First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 899: 1 Jian Guanghan 16 continents, just ask who is injustice!

This sword, Zhang Bairen came to this world, the pinnacle sword!

The true pinnacle sword, although it did not mobilize the innate god's law body, it is definitely Zhang Bairen's peak state, because Zhang Bairen's state of harmony is much stronger than the innate god's possession.

The four swords of Zhu Xian couldn't make the formation, Zhang Bairen's sword was his peak power at this time.

However, Zhang Bairen's sword frightened all the monks in the world. As long as his eyes were not blind, he could see that Zhang Bairen had not used the innate god's law body.

Zhang Bairen doesn't know the power of the congenital god's law body, but the divine power of the congenital god's law body is incompatible with the four swords of Zhuxian. Simply put, if Zhang Bairen mobilizes the law body of the congenital god, he can't stimulate the power of the sword formation.

Thanks to Zhang Bairen’s Zhu Xianjian Array becoming more and more powerful with Zhang Bairen’s sacrifice, he could temporarily expand the array in the Jiandao Qi Machine and attach it to the ordinary long sword.

It's a pity that my family knows what's going on in the house. Jin Jianhedao has only 30 breaths. If he can't kill the drought within 30 breaths, he has no chance.

How long is thirty breaths? It takes about a minute to two minutes, and it is simply whimsical to kill a truly powerful person.

Since it can't be killed, it's okay to take a heavy blow.

"Block me with a sword, forgive you for not dying!" Zhang Bairen's fingers slowly crossed Qing Feng, and the sword intent in his eyes became restrained.

"You and I will stop here, this seat will never step into the Central Plains!" Han Yan's face was solemn at this time, and the flames all over her body continued to converge. He turned into a man wearing ancient costumes from the ancestor period.

Zhang Bairen didn't answer his words, just quietly brewing his sword intent.

Drought did not dare to move, and all his body was locked by Zhang Bairen's Qi machine. A pair of eyes stared at Zhang Bairen, and his heart began to cry.

He has been sleeping underground for thousands of years, and his strength has already fallen to the bottom. Originally, under the guidance of the dragon, he felt that the chaos is coming, and he wanted to come out and rebuild his heritage, but he never thought that there is such a perverted character today.

"With such a character, those sleeping old guys are blessed! Waiting for their fate is to be smashed to death by a sword!" Han Yan was secretly surprised.


A sword light rushed straight into the sky, and the clouds in the sky were shattered and turned into nothingness.

That ray of sword light became the only one in the world at this time, just looking at it, I felt that the endless road was just ahead.

Absolutely immortal sword spirit, absolutely vitality in the world! The fate of everything!

Everyone forcibly opened their eyes, depending on how Han Yan could block this earth-shaking sword. If you miss such a battle, you will regret it for a lifetime.

Countless Yang Shen real people screamed one after another, while screaming, while trying hard to open their eyes, looked towards the battlefield.

What a pity, Zhang Bairen made his sword too fast!

Even Yujuluo can only see an image in the blur.

There was a roar, shaking the earth, and the dust tumbling from the roar of the drought.

When the dust settled, everyone looked at Zhang Bairen, and saw that Zhang Bairen was holding a hilt with a missing sword in his hand, standing in the field opposite to Han Yan, unable to see the state of the two at this time.

Yu Juluo's eyes were sharp, and a pair of eyes scanned Hanyan's whole body, and then his pupils shrank, and he saw that the half of the short sword in the chest of Hanyan sank in, but the blood was sealed by the magical power of Hanyan, and it didn't flow out.

"Good sword!" Han Yan couldn't help but praised.

"It's a pity that my sword, which was conceived for a year, was destroyed!" Zhang Bairen looked down at the hilt in his hand and slowly inserted the hilt into the sheath.

"If the sword is alive, knowing that you can fall under this earth-shaking sword, you will die without regrets! I am not afraid of being broken and bones!" Han Yan looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Such an earth-shaking attack, I wonder how many swords you can make! "

"Guess what!" Zhang Bairen didn't change his face.

Drought was silent, and the light of the whole body was flowing, half of the sword tip slowly forced out of his body: "The old man has lived for countless years. Although he is in a low state, you are the first to be able to wound the old man into such a state with a single sword!"


Half of the sword tip broke through the sonic boom and shot far away, causing a sensation among countless martial artists and Yangshen real people, and chasing the half sword tip frantically.

The half of the sword's point must be contaminated with Zhang Bairen's sword intent. For Jian Xiu, this half of the sword's point is the supreme treasure and exists like a heavenly book.

"Mine!" Li Shimin covered the half of the sword with a palm.

