First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 896: Drought career

At this time, Yang Su's eyes were full of intoxication, as if he was a tonic, constantly absorbing the air in the gravel.

At this moment, a great monk in the distance looked at this place with solemn eyes, his hands clasped together and he kept chanting.




The roar is clearer than the other, and it seems to sound in people's ears, making people tremble with qi and blood.

Zhang Bairen slowly backed away, at this time even the heat was unbearable for him.

Now the cold winter outside has completely recovered, and the entire Sui Dynasty is warm as spring.


About three days later, the mountains shook suddenly, and the smell of sulfur rose to the sky, and then saw the overwhelming magma rushing out of the ground, in the magma, a red figure roared up to the sky.

"Dry Man!" Chun Guijun's pupils tightened: "It really didn't come out of my expectation, but Drought Man was born!"

While talking, he quickly grabbed Li Shimin: "Come on, things here are no longer what we can mix."

The overwhelming magma burst out, and people couldn't help but retreat. Yang Su dived into the yellow sand and allowed the magma to swallow it.

There will be a volcanic eruption in the desert, and it makes people laugh out of it.

"Dry stupid! It was a stupid stupid! This time it's a big trouble, how can there be such things in the desert!" Ulji Wende cried out strangely, and her figure quickly retreated.

"As soon as the drought comes out, it will be thousands of miles away. You must not let the drought enter the middle earth!" Yu Juluo looked serious, and his blood began to circulate, roaring constantly, like a sky thunder.

"Blood!" Drought Yan said, and a strong bone-prone person in the distance was instantly shriveled, turning into a corpse, and all the blood was absorbed by Drought.

The living drought is the real powerhouse!

"I'm afraid I can't deal with this drought!" Yu Juluo lowered his voice.

Zhang Bairen remained silent, just playing with the golden slips in his hands.

"You two help me to quickly suppress this drought. Once the drought rages, I am afraid that the world will not live in peace!" Yu Juluo looked at the servant bone Mohe and the most powerful Khitan.

The servant bone nodded and was about to speak, but he heard the strange aura of the strong Khitan Dao over there: "Don't do it, this drought seems to be heading towards the middle-earth. There are countless middle-earth masters, why do you and me? thing?"

The servant bone Mohe stopped when he heard the words, and he was so angry that he could not kill the villain in one bite: "You bastard, scourge, you still care about such big things!"

Zhang Bairen held the golden slips and kept backing away: "The drought man was temporarily trapped by my painting site, and he couldn't go to Middle Earth. I just don't know how long the drought man can be trapped."

Looking at the hot magma, Yujuluo's face was serious: "Never let Droughts enter Middle-earth!"

While talking, I saw a white wave left in the air, and he actually took the initiative to respond to the drought.


Hot air

Without a drop of water, all the water vapor has been evaporated by the drought.

The drought has passed, three years of severe drought, and thousands of miles of red land, it can be seen that the drought is severe.


Drought Yan had a hideous face, and he hit Yujulu with a punch. Yujulu flew upside down and landed on the ground. The Drought Yan was uncomfortable, and he stepped back three steps in succession.

"Blood, delicious blood!" Hanyan stared at Yujuluo with a pair of eyes. He had been sleeping underground for thousands of years, and he needed blood to restore his strength.

Chungui Jun in the distance couldn't help saying: "Don't ask Droughty to **** blood. Now Droughty is just born, and his body is very weak. Once he **** blood to restore his strength, we are not enough for him to kill!"

Yujuluo was shocked, and the Drought in the weak state could knock him back with one punch. How strong should the Drought in its heyday be?

"Don't doubt, you are now in the metamorphosis period, and you have not yet completed the metamorphosis. Of course you are not Droughty's opponent!" Seeing Yu Juluo's doubts, the Spring Return Jun let go of Li Shimin and walked towards the court.

"Sir, you..." Li Shimin hurriedly yelled when he saw Chunguijun walking towards the court regardless of danger.

"Drought is a great tonic, you don't understand!" Chun Guijun waved his hand, and in a flash came to Yu Juluo, then looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "The governor, let's meet again!"

Zhang Bairen swept through Chunguijun expressionlessly, looking at Han Yan with a pair of eyes calmly.

