First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 933: Quota

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   "Spare you? Do you want to vent your secrets?" The real God Li Jiayang glanced at the scroll, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, and turned away with reluctance, and dissipated in the mountains.


Thirty breaths later, Zhang Bairen came to the court and looked at the skin roll falling into the soil. He stretched out his palm and took the skin roll in his hand, revealing a sneer: "I want the elixir of longevity, but I don't have the courage! "


   Carefully stuffed Dan Fang into his sleeve, Zhang Bairen turned around and left, too lazy to pursue it any more.


   Zhang Bairen left abruptly, and the great families and Taoist temples were not calm. I couldn't hide this. In a flash of time, the storm generally swept the Central Plains inside and outside, spreading toward the frontier fortress.


   Outside the Great Wall


Shibi Khan’s eyes flashed with divine light, and he looked at the servant bone Mohe next to him: "General, this is the magic medicine for longevity, Zhongtu is worthy of the Huatianbao people, but this medicine for immortality is worth seeing. The king then wrote to the Great Sui, willing to contribute to the magic medicine of longevity."


   Pugu Mohe's eyes flashed with a strange light: "Great King, I'm afraid Da Sui will not allow it!"


"The hope for longevity is right in front of us. If the emperor refuses to allow it, then I can only send troops to the south, and the soldiers admonish Da Sui!" Shibi Khan smiled coldly: "I hope Da Sui emperor will not agree! By then, the family of the family will definitely immediately Beginning, our chance is here."


Speaking of this, Shibi Khan said: "Tuo Bayu has been practicing hard over the years, and the more Dao Fa has improved, he has more research on this kind of alchemy and Gu refining, so it is better to send Tuo Bayu out first. "




   Ulji Bunde calmly sat down and drank tea.


  The King of Goryeo wore an anxious look: "Sir, the elixir of immortality is here, how can I share a piece of the pie in Goryeo?"


   "Wait!" Ulji Wende said casually. 【△Net WwW.】


   "Wait?" King Goryeo was puzzled.


   Ulji Wende seemed calm, but when the news came, there was a beeping feeling in my heart.


   Immortal medicine! That is the legendary medicine for immortality! Ulji Mundeok's expression at the time was much better than the current King of Goryeo.


   "The eternal immortality medicine is very important. How can the great families allow the immortal emperor to be born?" Ulchi Bundoku said.


   "At that time, the emperor of Sui will be forced by the family, he will inevitably loosen the gap, knowing that the benefits cannot be enjoyed exclusively. At that time, our opportunity is here, why the king should worry!" Ulji Wende smiled lightly.


   Khitan, Wei Shi, Tuyuhun, Western Turks, and even Buddhist masters from all walks of life burst toward the Central Plains and lurked in secretly. Obviously, they are not generally interested in the legendary medicine for immortality.


   "It's done!" Zhang Bairen sat in the pavilion of Xiyuan, watching the information that was constantly being sent in his hands, a mocking smile appeared in his eyes: "I rushed over to die, but I can't blame it!"


   "The governor is good at calculating" Yuan Tiangang walked down the mountain.


   "It's not that I'm good at calculating, this strategy is still yours. If the monks in the world know about it, you will definitely die in front of me!" Zhang Bairen had a touch of abuse in his eyes.


   Yuan Tiangang smiled bitterly: "The Governor, can we not entrap each other?"


   "How is the secret roll made?" Zhang Bairen changed the subject.


   "Five thousand!" Yuan Tiangang said.


   "So many?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.


   "Always give people a chance! They have to jump into the fire pit, what can I do? I said three thousand before, but seeing the world's heroes so eager, I am afraid it is not enough!" Yuan Tiangang smiled.


   It's like the real world. What about you really creating drugs that can repair genes and immortality?


  As an ordinary citizen, are you anxious and anxious?


   As a businessman of the rich side, do you have a different mind?


   As a general or prince of one party, do you have thoughts that shouldn't be moved?


  Longevity comes from the instinct in the bones. Once the longevity medicine is not evenly distributed, it will inevitably roll up huge waves and the whole world will be overturned.


   Yang Guang sat in front of the case and watched the surrounding tribes and Taoist temples have written letters asking for the refining of the elixir of immortality, sitting there with no expression on his face.


   After a while, I heard Yang Guangdao: "Go and forward the letter to the governor, and the governor will take care of it!"


   The guard picked up a stack of memorials and walked towards Xiyuan.




