First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 869: Guan Zi's past

It's hard to imagine that a tattered gourd the size of a thumb is actually a hole in a pot.

Zhang Bairen tore off the gourd from Kongkonger's waist, and Kongkonger grinned with pain, "Captain, you old man, please! Please!"

"The formula!" Zhang Bairen looked at Kongkonger.

Kongkonger was speechless and could only pass down the formula.

Zhang Bairen opened the gourd and was stunned for a moment.

I had known that Kong Konger had hidden a lot of treasures privately, but he did not expect to hide so many.

"Kong Konger!" Zhang Bairen gritted his teeth and looked at Kong Konger with anger.

Kong Kong'er just sneered: "The Governor! The Governor! Didn't this leave you all!"

"Huh!" Zhang Bairen snorted coldly, holding the gourd and leaning toward his sleeve.

"Captain, you save me some! Anyway, save me some! The little ones have worked so hard for so many years, and there is no credit and hard work, you leave me..." Kongkong'er saw the treasures gradually being dumped. Jing suddenly became anxious.

Regardless of the pain on the body, he started tossing back and forth again and again, typically not killing him for money.

Not long after, the treasures in the gourd were dumped completely.

"Here you are!" Zhang Bairen poured the treasures completely and stuffed the gourd into Kongkong's waist.

"Captain, you are too dark!" Kongkonger complained.

"A treasure from the cave is infinitely valuable. The Governor left the treasure from the cave, which is already an extra-legal favor!" Zhang Bairen glared at Kongkong, then smiled: "I am surprised, how did you get this treasure?"

"I don't know that they were planed out in that ancestral grave! These old immortals are dead and ruined their treasures! The villain couldn't see it, so he planed out his grave!" Kong Kong'er cursed straightforwardly.

Zhang Bairen was speechless, and did not ask which ancestral grave the servant had planed. Instead, he waved his big sleeve and stuffed it into the universe. He glanced at Zuo Qiu Wuji: "You take the people back, and the capital governor goes to Xiangnan. Once."

Zuo Qiu Wuji nodded, and Zhang Bairen was alone, with his feet shrinking to an inch, and galloping towards the south of Hunan.


Guan Zi was sitting in front of the pool slowly combing her hair, and a flower basket next to him was shining brightly, and from time to time a piece of treasure fell into the pool water in front of him.

"Guan Zizai, the governor of the capital has come to you!" With Zhang Bairen's cultivation base, the people in the Bailian Society could hardly find his trace.

After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, Guan Zi was suddenly startled, and hurriedly covered his face with his clothes, and said angrily: "The governor, you are also rude and broke into someone's territory without authorization. Is it really okay?"

Zhang Bairen was stunned, and he was shocked before.

Seeing from a distance and being at ease, sitting cross-legged against the ruins. Lazy and afraid of dressing, looks more generous. Scattered a nest of silk, never wearing a yingluo.

Don't wear a plain blue robe, and a tight coat. Waistbanded brocade skirt, bare feet. There is no embroidered shawl, and the arms are polished.

Zhang Bairen exited the pond in a few steps, and came to the building to wait outside, turning his mind to himself: "I'm afraid this time I'm a little rash!"

The cultivator cuts the blue dragon and the white tiger, arbitrarily changing between men and women, but it is difficult to distinguish between men and women.

With Taoism and Taoism, I can’t distinguish between male and female.

After a while, I saw Guan Zi with a hairpin on his head, wearing a jade crown, and holding willow branches in his hand, walking out. If nothing else, it was a severe beating.

Zhang Bairen stepped back, knowing that he was at a loss, and he was begging for others, so he didn't dare to fight back.

After more than a dozen fights, I saw Guan Ziyi exasperated and said, "What are you doing in Xiangnan? Now the Middle-Earth is ready to move, and there is a mess. If you don't want to suppress the Middle-Earth, you still want to come to me in southern Hunan?

But I can see that my eyes are picturesque, my skin is delicate, and a face is perfect, as if made by good luck. If it is a male, it is more than Song Yupanan, if it is a female, it is more than Guanghan Chang'e.

Of course, this is Zhang Bairen's conjecture, and he has never seen Chang'e.

Zhang Bairen handed over his hand to make a payment. With a wave of his big sleeve, Kong Kong'er landed on the ground. What hurt Kong Kong'er was grinning and crying.

"It hurts me to death! It hurts me to death! Supervisor, can't you lighten it?" Kongkong'er wolf cried and howled like a pig.