"not necessarily!"

In the direction of the Turks, a master flew out and forced Li Shimin back with a punch.

"The Immeasurable Tianzun, this half of the sword tip was too heavy to kill, but the poor road saved it to resolve the hostility." The fake monk walked over and knocked everyone into the air.

"Fake monk, you don't want to deceive people too much!" Li Jiancheng's hand was surging with cold air, and he swept away at the fake monk.

Tianbianguan said with a smile on his face: "Pan Dao is about to comprehend the kendo methods to protect the body and lower the demons. Now that I see this half of the sword tip, I really love it. Please also cut your love!"

Guan Zizai’s crystal fingers continued to produce a series of seals, the nine-character mantra was unparalleled, and flew the strong men in front of him: "The tip of the sword is the captain's, you wait to **** it, if there is no captain Speak, I'm afraid you won't be able to take this half of the sword with you!"

This statement is justified. Thinking of Zhang Bairen's daily difficulties, everyone could not help but feel a headache.

Over there, Li Shimin was expressionless, and joined hands with Li Jiancheng to block everyone out. As soon as he stretched out his palm, he took the tip of the sword in his hand, showing his white teeth and looking at Guan Ziran: "Monk, sorry, this half of the tip of the sword Taiyuan Li Family...Ah!"

When Li Shimin was halfway through, he couldn't help but screamed, his hands were bloody, and he subconsciously threw the tip of the sword.

The sword intent on the half-point of the sword was too strong, and Li Shimin was injured by the sword intent without checking.

Seeing Li Shimin's miserable situation, everyone was stunned. At this moment of hesitation in their hearts, the tip of the sword had been glued to the palm of the hand. Everyone reacted and wanted to catch the tip of the sword again. Guan Zizai had already fallen by Zhang Bairen's side: "General Governor, you don't care about this half of the tip of the sword!"

"My kendo is a killing kendo. Even if you have comprehend it, you can't get rid of my shackles. In the end, you will follow my old path and affect your character!" Zhang Bairen looked at the half of the sword.

Guan Zi shook his head: "It won't take much effort for the Governor to bother."

Half of the sword in the field fell between Zhang Bairen and Hanyan. Everyone was eager to see them, but they all dared to go forward to collect them, for fear of being chopped by Zhang Bairen, or being killed by Drought.

Zhang Bairen hung the long sword around his waist, and the Jin Jian slipped out of his sleeves and played with it in his hands.

"I lost!" Han Yan looked at Zhang Bairen with a solemn expression: "Good sharp swordsmanship, but there is no end to this matter. When I regain my strength, I must re-enter Middle-earth and fight you!"

The Drought Man did nothing, and saw its actions like the wind, rolling up layers of yellow sand, turning around and rushing in the direction of Khitan: "When I am full, I will come and compete with you!"

"Bastard! Stop it for me!" Seeing this scene, the strongest Khitan Dao was shocked, and he stepped forward to intercept the drought.

Drought Yan is now hit hard by Zhang Bairen, and the Khitan martial artist is at odds with each other at a time. It is indistinguishable and incomprehensible, no one can do anything!

"Damn it! Please help me to overcome this evil obstacle!" The Khitan warrior gradually fell into a disadvantage in the face of the drought, and the suppressed steadily retreated.

Looking at the tragic situation of the Khitan powerhouse, all the masters in the Middle-earth are all looking to relieve their hatred. Who told you to be so harassed before and asked you to take action to surrender the drought. You actually stood on the sidelines, and now you are suffering?

"The chief governor, the current non-inspirational dispute, the drought is the bane of all beings in the world, let's take action to surrender it!" The servant bone couldn't help but persuade Khitan, Wei Shi, Gaoli If the East Turkistan borders, if the drought is called for wanton disaster, when the Khitan disaster is almost the same, how can the other few be spared?

Zhang Bairen shook his head and said blankly, "It's okay. Drought wants to regain his strength. No one can imagine it in seven or eight years. Maybe I will be enlightened after seven or eight years. Drought is not a concern!"

"The Governor!" Ulji Wende on one side was anxious.

Zhang Bairen just stood there with a sneer in his eyes.

The leader is more one!

ps: There must be a lot of people here who want to spray me, and they can't kill... That is the real powerhouse, Yujuluo has just stepped on the threshold of entry. Although the protagonist does not say that he is No. 1 in the world, he is truly unbeaten in the world!

Moreover, there is no benefit to killing the drought. It is in the real interest and layout to use the drought to drag the grassland.

What Jiu Ming wants to write is not a man, but a wise man who plays chess!

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