First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 946: Cause and effect

Guan Zi was stunned, the infinite value of the immortality medicine pill, was it so easy to give himself?


   I haven't spoken yet!


   The gazes of the Taoist priests below did not notice this, but Xu Furuo took a deep look, and continued to busy with his sacrifice.


   "I will open the furnace to make alchemy later, and you can go in and mix it up!" Zhang Bairen yawned: "After reading the alchemy, you can directly give it to Yuan Tiangang."


   While talking and yawning, Zhang Bairen walked down the pavilion and went away.


In Xiaoxie, Guan Zizai held the elixir of eternal life immortality in his hand for a long time and was speechless. The elixir of eternal life elixir that others worked so hard and painstakingly planned fell into his hands so easily. The smoothness is beyond imagination. .


   Pill furnace cleansing, the water flow is either the clear spring at the longan in the mountains, or the morning dew in the mountains.


Piles of firewood are constantly being split. This is not ordinary firewood, but golden nanmu, big and small sandalwood, and other famous trees, and they have found the tree demon from the spiritual realm, and then Beheaded to become material.


   The flames were burning, and as the steam in the cauldron continued to evaporate, Xu Fu said loudly: "Dragon Ball!"


   A dragon ball fell in the pill furnace, and in an instant, the auspicious aura rose to the sky, causing the whole Xiyuan to have constant visions.


   "Phoenix blood!" Xu Fu said again.


   Sun Simiao took the phoenix blood, slowly poured it into the pill furnace, and then left half a bottle to collect it.


  The changes in the pill furnace were rarely noticed, but the Phoenix blood in Sun Simiao's hand attracted most people's attention.


  Sun Simiao is not a fool either, a spirit in his heart, calmly put the phoenix blood in the tray: "Send the phoenix blood to the governor, and say that the phoenix blood is enough."


  The guard went away holding the tray, and seeing the gradually receding eyes, Sun Simiao breathed a sigh of relief.


   Refining the elixir of immortality, dragon ball and phoenix blood are king medicines, and the others are just adjuvants.


   "Half of the phoenix blood is left" Zhang Bairen looked at the phoenix blood in his hand, and stood up after a while, showing a pensive expression.


   Alchemy is still continuing, and as a kind of magical medicine is added to it, dragons and phoenix are humming in the cauldron, and the sounds of immortals continue to sing, resounding everywhere.


   Time is passing by, Xu Fu expressionlessly directs everyone: "Add firewood! Enter Liquan! Seven or two or four ebony!"


   A bunch of medicinal materials were thrown into the pill furnace, and everyone from below was watching intently.


   Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back, at this time Guan Zi came to Zhang Bairen's side: "How sure do you think the refining of the elixir of immortality?"


   "It was less than five points, but now there are ten points!" Zhang Bairen took a sip of tea.


"Where is the origin of that old way, I have actually proven the way?" Guan Zi sighed softly, "I never thought that there are such characters in the world, and I don't know how it affects me, once these characters enter the venue. , The situation is beyond our control."


   "Don't worry, this old Taoist begs me to do things, and we are definitely not enemies!" Zhang Bairen said.


   Guan Zi was silent, and after a while he said: "Look at the people below, have you noticed anything?"


   Zhang Bairen was taken aback: "What did you find?"


"Although there are not many people from Buddhism, the realm of cultivation is many times stronger than Taoism!" Guan Zizai said: "In these years, Taoism has been counted in the middle of the world, which has delayed the cultivation and was in front of you. Prosperity and wealth are mystery. But the Buddhism is in the bitter cold and has been dormant for decades with pain. The strength is amazing!"


Zhang Bairen was silent, and said after a while: "I also have this worry, but the Taoists don't take it seriously, and I don't see the Buddhists at all. I only think that the Buddhists are barbarians. They fight in their nests all day long, and they use calculations to waste their strength. ."


   The six sects against the gods are the mutual conquest of the two camps. Although Zhang Bairen doesn't pay much attention to it, he also knows that the current practice world is not open.


   "If you refine the elixir of immortality, it will inevitably cause a big mess. No one wants to see Yang Guang Changsheng for a long time!" Guan Zizai said.


   Zhang Bairen nodded, of course he knew it, but since Yang Guang wanted to attract everyone's attention, of course Zhang Bairen had to do his best to do it well.


   "If more of the Immortal Medicine is released this time, I will give you one pill. Once the enemy comes, you still need to help me" Zhang Bairen smiled.


