First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 834: Yang Su presents a red brush

Luoyang City

Yang Gong Mansion

Yang Xuangan stared at the figure in front of him blankly at this time: "Father! Aren't you dead?"

Yang Su came to Yang Xuangan expressionlessly, then looked at Yang Xuangan, slapped Yang Xuangan's head, and staggered.

"Nizi!" Yang Su spit out two words coldly.

"Father!" Yang Xuangan's head was dizzy, his ears buzzed, and his face was full of grievances. I don't know where I didn't do well, and I actually made me so angry.

Yang Su slowly walked into the hall, followed by a figure in a red dress.

"Hong Fu!" Seeing the woman in red, Yang Xuangan exclaimed, his face full of joy.

"Huh, you rebellious son, for the sake of beauty, even your old man's blood feuds are not reported. Even if this **** and adulterer are at ease in the rivers and lakes, the old man was angrily jumped out of the coffin by you." Looking at Yang Xuangan five With the appearance of being lost in three ways, Yang Su suddenly lost his breath.

He is really a hero of Lao Tzu, and his son Kumong.

"Father! I..." Yang Xuangan lowered his head and dared not explain.

"The son!" Hong Fu gave a wry smile, saluted Yang Xuangan, then came to Yang Su's side and stood respectfully.

"Father, why did you come alive? Didn't you die?" Yang Xuangan came up curiously.

Listening to Yang Xuangan's words, Yang Su said with a serious face: "It is for the father's own good fortune to reverse life and death. If you are an unfilial son, when will my Yang family be revitalized?"

After hearing this, Yang Xuan shrank his neck, not knowing what to say.

"Send me a post to the governor's mansion, saying that the official is going to entertain the governor!" Yang Su looked at Yang Xuangan: "For the sake of the father, don't say anything about it, so as not to be surprised and ruined."

Yang Xuangan nodded again and again, and ordered the guard to send the post, then looked at his own Lao Tzu: "Father, what are you now?"

"Dead man!" Yang Su said blankly, "but keep your wit and turn into a golden corpse."

"Dead? Golden corpse? Then dad you are immortal?" Yang Xuangan's face was full of shock.

Yang Su didn't comment on hearing the words, but just sat there silently.

Zhang Mansion

Sitting in the hall, Zhang Bairen suddenly looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, showing a look of surprise: "How did Yang Su return to Luoyang? Isn't it afraid of being suppressed by the Dragon?"

The Dragon Qi of the emperor represents order and law. Yang Su is a zombie. It is incompatible with life and death. Once a dragon attack is triggered, the consequences will be disastrous.

Just as he was thinking, a guard came in and Tongbing said, "My lord, Yang Xuangan sent me an invitation, please come to the banquet."

Zhang Bairen nodded, took the hot stamping red sticker, stood up expressionlessly: "Let's go!"

In such a hasty banquet, Zhang Bairen knew it well, it must be Yang Su, the old boy who didn't know what he wanted to play with.

The carriage came to the Yang Mansion. Yang Xuangan had already stood outside the gate and waited, and respectfully saluted Zhang Bairen: "I have seen the governor!"

Zhang Bairen nodded: "Your father is inside."

Yang Xuan was taken aback, Zhang Bairen didn't say much, and went straight to the mansion, and then he saw Yang Su sitting in the hall, and the expressionless Hong Fu.

After sweeping the Hong Fu girl behind Yang Su, Zhang Bairen was stunned, not knowing why Hong Fu was here. But seeing Yang Suwei sitting upright, he seemed to understand something.

"I have seen the chief governor" Yang Su bowed his hand.

Zhang Bairen was not polite and sat directly opposite Yang Su: "Why are you back?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Yang Xuangan and Hong Funu looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes. Obviously, there must be a secret between Zhang Bairen and Yang Su that no one knows.

"Set the banquet, let's talk while eating!" Yang Su did not answer Zhang Bairen's words, but went to tell Yang Xuangan to set the banquet.

The two were seated, and Yang Su said, "Hongfu, you go to pour wine for the chief governor, the chief is not suitable for drinking now, you will accompany the bar with the chief governor on your behalf."

Hong Fu's complexion changed when he heard Yang Su's words, but when he heard Yang Su's unquestionable words, his eyes were reddish, and he came to Zhang Bairen's face with aggrieved expression, and slowly poured a glass of wine.

Yang Su ordered Hongfu to pour wine for Zhang Bairen, and sat beside Zhang Bairen to accompany him. Yang Xuangan looked at Hongfu who was aggrieved and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Father, I will supervise you and Dadu to pour the wine."

