First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 815: Incident

Mazu is the sea god, and the Four Seas Dragon King is the hegemon and ruler of the ocean. The two sides are simply incompatible.

Mazu wants all sentient beings from all over the world to believe in himself, to make his own strength even further, and to a higher level. The Dragon King of Four Seas does not want Matsu to interfere in the affairs of the Four Seas. Since ancient times, the Four Seas have been the territory of the Dragon Clan. With the domineering character of the Four Seas Dragon King, how can he tolerate someone taking a share of his plate?

Mazu seized the opportunity and launched a large force to inflict heavy damage on the East China Sea Dragon tribe, so that the East China Sea Dragon King will not have the ability to stir up the wind and rain for the next few decades and hundreds of years. It can be said that this time the conquest of the East China Sea, everyone has their own little abacus.

At this time, murderous intent in the East China Sea rose to the sky, while the North Sea Dragon King mobilized troops and horses to block the tribes under Matsu, and attacked the strong human race below.

At this time, the dragon palace treasure house was filled with murderous intent, and the Nanhai Dragon King and the powerful men from all walks of life became a group, and all the Dao martial artists took action. Even if the Nanhai Dragon King was invincible in the sea, he had to retreat three times and was restrained by everyone. The strong human race broke into the Dragon Palace treasure house.

Almost all powerful people come to the East China Sea to make trouble, and a South China Sea Dragon King is really powerless.

At this moment, the Beihai Dragon King who was fighting Matsu suddenly trembled, and his eyes looked into the distance: "Who opened the old man's mechanism and stole the Xuanming staff?"

The East China Sea Dragon King's heart trembled, and he actually got rid of Mazu's entanglement with one claw, and hurriedly went to his bedroom.

Let's say that Zhang Bairen and the Huai Shui water **** entered the scallops. Zhang Bairen swiped all the treasures with a wave of his sleeves, but there was a jade box standing still in the air.

"Huh!" Zhang Bairen showed doubts.

"This thing is interesting, the universe in my sleeve can't fit it!" Zhang Bairen came to the jade box, held out the jade box with his palm, and looked at it lightly.

"Pop!" A divine light circulated, and then I saw a burst of colorful lights.

On the one hand, the water **** of Huai Shui said in horror: "Ten thousand waters are the essence of the pearl!"

"What is this? Is it famous?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

The water **** of Huai Shui has obtained the water **** rune, and he has the memory of the water **** in ancient times. He does not say a lot of treasures about water, but it is not far away. As soon as the treasure in this jade box appeared, it immediately alarmed the Huai Shui water **** on one side.

"It's famous! Remove the word'?', if you want to find a spiritual object of water travel, there is nothing better than this. This object can be called the source of water. It can control and mobilize various water sources in the world. It has incredible power. If I saw it, it would give birth to the heart of snatching. You must not leak this treasure out!" Huai Shui Shui said with a solemn expression.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen looked at the jade box in his hand, but inside it was a fist-sized black bead. It is this black bead that actually emits colorful light.

Zhang Bairen closed the box in his hand with a ‘pop’, and then quickly tucked it into his sleeve, scanning the entire scallop space with his eyes.

This scallop is a kilometer in size and looks more like a small lake. Unexpectedly, scallops are also ancient alien species, and they can actually open up a space in the body.

"Come on, don't wait for the Dragon King of the East China Sea to return and catch us upright. That would be bad. The news of the essence of Wanshui will also be shaken out," Huai Shui Water God lowered his voice.

Zhang Bairen nodded and saw that the treasures in the scallops were all raided, and then the two of them came out of the scallops, and the Huai Shui water **** said: "All the essence of the Dragon Palace is in this scallop. The treasure house outside is nothing but fascinating. The Essence Fundamental Pearl is enough to cover all the benefits, let's go quickly! If you are late and get blocked by the Dragon King, you will be in trouble."

Zhang Bairen obtained the water-walking spirits he needed, and he was very happy in his heart: "It's okay, the four dragon kings have been dragged, where can I go back to the dragon palace? I need to find a way to give Li Jiancheng all the pots."

Just as Zhang Bairen was thinking about how to put the blame on Li Jiancheng, a tyrannical force from the outside suddenly came from a distance, aggressively approaching the Dragon King's palace.