Looking at the **** Kong Konger, Guan Zizai also had a heartbeat, no longer chasing Zhang Bairen, but said: "Who started so vicious?"

Zhang Bairen shook his head and recounted the matter of Mount Wutai.

Guan Zizai suddenly heard the words: "So it was the little thief! I was looking for this guy. A few years ago, this little thief stole a piece of purple bamboo from a poor way. He only hated the thief for his agility. He was always alert and failed several times. , I never thought it would fall into the hands of the poor Dao."

"Master Dao, please be merciful! Master Dao, be merciful! The villain Zizhu is well raised, and he will definitely be sent back to Dao Master himself in the future!" Kongkonger repeatedly begged for mercy.

When Zhang Bairen heard the words, he had a black thread, and the empty man was so bold that he even dared to steal the treasures of the free.

Seeing Zhang Bairen’s doubts, Guan Zizai said, “It just happened that I was doing the seven-day pass on that day, and I couldn’t move. That’s why this kid asked for a favor!”

Zhang Bairen was stunned, otherwise it would be absolutely difficult to obtain benefits in Guan Zi's hands by empty means.

"The chief is merciful, please help me!" Kongkonger begged for mercy.

"Forget it, for the sake of the governor's face, as long as you hand over the treasure, I won't care about you!" Guan Zizai turned around and inserted the willow branches into his sleeves, then looked at Zhang Bairen: "Friendship returns to friendship, you also know my rain and rain. Incomparably precious, a drop of infinite value, you have to come up with compensation materials."

Zhang Bairen smiled: "Dao is friendly and confused. The best treasure is here. What treasure does the layman want and ask this little thief to steal it for you? Isn't it wonderful?"

"That's the truth!" Guan Zizai said: "Kong Konger, you have to answer three things about me, and I will save you."

Kong Kong'er rolled over and grinned in pain: "The Governor, you said that I gave you all the treasures, and you asked for forgiveness for me. How can you say nothing?"

With his hands on his back, Zhang Bairen looked at a bamboo in the courtyard as if he was looking at some treasure.

The empty chest hurts, but Zhang Bairen turned his face and refused to recognize him, so he could only helplessly say: "Stop! Stop! Stop! I will do three things for you!"

Guan Zi nodded and took out a jade bottle, soaking it with a drop of nectar.

I saw the speed visible to the naked eye, empty flesh and blood rebirth, and the skin returned to integrity.

Zhang Bairen was shocked, and Guan Zizai's hand was really powerful.

"It's a pity that all supervises bad my Dao Gong, otherwise the willow branches of the poor Dao should be resurrected now!" Guan Zizai glared at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen didn't seem to have heard it. At the beginning, he bet with Aoki's immortality and Guanzi, and took a lot of vitality from willow branches and promoted his Aoki's immortality.

Seeing Zhang Bairen didn't speak, Guan Zizai didn't want to keep guests, turned and walked towards Xiaoxie.

Over there, Kongkonger was jumping around, realizing that he was unobstructed, and staring at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "The Governor, you took my treasure, but you didn't do anything for me, can you return the treasure?"

Too lazy to grind with Kong Konger, only to see Kong Konger's expression sluggish for the next moment, and his physical body has already rushed out of the Bailian Society uncontrollably.

Outside Bailianshe

Kong Kong'er regained physical control, and roared with a distorted expression: "Damn it! It's not reasonable! It's not reasonable! Why is it so domineering!"

Zhang Bairen walked slowly into the small pavilion, Guan Zi concocting tea: "Your subordinate seems to be very dissatisfied with you!"

"Get used to it!" Zhang Bairen was sitting on the opposite side of Guanzizai with a cheeky looking at the bamboo forest in the water pavilion, showing a touch of admiration: "You seem to like bamboo!"

"Yeah!" Guan Zizai nodded: "I was four years old that year. There was a locust plague in my hometown, the people were displaced, and my parents died from the plague. I lived on the bamboo planted by my mother. I lived in troubled times. A child doesn’t have the ability to live and dare not run around, so I ate bamboo shoots for seven years. Bamboo shoots are my life. Without bamboo shoots, I would never live today. It’s also like falling from the sky, my backyard. Just suitable for growing bamboo."

Zhang Bairen is silent, everyone has a past that no one else can know, and every hobby has a story that belongs to him.

"It's a coincidence, I like bamboo too!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"Do you like it too?" Guan Zi was taken aback.

"I like bamboo rice!" Zhang Bairen said.

Guan Zi was silent, and after a while he said: "Get out of here!"

ps: third more.

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