First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 917: 0 betting

Zhang Bairen nodded and walked towards the mansion in the city despite being pulled by the carriage.




   All Mohist masters gathered together!


   "Zhang Bairen has entered Beijing, and now Zhang Bairen has a thoroughfare. The third battle no longer needs to continue, and the ending has become a fixed number!" a Mohist master said.


"Your Majesty is preparing for the second Eastern Expedition, and the people and horses will gather in Zhuo County. Even if the chief governor is allowed to strangle the rebels in the south, what about it? The wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again. When it is exhausted, it will naturally stop!" Humane again.


   "As the situation is like today, I should wait for the philosophers to bet again. Let's discuss which one to bet on" the Mo family giant said.




   All the great scholars gathered together


   "We have been separated from the Da Sui Confucianism again, and now the Da Sui qi is approaching, I should also look for another Ming Master!" A white-haired Confucian Taoist.


   "But where does the chief governor explain?" There was another person.


   "My Confucianism has long been the mainstay of the world. No matter which power rises, it cannot do without the support of Confucianism. Let's stay silent and sit behind the Diaoyutai!"


   "It's the extreme! It's the extreme! Openly supporting a certain force, but I am at a disadvantage!"




   All masters of the Fa school gathered in secret


   The result of the deliberations is no different from Confucianism. Legalists have now become the mainstay of the world. No matter which family wins the world, they cannot do without the support of Legalists.


   Nowadays, the major sects of Taoism are swaying from the sidelines, but because of the lessons learned from the golden roof, they are a little hesitant and start to hesitate, and the avenues secretly withdraw their tentacles, watching the situation change, and worrying about betting easily.


The example of    Jindingguan is right in front of you!


   That one is not scared of three points?


   What is the difference between today's pure Yang Taoist temple and extinction?


   Confucianism, Mohism, Law, and Taoism are the mainstream of the world. No matter which power wins the world, they have to work hard to appease and reuse them, but they are indispensable for the world.


   There are only a few meat soups. If you want to allocate more, naturally you have to take the slightest risk and you have to place a bet.


   In addition to this mainstream, the rest of the miscellaneous family have already placed bets, secretly linked up with the clan families and anti-thieves of various places, and quietly placed their bets.


   No one is optimistic about Da Sui!


   even including Yang Guang himself!


   Zhang Bairen took a shower and came to the palace after breakfast.


   "Your Majesty!" Zhang Bairen saluted.


   "Ai Qing is here?" Yang Guang raised his head from the map, a smile on his pale face: "Come early."


   "Your Majesty did not sleep last night?" Zhang Bairen looked at the bloodshot eyes in Yang Guang, showing a thoughtful look.


   "I can't sleep! I often sleep at night, I've long been used to it!" Yang Guang slowly picked up the lotus porridge from the case, took a few sips, and said to the **** beside him: "Go and invite the empress!"


   The guard left, just walked out of the main hall, but listened to Yang Guang said: "Fine, you come back!"


   The guard was taken aback, walked back to the hall calmly and stood beside Yang Guang.


"You take the lotus porridge to heat it up. I have important discussions with the chief governor. You tell the guards to withdraw fifty steps. If anyone approaches without authorization, shoot them directly!" Yang Guang said indifferently, but the personal **** was in his body. With a shake, he quickly picked up the lotus porridge and retreated.


  The servant exited, and the door of the main hall was gently closed. Yang Guang searched for a memorial that had become a mountain since his case, and took out a secret paper and handed it to Zhang Bairen: "Look first!"


Zhang Bairen accepted the memorial calmly, stretched out his fingers and slowly opened them, and then frowned, his eyes filled with murderous intent: "Your Majesty, the subordinates are willing to punish these scum for your majesty! These **** are lawless, if you can't kill them Follow your example, I'm afraid the Great Sui Dynasty is in danger!"


   "No need!"


   Yang Guang stood up, and slowly came to a screen: "The Hundred Schools of Scholars can continue from the Spring and Autumn Period to the present day, and they have their own ways. The autumn wind hasn't moved the cicadas foresight, it seems that I am really in danger now."


   "Your Majesty, the subordinates are here, the Great Sui Dynasty is as stable as Mount Tai!" Zhang Bairen said loudly.


   "No, I know the number of days better than you! You are a person who is expected to become immortal, how can you be dragged down by the Great Sui dynasty?" Yang Guang waved his hand.


   "Your Majesty!" Zhang Bairen's voice solemnly: "Your Majesty does not have to test the subordinates."


