First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 809: Yuwen CD's turning back

Li Xiuning laughed at the words and looked at the sour look on Chai Shao’s face. She couldn’t help but said: “You don’t want to laugh! Smiling is uglier than crying. When you go back, you will come to propose marriage. My father has already said he wants to marry me. Here you are! I will marry a chicken and a dog and a dog in the future. It doesn't matter how the chief governor is."

Hearing this, Chai Shao smiled and went down the mountain with Li Xiuning, with a smile on his face, and said in his heart: "Whether your heart belongs to me or not, I just want yours. What's the use of your heart? ?"

Three hours later, Zhang Bairen put away the little merman beads, and looked at the Nantian Master Taoist master next to him: "Your ancestor has been reborn!"

In the dark, Zhang Bairen felt the power of cause and effect, a wonderful power.

"Thank you for the completion of the governorship" Nantian Master Taoist master respectfully salute.

Zhang Bairen nodded, took a look at the heroes of Mount Tai in the distance, and walked down to Mount Tai.

"The crusade against the East China Sea, I only hope to find the water spirit creature, if I can find the water movement spirit creature, I can practice into a small world in one fell swoop, and then the speed of enlightenment will inevitably be fast, several times the current! Ten times!" Zhang Bairen thought, Wouldn't it be possible that the East China Sea doesn't even have a water travel spirit.

All the way back to Zhuojun Manor, Zhang Bairen started thinking about retreat.

It is urgent to retreat and refine the soul.

As soon as he can finish his soul training, he can break through the next realm as soon as possible.

Truly immortal, the invisible Sun God!

Returning to Zhuojun Manor, Zhang Bairen gave orders and began to retreat.

On the coast of the East China Sea, the heroes gather.

"General Governor, Zhang Xutuo, please!" Zuo Qiu Wuji's voice came from outside.

"Zhang Xutuo? Hurry up and ask him to come in." Zhang Bairen was taken aback and said quickly.


Yuwen Mansion in Chengdu

Yuwen and his face gloomy looking at Yuwen Chengdu

"Zhang Baihua is gone, won't you find it back?" Yu Wenwen and his expression were extremely gloomy.

"Father, it's just a play in the brothel, and I left! This bitch, I just hate not killing him with a single knife!" Yuwen Chengdu disapproved.

"Pop!" Yuwenwen and slapped Yuwenwen's face again. Even if Yuwenwen and Yuwen Chengdu are far from each other, Yuwen Chengdu didn't dare to dodge and could only accept it abruptly. Leave a bright red palm print.

"Father, why are you hitting me" Yuwen Chengdu is weak.

"I beat you because you have the eyes to see everything, regardless of the situation. Before the East China Sea War, Zhang Baihua was indeed the lonely ghost of Baihua Valley, but since Zhang Bairen's training was born, Zhang Baihua is no longer the same Zhang Baihua. "Yu Wenhua and stared at Yuwen Chengdu.

Yuwen Chengdu was stunned, rubbing his cheeks: "Is there any difference?"

Of course there are differences, and they are big.

Yu Wenhua and Dao: "How was Zhang Bairen and Zhang Xiaocao before?"

"Faith, in-laws," Yuwen said in Chengdu.

"That's right, as long as Zhang Xiaocao can be left behind, even if my Yuwen's family is destroyed in the future, as long as the big tree Zhang Bairen is there, who dares to trespass a finger of my Yuwen's family?" .

"No, have to figure it out. Zhang Xiaocao and Zhang Bairen have turned their faces. How can Zhang Bairen help my Yuwen family? It's not bad if I don't thwart my Yuwen family!" Yuwen Chengdu's face was full of disbelief.

Yu Wenhua and hating iron cannot become a steel road: "Zhang Xiaocao and Zhang Bairen have turned their faces, but Zhang Xiaocao's father is still there, and this relationship is there. In the future, as long as Zhang Xiaocao goes back and crying, Zhang Xiaocao's father will find Zhang Bairen, do you think Zhang Bairen can stand by?"

Yuwen Chengdu nodded: "That's the reason! It's just that Zhang Xiaocao's heart is arrogant, and I'm afraid he might not look down on the concubine's location."

"If the concubine's room is not good, then the wife is right! Is your brain burned? No matter what you try, Zhang Xiaocao must be found back!" Yu Wenwen and angrily scolded.

Yuwen Chengdu got Lao Tzu's order and began to order the Yuwen's spies to search for it.

Yuwen's family is indeed one of the well-known clan of the Great Sui Dynasty. Back then, Zhang Bairen was introduced to Yuwen Chengdu from a secluded place outside the Guan, and Yuwen Chengdu immediately led the people to rush outside the Guan.

