First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 915: Heaven and Humanity

What is loyalty?


  What is filial piety?


   Zhang Bairen slaughtered his uncle with a sword, and then killed his uncle with his fingers, is it unfilial?


   When the Zhang Family was destroyed, where were the people of Beitian Shidao?


   And in Zhang Jingan’s memory, someone with the Northern Heavenly Master Tao secretly sent a letter to the three Nantian Master-Tao brothers. Zhang Bairen did not believe that the Northern Heavenly Master Tao was not aware of the situation and movement at the time!


   At least when Mother Zhang was hunted down, it was impossible for Beitian Shidao to hear the least bit of news.


far away


   Looking at the figure in white clothes that goes away, all the Taoists have complicated eyes.




   Not everyone can and dare to do this kind of thing, even in the 21st century, this kind of behavior is spurned by people, let alone in the control of the family, the ancient etiquette?


   Zhang Fei lowered his head, while the third old Chunyang stood there quietly, speechless for a long time.


   "He really dared to kill me!" Zhang Fei was muttering to himself, asking to himself that he was not much cheaper than the uncle of Beitian Shidao. Since Zhang Bairen dared to cut off his two blood relatives with the flick of his fingers, what about himself?


The three elders of Chunyang were silent, and the ancestor Chaoyang took a deep breath: "The sword goes slanting, he has gradually lost his humanity, and is affected by the divine nature of the innate divine fetus. The fetters and legal constraints in the red dust become more and more for him. less."


   "I am his relatives!" After a while, Zhang Fei suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing with dissatisfaction.


   "My mother? My mother-in-law was killed. I was so impatient, I'm afraid you can't even think about it." Li Shimin came from a distance with a deep voice.


   "Second Young Master!" Jin Dingguan and his party saluted together.


Li Shimin looked at Zhang Fei with a pair of eyes, then turned to Chunyang and the Three Elders, and then sighed: "Although Zhang Bairen's swordsmanship has reached the heavens and the earth, he has already entered the left path, and even his blood relatives did not hesitate to kill. , I don’t know what level of practice I should practice in the future."


   "Is it because the second son came here to speak cold words?" The ancestor Chaoyang suddenly pulled a face.


   "No! No! Xiaosheng asked you to discuss something, and at the same time talk about compensating for the loss of Jindingguan!" Li Shimin laughed repeatedly.


far away


   In the dark night


   Yu Juluo and Zhuo Junhou stood side by side, Zhuo Junhou secretly stunned: "This kid is crazy, and his mother dared to kill him, it is not famous!"


Yu Juluo was silent, and sighed slightly after a while: "His sword is getting colder and colder, and it is more and more in line with the killing avenue. Even the character is gradually affected by the divine nature, getting closer to the high gods. Even if he becomes the Supreme Dao Yang God, it is not the Supreme Dao Yang God of my human race, but a heavenly **** overlooking all living beings!"


   "So what should I do?" Zhuo Junhou scratched his ears, a little at a loss.


"Kendo is ruthless and there is love. This is the true meaning of kendo. If you want to reverse the xinxing of the general governor, you must suppress the divinity in the general governor, and then break the realm of the general governor and pull him into the red dust!" Sun Simiao, the king of medicine I don’t know when I came to the two of them, and their eyes were full of emotion: “Since the old man practised the Taoism, he has never seen such a cold, unfeeling sword aura, breaking the shackles and extinguishing everything. The general governor’s sword is getting colder and colder. I have lost my human taste!"


   "Mr. Sun!" Yu Juluo nodded.


   "Is there a way to restore the character of the chief governor?" Zhuo Junhou interjected.


   "Can Lord Hou defeat the innate divinity?" Sun Simiao smiled bitterly.


   Hearing Sun Simiao's words, Zhuo Junhou smiled bitterly: "Of course I can't, so I can barely take ten moves under the power of the gods in the governor's body!"


   Yu Juluo shook his head secretly, Zhuo Junhou is still a big man, he may not take the ten moves.


   "The only way to break the mood of the governor!" Sun Simiao said: "How to break the mood of the governor?"


   "Broken the Dao skills of the Governor, the Governor's mood will naturally be broken" Sun Simiao's eyes showed helplessness: "This is also the last helpless choice, I only hope that the Governor can listen to my advice and fall back to the humane."




   The Taoists looked dignified, looking at the distant figure speechless.


   Baiyun Taoist Temple


   Bai Yun held the whisk in his hand, narrowed his eyes, standing in the square not knowing what he was thinking.