   "I didn't test you!" Yang Guang stroked the carved dragon brocade cluster on the screen, a smile appeared in his eyes: "Throughout the past and present, how many people have become immortals?"


   Not waiting for Zhang Bairen’s answer, Yang Guang’s voice was dreamy: "Since the Suiren era, mankind has begun to rise, and only the Yellow Emperor has become a fairy and travels by dragon! The teacher of the Yellow Emperor, Guang Cheng Zi, is also a fairy!”


"The Suiren clan and Youchao clan are all buried in the dust of history, even if they lead my human race to rise, roll up huge waves in history, and subvert the heavens and gods, what about it? Those who do not become immortals can hardly escape the world!" Yang The wide-faced sighed: "Since the emperor, the three emperors and five emperors era, only the emperor has become immortal! King Zhou Wu and Jiang Taigong refined the list of gods. If they want to live forever in the world, will they be obliterated by history? After that, the first emperor cast for immortality. The twelve golden people were missing after encountering the scourge."


"There are only a handful of people who have become immortals and attain Taoism. In addition to Huangdi, Guangcheng, Laozi, and Confucius, they either became immortals or turned into immortals, and died halfway through, leaving behind the Taoist tradition passed down by hundreds of schools!" Yang Guangqing Sigh: "You now have the hope of becoming a fairy, how can I delay you?"


   "Your Majesty!" Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Guang and didn't know what to say.


Yang Guang stroked the pictures of mountains and rivers on the screen and waved his hand to stop Zhang Bairen's words: "It's nothing more than a dynasty in the Sui Dynasty, but a wave in the long river of history, if you can become a fairy, you would not want to build the Sui Empire. The living governor is more valuable than the painstaking burial for the broken ship of Sui."


Zhang Bairen was speechless, and after a while, he couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, what are you planning like this? Just a small place in Korea, what does your Majesty want, even if you tell your subordinates, the subordinates will go to Korea to fetch them. , Forgive that King Goryeo didn't dare to refuse."


   "For an uncertain opportunity!" Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen with unprecedented dignity, and his eyes were full of expectation: "How does the Great Sui compare to the Emperor Qin and Han Wu?"


   "Not weak Qin Huang Hanwu!" Zhang Bairen said solemnly.


   "Then I will ask you again, can Da Sui now oppress the hundreds of people and overlook the mountains and rivers? I am proud of the world's heroes?" Yang Guang said again.


   "The Turkic worships, Goryeo bows its head, and the Baiyue land has been paying tribute year after year. The Great Sui has already stood under the sky, and the world is in invincible hands!" Zhang Bairen's words are definitely not flattery, but a sincere feeling.


   Even though the Eastern Expedition to Goryeo lost hundreds of thousands of troops, the Great Sui still called the surrounding foreign races jealous and panic, which shows how powerful the Great Sui is today!


"Under the sky, no entry is visible! I have reached the summit, and naturally I want to look up to a higher existence!" Yang Guang said with a smile: "I want to fulfill the wish that the first emperor did not achieve in the past. As long as there is only a chance, I will do my best Going forward, even if we fail, there will be no regrets!"


   "Is it worth it?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Guang, his eyes full of solemnity.


   "Xianlu, is it worth it?" Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen.


   Zhang Bairen nodded fiercely: "It's worth it!"


   "I am also worth it! Standing in this world, UU reading a hundred years later is nothing more than a dead bone, what's the fun? It's just a pity that the ancestors' foundation will be buried for me!" Yang Guang sighed with emotion.


   Zhang Bairen slowly turned around, with a smile in his eyes: "The majesty knows your majesty's mind!"


   "If I fail, I will be crushed to pieces, and there is no place to be buried." Yang Guang had no fear in his eyes, but was endlessly calm: "The first emperor never saw it in his eyes, how can I see it in my eyes?"


"The clown can't do anything, but it can break big things! The subordinates suggest that they should be eliminated as much as possible to buy time for your majesty! Anti-thief everywhere in the world is not to be feared. It is just a group of refugees. If there are people from hundreds of families to join, I'm afraid things will be uncontrollable!" Zhang Bairen said.


Yang Guang stretched out three fingers and slowly retracted one of them. There was an inexplicable voice in his voice: "One blast, then decline, and three are exhausted. The second march is imminent. If I return without success, I am afraid that the three campaigns will not be able to achieve the great cause. The dragon’s energy is backlashed, and the world can’t suffer, the world will change, and the people will regain stability and health. What’s wrong?”


  Ps: The leader is even nine.

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