Traveling all the way through the mountains and rivers, under the guidance of the village old man, he came to the village that was secluded outside the Great Wall.

Seeing Miao Miao's cooking smoke rising in the cold wind, Yuwen Chengdu walked down to the village.


A dog bark alarmed the people in the village. Zhang Xiaocao walked out of the courtyard and looked at Yuwen Chengdu from a distance. His expression suddenly changed: "Junior Sister, please take my father away!"

It was too late, and Yuwen Chengdu and his party had arrived in the village and stood in front of the courtyard.

"Yuwen Chengdu, you really don't want to let me go, do you have to die and the net can't be broken?" Zhang Xiaocao has already scolded before Yuwen Chengdu spoke.

"Xiaocao, you are wrong, I'm here to pick you up!" Yuwen Chengdu is gentle, with a nice smile that makes people intoxicated.

"Huh, do you go to your Yuwen's house as a concubine? My Zhang Xiaocao is not that mean!" Zhang Xiaocao sneered.

At this time, Uncle Zhang and Junior Sister walked out of the house and looked at Yuwen Chengdu and his group, and their faces suddenly became gloomy.

"My son-in-law pays homage to my father-in-law!" Yuwen Chengdu directly knelt on the ground and bowed his head respectfully: "Father-in-law, I have some misunderstandings with Baihua. Please also father-in-law to give my son-in-law a chance to explain."

Uncle Zhang looked at Yuwen Chengdu, who was kneeling on the ground. It would be a lie to say that there was no shock. Who is Yuwen Chengdu? Who is the future master of the dignified Yuwen Clan? However, it’s nothing more than Yishan Nomura. Yuwen Chengdu actually bowed down. It would be difficult for Uncle Zhang to have an attack. He just said, "Please explain."

Yuwen Chengdu knelt and said: "Father-in-law, Xiaocao, that day, the married son-in-law was calculated and planted with Ecstasy, and was manipulated by others. Father-in-law also knows that my Yuwen clan has a great career, and I don’t know how many enemies there are. The person staring at my Yuwen Clan is unknown. He was calculated before and was about to watch my Yuwen Clan's joke. After the poison was detoxified, my son-in-law was looking for Xiaocao, but he was gone."

"Gu poison?"

Everyone was stunned.

Zhang Xiaocao said, "I'm a poor and lowly girl, I'm afraid I won't be the wife of Yuwen's family, you should go! If you ask me to be your concubine's room, it is absolutely impossible."

"Nonsense!" Yuwen Chengdu screamed: "Which call you to be the concubine room? I asked you to be the concubine's room? I called you to be the concubine's room. Can I get past my Yuwen family? Now my Yuwen family is already an extremely human minister, and there is nothing to gain. What do you need to do with things outside of your body, as long as you and I love each other, can I take everyone's girls, can I grow my Yuwen family?"

I have to say that Yuwen Chengdu's words are very confusing, while Uncle Zhang was silent, he said after a while: "You young people have nothing to do with me!"

After speaking, he turned and walked into the house, leaving Zhang Xiaocao and Yuwen Chengdu standing in the courtyard.

Yuwen Chengdu still did not get up, but knelt and came to Zhang Xiaocao: "You are my wife hired by three media and six. If you weren't conspired by someone, how could you have such a thing? You have to believe me, after you go back I will rectify your name and re-organize the banquet for all the dignitaries. This time we will hold a banquet in Luoyang, what do you think?"

Inside the house

Uncle Zhang sat in front of the stove and watched the fire silently. After a while, the north wind came in, and the cold wind blew the curtains, but he saw Zhang Xiaocao wringing his clothes and walking in: "Father, the child is going to Luoyang. Do you want to go to Luoyang with me!"

Uncle Zhang's action was stagnant, his eyes looked at Zhang Xiaocao, and he sighed slightly after watching for a long time: "Daddy is old, I don't want to be tossing! You must remember today's choice, don't regret it."

Zhang Xiaocao shook his head: "Father really refuses to follow me to Luoyang."

Uncle Zhang shook his head: "Let's go! If you have a chance in the future, come back and see me."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaocao burst into tears, but only knocked three heads at Uncle Zhang, and then said: "Father, take care!"

Zhang Xiaocao left, but the little junior sister stayed.

"You won't let me go to Yuwen's family?" Zhang Xiaocao looked at his junior sister.

Little Junior Sister shook her head, her face flushed with cold in the north wind: "Senior Sister knows that my temperament is not suitable for being under the fence. It would be nice to accompany the old man here."

Zhang Xiaocao looked at Junior Sister for a while, and then said, "Well, it would be quiet to stay here."

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