First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 847: Noriko 张

The hibiscus was turned into two sections by the Emperor of Heaven, and turned into scrolls at both ends of the picture scroll. What kind of wood is the box containing the picture scroll made of?

The ten-day Liantian map was rolled up by Zhang Bairen and carefully measured in his hand. The material of the scroll and the wooden box was not the same.

I didn't come in vain this time, Jin Dingguan made a lot of money.

Zhang Bairen gently put the scroll into the wooden box and stuffed it into his sleeve.

"The mighty power of the Emperor of Heaven is unexpected. It can be said that only the power of the sun can open the image of the ten-day refining map. Moreover, this scroll itself is a series of images, which is used by the Emperor of Heaven as countless gods, the origin of heaven and earth, and the origin of all beings. The treasure made by refining is mysterious and unpredictable! I don’t know what the clothes are made of." Zhang Bairen didn’t dare to wear the clothes on his body. This is not a joke. There can be the remnant soul of Baidi in the world. Can't there be other ancient powerful souls?

Once the people who have enemies with the emperor still exist, wouldn't he be exposed?

From ancient times to the present, although lingering, but who is the simple generation?

Walking down the stone platform, but not seeing the three elders of Chaoyang, Zhang Bairen wandered around Chunyang Taoist Temple by himself, and then slowly turned for a while, and then he was shocked: "Weird! The layout of Chunyang Taoist Temple was unexpected, Chunyang The Taoist temple is yang, and the golden roof temple is yin. One yin and one yang just suppress the Qi and slow down the flow of Qi."

Never wanted to wander around, following the mountain path, unexpectedly came to the place where Zhang Bairen melted Zhang Baiyi's Dao Gong last time.

At this time, people in the pavilion were already taking the tea to cool down. Thinking of the scene in the past, Zhang Bairen was silent.

Continue to walk in the mountains, and suddenly came to a spacious cave, a burst of intermittent groans came from the cave, and those who listened blushed.

The woman's voice was crisp and tactful, making people angry. I don't know it was the woman who came to the mountains to cheat.

The man's voice, Zhang Bairen, can hear clearly, isn't Zhang Baiyi still having that?

Zhang Bairen frowned, but Zhang Baiyi was unable to support the wall with mud, betraying Zhang Fei's painstaking efforts in vain.

It's a pity that I don't have invisibility, otherwise I can go in and see the living **** palace! Moreover, Zhang Baiyi was also his own younger brother anyway. For that woman, Zhang Bairen also had the idea of ​​avoiding suspicion.

Just as he turned to leave, there was a rush of footsteps in the distance, and then Zhang Fei in a Taoist robe was walking hurriedly towards the mountain.


Because the steps were too fast, he even fell into a dog gnawing shit, the hairpin on his head was broken, his face was covered with blood stains, and the palm of his hand was also torn in a large piece, which was **** and terrifying.

"Master! Master! Are you okay!" Disciple Jindingguan hurried up to help Zhang Fei at this time.

Zhang Fei angrily pushed away the two disciples, and continued to rush towards the mountain.

Seeing Zhang Fei going up the mountain, Zhang Bairen hurriedly hid behind a big tree in the distance, thinking of watching a good show in his mind.

"Nizi! Get out of me!" Standing in front of the thinking cliff, Zhang Fei yelled fiercely at the cave.

The sound of ecstasy in the cave suddenly became silent.

"Don't get out of me yet!" Zhang Fei stood in front of the cave with his arms akimbo, his eyes seemed to gush out fire.

After listening to Zhang Fei's words, there was a slow sound of footsteps in the cave, and then Zhang Baiyi's body was disorganized, and his clothes were scattered and trembling gradually walking out of the cave.

"Nizi, don't you kneel down for me!" Zhang Fei stepped forward, and the big ears had already fallen. Zhang Baiyi was dizzy and fell on the ground, not knowing the north or south.

"Take the family method!" Zhang Fei said with an iron face.

The two disciples prepared the jade ruler that they had prepared on one side a long time ago, and when they heard this, they immediately came forward with the ruler in their hands.

"Brother Fei!" At this time, Zhao Ruqiu hurriedly came from the foot of the mountain, looking at the two disciples out of breath: "You two should withdraw first, there is nothing wrong with you here!"

The two disciples lowered their heads, feeling a little regretful. It was really regrettable that they could not watch the first man of Jinding Temple suffer.


The ring ruler sounded like thunder, and Zhang Baiyi screamed and rolled all over the floor.

