First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 852: Wind from the East China Sea

"What is this?" Zhang Bairen looked at the meat ball under his feet, revealing a hint of surprise.

Before, I felt that someone was peeping in the dark, and it seemed that there was something wrong with it, but I never thought that this was wrong at my feet.

The meat ball was killed by his own sword, Zhang Bairen ignored it and flew straight to the East China Sea.

In the East China Sea, Zhang Bairen was sitting on a rock and meditating. The salty sea breeze was not very unpleasant. On the contrary, it smelled like seaweed.

"How can I infiltrate the Dragon Palace and find the treasures in the Dragon Palace smoothly!" Zhang Bairen meditated to himself: "Diving into the deep sea is unrealistic. There are monsters everywhere in the deep sea. It is too conspicuous to sneak in by yourself as a human. As long as the opponent is not blind, they will all I can find my tracks."

Zhang Bairen thought secretly in his heart, his fingers hit his knees, his eyes looked far away, and he wondered where to open the breakthrough.

"Xunhai Yasha" pondered for a long time, and Zhang Bairen set his goal on Xunhai Yasha.

Xunhai Yasha walks around, and the only one who can use his mobile phone is Xunhai Yasha.

The cultivation base of Xunhai Yasha is definitely not given for nothing. Yasha itself is inherently powerful, and coupled with acquired cultivation, the worst Xunhai Yasha is no worse than the human bone-changing warrior.

This is racial superiority. Can humans compete with whales?

"The devil seed or the five gods and ghosts?" Zhang Bairen hesitated in his heart. After a while, he said: "The devil seed is my own true qi cultivated through painstaking efforts. It contains my essence and spirit. Every time the demon seed is divided, it will come to me. It's all a matter of loss of vitality. Nowadays, the Taoist Demon Seed has only been divided into two volumes, and the third volume has not yet been completed. It has just had a general framework. I need to take action early to promote it in the future, but I don't have enough knowledge. "

Zhang Bairen groaned continuously in his heart, tapping his knees with his fingers, and then stepping on the sea water and disappearing into the endless sea.

Zhang Bairen cultivated the True Water Jade Medal, and his water control technique was even better than that of the Sea Monster Sea.

On the edge of the coast, two sea-patrolling yaksa walked boredly in the shallow sea area, behind them were shrimp soldiers and crabs, so majestic.

The patrol Yaksha is extremely fast and powerful, and is most suitable for the job of patrolling the sea. The adult patrol Yaksha naturally has a half-step speed of sound. With a little practice, it is not a problem to be equal to the speed of sound.

"It's really meaningless to patrol here all day, the humans on the shore are so timid, how dare to enter the deep sea area!" one of the sea patrol Yacha said bored.

Listening to the words of the Xunhai Yacha, another Xunhai Yacha said: "Lu Bu, don't talk coldly here all day. You didn't ask you to go to the front line. If you are on the front line, you can't cry even if you are disciplined."

"Diao Chan, what do you mean by this? I am brave and brave, how can you be the kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death? If you dare to slander me, be careful I make you look good!" The other patrol Yacha smiled and cursed.

It is hard to imagine that one of the two Yashas is called Lu Bu and the other is Diao Chan. These words almost made Zhang Bairen laugh.

Lu Bu’s prestige shocked the world. During the Three Kingdoms period, Lu Wenhou was truly an invincible and invincible powerhouse, but he was accidentally calculated by others. He assembled the power of Confucianism, Taoism, law, and Motivation to kill his design!

Is Lv Bu the most powerful person? Bull not bull?

It's a pity that you are the grassroots, and the clan family will not take you to play at all. If you dare to get ahead, the clan family will kill you first.

Lu Bu Niu? Isn't it dead yet?

Compared with Lu Bu, Zhang Bairen is still far inferior.

Lu Buwei was so famous that even the Four Seas Monster Clan had heard of it, and they all had admiration in their hearts and called them a hero.

Just like many people in the 21st century must have an English name.

(Don't dare to say more, the **** of harmony passed by.)

There is no doubt that these two Xunhai Yacha are admirers of Lu Bu and Diao Chan, and what is more, they don't even know the meaning of this name in the human race.

Chinese people never call themselves Monkey King, and foreigners never call themselves Transformers.

Lu Bu and Diao Chan are similar to these names.

