, whales have few natural enemies!

The advantage of whales underwater is the racial advantage of whales. Adult whales cannot be dealt with by those with strong bones. After whales practice their vitality and blood, they will be extremely capable. As long as the whales can change muscles, their strength will increase several times or dozens of times. See the martial artist. Also take a detour. If you get to the shore, the whale is like a rootless whale, losing the power of the sea, and can only serve as a mermaid. Not to mention the strong bones, even the strong tendons can easily kill the whale.

This is also the reason why the Sea Clan is ambitious and ambitious, but it has been unable to land.

Because the racial restraint on both sides is too great, the sea is the world of the dragons and the base camp of the dragons.

Facing the majestic whales and alien species, the group of people suddenly became serious. The powerful people wanted to turn into streamers to get away, but they saw the divine light flowing in the sky and a light mask falling, and they were shocked. Phew, the gods were so dizzy that they couldn't get out of the way.

"Give it to me!" Prime Minister Tortoise turned murderously in his eyes.

When these words fell, Li Jiancheng immediately said: "Everyone, don't resist. Here we are by no means an opponent of the Dragon race, don't want to move, let's go to see the Dragon King, and I will compensate the Li family for any loss."

Prime Minister Turtle showed an expression that looked interesting to you, and led everyone to the Crystal Palace main hall. Suddenly a Taoist exclaimed: "The prime minister, stop, this is done! Look, Zhang Bairen has been made into a puppet!"

The Taoist exclaimed, eyes full of ecstasy.

After hearing these words, Turtle Cheng and others hurriedly looked at the crystal coffin, but saw the streamer flickering inside the crystal coffin, and Zhang Bairen had completely turned into emerald green.

"It's finished!" Li Jiancheng's face suddenly showed ecstasy.

Prime Minister Turtle was also pleased, and waved his hand to the guards under his hand: "I don't have any eyesight, don't hesitate to let Li Gongzi loose and make Li Gongzi apologize! Who teaches you to act so recklessly, don't hurry up and get the punishment! "

Seeing Prime Minister Turtle turning his face like a book, Li Jiancheng sneered in his heart, but he didn't accept it on his face. He automatically revealed this article with his face as usual: "Prime Minister, the most critical step is completed. The next step is to practice according to the secret method, and then take it. The whole body is conceived, and this is the case. Here, the sea eye is just right, and it can be conceived. After blessing some geniuses and treasures, the dragon ball can be taken out in three days."

Hearing this, Prime Minister Turtle nodded: "This matter is not in a hurry! This matter is not in a hurry! Li Gongzi will take me to a banquet, and all the treasures I need will be opened."

Li Jiancheng nodded and ordered his servants to follow Prime Minister Turtle to the hall to drink.

Matsu Dojo

At this time, Ma Zu was holding a round mirror in his hand, and his face showed a thoughtful look: "Zhang Bairen is deep in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, even I can't do it. However, the vitality in his body is very stable, and I can't hide it from others. There is a terrifying aura in this kid's body, which must have been brought about by the hand of the East Sea. I must not act indiscriminately, lest he will ruin his calculations!"


Huai Shui Shui God knocked on the case table with a gloomy expression, and the Shui God rune shone in front of him.

"Zhang Bairen is deeply trapped in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, but I can't leave it alone!" Huai Shui Shui God slowly stood up after speaking, "He must be rescued, the virtuous brother is only one step away from the immortal Dao, and he must not ruin his Taoist fruit."

After speaking, the water **** of Huai Shui became invisible and disappeared in the Huai Shui palace.

The water **** of Huai Shui refined the ancient water **** rune, and the place where you have a master is your own **** domain.

At this time, Huai Shui Water God's Taoism became more and more incredible and unfathomable, and he came directly to the East Sea realm without disturbing anyone along the way.

Following the induction in the dark, he came directly to the realm of the Crystal Palace. Passing through the closely guarded shrimp soldiers and crabs, the Huai Shui water **** came to the sea eye.

Seeing the constantly rotating storm protecting the sea eye, Huai Shui Shui God shook his head, stepped directly into the storm, and reappeared in the sea eye.

The storm outside the sea eye is soaring, but the sea eye is calm and the waves seem to be in two worlds.