"Go and wait while standing!" Yang Su glared at Yang Xuangan, and suddenly called Yang Xuangan like a mouse when he met a cat, so he didn't dare to say more.

Looking at Hong Fu, Zhang Bairen didn't say much. He just drank a glass of wine. Yang Su said with a serious face: "Today I invite the governor to a feast. I want to invite the governor to be kind!"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen was puzzled.

"The old man wants to take advantage of the great dragon spirit!" Yang Su said with a serious face.

Zhang Bairen paused and looked at Yang Su with his eyes: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Yang Su nodded: "The old man will turn into a drought and return from death to life against the sky. Only the most mighty emperor Dragon Qi in the world can help me."

"Although the Dragon Qi of the emperor can help you, it can also turn you into coke and powder. Although you are a golden body, it is still insignificant compared with the dragon of the emperor."

"I'm about to ask the governor to give me some advice!" Yang Su said with a serious expression.

After listening to Yang Su's words, Zhang Bairen put down his wine glass, while Hong Fu quickly poured the wine. At this time, listening to Zhang Bairen and Yang Su's words, Hong Fu lowered his head, and the stormy sea rolled up in his heart.

What does Yang Su mean?


As soon as these two words came out, Hong Fu suddenly went blank.

Rebellion, that's a capital crime! Especially when talking about treason in front of the top running dog of the imperial court, wouldn't it be self-defeating?

Hong Fu lowered his head, not daring to show anything unusual. Following Yang Su since childhood, Hong Fu was used to big scenes and knew how to disguise himself.

Zhang Bairen took a sip of his drink and said after a while: "You know a little bit about the current situation in the Sui Dynasty. The people don't have a living, starving all over the place, and countless various kinds of corvee. I don't know how many people are starved, exhausted, and beaten to death. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Bairen paused: "What's more, there are aristocratic families secretly pushing their hands, wanting to subvert the Great Sui Rivers and mountains, Taoist temples want to reopen the Dharma realm, and re-appoint the gods in the Litian Palace. The situation in the Sui Dynasty is messed up."

Yang Su nodded. He had expected what Zhang Bairen said, but he didn't know which side would win in the end.

"Although the Great Sui is full of flames, the most powerful army is still in His Majesty's hands. General Yu Juluo sits in Zhuojun and looks down on the world's heroes. The Sui still has an eight-point chance of winning. As for the future situation of the Sui, everything depends on it. Your Majesty’s future has been decided. If you continue the second Eastern Expedition, your majesty’s prestige in the army will be greatly affected and cause a mutiny in the military. I am afraid that the chance of winning is less than 30%!" Zhang Bairen looked at Yu Juluo with a pair of eyes: "All this. It all depends on the result of the second Eastern Expedition. If your Majesty is willing to stop, all kinds of natural and man-made disasters may not be overwhelming, and Da Sui is still firmly seated as the lord of the country."

Yang Su suddenly frowned upon hearing the words: "When you are so tossing, there is such a big chance of winning?"

"Profound background! The previous game is so good!" Zhang Bairen drank a drink: "Don't look at the power of the world's heroes, but as long as your Majesty speaks and changes his mind, all the clowns are nothing but ghosts, ghosts and snakes. Sweep."

Yang Su nodded, knowing the situation of the chess game in front of him.

Zhang Bairen looked into the distance, and Yang Su suddenly said: "Hong Fu is my carefully adjusted maid. She originally intended to be sent to the palace to please the emperor, but she never wanted to run away with others. I look at her eyebrows, she is still a virgin. If the governor does not give up, he will give you this maid!"


Hong Fu's body trembled, and Yang Xuangan couldn't help exclaiming.

"Shut up!" Yang Su glared at Yang Xuangan, and then looked at Zhang Bairen: "Capital Governor, this woman has been trained as the king of medicine. Her blood can detoxify the world's poisons. The flesh and bones of life and death are by no means a laugh."

Looking at Hong Fu's white face, Zhang Bairen sighed softly: "A gentleman does not take the love of others, thank you Yang Gong for his kindness."

"You kid, now that the Dao Gong has not been achieved, I am afraid that I dare not break it!" Yang Su sneered: "It's okay, after you prove it, it will be Daoyang God, and the officer will give you a red brush."

"Do we still need such politeness?" Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly.

Yang Su shook his head: "Hong Fu is a woman carefully nurtured by an old man, and she is so extraordinary that she can be compared to her husband and son."

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