Zhang Bairen urged the palm of his hand, a ray of golden light burst out, and the sea water was piping hot instantly, and a ray of golden light burst out.


The two sea patrol Yaksa were shocked and rushed over immediately, watching the boiling sea water, a wooden slip floated in the water.

"What is this?" Lu Bu took the Mujian and slowly opened it, and the next moment the overwhelmingly magnificent aura suddenly vented out.

At this moment, the East China Sea vibrated, and countless mighty energies all stared at him.

"This wisp of energy?" The Dragon King of East China Sea suddenly stood up, turned into a dragon body, separated the waves, and hurried to here.

Prime Minister Tortoise rolled his eyes, hugged his limbs, breaking through the sea water and chasing after the Qi machine.

Not only the two great abilities in the Dragon Palace, but at this time all the masters of the East China Sea are chasing after the Qi machine.

The two Yashas were stupid and frightened by the extremely magnificent aura.

"Pop!" Diao Chan was so excited, she immediately took a step forward and rolled up the wooden slip in her hand, and said with lingering fear: "I'm afraid this is an incredible treasure!"

It is indeed an incredible treasure! Otherwise, it won't emit such a swaying air, making people want to open this wooden slip immediately.

"How to divide the treasure?" While holding the wooden slip, Diao Chan looked at Lu Bu.

"The inside of the wooden slip is afraid of the law, how about you and I plagiarize one?" Lu Bu showed greed.

Diao Chan nodded: "With this technique, you and I can stand out. In the future, the Yacha clan will also have a place for you and me. Quickly put this technique away and let's go back."

"Go back? Not patrolling the sea?" Lu Bu was taken aback.

"You are stupid!" Diao Chan rolled her eyes: "With this technique, you and I will hide and retreat for decades. It is not the treatment of the patrol general when we come out. Who will trace our escape? Now the Dragon Race Fighting with Mazu, these guys think we were assassinated!"

"Yes! Yes! With this technique, you can only get ahead in front of you. What kind of sea are you looking for!" Lu Bu smiled and nodded: "Then let's go quickly!"

The two of them walked side by side, and suddenly there was a flash of cold light, and two blood flowers bloomed at the same time, dyeing the water red.

Lu Bu and Diao Chan both have a small knife stuck in their abdomen. At this time, the two of them look at me and I see you, as if they are okay, without any embarrassment. They pulled the knife out and put it back to their waist without changing their faces, and then hooked their shoulders. Walked away.


At this moment, a black shadow passed by, no water undulating, and it had passed through the gap between the two sea patrol Yasha and disappeared into the distance in a moment.

"The treasure is gone!" Lü Bu exclaimed in a loss.

"Worse, someone took the treasure before, let's go after it!" After speaking, Lu Bu chased up without saying a word.

Diao Chan shook his head and stopped.

If there is no difference or resistance between the two, the treasure will be seized. Is it easy to be the same?

"A pair of best!" Zhang Bairen sat silently on a rock at the edge of the coast, waiting for the final result.

It is very possible that the wooden slip fell into the hands of a powerful figure in the East China Sea, but he didn't know that guy was so unlucky, so he got his own calculation.

"What about the treasure!" A shadow from the horizon was overwhelmed, and the East China Sea Dragon King turned into a human form, standing in front of Diao Chan.

"The treasure was taken away, Lu Bu went after it!" Facing the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Diao Chan respectfully saluted.

"What treasure is it? Who took it?" The Dragon King of East China Sea forced.

"The subordinates don't know it, just a dark shadow passed by, and the trail is gone" Diao Chan said helplessly: "The treasure is a wooden slip with a technique recorded on it, but the subordinates didn't see it clearly!"

"Gong method?" Donghai Dragon King glanced around with a pair of eyes: "Did the thief flee in that direction?"

Diao Chan stretched out her finger.

Without a word, the Dragon King of the East China Sea instantly turned into a divine light and rose into the sky, chasing the dark shadow in the distance.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea took a long time to stick incense, only to see a group of figures chasing from the horizon, surrounding Diao Chan.

Diao Chan looked at the crowd, before waiting for the other person to ask questions, she said directly: "The Dragon King has rushed past, and the treasure was taken away and chased in that direction."

Everyone didn't even look at Xunhai Yasha, and chased them straight in that direction.

p: Thank you for "a string of numbers that can't be copied, it's embarrassing..." the classmate's great reward. Plus one more.

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