At this time, more than a dozen old Daoyang gods continued to step on their feet, and the force that attracted the sea's eyes continued to instill in Zhang Bairen's body. With everyone's actions, only the color of Zhang Bairen's body in the ice coffin was slowly faded by two or three points.

When all the colors outside Zhang Bairen's body completely disappeared and turned into normal skin, then they really turned into a puppet.

Huai Shui Water God stood in the spring's eyes like this, and a dozen Yang Gods regarded him as blind, as if they had not noticed anything abnormal.

Not in a hurry, the Huai Shui water **** slowly came to Zhang Bairen, looking at the golden needles around Zhang Bairen's body, he was about to pull his hands out, and suddenly his movements stopped. For some reason, the closer I got to Zhang Bairen, the heavier my heart became. The divine power in his body gradually died down. It seemed that he had encountered some terrifying natural enemy, and he gradually fell into a deep sleep.

"Don't touch me! Don't be extravagant! Don't worry about meddling!" Zhang Bairen was stunned at first when he saw the water **** of Huai Shui suddenly appeared, but then he frowned. This is a good place to conceive a baby. The **** of water did bad things with good intentions, but he was afraid that things were bad. Tossing to the end, the divine fetus is very likely to turn into a stillbirth.

Seeing the fingers approaching inch by inch, Zhang Bairen was anxious, but couldn't communicate with the water **** of Huai Shui.

As if feeling Zhang Bairen's impatience, the **** fetus in the dantian burst out an unmatched aura, slowly oppressing the water **** of Huai Shui.

The most distressing thing in the world is doing bad things with kind intentions.

The finger was three feet away from Zhang Bairen's body. The Huai Shui water **** stopped his movements, but he never dared to hang down again. A terrifying aura appeared in his heart. As long as his finger fell on Zhang Bairen, something ominous would inevitably happen. thing.

"How could this happen? What terrible thing is there on him?" Huai Shui Shui God swallowed, unconvinced, and wanted to put his finger on, but the great horror in his heart instinctively withdrew his palm.

Standing there, the Huai Shui water was motionless.

Huai Shui Shui God was puzzled, and then he patted his head: "My virtuous brother is a no-brainer. How could I have fallen into the strategies of the dragons and the clan family? Do you want to take the opportunity to calculate?"

Seeing that the overwhelming power of the sea eye was absorbed by Zhang Bairen, the Huai Shui water **** became more confident: "No matter how much he is a puppet, he should have been trained long ago, but with so many geniuses and vitality in his body, he can't hold the slightest. The waves are really terrifying."

Immediately, a pair of eyes looked at Zhang Bairen’s dantian: "I gave Brother Xian a precious orb. With that precious orb protector, I shouldn’t be subjected to calculations by the dragons and aquatics. There must be something I don’t know about. What do you want?"

Looking at the constant infusion of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the water **** of Huai Shui pondered slightly: "Since you need the vitality of the heavens and the earth, then I will help you."

As soon as the Huai Shui water **** stretched out his hand, he saw that the original power of the sea eye was actually extracted and poured into Zhang Bairen's body.

Although Zhang Bairen could not move at this time, he secretly said in his heart: "My cheap brother is really awesome!"

The origin of the sea eye is more powerful than the vitality that escapes. Countless heaven and earth vitality is poured into Zhang Bairen's whole body. With the infusion of the source of power, the heaven and earth vitality in the sea becomes more manic , Constantly rampaged in Zhang Bairen's body.

The divine fetus in the dantian kept rising and falling, like a black hole that constantly swallowed the vitality between heaven and earth.

Zhang Bairen finally knew why the congenital divine womb would be silent instead of being born. With the continuous changes in the world, the vitality of the heaven and earth gradually became thinner, and it could not meet the needs of the congenital gods.

The vitality of heaven and earth required for the birth of the innate gods is massive, and it is not a blessing and cannot be conceived. Even if Dongtianfudi gave birth to an innate god, the foundation of Dongtianfudi would be consumed completely and completely turned into a dead place. Completed the innate god, but sacrificed himself.

This congenital divine fetus in Zhang Bairen’s dantian has been conceived for many years, and has been living chaotically in the barren land outside the Great Wall. If it hadn’t been for the great change of the world, it would still be buried deep in the ground without seeing the sky, and there would be no birth. opportunity.

ps: The update is complete today! happy New Year to all.

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