First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 922: Chase Li Yuan

"Hasn't Wang Yi, who specializes in aristocratic families, already broken through to the Dao?" Yang Xuan didn't hesitate to put down the tea cup: "Killing people doesn't have to be done by yourself, you only need money, and naturally someone will do it for us. !"


   "Big Brother, Yang Xuangan is lying!" Li Jing stood outside Yang's mansion, clenching his fists, his face twisted.


"So what? Is it possible that you can't turn your face with him?" The guilty bearded guest showed a pensive look: "If you want to solve this matter, you need to start with Yang Gong. Let's go to Lingbao and Shangqing! Want to come to Lingbao and Shangqing. Everyone in Qing must be very interested in Duke Yang!"


   Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, looking at the distant night with his eyes, after a while, he was finally uneasy, and followed him in hiding.


   Let’s also say that Li Yuan and his party headed towards Zhuojun by boat. Suddenly the river broke open, and the boat was continuously drained to both sides. The boat sank into the river water instantly, and the river surface became calm. A figure stood on the bow of the ship, with smiles in his eyes: "Tang Guogong, we haven't seen you for a long time!"


   "The Dragon King of the Yangtze River, this is a human race, the official has the royal destiny, you dare to do it to me?" When Li Yuan saw the Dragon King of the Yellow River, his heart suddenly sank.


  Looking at the covered water curtain above, the big ship sank completely into the river water, causing the guards and servants on board to panic and panic.


   "Quiet!" Li Yuan scolded, and the ship's restlessness gradually calmed down, only to see Li Yuan staring at the Yellow River Dragon King with a pair of eyes: "You are plotting against the chief, but if you have any means, please say hello!"


   "Tang Guogong, don't worry about it! Don't worry about it!" The Yangtze Dragon King smiled softly: "This king came here today with the will of the Dragon King of the East China Sea to form an alliance with the Li family!"


   "The completion has turned against the East China Sea Dragon Palace, your dragons are still willing to form an alliance with me? I don't believe it!" Li Yuan snorted coldly.


"Oh, there is no way! The Dragon King of the East China Sea is unwilling to form an alliance with you, but there is no way, it was all forced by Zhang Bairen! Zhang Bairen's Mobei sword shook the world, and given him another thirty to fifty years, wouldn't it be difficult to find enemies across the world? Even the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas has to succumb to its lewd prestige. Zhang Bairen and Mazu have a good relationship, how can there be good dragons to eat?" The Yangtze Dragon King's eyes are full of aggrieved: "Zhang Bairen is strong, for your Li family, it is also one thing. An uncertain factor. Whether the Li family can seize the country, Zhang Bairen has to be asked about what Zhang Bairen means; as long as Tang Guogong is willing to sign the document, once the Li family rules the world in the future, all the human landscapes and rivers will be ruled by the dragon family. As for Zhang Bairen, four The Dragon King can temporarily fight for you."


   "Resistance to the next? It's ridiculous! The governor of the city is so powerful, why do you say to carry it down?" Li Yuan smiled coldly: "You wait for a big appetite, and actually want my human water veins, really don't be afraid to die!"


"The Dragon King of the Four Seas is in charge of the power of the Four Seas, and the sea is boundless. Even if Zhang Bairen's power is a hundred times stronger, ten thousand times stronger, as long as he is in the sea, he can't help the Four Dragon Kings!" The Yangtze Dragon King took out a letter made of unknown things. Document: "Before the Li Jialong's energy gathered, there was no chance of winning against Zhang Bairen. Without the help of my dragon clan, it would be even more difficult for the Li family to achieve hegemony."


   Speaking of this, the Yangtze River Dragon King said: "And once the Li family gathers the emperor's dragon qi, how good is Zhang Bairen?"


   "In exchange for the Li family to dominate the ups and downs of the world, how is this transaction considered and how cost-effective!" The Dragon King of the Yangtze River said unhurriedly.


   "The Dragon King of the Four Seas just has infinite power in the sea, how can he help me on the shore?" Li Yuan's face was gloomy.


   "The dragon can move clouds and rain, and the south of the Yangtze River is adjacent to the East China Sea. As long as the Dragon King wins the handwriting of the king, he can carry half of his power to the Middle-earth, and even if he can't defeat Zhang Bairen, he can also suppress Zhang Bairen!"


The Dragon King of the Yangtze River came to Li Yuan: "To be honest, although the Xuanming scepter is powerful, it is contrary to my dragon clan. Otherwise, the dragon clan will not still be able to refine the Xuanming scepter for so many years. It's just a pity that the East China Sea Dragon Palace countless Treasure, as long as the eldest son is willing to return the treasure, that Xuanming scepter will be regarded as a gift to the Li family by my East China Sea Dragon Palace."


