First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 836: National sacrifice ceremony, Baidi mentions


National sacrifice

Going to the capital, Zhang Bairen stood on the altar with a stern face wearing an official gown.

Of course, Zhang Bairen had to preside over such a major event as offering sacrifices to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. Zhang Bairen didn't dare to borrow manpower.

The sacrificial rituals were complicated, even Zhang Bairen was a little dizzy and his body was weak.

Then I saw the incense spreading all over the sky and the power of wishing to rise into the sky, pouring into the dark.

Not only did they worship the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, but also built temples for the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in every state, county, and village in the Sui Dynasty.

The scene of the state sacrifice is magnificent, and it is startling to see.

The overwhelming incense will be greedy, but no one dares to change.


Did not see who presided over the sacrifice? That is Zhang Bairen, who is almost the number one person in the world.

For a whole day of sacrifice until the end of the ceremony, even Zhang Bairen was a little weak. The state sacrifice is really not something ordinary people can play.

After the sacrifice, Zhang Bairen got off the altar, and then hurried all the way to the boundary of southern Hunan.

Baidi Mansion

Zhang Bairen held the golden slip in his hand, opened up the earth, and walked directly toward the depths of the earth.

Before arriving at the Baidi Mansion, Zhang Bairen entered it calmly, countless incense in the air.

"You kid, it's really a great gift to the old man!" Baidi's voice came from the cave.

Zhang Bairen walked into the main hall, but saw a group of dazzling divine lights converging and turning into a big sphere, inside which seemed to be an embryo, and divine light was constantly flowing. All the power of sacrificial beliefs is absorbed by that light fetus and becomes the nourishment of fetal membranes.

"How does Lord Baidi feel?" Zhang Bairen said casually.

"Okay, it's better than ever, your kid is a life-saving straw! With this power of faith, the chance of this emperor's return is greatly increased." The divine womb moved by the Baidi came to Zhang Bairen.

"I don't know the ancient power, where are the three emperors and five emperors today?" Zhang Bairen was puzzled, what kind of characters are the three emperors and five emperors, how could they die like that when suppressing the existence of gods and great monsters?

Seeing Zhang Bairen's doubts in his heart, Baidi sighed slightly: "Time is like a tide, no one can resist the washing by the power of time! Just like this emperor, isn't it also prolonged and overwhelmed?"

"Unless you truly become an immortal, jump out of the Three Realms, and are not in the Five Elements, otherwise no one can resist the washing of time!" Baidi shook his head.

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent, and after a while he said: "The three emperors and five emperors must not die, but the situation is not very good. I hope that the power of faith gathered from this state sacrifice will be useful to him.

Baidi looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, eager to speak, and finally sighed: "I hope you can change the situation. You are a **** that does not exist in the chess game. You jump out of your destiny and exceed Yin and Yang. You are breaking the game. hope."

Zhang Bairen was stunned, not knowing what Baidi meant.

Looking at Zhang Bairen's ignorant appearance, Baidi said, "Work hard, you must become an immortal. Only by becoming an immortal can you truly change the overall situation."

"Cheng Xian?" Zhang Bairen was stunned. Cheng Xian seemed to be far away from him.

The Emperor Bai sighed: "Count the few people who have become immortals since ancient times! Guangcheng, Laozi, etc. are a few people, if you can become immortals, you can meet these truly supreme powers."

"Bai Di has a way to become immortal?" Zhang Bairen looked at Bai Di with a pair of eyes.

Baidi nodded: "In ancient times, the method of becoming immortal was not secret, it was just a sentence."

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

While devouring the power of faith, the Baidi said: "Everyone has a different path to become an immortal. Guangcheng Fantian seal, one seal earth-shaking. The old man has five thousand morals, and the three are clear. Kong Sheng "Poetry", "Book", "Rite", "Yi" and "Chunqiu", how many people might you find a pattern in the path?"

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "No trace to be found!"

Baidi sighed softly: "To become immortal, you need to enlighten the way, feel the ray of light in the dark, and be in peace with it, and then walk out of your own path."

"Which step did the Baidi get back then?" Zhang Bairen looked at the Baidi, the strength of the three emperors and five emperors is beyond doubt, even the real Yang Shen is definitely not the opponent of the three emperors and five emperors.