"Let's do it, we must take down Drought Man today. Once Drought Man recovers his strength, no one can control this evil spirit!" Chungui Jun took a deep breath.


Yujuluo broke through the sonic boom again and beat Hanyan severely.

Chunguijun followed Yu Juluo closely, and the green light of both palms flickered and landed on Hanyan's back.


Yu Juluo was beaten to fly, and Chungui Jun was also shaken out by the drought, but at this time Chungui Jun looked solemn, as if he had eaten some delicious tonic: "It is indeed the power of reincarnation from death, it is intoxicating. , As long as I eat you, I can recover 50% of my strength!"

Looking at Chungui Jun, there was a hint of anger in Han Yan's eyes: "You dare to take my life, I must kill you today!"

This is the first time Drought has taken the initiative since he was born.


This punch is like a volcanic eruption, unstoppable!

An afterimage was left in the air, and the smell of volcanic lava was permeating.


Chungui Jun was shaken off and cut in half.

It's so dead!

Chunguijun died too suddenly, and there was no resistance.

"Sir!" Li Shimin, who was watching the battle from a distance, was anxious, and rushed out regardless of the danger to fight against the drought.

"Go back! This is not something you can handle at all!" Chun Guijun suddenly opened his eyes and glared at Li Shimin: "If you want to pretend to die, you have destroyed it!"

While talking, Chunguijun picked up his waist and resurrected instantly.

In an instant, Zhang Bairen's eyes straightened. How did this scene look so familiar? Haven't others been fooled by himself before?

Yujuluo and all the most powerful men looked at Chunguijun in amazement. At this time, Yujuluo was incomprehensible: "Can this also be resurrected?"

"What a mystical supernatural power!" Han Yan opened his mouth, swaying out again and again: "I will completely refine you into ashes, I will see if you can resurrect!"

"Don't think about it!" Yu Juluo intercepted.

"I'll help you!" A figure emerged from Hanyan's shadow. A black dagger was inserted into Hanyan's chest like lightning, and then the shadow disappeared completely.

Wang Yi

At the critical moment, Wang Yi, the ancestor of the assassin family, made a move!




A drop of golden blood fell from the chest of Drizzle.

The red flame rose, the black dagger was melted, and completely disappeared from the world.

The corner of Wang Yi's mouth twitched in the distance. This was a treasure left by his ancestors. Even Qin Shihuang's real body could be broken open, not to mention the mere drought.

"You hurt me! Damn it!" Han Yan abandoned everyone in disregard and reached out to grab Wang Yi.

Wang Yi's body twisted and merged into the shadow of Drought, causing Drought to continuously punch his shadow, and the entire desert shook like an earthquake, stirring up layers of ripples.


With the sound of breaking through the air, Li Shimin, Yang Su, and Shen unexpectedly appeared at the same time, grabbing the drop of golden blood in the air.

Yang Su's complexion was bloodshot, and his eyes flowed murderously: "The blood of the drought is very toxic to you, why do you stop me from enlightenment!"

A flash of contempt flashed in God’s eyes: "This is Drought Blood. If I can swallow it, it will definitely boost the power of Phoenix’s blood. I can take this opportunity to completely pull out the human blood and turn it into a real Phoenix. How can such treasures be allowed? Give you."

While talking, God had already punched Yang Li Shimin hit Tianfeng Chaoge, and the three joined the battle group and became one.


Two flickering, white teeth appeared at the corners of Yang Su's mouth, and the blood of the dry scorpion was sucked into one of them and actually swallowed into his abdomen.


Yang Su was blown away by Li Shimin and the fists of the gods, and disappeared into the desert.

"You guys are looking for death!" Han Yan couldn't catch Wang Yi, and looked at the three people in the field. A punch seemed to freeze people's thinking, and the qi and blood could not be reconciled at all, and they could not be brought together.


At the critical moment, Wang Yi jumped out of the shadow, and once again slashed at the back of Drought Yan's neck, causing the two to escape.

"court death!"

ps: Fourth more. I haven't added any updates in the past two days, and I am obsessed with a book, "The Legend of Shen Gongbao" is really beautiful. These two days are too fascinating.

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