First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 938: Taoist Union

If Zhang Bairen could not seize such a good opportunity, his head would be flooded!


   Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the railing, a rare wave flashed in his eyes, as if everything was developing in the direction he wanted.


   For capturing the world, Zhang Bairen knows his family affairs.


   This is the world controlled by a family of clans, and even if his martial arts pass through the world, it is absolutely difficult to obtain the world.


   From the moment I decided to support Da Sui, everything has set the tone, everything has been doomed.


   The corners of Zhang Bairen's mouth are raised, and the world controlled by a family of clans cannot be conquered by personal force alone.


   I need to quietly, moisturize things silently and secretly accumulate strength, and then take the opportunity to launch a thunderous blow.


"The handwritten script was issued in the name of your majesty and sent directly to the Turks, Weishi and other tribes. Since these guys want a prescription for the elixir of immortality, don't blame me for not giving them a chance!" Zhang Bairen put his hands on his back and looked towards him with a pair of eyes. distance.


   Yuan Tiangang retreated, leaving only Zhang Bairen standing on the pavilion blowing a cold wind.


   Zhang Bairen suddenly issued an edict, instructing neighboring countries to invite the masters of the surrounding tribes to go to China to study the elixir of the immortal medicine. At the speed of the real Yangshen, the news was spread all over the world in just half a day.


   "Supervisor, Baiyun, please see you!" Lu Dian said.


   "Please come up!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands, and Jin Jian slipped into his sleeves and disappeared.


   After a short while, I heard a sound of footsteps, and Bai Yun walked slowly to the pavilion.


   "I have seen the governor" Bai Yun respectfully saluted.


   "Sit down, you and I don't like that kind of courtesy!" Zhang Bairen smiled, and a maid served tea.


   "Are you coming to this muddy water too?" Zhang Bairen looked at Bai Yun, but did not sense the five spirits of the other party.


"My ancestor got mixed in." Bai Yun took a sip of tea, and then said solemnly: "The governor, the prescription of the elixir of immortality is of great importance. The barbarians outside the Great Wall have always been a confidant of my human race. The prescription is extremely precious, how can the governor pass down the prescription casually?"


   Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words, no wonder Bai Yun came here for this.


   "Do you mean it yourself, or the whole practice world?" Zhang Bairen took a sip of tea quietly.


"Naturally, it is the meaning of the entire cultivation world. Before the superintendent leaked the prescription of the elixir of immortality to the Buddhist school, the Taoist was already dissatisfied, and now it is leaking the prescription to the hands of foreigners. This is reducing the luck of my Han family and harming me. With the foundation of the Han family, I also asked the governor to change his mind. Now if you get lost, it is never too late!" Bai Yun said earnestly.


   "The general governor, no matter how we fight, it is a nest fight. If foreigners are attracted, the taste will change!" Bai Yun smiled bitterly.


"Tell me again!" Zhang Bairen slowly put down the tea cup: "Speaking of which, everyone is nothing more than benefit. You wait for the family to serve your own benefit, and the governor of the capital is also for your own benefit. As for that, I told you to wait for everything. Zibaijia is damaged, and I forgive the Governor’s inability to do anything. If you die, you don’t die. If you die, it’s better than if I die. Dan Fang is in the hands of the Governor. I will give it to whoever I want. If you have the skills, He took the Dan Fang over."


   Zhang Bairen’s arrogant and domineering words made Bai Yun a wry smile. If everyone had the ability to seize the elixir of immortality, how could they send themselves as lobbyists? How could he be threatened by the imperial court, he had already used means to **** Dan Fang away.


   was talking, and suddenly only listened to Lu Yu said: "Dadu, Jindingguan, Southern and Northern Tianshidao, Lingbao, and Shangqing come together. I want to ask to see Dadu."


   "The news is fast, tell them to come in, but you have to see what waves they can make!" Zhang Bairen had a touch of disdain in his eyes.


   After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, Lu Yu led the way, and soon saw a group of people come to the front of the building.


   Zhang Bairen nodded, Lu Dian invited everyone in and poured tea.


   "I've seen the chief governor!" Everyone saluted.


   "Sit down!" Zhang Bairen picked up the porcelain bowl and blew the tea leaves unhurriedly.


   Everyone was seated, Zhang Fei looked at Zhang Bairen with complicated eyes.