"How did the Dragon King of the East China Sea escape the battle circle and come to the Dragon Palace! Even Mazu doesn't care. Could something big happen?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of shock, while Huai Shui God said: "Hurry up, let's grab the Dragon Palace. With so many essences, if the news goes out, you will definitely be caught up. If you starve the courageous to death, even if you have a congenital divine fetus, you will not be able to stop the calculations of interested people."

Zhang Bairen nodded, and as the Huai Shui water **** came to a corner of the hall, he saw a huge vase standing in the corner. Without a word, the two immediately fell into the vase, and then converged all the energy, like a sculpture. , Not moving.


The gate of the Dragon Palace was pushed open, and the East China Sea Dragon King entered his bedroom aggressively, and then saw the opened scallop at first glance.


The Dragon King of the East China Sea stepped forward with a hideous face and came to the scallop, his eyes fixed on the scallop, an angry roar shook the East China Sea.

"Damn it, who stole this king's Profound Mind Staff and Ten Thousand Water Essence Fundamental Pearl!" The East Sea Dragon King was so angry that he didn't even care about hiding it, and shouted directly.

Xuanming Staff?

The origin of Wanshui is a pearl?

It sounds very powerful. Everyone who is fighting outside is moved in their hearts. Even the most powerful people who are searching in the treasury will no longer be entangled, but will follow their voices to the Dragon Palace. Not long after the East China Sea Dragon King I don't know how many strong people are in the palace.

At this time, everyone stood in a circle around the East China Sea Dragon King, looking at the anger of the East China Sea Dragon King, showing a curious look.

Before, everyone shot together, and they didn't see the East China Sea Dragon King being so angry when they entered the East China Sea. Now I don't know what treasure the East China Sea Dragon King has lost, but he is so angry.

Murderous intent was in the eyes of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and the Dragon King of the South Sea and the Dragon King of the North Sea, who came to hear the news, looked at the scallops and knew what.

"Who! Who stole the essence of the Dragon Palace treasury, the Profound Mind Staff and the Primordial Pearl of Ten Thousand Waters?" The North Sea Dragon King scanned the crowd in the field with a pair of eyes.

Inside the vase

The water **** of Huai Shui nodded to Zhang Bairen, the next moment his figure melted into the water, and when he appeared again, he had already mixed into the crowd.

Zhang Bairen cultivated the True Water Jade Medal, but he could not reach the level of Huai Shui Water God.

Zhang Bairen looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, slightly contorted, and appeared quietly in the crowd.

The surrounding people did not notice the slightest abnormality, and never noticed that there was an extra figure around him.

Zhang Bairen stepped forward, standing beside Yu Juluo, and said indifferently: "I don't know what treasures this Profound Mind Staff and Ten Thousand Waters Origin Bead are, it actually made Lao Long so angry."

Yujuluo and Zhuojunhou shook their heads, neither of whom had heard of the origin of these two treasures.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Yu Chuluo was bulging in his arms, and Zhuojunhou was full of large and small packages, obviously gaining a lot.

"The Wanshui Essence Orb and the Xuanming Staff were stolen from me, including the essence of countless treasures in the East China The thief must be one of you. Hand over the Wanshui Essence Orb and the Xuanming Staff, otherwise We really don't stop dying!" Beihai Dragon King's expression was extremely gloomy.

While Wang Yi said: "Old Dragon, we are all busy fighting, and someone who knows that your Dragon Palace still has such a mystery must have been stolen by someone inside your Dragon Palace, but it has nothing to do with me."

"I haven't consulted yet, what kind of treasure are these Ten Thousand Water Origin Orbs and Xuanming Staff?" Pu Gu Mohe's eyes showed doubts.

The words of Servant Bone Mohe are also the voices of everyone in the field. I don't know what is strange about this ten thousand water source pearl and the staff of Xuanming.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea gnashes his teeth and naturally will not explain it to everyone. The Dragon King of the South China Sea said: "According to the legend, the original pearl of ten thousand waters is the essence of the first drop of water between heaven and earth. It has an indescribable mysterious function and can mobilize all waters in the world. The importance of dragons is incomparable. As long as you master the ten thousand water source pearls, you can master all the magical powers of water and drive the waters of the world to be contented. You said this treasure is precious and not precious. I originally wanted to use it. The Wanshui Origin Pearl is making a big plan, but he never thought that he would be stolen from such a misfortune. It really deserves to be broken into pieces."

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