First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 807: Would like to enter my door

In life, sometimes the ability to abandon something you like with the pain is to grow.

The sound of the flute is long, and it spreads far away with the howling cold wind.

The thick tunes do not know the name, the cause, the cause, and the cause and effect.

It's just behind the boundless loneliness, loneliness, and sadness that are not easily detectable.

Even if it is now on the summit, only half a step away from Immortal Dao, it is still hard to escape the red dust.

Under the mountain

Hearing the sound of the flute, Li Xiuning turned and looked at the figure on the top of the proud mountain. The north wind blows, the figure is fluttering all over, hunting and hunting, it looks particularly lonely.

The two rows of crystal teardrops slipped down, making Chai Shao distressed: "Xiu Ning! If you can't let him go, then go back! I...I...I will never blame you."

Chai Shao's voice was a little trembling, looking at the girl's sad face, he only felt that his heart was broken at that moment, shattered.

Although he was reluctant to bear the girl in front of him, he was even more reluctant to make her heart sad.

Li Xiuning's eyelashes with teardrops blinked, and then disappeared in the cold wind: "It's over! He was originally banished. It's not something ordinary people like me can get close to."

"Why sorrowful fellow Taoists, the cultivators of my generation can't help being female. If you really like this female doll, you only need a word, and the Chai family will definitely retreat and fight with you! With your current power, the world does not respect you. Divide!" Yang Qi couldn't help but persuade him: "Friends of Taoism are already standing on the threshold of longevity. Don't be distracted. You will cultivate the growth method in the future. There will be countless women in the red. It's not that you are allowed to ask for anything."

Zhang Bairen put down his flute and sighed softly: "You old Taoist priest, you said some good things. I'm just a little melancholy. The world is ruthless, and the world is like a tide! After all, there are only a few people in the world who have a detached heart. Power and wealth are dizzy. They are disturbed by fame and fortune. They cannot be detached from life or death."

Speaking of this, Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Qi, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes: "You have reincarnated several times, but you have not changed your desire for Taoism. You are also a member of my generation, and the Governor of the capital should help you."

"Thank you, the governor!" The Taoist said respectfully: "In the future, Yang Qi will treat each other as his disciples!"

"No, your master is Mr. Lu Jingxiu, I don't want to **** the disciple with Mr. Lu!" At this point, Zhang Bairen turned and looked at the endless world in the distance, the curling smoke and incense, silently.

Yang Qi suddenly said: "Does the son know the celestial book left by the teacher Zhang Daoling?"

Zhang Bairen frowned: "How are you doing?"

Yang Qi smiled bitterly: "Poor Dao is rude, I have secretly checked the identity of the governor, I am afraid that the governor does not know his life experience."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen showed curiosity: "Do you know?"

Yang Qi was silent for a while, and then said: "I don't know whether to say it or not."

"If there is anything you shouldn't say, just tell me!" Zhang Bairen said.

Yang Qi pondered for a while, and then said: "Now many people know that the heavenly book fell in the hands of Jindingguan Zhang Baiyi. It should be known that it is the heavenly book left by the teacher Zhang Daoling. The temptation can be imagined, I am afraid that Jindingguan will not be peaceful in the future."

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Qi with a pair of eyes: "You are so dishonest, what I obviously wanted to say before is not this."

Yang Qi smiled bitterly.

Zhang Bairen said: "How secret is the heavenly book. Only my mother and my son, plus few people know Jindingguan, why is it now known to the world?"

"Oh! People are not guilty of guilt. He knows that he has the treasures but doesn’t know how to store them carefully. Instead, he spreads all over the place, and it’s strange that he doesn’t attract the attention of interested people! Fortunately, now that the governor is under pressure, those greedy people have A bit sober, but how long this soberness can last is hard to say!" Yang Qi whispered.

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard this, and after a while, he said: "Compared with the heavenly book, the governor is actually more curious about his life experience. My mother actually has the heavenly book for the ancestor. Doesn't it mean that I am related to the ancestor Zhang Daoling by blood?"

Yang Qi shook his head: "It may not be there! The supernatural powers of teaching the ancestors are unfathomable. Although they are inferior to those of Lao Tzu and others, they are not far away. Every move implies the universe. If the book falls in the hands of the Zhang family today, there must be plans to teach the ancestors. ."

Zhang Bairen was silent, the clarinet in his back was constantly beating his palm, the scorpion spirit in his sleeve seemed to feel the cold, and he actually climbed along the sleeve to Zhang Bairen's armpit and hibernated quietly.