   "Bairen, you killed your uncle today and ruined your reputation!" Zhang Lihua sighed helplessly.


   Zhang Bairen held Zhang Lihua in his arms, holding Ding Dong with his left hand: "It's just killing chickens and monkeys. What's wrong with me? The people can't even care about their lives. There is no time to care about this seat! I have a clear conscience!"


   Packed up his bags, Zhang Bairen didn't want to stay in the Baiyun Taoist Temple any more, taking advantage of the night to take Zhang Lihua and head towards the capital.


   "The great river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and the eternal heroes. Therefore, to the west of the base, the humanity is the Chibi of the Three Kingdoms. The rocks pierce through the sky, the stormy waves hit the shore, and a thousand piles of snow are rolled up!


   Zhang Bairen stepped on the canoe, his voice resounded in the Baiyun Mountains, and his majestic and graceful eyes were full of gaze.


   Passing pedestrians looked at the purple-clothed figure on the boat, their eyes were full of shock, and their eyes showed awe.


   The words stopped abruptly, the poem only had the upper half of the poem, but the second half was not chanted.


   The real people from all walks of life in the mountains listened carefully. After waiting for a while, the shadow of Zhang Bairen had disappeared in the small river. They all sighed slightly, and it was a pity that they were straight in their hearts!


   is such a good word, but it can only be heard for the second half of the time. It is straightforward to teach people that there is a kitten in their hearts that is constantly scratching.


Zhang Bairen's killing of his mother-in-law caused a thousand waves of waves with one stone and shocked the people of the world. There was an uproar from all walks of life. Even the Confucianism who had always respected Zhang Bairen as a sage teacher could not help but shut up at this time and was not acting for Zhang Bairen. Rebuttal.


   No one knows what Zhang Bairen is thinking, let alone Zhang Bairen's self-destroying reputation and the game of chess.


   But the only thing that is clear is that Zhang Bairen is really ruthless, even his mother-in-law can do it, let alone himself?


   Everyone talked about Zhang Bairen for a while, Gu Du's complexion looked like a tiger, and his eyes were full of horror.


   "Master!" Mother Zhang knelt in front of Aunt Jing Huan Dao, two lines of tears slowly falling in her eyes.


   Jing Huan Dao Gu was silent, holding a small newspaper in her hand, and did not look up for a long time.


   "The chief governor is afraid that his mind has been affected by his divinity, and he has already walked the path of heaven. He even dares to start with his mother, let alone you?" Jing Huan Taoist aunt said after a while.


"This information is fake, and it must not be true. Bairen has been sensible since he was a child, and he emphasizes filial piety the most. How could he do such a disobedient thing? This information must be fake! It must be fake!" tears.


Jinghuan Daogu's dignified eyes: "The congenital gods are born, the heaven and the earth are nurtured, and they are innately holding a power. This power is a manifestation of the way of heaven! The general governor does not know what chance he has, and actually refines the congenital gods as a Dharma body. , But his own cultivation level is not as good as the innate gods, it is inevitable that the innate gods will affect the character!"


"All these years you have only cared about yourself in retreat, immersed in emotional despair, and lost your care for the The governor is afraid that he has already cut off his family ties. Only after the seven emotions and six desires are dispelled, you can be with the innate **** Only fusion, completely replace it! This is a step to the sky, and the human heart is deceitful. Once the chief governor is in charge of the innate god, I am afraid that earth-shaking things will happen. Everyone in this world can't want to live in peace!" Over the head: "You break off your love, but the general governor breaks off the **** of family affection in one step. Among the seven emotions and six desires, family affection is the most difficult to break. Once family affection is severed, the seven affections and six desires are not far away."


   "Why is it because of me?" Mother Zhang's eyes were full of disbelief.


  Jinghuan Daogu sighed: "Since the family relationship of the governor has been broken, then you can stay in the mountains and practice cultivation."


   "Master, if Bairen does this kind of thing, why is the disciple still thinking about cultivating?" Mother Zhang's eyes were red and swollen, and she fell on her knees: "Please also ask Master Enzhun disciple to go down the mountain."


Jinghuan Daogu was silent when she heard the words, her eyes looked at Yunyan in the distance, and after a while she said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. If you stay in the mountains to practice, if there is news in the future, I will naturally notify you! Keep losing six desires. You can't imagine taking a step down the mountain."


  Jing Huan Dao Gu suddenly changed her mouth. A few days ago, she thought of asking Zhang Mu to go down the mountain, but now she suddenly changed her mouth. It must be unknown what happened!

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