First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 855: Meteorite general, deadly meteor

There is a saying that for smugglers, 50% of the benefits can be taken at risk. One hundred percent of the benefits can be pinned to the waist. Three hundred percent of the benefits are not for life.

Whether it is Lantian Yan or Mingzhu's tears, there are reasons to kill people.

Regardless of martial artist or Taoist, Pearl Tears is the supreme treasure. Looking at Yuan Tiangang's expression, we can see the preciousness of Mazu's gifts.

"This kindness is not good!" Zhang Bairen sighed in his heart and watched Yuan Tiangang's Yang Shen go away, slowly standing on the rock with his hands on his back, looking at the magnificent sea, speechless for a long time.

Donghai Dragon Palace

The Dragon King of the East China Sea stood on the high platform with a gloomy face, his eyes swept over the minister below, and he couldn't help feeling upset.

"Have you found the treasure?" The East China Sea Dragon King sounded like a dragon bell.

All the officials bowed their heads, afraid to speak. The scriptures were taken away as soon as they were born. Everyone has never seen the scriptures. How to find them?

Looking at the Manchu civil and military below, the Dragon King of the East China Sea sighed helplessly: "This treasure cannot be found in the East China Sea. You must look for it carefully and don't hide it privately!"

The officials all agreed, and the East China Sea Dragon King looked at the position of Prime Minister Turtle: "Where is the Prime Minister? Why did you miss such important events as the early court?"

At this time, Prime Minister Tortoise hurriedly panicked from outside the main hall of the Crystal Palace: "Your Majesty, the old minister is here! The old minister is here!"

While talking, I saw Turtle Cheng rushing in and crawling in. There was no image of a strong man at all, so people could not see that this was a strong man.

Prime Minister tortoise stood awkwardly at the bottom, and then respectfully held his fist to the dragon king above: "Your Majesty, the old tortoise was divination for the prince. If the hour is missed, please also ask the king to confess."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at the embarrassed old turtle and couldn't help but shook his head: "What is the result of the calculation?"

The East Sea monks knew that Prime Minister Turtle was the lowest in terms of cultivation level, but in terms of divination and arithmetic, it was the most powerful one.

"The Holy Spirit descends from the heavens, and the four elephants will soon become a blue dragon formation. When the stars are shining, your majesty will help the prince refine his true body. It is very likely that he will interact with the four elephants in the starry sky and receive the blessing of the blue dragon. At that time, the cultivation base will definitely go further!" Prime Minister tortoise was full of nonsense, but he kept lamenting in his heart: "Old tortoise, my life is bitter!"

"Oh? Is this true?" Yang Guang's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Naturally take it seriously!" Prime Minister Turtle looked at Yang Guang with a pair of eyes: "Your Majesty still doesn't believe the old minister's deduction technique? There have been few mistakes in the past hundreds of years."

The East Sea Dragon King nodded, agreed with Prime Minister Turtle, and then touched his beard: "If this is the case, I will trouble the Prime Minister to prepare. I must baptize the Prince within three days."

"The old minister obeyed!" Prime Minister Turtle took the decree, and the group of officials dispersed, but when he saw Prime Minister Turtle return to his bedroom, his eyes were full of helplessness: "For the Dragon King to baptize in three days, Old Turtle, I'm going to die and use human resources to move. Qinglongheng, even if I am an old tortoise, I have a profound foundation, and I will be seriously ill for three to five days.

But when he saw the old turtle came to the brazier, he held a talisman paper in his hand, and dotted cinnabar pens on the talisman, walking the dragon snake, as if the galaxy was hanging upside down, especially powerful.

"Boom!" The heavens and the earth shook, and a force in the underworld traveled through time and space, and landed on the Four Elephants in the stars, and then moved Qinglongheng insignificantly.

In those days, the Turkic sacrifices moved the stars and turned them into ashes in an instant, but the old tortoise was so powerful that it was nothing but ordinary people. The gap between the two sides can be seen.

One is countless sacrifices, and then lost his life, the other is just a simple talisman paper, the gap is shocking.

"Huh!" Zhang Bairen, who was standing on the beach, suddenly raised his head, and his eyes looked at the endless blue sky with uncertainty.

Now the blue sky is white, the big sun hangs high, and the sky is full of stars. There is no trace of the sky, but Zhang Bairen suddenly has a sense of heaven and man. There seems to be a subtle perception in the Ming Ming to tell him that the starry sky is a bit wrong at this time.

"The autumn wind hasn't moved the cicada beforehand" Zhang Bairen narrowed his eyes.