Zhang Bairen smiled softly: "Everyone, how come you suddenly come to visit? The quota for refining the elixir of eternal life has been set. Since you are here in person, the governor of the capital will give you a thin face. Who wants to join the elixir of eternal life? For the refining process, the governor of the capital will also open up the net outside the law and wait for a place for you."


   "Captain, I am not waiting for the refining of the elixir of immortality, but to persuade the Captain to take back his life. There has been wolf ambition outside the Great Wall, but the elixir of the elixir of immortality cannot be spread out!" Zhang Fei clasped his fists in a salute.


   "Oh!" Zhang Bairen continued to drink tea: "How to do things, the governor has already cut off, Zhang Zhenren sit down."


   Zhang Fei took a seat and looked at Zhang Bairen, who was expressionless. He wanted to say something, but the same people gathered here and did not dare to say anything.


   "Let's talk about it!" Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the case: "What do you mean by coming here?"


   "Mingjian of the governor of the city!" Everyone saluted.


   "The governor, the elixir of the immortality medicine, is a treasure that can be used in my Han family to suppress the qi. If it is leaked to foreigners, I am afraid that the prescription will leak and my Han qi will leak." An elder of Nantian Shidao said with a solemn expression.


   "Oh? You can do the first year, but the governor can't do the fifteenth?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, and the true energy flowed out of his hands. The tea in his hands turned into vapor, and the whole cup of tea dries instantly.


   "Where did the governor start this?" Nantian Shidao elder was taken aback.


"What do you mean by the leak? Let me ask you, who of you did the tricks about the canal! Who broke my Han family's temperament back then? It's a mere pill of immortality, it's not as good as the canal!" Zhang Bairen The cold light in the eyes flashed: "You waited until the foundation of my Han family was broken, and now you have the face to blame the governor!"


Hearing Zhang Bairen’s words, the elder of Nantian Teacher’s Road suddenly turned red: “The governor’s words are wrong, now and then. Longevity and the canal are two different things. A broken canal can also reshape other things that suppress the vitality, but longevity does not The supplies of the Death Medicine are limited. Once they are called outside the Great Wall to know the pill, the scarce resources will become even more tense. The Governor’s move is self-destroying the Great Wall, thankless, and adding enemies for nothing."


"Oh? It's still profit to talk about it. You are afraid that the surrounding foreign races will grab your resources!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were mocking: "According to you, the local governor should hide the Danfang. Only the local governor can watch. Wouldn't it be great that the big family members are not allowed to watch it?"


   "This..." Everyone suddenly became dumb, and the veteran of Bei Tian Shi Dao smiled bitterly: "The Governor, this is different!"


   "What's the difference, to me, it's all humans, there is no difference!" Zhang Bairen's words were categorical.




   Tuo Bayu's complexion is very, I heard people say that all the main roads of China and Turkey go to Xiyuan together to prevent the chief governor from teaching me and so on. You old man, think about it! "A Turkic monk walked back and forth with anxiety.


   "Does the others know about it?" Tuobayu's face was gloomy, not knowing what to think.


   "Khitan, Wei Shi, Western Turks, Tubo, and Da Yue have all sent people to notify!" The Taoist nodded repeatedly.


"Prepare a generous gift, the old man went to Xiyuan in person, and you urged people from several families to come soon! In addition, to put pressure on the court, it is absolutely impossible to teach the general governor to be deceived by these Taoist clever tongues. !" Tuoba Yu said.


   After listening to Tuobayu's words, the people below immediately gave instructions, leaving Tuobayu to stand silently in the room for a long time.


  West Garden


   At this time, the atmosphere in the small building was depressed, and the porcelain bowl in Zhang Bairen's hand melted under the power of the real fire of the sun, turned into colored glass and scattered all over the ground, and the wooden board burned through a large pit.


   Since Zhang Bairen has practiced the Sun Divine Body, this situation has often occurred. Once he gets angry, he can't control the Qi of the Qi machine and accidentally hurt the things around him.


   "My lord, Tuobayu is here!" Lu Yu said outside the small building.


   Hearing this, Zhang Bairen looked back from everyone: "Please come in, Mr. Tuoba!"


   Tuobayu and Zhang Bairen are old enemies, old rivals, and the other party has the courage to visit the house, which is beyond Zhang Bairen's expectation.

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