First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 893: Fight against Yuwen CD

Back in Zhuojun, Zhang Bairen felt full of emotions for a while, not knowing what it was like.

The mother is missing, and the bottom of the fantasy road is even less known to me, only a Jinghuan fairy.

With such a big river and lake, how to find Fairy Jinghuan? In particular, Jinghuan Fairy's method is not weak, and it is even more like finding a needle in a haystack to find it.

Suddenly a faint hatred was rising in Zhang Bairen's heart. Why did his mother leave without saying goodbye? Why abandon herself!

He didn't return to the manor, but went directly to the general's residence. Yuwen Chengdu was still practicing martial arts in the field.

Every move is extremely serious.

Regardless of Yuwen Chengdu's character, this man is extremely serious in martial arts practice.

Sincere in martial arts, specializing in martial arts.

Zhang Bairen passed by the martial arts field, suddenly stopped, watching Yuwen Chengdu performing martial arts, not knowing what to think.

I have to say that a long stroke is in his hands, leaving a transparent mark in the air.

Zhang Bairen looked at Yuwen Chengdu with his hands on his back, and remained silent for a long time.

"Can the governor give me some advice on the cultivation level of the next official?" Yuwen Chengdu suddenly stopped, stopped his movements, and turned his head to look at Zhang Bairen.

Although the man in front of him is not as big as himself, he is truly standing on the top, one of the top masters recognized by the world.


Without knowing what he had thought of, Zhang Bairen actually laughed. A blue air current swirled around his body, and the vegetation in the yard rejuvenated and began to take root.

Even if Aoki's breath leaked out, he had incredible powers.

Zhang Bairen wears a jade crown on his head, with a hosta inserted, and his purple robe is gorgeous and decent, his face seems like jade with a layer of fluorescence.

"The governor sees the move!" Looking at Zhang Bairen, Yuwen Chengdu felt in a daze that Zhang Bairen seemed to be integrated with the world, and he was afraid that he would not even have the courage to make a move.

Zhang Bairen's fingers stretched out from his sleeves, watching the tumbling air wave, Chang Li came to him faster than the wave, biting at his acupuncture points around his body like a poisonous snake.


Zhang Bairen waved his hand casually, and Changli flew out like an open long bow.

Yuwen Chengdu only felt numb in his palms, revealing a look of shock: "Everyone in the world is superb, but I don't know that the martial arts of the generals are not weak!"

The Aoki Immortality has evolved into the true body of Jumang. This is an ancient divine body, although it is only a rudimentary realm, it is already extraordinary and infinitely close to the Tao.

Zhang Bairen didn't change his face: "Take out your true ability, you are so tempting, it is easy for me to break, I have an immortal body, you don't have to worry about hurting me!"

Yuwen Chengdu's expression became solemn: "The governor, that is rude!"

Yujuluo heard the movement in the courtyard and slowly walked out of the hall, standing on the edge without speaking.




A series of spurs approaching the extreme, enveloped Zhang Bairen's whole body, and within a short distance faster than the speed of sound, what is this concept?

Even a piece of paper, if it can have the speed of sound, can kill people!

Seeing a strong man, the air liquefies between his hands and feet is no longer as simple as breaking the speed of sound, and it involves all kinds of force-generating skills.

Zhang Bairen's face was expressionless, and a cyan air stream swirled around his body, like a golden body. Although he couldn't stop Yuwen Chengdu's speed, the horse fell on him and couldn't stir any dust.

"How could this happen!" Yuwen Chengdu suddenly stopped, looking at Zhang Bairen with a pale face, his eyes full of disbelief.

With all his strength, he couldn't even damage the opponent's clothes.

Under the blessing of the cyan airflow, the clothes are like a part of Zhang Bairen's body.

"Capital Governor, you are bullying. You actually used some kind of technique to eliminate Chengdu's strength. This is simply too bullying!" Yu Juluo said dissatisfied.

The power of drowning!

Mastering the supernatural power of water, Zhang Bairen is more comfortable with the power of drowning.

"You idiot, you actually went to take Ma Chuan against the main governor. How can the state of the main governor be pierced by a horse, this horse is not as powerful as your fists and feet. Try it with a hammer and a big knife!"

Yu Juluo shook his head: "The general governor often goes the other way. It is indeed the strongest attack to break the face, but it's not easy for the general governor!"