The two disciples trembled, and walked down the mountain quickly, disappearing.

"Brother Fei, I'm afraid the family law is serious!" Zhao Ruxi, who was originally angrily, saw Zhang Baiyi's miserable situation, and suddenly his heart softened again.

"You shut up, there's nothing wrong with you this time. If you weren't used to him all day, how could there be such a person who doesn't know good and bad!" Zhang Fei's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and another ruler was suddenly beaten. Zhang Baiyi kept wailing again and again.

"This ruler has a dual role of soul and body, similar to the legend: Xing Shen ruler!" Zhang Bairen thought secretly, Confucianism has my own life three times, and he uses this ruler to discipline himself for cultivation. But this ruler fell into Zhang Fei's hands, but it became a punishment.

"Why fooling around with people!" Zhang Fei grabbed Zhang Baiyi's pulse, and then his expression was pale: "It is really a wicked way, and I dare to practice dual cultivation Dafa. Why do I destroy the way?"

As he said, the ruler in his hand slapped again, and Zhang Baiyi screamed, his voice echoed in the mountains and forests, and countless birds flew in surprise.

How much do you pay for it to be on the right track? I went to kneel down and begged for help. I knelt in the heavy snow for a day before I got another chance. I didn't expect this rebellious son to not cherish and repeat the same mistakes. How can you call Zhang Fei not angry?

While talking, Zhang Fei felt resentful in his heart and beat him fiercely again.

"Damn! You evil barrier, I will kill you today!" Zhang Fei's hands kept moving, and Zhang Baiyi kept rolling back and forth, screaming endlessly.

Zhao Ruxi looked at the cave with a pair of eyes, then looked at Zhang Baiyi again, without making a sound.

"Hit me! Hit me! Just hit me! You only have your eldest brother in your heart. You keep talking about what your eldest brother is doing all day long, but I can't help the wall with mud. What do you care about me? I don't have much ambition, just I want to live quietly and become a Yang God. Why are you embarrassing me?" Zhang Baiyi wailed in pain, and shouted: "I know I can't make it to him, so I can't help the wall with mud. You compare him with me all day, and I think I’m inferior to others, so you can just beat me to death! I shame you all day to save me. If you beat me to death, you go to Zhang Bairen, Zhang Bairen is outstanding and powerful. Shaking the world, it is the seed of satisfaction in your heart. You are so satisfied with Zhang Bairen, so please go and get Zhang Bairen back."

"Nizi! Nizi! I dare to speak back!" Zhang Fei lashed with the ruler in his hand: "You still have reason! You have reason! You don't want to cultivate the authentic Taoist You want to practice the evil way. Since you are addicted to it Regarding men and women, then I will marry you, confine you in the mountains, and become my Zhang family's breeding pigs. It just so happens that my Zhang family only cares about the road and does not want to waste energy. Now that the population is thin, you will be there day and night. Jindingguan should work hard for my Zhang family’s descendants, when will my Zhang family’s thousands of descendants allow you to go down the mountain!"

"Master!" Zhao Ruxi was surprised when he heard this.

This posture is not right, Zhang Fei meant to give up Zhang Baiyi.

"Father! Don't! Don't! The child knows it is wrong! The child knows it is wrong!" Zhang Baiyi stiffened when he heard the words, and then suddenly recovered and continued to kneel to beg for mercy.

Looking at the crying, embarrassed Zhang Baiyi, Zhang Fei threw away the ruler in his hand, and sat blankly on one side of the bluestone, looking at the distant scenery, speechless for a long time.

"It's late! It's all too late!" Zhang Fei scratched his hair, two lines of tears slipped down: "What a sin I did!"

Looking at the lonely and helpless Zhang Fei, Zhang Baiyi panicked instead: "Father, what's the matter with you?"

"It's up to you, Dad doesn't care about you in the future, everything is too late! The true energy in your body has been mixed into Yuan Yin, and everything repeats the same mistakes, it's too late! It's too late!" Zhang Fei burst into tears, and his figure instantly squashed.

"Father! Father! Don't cry! Don't cry! If you are angry, hit me! You hit me!" Zhang Baiyi grabbed Zhang Fei's robe, hurriedly crawled over to pick up the ruler on the ground, and stuffed it into Zhang. Fei's hand: "Father, if you are angry, hit me! Just hit me!"

"Pop!" Zhang Fei threw the ruler in the ground and looked at the mountains in the distance: "I will never beat you again for my father. Then, if you like it, please continue practicing! Just don't want to. People are innocent."

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