No one knows what realm the Three Emperors and Five Emperors are, and Zhang Bairen certainly won't miss it now that Emperor Bai is present. Although Baidi has lost a lot of memories, those memories will be gradually recovered as his strength recovers.

"It's very strange!" Baidi frowned, "Heaven grants divine power, invincible the world!"

Zhang Bairen was stunned. What did this sentence mean?

"This kind of realm is very strange. The fighting power is invincible. Even if you fight with the monster gods of the monster race, you can still get a little better. This is the power of destiny! Under the destiny, the immortals have to retreat! , But it can expel the demon god, isn't it weird? Destiny is a very strange power!" Baidi frowned.

Zhang Bairen showed a contemplative look, after all, there was not much idea about the strength of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

"Don't think about it, when you break through to the sun god, you will know the power of the ancient emperor! What Yang Guang has to do now is to pursue the power of the ancient emperor!" Baidi said.

After listening to Baidi's words, Zhang Bairen's heart suddenly moved, and his face appeared horrified.

How strong is Yang Guang?

Zhang Bairen will never question Yang Guang's strength. Even if he had the incarnation of the innate god, he would never say that he was Yang Guang's opponent. Yang Guang is the number one person in the world, as long as he is on the throne of the emperor, no one is his opponent.

How strong is the ancient emperor's power that even Yang Guang had to pursue desperately?

"You have a good opportunity to refine the innate god's Dharma body, and longevity is already close to you. must remember that Taoism is your foundation. Although the innate **** is powerful, it is not for my human race. Immortal expulsion? The potential of the human race is greater than that of the innate gods. If you choose to abandon your physical body and turn into the innate gods, you will be the foundation of your own judgment."

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard this, and Baidi was not the first person to say this to him.

"The innate gods are very strange, between the imaginary and the real, the tangible and the invisible, covering the infinite time and space in all directions, and they have incredible abilities!" Zhang Bairen looked at Baidi with a pair of eyes: "Why did the innate gods be born? reason?"

Baidi shook his head: "I don't know, maybe one day you will be able to trace the root cause after you become a fairy."

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly and became a fairy! Too hard!

outside world

Taiyuan Lijia

Looking at the majestic and mighty endless faith, Chungui Jun suddenly changed his complexion, and a murderous opportunity in his eyes: "Zhang Bairen, this servant actually sacrifices to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, what exactly does he want to do?"

Speaking of this, he jumped up and jumped onto a rockery in the yard, staring at the distance.

"Sir" Li Shimin walked over when he heard the movement.

"Where is there any power in Xiangnan? Weird?" Chungui Jundao.

Li Shimin frowned: "Southern Hunan is a place where Guan is free."

"Guan Zizai?" Jun Guijun rubbed his eyebrows, and a green light shot from his eyebrows: "There is the spirit of the ancient emperor in Xiangnan! Damn, aren't all these old **** gone? Why are they still alive?"

"The ancient emperor? Does the sir mean the Baidi? There is a Baidi mansion in southern Hunan!" Li Shimin said.

"Bai Di! What a Bai Di, who actually lingers and wants to return against the sky, the old man will never agree!" Chungui Jun secretly pondered in his heart, and then said after a while: "Go and take someone to kill the remnant of Bai Di. Grabbing a strand of ancient origin in the remnant soul of the Baidi can help you build the path of the ancient emperor with a better chance of winning."

"Bai Di? Bai Di still has the remnant soul alive?" Li Shimin was taken Hmph, it's hard for these old guys to die! Killing the emperor and taking the fate of the emperor, you are the real fate of the ancient emperor, and Yang Guang completely loses control of you." Chungui Jundao.

"That is the soul of the ancient emperor, I'm afraid I can't deal with it!" Li Shimin hesitated, facing the legendary character, there was always some fear in his heart.

"Don't worry, I can help you, Bai Di is just a mere remnant soul, how is it your opponent!" Chungui Jun said coldly.

"Okay, I'll go down and order!" Li Shimin is definitely not an idiot, this kind of thing cannot be done by himself.


The Remnant Soul of Baidi never expected that he had been spotted.

"Become a fairy!" Zhang Bairen kept muttering, "Where is his road to becoming a fairy?"

ps: The climax of about a dozen chapters is really approaching...

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