"Oh" Zhang Bairen let out a soft "Oh", expressing his surprise.

Yang Qi said: "As for your life experience, Poor Dao dare not speak arrogantly. The general must have expected it a long time ago, but he hasn't spoken yet. Obviously he has scruples."

When Zhang Bairen heard this, Yang Qi said: "Don't think about it so much, there must be a way to the mountain in the future."

"That's the truth." Zhang Bairen shrank his palm, and the jade flute was tucked into his sleeve. Looking at the blazing sun in the sky, he felt a familiar aura coming from a distance: "Hong Fu, Li Jing, and the bearded guest, Are you guys coming to watch my fight with Grandmaster Yang?"

Although everyone was far apart, Zhang Bairen's voice accurately fell into the ears of the three.

The bearded man smiled boldly and rushed directly to the top of the mountain: "I heard that the governor wants to join the world's masters to enter the East China Sea Dragon Palace. I heard that the governor will fight the East China Sea Dragon King in the East China Sea. It sounds like blood is boiling, and he specially came to help the general governor."

Looking at the Qiu Luke, Hong Fu, and Li Jing, Zhang Bairen sighed softly: "There is a Qiu Lu Dao brother who will take action. The governor of the capital will naturally welcome it."

Yang Qi exclaimed, "What a big man."

"Thank you for the compliment, the head of the road." The bearded guest gave Yang Qi a bow.

Zhang Bairen looked at Li Jing and Hongfu with a pair of eyes: "You two are constantly wandering in the rivers and lakes, which is not the case. The governor once had friendship with Zhang Xutuo. Now, although Zhang Xutuo's reputation is not obvious, he is my great sorrow. The first-class masters are now in troubled times, and they are just around the corner. If you are interested, the Governor of the Metropolitan Government can revise a book and introduce you. The Governor of the Metropolitan Government knows that you are always arrogant, but Zhang Beituo is honest and upright. I admire it the most. If you are able to obey the command of those officials, you can do all of them."

Zhang Bairen never denies Li Jing's talent, art of war, and humanity. Now Li Jing is in a low status, but he has a slight reputation in the court, and Yang Guang and others have also praised him.

Thinking of Li Jing's refuge in the Li sect in the future, Zhang Bairen suddenly thought of digging the corner of the Li sect.

Li Jing chuckled when he heard the words, and gave a respectful salute: "Thanks to the governor of Dadu for showing his love, now my siblings are quite good at wandering around the rivers and lakes. I have not thought about contributing to the court for the time being."

Zhang Bairen looked at Li Jing with a pair of eyes. This servant was also a wise man. He knew that the situation of Da Sui was unpredictable and the cause and effect resentment was overwhelming, but he did not want to be dragged into the water.

Like Li Jing, Zhang Bairen didn't persuade him much, but stood quietly in the mountain breeze and looked at the distant scenery.

On the one hand, Hong Fu suddenly said, "The governor of the capital is now taking advantage of good fortune, and the world is hard to find a rival. I don't know what is going on in the great Sui Dynasty? Can you give me some pointers!"

On the one hand, the bearded guest and Li Jingju looked at Hong Fu in surprise, for some reason.

Zhang Bairen turned around and glanced at Hongfu, then nodded: "You are also smart."

"The Governor, please give me some advice!" Hong Fu said.

Zhang Bairen did not answer Hong Fu's words, but said: "Hong Fu, you were nurtured by Duke Yang with elixir from a young age and trained as a pharmacist king. You can live and die with bones and bones. With outstanding qualifications, you are willing to practice with me ?"

As soon as the words came out, the mountains were silent.

Suddenly, the crowds were in an uproar. UU reading all stared at the woman in red with wide eyes, not knowing what qualifications she had, it was actually worthy of supervision.

Who is Zhang Bairen?

Zhang Bairen is a character destined to live forever, even if he cannot become a fairy, he will become an innate **** who is no weaker than a fairy. Such a character was placed in the age of ancient gods and demons, and he was also a giant.

On one side, Yang Qi, the bearded man, and Li Jing were stunned.

Li Jing hurriedly pulled on the sleeves of Hongfu's shirt, while the bearded man kept beckoning him to agree.

Hong Fu glanced at the crowd, then looked at Zhang Bairen: "The governor is willing to accept me, I wonder if my elder brother and second brother can join the family?"

Zhang Bairen shook his head.

Hong Fu chuckled softly: "Three Heroes of the Red Dust, can't you become the Second Hero of the Red Dust without one?"

ps: It's time to go to work in the new year. I wish everyone a smooth work in the new year.

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