The three elders of Chaoyang, look at me, look at you, look at the secret report in your hand, and the ancestor of Chaoyang said: "The magic medicine for immortality is an ancient legend. I never thought it would actually be in this world. What do people of my generation hope most? What is immortality is immortality. Now that the elixir of death is right in front of you, how can you miss it?"


   "This matter is supervised by the capital, perhaps from Bairen." The ancestor of sunset touched his chin.


"Bairen has long planned to draw a clear line with my pure Yang Taoist temple. I'm afraid this matter won't respond to me!" The ancestor Chaoyang pointed his finger at the stone table and said after a while: "Someone will definitely come out on this matter, you I just watch it change."


   is so, just wait and see what happens!


   The avenues of the world are full of ghosts, and Zhang Bairen taps his finger on the case table, looking at the memorial in his hand at will.


   "The Governor, it's time to leak the news, send a list to summon the monks from all over the world to gather here, and jointly refine the elixir of immortality!" Yuan Tiangang smiled.


   "Don't worry, the heat isn't enough!" Zhang Bairen took out the bronze lamp from his sleeve, and saw a little igniting seedling escape, and Zhang Bairen burned a memorial to ashes.


"Wait then! Originally we were short of various items for refining the elixir of longevity, so I should beg my grandpa to tell grandma to search for treasures from all walks of life. Now we are against the guest, we take the initiative and ask the major sects to obediently use the elixir. Send it up!" Yuan Tiangang slapped his palm in praise.


   Zhang Bairen remained silent, just staring at the ancient bronze lamp in front of him, the flames lingering in the ancient lamp, and the blurred faces cursing himself with a twisted face.


   Time is slowly passing by, and the more Zhang Bairen suppresses, the louder all kinds of discussions become, and even the real Yang Shen is constantly peeping at the real situation in Xiyuan, but Zhang Bairen is cut out with a sword and driven away.


   seven days


   The seven-day time is already at the limit, and all kinds of opinions from the outside are boiling. People of all avenues and families continue to enter Beijing, accumulating strength in secret, and constantly secretly swaying the government and creating various rumors.




   The ministers stood absent-mindedly, looking at Yang Guang with a pair of eyes blankly. The court was silent. The ministers looked at each other with Yang Guang and the ministers were silent.


   "Dear Aiqing, is there nothing to discuss?" Yang Guang couldn't stand the gazes of the ministers and asked actively.


   The ministers are silent, you look at me and I look at you, silently.


   Yang Guang smiled bitterly, what a thing!


   "I have entrusted the refining of the Immortal Medicine to the general governor, and the general governor is responsible for all refining matters!" Yang Guang said helplessly: "If you have anything to do with Qing Qing, please go to the general governor!"


   The ministers look at me and I look at you, Can Zhang Bairen have a good talk with you?


   If Zhang Bairen is good at talking, why should everyone come here to stay?


"No matter, I'm on the next imperial decree!" Looking at the ministers of civil and military affairs in the Manchu dynasty, and the people of various family members, Yang Guang said helplessly: "I want to recruit three thousand monks, regardless of the strange people living in seclusion in the mountains, or all It doesn’t matter if the Taoist masters have the Taoism cultivation, as long as they have the real ability, everyone can participate in the great cause of refining the elixir of longevity!"


   As soon as he said this, the courtier suddenly smiled, and his face showed a long-lost smile.


   "However, how to evaluate, who can be selected for three thousand people, this matter still requires the general governor to come up with the regulations to use as the test standard!" Yang Guang's next words caused the group to tremble instantly.


   "Promulgating the decree of the chief governor, I want to sign the great cause of three thousand feathered men to refine the magic medicine of longevity, and ask him to come up with an assessment charter!" Yang Guang said to the **** beside him.


   The **** nodded respectfully when he heard the words, and then drafted a memorial in front of the officials, and quickly sent it to various places in the world.


   "If something happens, retreat if nothing happens!" The guard shouted.


   The ministers are concerned about immortality, so where is there to think about the government?


   The emperor has opened three thousand places, and it seems that everyone has a chance. At this time, everyone's thoughts were focused on the quota of the elixir of immortality, and there was no energy left to pay attention to government affairs.


   Looking at the absent-minded minister, Yang Guang shook his head, turned and left, and sighed in his heart: "This is done!" For mobile phone users, please visit m.Read for a better reading experience.

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