"General, there will be no dismantling!" The black line on Zhang Bairen's forehead slipped.

"Actually, I also want to know what realm you are in now." Yu Juluo's eyes were full of curiosity: "Innate god, who doesn't want to study it!"

Yuwen Chengdu pleaded guilty on the side, got up and went to the weapon frame, and chose a Guan Gong’s Qinglong Yanyue knife.

Zhang Bairen shook his head, showing a playful look.


It slashed out, as if coming from the void, fast as lightning, as if it were a ray of light.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his right hand and hit the big knife unexpectedly.


Zhang Bairen took a step back. Although Yuwen Chengdu had the upper hand, there was no joy on his face.

I saw a green airflow rotating along the direction, and the handle of the knife came alive in an instant, and green leaves grew.


Yuwen Chengdu quickly shattered the long knife and threw it out, his face was full of shock.

That knife handle actually uses its vitality as a nutrient, and the old tree begins to take root in spring!

The handle of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife is indeed made of wood, but after layers of concoction, it has long become a'cooked' wooden stick, and it is impossible for it to come back to life, let alone absorb its own life.

If the two sides are fighting life and death, they will either abandon their weapons and fall behind. Or he was sucked to death by his own weapons.

"You can't even use wooden weapons!" Yu Juluo was dumbfounded: "You are too domineering with supernatural powers. The old man is almost unheard of!"

"I can't get into the elegant hall" Zhang Bairen put his hands behind his back, a hole in his palm healed quietly.

Yuwen Chengdu deserves to be Yuwen Chengdu, in the entire Sui and Tang Dynasties, he is one of the best.

"It seems that in the future, when confronting the main governor, we cannot use any weapons with wood." Yu Juluo smiled.

On one side, Yuwen Chengdu's face was full of depression, standing there for a long time without speaking.

"Be nice to Xiaocao in the future. The Governor does not want him to be wronged at Yuwen's house." Zhang Bairen glanced at Yuwen Chengdu and turned around and walked into the house.

Looking at Yuwen Chengdu, who was dejected, Yu Juluo patted the other's shoulder. He had benefited from the Yuwen family back then, and he couldn't ignore it: "It's a coincidence that the governor is a coincidence. If you exchange for a pure metal weapon, most of you won't be able to supervise the gods. Dharmakaya, it is not easy to win you!"

After speaking, he hurriedly walked into the room, leaving Yuwen Chengdu alone in thought.

"Why is the governor interested in playing with this kid today?" Yu Juluo sat on the soft couch and took a sip of tea.

"Just idle and bored, try his kung fu" Zhang Bairen said.

"This kid has good martial arts talent. If he has the chance, he is very likely to cross the threshold of the Dao." Yu Juluo said with emotion. Will Yuwen's family lack the treasures to break through the Dao?

"Tell him to break through, it's hard to escape the palm of my hand anyway!" Zhang Bairen disapproved, and Yuwen Chengdu had practiced the five gods and ghosts, and he had long been hit by his own calculations.

When to plant the Demon Seed, Yuwen Chengdu will not waste all his skills after his death.

"How is the harvest outside the Great Wall?" Yujulu said.

Zhang Bairen sighed softly: "Ask what love in the world is teaches life and death!"

Zhang Bairen sighed, eyes full of helplessness.

Zhang Bairen didn't say much, and Yu Juluo didn't ask much.

After drinking for a while, Zhang Bairen suddenly looked at Yujuluo: "What month is it now?"

"It's indeed abnormal!" Yu Juluo pondered for a while, revealing a puzzled look: "Actually speaking, it shouldn't be!"

"It really shouldn't! Things are a demon if things are abnormal. Does anyone want to make trouble in Zhuojun?" Zhang Bairen gently twisted his glass: "I originally planned to go to Luoyang for a trip, and I never thought about it. Zhuojun actually made such a big basket."

Zhang Bairen and Yu Juluo seemed to say a book, Song Laosheng's head was dizzy: "Master, Governor, what happened?"

Yu Juluo didn't answer, but looked seriously into the distance with a pair of eyes, then retracted his gaze after a while: "Do you know the movement in that direction?"

"Mobei! Could it be that the Turkic people want to make a big move? Shibi Khan may not have such courage!"

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