First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 811: National Festival!

After listening to Yu Gouluo's words, Zhang Bairen's face suddenly became stiff, and he stopped in the air with the wine glass in his palm.

Even if your soul is reconciled and you step into the realm of returning pill, do you dare to do the work?

The jade liquid redemption pill is a major realm. In this realm, the jade liquid redemption pill breeds the Yang God, and you should not mobilize your true energy too violently, so as to avoid excessive civil and martial arts, and you will die. And after seven days, he didn't have the power to resist. God knows how many enemies he has forged. Once the news is leaked, just wait for death. Those family of clans, assassins, and ghosts will never let them go.

The world is uncertain, how dare he return the pill from the jade liquid?

"It may not be there. I only need to look for a deep mountain and old forest. Can the family of family members kill me?" Zhang Bairen's face was disdainful, but he had no bottom.

Yu Juluo's face was solemn: "Even if I help you protect the Dharma, it is useless. Turks and Qidan will not sit idly by and watch you step into the realm of Yangshen."

Zhang Bairen was silent, tapping the table with his fingers lightly, showing a gloomy look on his face.

"You don't have to worry about returning the jade liquid to the pill, the most important thing is to build a good foundation. Anyway, you have the innate divine fetal body, which is enough to suppress the world's heroes. Which one is your opponent inside and outside the Central Territory? It's not too late to return the jade liquid to the pill" Yu Juluo suggested pertinently.

Zhang Bairen thought silently, and Yu Juluo said: "The great realm of Yuye Huandan can't be completed in less than a year. With the current situation, one year is enough for the vicissitudes of life, and the dust will settle when you leave the customs."

I have to say that Yu Juluo's words touched him. Zhang Bairen looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, and then said after a while: "It may not be impossible."

"What can you do?" Everyone looked together.

Zhang Bairen just smiled slightly, his eyes looked far away, and his fingers tapped the case table: "It's just an idea, don't reveal the secret."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen looked into the distance with a pair of eyes: "Let's set off, enter the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and capture the Xuanming scepter is now."

While talking, Zhang Bairen stood up first, and walked away.

Looking at the back of Zhang Bairen away, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all of them got up and followed.

East China Sea

Black clouds are pressing on the endless sea. At this time, the East China Sea Dragon Palace is waiting for the battle, and there is a lot of discussion in the East China Dragon Palace.

"Brother, this time you lost your wife and broke down. You were calculated by the little thief Zhang Bairen! The Li family was also useless, and there was such a big omission, which made me so passive in the East China Sea. Excuse me, if you want to crusade the East China Sea Dragon Palace, I'm afraid that the big thing is not good! Let's release Li Jiancheng to avoid the disaster of the East China Sea swordsmen. Now the key lies in how to take out the dragon ball in Zhang Bairen's hand, rather than rushing against the human race!" Beihai Dragon King said somberly.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was so useless to be calculated and fulfilled Zhang Bairen, and he set himself a great enemy, which is indeed extremely angry.

A gloomy light flashed in the eyes of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. It was really useless. It was not terrible to calculate others, but you did not succeed in the calculation. Not only didn't the calculation succeed, but instead pushed the opponent a hand to help the opponent, which was a little useless.

"Now the problem is not with Li Jiancheng, but with the powerhouses outside. The powerhouses from outside are coveting my Donghai Dragon Palace background. Even if Li Jiancheng is handed over, disasters may not be avoided!" The dragon king of Donghai said with a gloomy expression. Coincidentally, in the old days, the clan was opposed to the court, and the East China Sea was naturally safe and secure. Nowadays, under the introduction of Li Jiancheng and Zhang Bairen, a temporary alliance has been formed. The masters of the Middle-earth have twisted into a rope. The masters from all walks of life outside the Great Wall are unwilling to show weakness and cannot bear to give up the rare opportunity. A piece of the pie, so there is the current situation.

Experts from all directions covet the wealth of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. No matter what grudges and grievances have been in the past, no one will be overwhelmed with benefits. It's not too late to mention any hatred until the Dragon Palace is divided.

East China Sea

At this time, the crowd was full of people, densely packed with human heads.

Endless head

Everyone has fiery eyes, eager to wait and see, ready to plunder in the East China Sea.

Many resources in the East China Sea are rare treasures on land. They were previously controlled by the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. If such a good opportunity is not plundered, I am sorry for the current opportunity.