Li Yuan said with a sullen face: "The treasures in the Dragon Palace were not taken by my children at all. Except for the Xuanming scepter, all the treasures were stolen by Zhang Bairen, including the ten thousand water root beads! They were all taken by Zhang Bairen. !"


   "You have to tell my elder brother this!" The Dragon King of the Yangtze River handed the contract to Li Yuan: "Let's put one yard into one yard. The most important thing is to check and balance Zhang Bairen."


   "The Dragon Race actually cares so much about the Governor!" Li Yuan accepted the contract, puzzled.


"Isn't Matsu making trouble? Once Zhang Bairen is called to continue to grow, Sihai will be replaced by Mazu sooner or later! Sihai Dragon Palace cannot sit still and die. Compared with Sihai's survival, the treasure stolen by the noble son is a trivial matter!" Tao.


   "There are countless heroes, countless stubborn and arrogant families, and even a family of clans who don't know where they are. Why does Sihailonggong favor my Li family?" Li Yuan unhurriedly left a mark on the contract.


   The Dragon King of the Yangtze River took the contract, and his eyes were full of sneers: "It's not that the Dragon King of the Four Seas respects the Li family, but the King of Turtle is unparalleled in divination, and the King of Four Seas believes in the divination of Prime Minister Turtle!"


   Putting the contract away, the Dragon King of the Yangtze River looked at Li Yuan with a smile, "Since we have formed an alliance, the king will give you a gift!"


   Looking at the smile of the Dragon King of the Yangtze River, Li Yuan suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.




The Dragon King of the Yangtze River suddenly turned into a dragon body, grabbing Li Yuan and disappearing into the water, taking advantage of the night to rise above Qingming, and he was blocked by black clouds: "Lord Li, look at it! If you shouldn't today With my requests from all over the world, today will be your death day next year!"


   I saw a number of black shadows passing by the shore quietly. The speed of the black shadows was very fast, and there were eight people carrying a large vermilion coffin.


  Across the coffin, the earth was soaked with frost.


   There are four coffins in front and back, and hundreds of people in black around them are all good players in the realm of bone-changing. They constantly shuttle through the night like ghosts.


   "Little Governor, it stands to reason that at Li Yuan's speed, he should be around here, why don't you see the slightest shadow?" A governor came over, looking at the mighty river, his eyes filled with puzzlement.


   Under the moonlight, the river is vast, and you can't see the slightest shadow at a glance.


   The little governor stood on the river bank with a gloomy expression, his hands on his back were silent, and hundreds of people stood quietly, like ghosts.


"Hey, that group of people, this is the site of our Three British Gang. If you pass by here, you will have to pay the head fee!" A dozen small boats on the river in the distance came upstream and shouted at everyone on the shore. But treat everyone as a refugee.




   The river rolled and lost the suppression of the Dragon King of the Yangtze River. The Li family ship suddenly emerged from the water. The small governor looked at the Li family ship, and his eyes lit up: "Kill! Don't keep alive!"


   "The governor has an order, don't keep alive!"


   I saw all the strong bone-changers stepping on the river water and rushing towards the big ship of the Li family.


   Hundreds of strong bones, the river surface dyed red in a moment, and their bodies kept falling.


   "Slay Li Yuan! Don't let this old thief leak!" The little captain kept directing.


   Several small boats of the Sanying Gang in the distance were suddenly stunned by the killing in front of them. Looking at the people in the Military Secret Mansion who seemed to be incarnations of ghosts and desperate for their lives, the leaders of the shouts were soft.


   "Go back! Go back! This is the military secret mansion handling the case, let's go!" The little chief yelled quickly.


   "Cut the weeds and roots, no news is allowed to leak!" A governor said, and in a flash, dozens of people stepped on the river to kill everyone in the Sanying Gang.


"Within a radius of five miles, the chickens and dogs will not stay!" The little governor said If you really intercept Li Yuan and ask the news to leak out, causing a backlash from the family, the consequences are unpredictable. This kind of responsibility is everyone. Can't afford it! Even Zhang Bairen is difficult!




   There was a cold cry, and all that was left was a ghostly massacre.


   "Rao..." The little bandit leader hadn't finished speaking, his head had left his body.


   The blood on the big ship of Li's family continued to shed, causing fish and shrimp to chase and gather.


   "The Governor, there is no sign of Li Yuan!" The Governor quickly reported back.


   "How is it possible? Is this the big ship of the Li family?" The color inside the iron face of the little captain changed suddenly.


   "It is indeed the Li Yuan ship!" said the governor.


   The little captain's expression was gloomy: "Don't let go of every mezzanine, give me a good search! In addition, send someone to block the river and pull down the net!"

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