   "Don't try to make me think, the elixir of life is not the right way, I don't want to be dragged down the quagmire." Guan Zi shook his head repeatedly.


   Zhang Bairen played with the jade bottle in his sleeve, and said after a while: "You sit in the town for me, and the governor will go to Beiman Mountain for a while."


   "Where to do what?" Guan Zi was taken aback.


   "If I owe something to someone, I will have to pay it back sooner or later. This is cause and effect!" Zhang Bairen's figure disappeared at some unknown time, and he had reached the boundary of the Beiman Mountains.


   "Taoist Zhang Bairen, please see the emperor!" Zhang Bairen stood quietly at the town monument.


   Not long after the gate of the cave opened, Emperor Beimang's expression was not good: "Why are you here again? I told you, there is no phoenix blood? Without phoenix blood, why are you still bothering you."


   Regarding Zhang Bairen's arrival, Emperor Beimang was quite upset.


   Who is Zhang Bairen?


   This is an electric light bulb that automatically attracts the attention of monks from all walks of life with every move. Now that the world is in chaos, the King of Beimang Mountain naturally does not want to be spotted.


   Sweeping the sullen Beiman Mountain King, Zhang Bairen shook his head, and four drops of phoenix blood flicked out of his finger, like a fluttering phoenix flying towards the King:


   "You and I have been cleaned up since then. I took four drops of your phoenix blood back then, but now I have returned all of it." Zhang Bairen left the phoenix blood, and people have drifted away.


   "Phoenix blood!" The king suddenly brightened his eyes and hurriedly reached out to catch him. After arresting the phoenix blood, he stuffed it into his prepared box, and then wanted to talk to Zhang Bairen. Zhang Bairen was already gone.


   "This kid!" Looking at Zhang Bairen's away back, the king sighed and walked into the cave with the phoenix blood.




   Zhang Bairen breathed a sigh of relief in the matter of Jie Bei Mang Mountain, but the Yinsi Difu was like a big rock, pressed in his heart.


   What exactly the Yinsi Difu was like, he didn't know at all, he only knew that the first emperor was fighting in **** now.


   Back to Xiyuan, the elixir of immortality was still being refined, and Guan Zi quietly deduced the prescription.


   Zhang Bairen flipped the palm of his hand, and a small reptile appeared: "Old ancestor, you have lived a long time, and you can know the whereabouts of Queen Mother West of Kunlun Mountain? The longevity pill is the root of Queen Mother West, why did she live out?"


   Yiyuanquan was silent when he heard the words, and after a while he said, "You will know it naturally in the future!"


   "Sell Guanzi, if you refuse to tell, I will let you know how great!" Zhang Bairen grinned, pretending to be fierce.


   Yiyuanquan's eyes were silent for a while, and after a while, he smiled bitterly: "It's really hard to say, it will be a big trouble, and I was detained by the emperor at that time, how can I know the external situation."


   After hearing these words, Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the case, and after a while he spoke: "What a pity!"


   No one knows what Zhang Bairen is so sorry for.


   Yiyuanquan moved his eyes and lips, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.


   "After you train into the sun ****, you can naturally solve the truth by yourself. The things that the emperor never did in the past will be done by you!" Yiyuanquan gave a comforting voice.


   "The ancestor has heard of the Netherworld?"


   "The Taoist Emperor Fengdu and the Six Paths of Buddhism are nothing but imitations of the Yinsi Difu, they are just imitations. As for the real Yinsi Difu, I have never died, of course I don't know the reason!" Yi Yuanquan sighed helplessly.


   Zhang Bairen felt regretful and tucked Yiyuanquan Eyes into his sleeves: "It's coming! It won't be long before I will be able to uncover the truth buried in the ancient times when the four swords of Zhuxian are completed."


   Time passed day by day, Zhang Bairen sat in the pavilion all day, cultivating the sun divine body, the golden light shining on the entire Xiyuan, suppressed the vision caused by the immortal medicine.


   "What supernatural power is Zhang Bairen cultivating?" Someone looked at the golden light and seemed to sting his Yang Shen in pain, and couldn't help cursing.


"Hush! Don't say it, that dog thief has great magical powers. If you are induced by him, you will suffer. Although I don't know what exercises to practice, it is definitely not a good thing for me!" A Taoist hurriedly scolded as he split open. The firewood covered the conversation.

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