A big ball of fire suddenly descended from nine days, flashing across the void like lightning, it seemed to be the second little sun, exuding brilliant light.

Looking at the fireball, Zhang Bairen's heart tightened, and the blood all over his body spurted crazily, and the hairs all over his body stood up. It seemed that there was a strange force in it to lock himself to death.

"It's directed at myself! This meteor is directed at myself!" Feeling the causal involvement in the dark, the fireball seemed to lock himself, and Zhang Bairen's eyes suddenly dazzled with murderous intent: "That is going to kill me?"

Zhang Bairen didn't dare to catch such a fireball. He immediately turned around, stepped forward, quickly swapped left and right, and then fled to the distance.

Zhang Bairen stepped a hundred meters, but he could feel that the meteors in the dark were constantly shifting directions with his movements.

Anyone who has driven a car knows that as long as the steering wheel moves a little at high speed, the front of the car will change a great distance.

An inexplicable air current flew across the sky, constantly fine-tuning the direction of the meteor.

It was too late to say, it was fast, only a ‘boom’ was heard, and the earth rolled up layers of waves, Zhang Bairen was overturned by the meteor and fell to the ground for a long time without speech.

Such a big movement alarmed the strong in the East China Sea Dragon Palace. When he noticed that someone came to visit him, Zhang Bairen immediately performed the escape technique, and his figure disappeared.

"Outer meteorite iron, good treasure! Good treasure! Unexpectedly, I would have the chance to meet such benefits as a monk." A white figure came in the distance, and his eyes were full of joy when he came to the meteorite iron.

Who is this person?

It's a fake monk!

The fake monk shined when he seized King Yu’s Ding. This person participated in the battle to destroy the Buddha and obtained the true body of Zhuanlun Temple’s supreme practice. His cultivation is truly unfathomable. In the past fifteen years, he has entered the realm of seeing the gods.

The meteorite was about the size of a primary school desk. I was afraid that it would not weigh two to three kilograms. When the fake monk stretched out his palm, the meteorite was inserted into it like tofu, and then pulled out with one hand.

"Stop! This meteor is a treasure falling from the East China Sea. It should belong to my East China Sea. You guys quickly put the treasure down!" There was a scream from a distance, and a sea patrol Yaksha was driving the waves to the shore. Roll up.

The fake monk wore a robed robe, his demeanor was pleasant, as if he was a monk who transcended the world: "Blessed Heaven, since this thing has been touched by a Taoist priest, this treasure is related to me. You wait for the shrimp soldiers and crabs to return to the deep sea!"

The words fell, and the meteorite in his hand swept away The wave was broken by the air, the air turned into a vacuum, and countless shrimps, soldiers and crabs would turn into masses of blood mist.

With one hit, feeling the powerful opportunities that are constantly surging in the deep sea, the fake monk laughed and carried the meteor madly, and several ups and downs disappeared by the sea.

A strong man from the East China Sea came here, looking at the corpses of fish and shrimps on the ground, swallowing countless corpses with a big mouth, and then looking ugly: "Damn strong human, one day I want you to wait for a good look."

The sea clan powerhouse submerged into the sea, but saw the sand rolling, Zhang Bairen slowly walked out of the mud, his eyes gloomy looking at the meteorite crater, all the surrounding sand and stones had melted into glass.

"Weird! Who calculated me? If it weren't for my heart, I'm afraid I would have already died! Or if I have another seven or eight meteorites, I'm afraid that the governor's life will be gone!" Zhang Bairen didn't think about death, he did. Who can kill him by the technique of death?

"Weird! The most depressing thing in life is that someone wants to kill you and keeps calculating you secretly, but you don't know who is secretly attacking you." Zhang Bairen threw himself on the dust and looked at the East China Sea with his eyes: "Maybe Can find clues from the endless sky."

Donghai Dragon Palace

Prime Minister Tortoise looked at the raging fire in the brazier, shook his head regretfully, and said with a sound: "This won't kill you! Without relying on the innate gods, you can escape the meteorite from the sky. It's an inanimate sword!"

While talking, the old tortoise picked up a firewood and added a stick to the brazier, and then slowly walked out of the bedroom with his hands on his back: "This chieftain has a doorway, much more than the old tortoise I expected."

After speaking, the old turtle stood up and slowly disappeared into the dragon palace, his body disappeared.

"Weird!" East China Sea Dragon Palace, the East China Sea Dragon King took all the things on the coast into view, and said with a little thought: "Fake monk! Fake monk! Human race is fun this time!"

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