Zhang Bairen took the lead, causing a commotion in the crowd.

After that, Yujuluo, Zhang Xutuo, Zhuojunhou, and the Great Wall were two supreme Taoists, Gaoli, Weishi strong, and even Buddhist masters came from Turk.

The worst is also the bone-changing strong. At this time, the strong from all walks of life gather together, and the real Yangshen of Li family is ready to go.

Li Shentong stared at the East China Sea with a gloomy expression, with murderous intent in his eyes. The Dragon King of the East China Sea unexpectedly opened his mouth, asking for ten times the resources, even if he sold the Li family, he couldn't afford it. Since you can't afford it, you can just grab it directly.

Zhang Bairen wore a purple shirt, like a rock, blending with the huge stone under his feet.

The fragrance of Xiangnan fragrant, Guan Zizai walked from a distance across the flower basket.

After that are the four ghosts of Shonan, as well as the masters of Shonan.

Zhang Bairen saw many familiar shadows in the crowd. Buddhist masters such as the Faming monk, the abbot of the Falang Temple, and the Guangming Master hide in the dark. Although he had concealed it from everyone in the field, he could not conceal it from Zhang Bairen's investigation.

The abbot of Falang Temple nodded to Zhang Bairen without a trace, Zhang Bairen gestured, then closed his eyes and said nothing.

"As long as I give myself one year, I can call Liuzi Mantra to absorb all the incense outside the Great Wall, and then give birth to a golden light that shatters all laws, only one step away from immortality." Zhang Bairen meditated secretly, wanting to use the population outside the Great Wall to push his treasures It seems a little unrealistic to enter the realm of immortality. Therefore, the incense willingness of Middle-earth is extremely precious, but unfortunately I haven't figured out how to open up the pattern of Middle-earth.

far away

Li Shentong looked serious, Li Shimin and Chunguijun stood behind Li Shentong.

"I haven't seen him for a few years, Li Shentong actually stepped into seeing the gods, but it is a pity that the sword spirit of Zhuxian has penetrated into the opponent's bones, and his life is no more than changing his mind." Zhang Bairen's eyes scanned the void. Naturally, such things are not in the Li Family God camp , Li Ying led a group of gods such as Huo De Xing Jun and Shui De Xing Jun to prepare in the distance.

Zhang Bairen didn't make a move, he was not a man of anger.

"Worship Mazu!"

Countless people in the capital of the Sui Dynasty and Chang'an City gathered together and came to the Matsu Temple to worship and worship.

Not only went to the capital and Chang'an, at this time, all the major prefectures and counties of the Sui Dynasty all worshiped Mazu.

National sacrifice, this is the national sacrifice.

How strong is the Dragon King of the Four Seas, how can you do without paying the price if you want Mazu to make a move?

At a glance, the endless incense and the power of incense, like an overwhelming ocean, swept across the entire Great Sui, surging surgingly towards the Matsu Temple in the underworld.

The overwhelming golden ocean covered the entire Sui Dynasty, as if the raging flames rising into the sky lit the entire Sui Dynasty.

Countless demons and ghosts lay down in the mountains and tremble in the old forest. They looked at the endless incense in horror, revealing the color of coveting.


Such a majestic incense has a master

Mazu is a great **** a powerful god. Although the power of incense is attractive, it is not worth offending a great god.

Thoughts were intertwined in the air, and Yu Juluo sighed with emotion: "Ma Zu is not bad, so many incense aspirations are enough to push his strength to a level. This is a national sacrifice. Since the founding of the country, I have There has not been a state sacrifice. At the beginning of the country's founding, all the incense power was still divided by the gods. Where can it be enjoyed by one person?"

While Huo De Xingjun's eyes were hot, he stretched out his hand to catch, only to see the incense, like a stream of water, slipping away from his fingers.

The incense is powerful, and it is impossible to intercept it.

Human minds are inherently erratic and indeterminate, and even gods cannot catch mortal thoughts.

"A good harvest, no one loses!" Zhang Bairen murmured secretly, "If I can't find the Xuanming Staff, it will be a big loss. I don't lack ordinary gold and silver jewelry, I only need the Xuanming Staff."

There was divine light in Yu Juluo's eyes, showing a touch of emotion, and he didn't know what was thinking.


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