First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 948: 0 Year King 80,000 Year Turtle

Trouble, yes.


   I just don't know how troublesome this is, whether it will alarm the Emperor of Sui and break the plan of Emperor Sui.


   Zhang Bairen silently absorbed the power of the raging sun in the sky, and the bright and hot sun plunged into the sky, illuminating the entire Luoyang city, and in February there was already a breath of spring return to the earth.


   A little bit of time passed, and the masters of all walks of life kept secretly making arrangements, and the court was not idle, Zhang Bairen continued to deal with it.


   Yongan Palace


   Empress Xiao looked at the secret report in her hand, her brows were slightly furrowed, her beautiful eyebrows were full of murderous intent:


"The masters from all walks of life came for the elixir of immortality, but there are too many people here. Once the fight starts, if you can't suppress it in time, I'm afraid Xiyuan will be overturned!" Empress Xiao put down the secret report and looked down. Guard: "Go and ask the chief governor, can you deal with it?"


  The guard left.


"Capital Governor, there is a question from Yong'an Palace, the Queen Empress asks if you can deal with it?" Xiaolong walked up to the pavilion, with her back facing Zhang Bairen, the sweat on her face slowly slipped, and the closer to Zhang Bairen, she felt as if she was in a melting pot. , I want to jump out immediately.


   Looking at the golden light and the back of the sun and the moon, Xiaolong's eyes are full of respect.


   "Return to the empress, but a group of chickens and dogs can be suppressed with a finger! Please also tell the empress that the governor of the capital will not let these thieves disturb the nobles in the palace!"


   Zhang Bairen slowly collected Taoism, the dry heat in the air gradually dissipated, and a wisp of breeze blew across, bringing a refreshing feel.


   Looking at the busy people in the distance, Zhang Bairen made a calculation before turning and walking down the pavilion: "You four brothers and sisters go to guard the imperial city!"


   The four brothers and sisters of the Lu family wanted to keep up, but Zhang Bairen stopped them.


   Hearing this, the four brothers and sisters of the Lu family stopped, turned and left.


   Zhang Bairen walked slowly towards the pill furnace, and the Taoists lowered their heads wherever they passed, not daring to raise their heads.


   "People die for money, and birds die for food. The magic medicine of longevity is not something everyone can take!" Zhang Bairen seemed to mutter to himself, and he seemed to tell the Taoist priests in the field.


   Listening to Zhang Bairen's murderous words, everyone felt tight, and they bowed their heads and dared not speak.


   "Come on!" Looking at the red light soaring to the sky, Zhang Bairen came to the pill furnace.


Xu Fu said with a complacent expression: "It is not difficult to refine magical medicine. For me, as long as I have enough materials, I can practice it at will. The key is how to deal with the heroes who are eyeing the magic medicine for immortality. It is not suitable for the old way to reverse life and death. It’s against God’s will to help you refine alchemy, and you have to live through this calamity by yourself."


   "It's okay!" Zhang Bairen nodded, seeming not to put these things in his eyes.


   Xu Fu understood and continued to control the fire.




   Droughty's eyes looked at the East China Sea Dragon Palace, with ecstasy in his eyes: "Hahaha, this old loach sneaks into the middle earth with hidden traces. I thought that I didn't find it. This time I can have a full meal and drink dragon blood to restore my strength."


   The blood of the sea monster is cold, only the blood of the dragon clan is hot.


   I saw the drought rush out of the mud unscrupulously, and went straight to the East China Sea Dragon Palace: "Hahaha, I have to swallow all of you."


While talking, he grabbed a dragon prince and stuffed his mouth with intoxication: "That kid really didn't lie to me. The dragons are the real big tonic. The human races have yellow and thin faces, and there are more impurities than blood. How can I get it right? Fat dragons?"


   "Kill!" Drought and Yan shot unscrupulously, and continued to kill in the sea.




   A long sigh sounded: "You evil barrier, you were thrown like a dead dog at the beginning, but now you dare to come to me to make trouble in the world."


   The sea water condenses into ice, and it is constantly forcing the drought.


   "Who?" Han Yan roared.


   "At the beginning, you were badly injured by Emperor Donghua and had to sneak into the earth to recuperate. Now Donghua Emperor has just reincarnated and you have come out to make trouble. It is indeed a sin worthy of death!" The long voice sounded in the sea.


"Who are you? How do you know the secret of the old man!" Han Yan's eyes were fierce, and he looked at the old tortoise murderously: "Emperor Donghua? It's just a shameless villain. If I didn't stabbed me behind his back, how could it be? Breaking my true body? But it’s just a coincidence. The old man would also like to thank him for his sword, which allowed me to accidentally get a drop of female charm’s blood. Now even if Emperor Donghua resurrects, he may not be my opponent. There is no burial place for his death."


   Speaking of this, a fierce light appeared all over the body, and the ice melted before it approached: "Where are you ghosts, why do you know such secrets?"


   "Drought, the East China Sea is not something you can ravage. The chief governor can hurt you with a sword, and so can the old man!" The sea slowly turned away, and Prime Minister Turtle walked over slowly.


"You old **** looks a little familiar, as if I have seen you thousands of years ago!" Han Yan's head is a little awkward: "Thousands of years, eighty-thousand-years tortoises, have you lived for thousands of years? You haven't died yet! If I can swallow you, I will definitely be able to restore my peak state!"


While talking, Hanyan took a palm to the tortoise prime minister, and saw the shell on the back of the old tortoise flashed, and he actually shook the Hanyan back: "Why are you embarrassed with me? The immortal medicine is born in the middle earth, if you can swallow it Immortal medicine, restoration to the peak is just around the corner."


"The elixir of immortality?" Han Yan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then angrily rebuked: "Good killer, you old man is playing tricks on me, that kid sits in the middle-earth, and I haven't recovered my peak strength. How can I dare to step into the middle-earth? Step? You guys have bad intentions and must swallow you today."


"Come on! Slowly! The old turtle has something that can cover your breath. You are also an ancient powerful person. How can you be insulted by the existence of the universe? Now the immortal medicine is coming soon, if you are not there Go, but it's too late!"


   Prime Minister Turtle's words are full of bewitching.


   Hearing the words of the old tortoise, Droughty's complexion wandered, and finally the elixir overcame the desire to swallow the old tortoise: "What do you have that can actually cover my energy?"


   Lao Turtle's palm spread out, and a fiery red mask appeared. Isn't the Nine Dragon God Fire Mask of Huo De Xingjun and that?


I don’t know how Huo De Xingjun’s mask was obtained by him. He only listened to the old turtle: "You should have heard of this thing. It is an ancient treasure of the Nine Dragon God Fire Mask. It’s a pity that it was broken and restricted. Yes, but it is enough to cover your breath."


   "Good treasure! Good treasure!" Han Yan took the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover and scratched his head: "I don't know why, I always feel a little familiar with this Nine Dragon God Fire Cover."


"Without the fire poison of the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Cover, how can you become a drought?" Prime Minister Turtle turned and left: "Go! Go! Don't invade my East China Sea in the future. The Immortal Medicine of Middle-earth is enough to achieve your goal. ."


   Looking at the back of the old tortoise, Han Yan frowned, "This old **** feels so familiar to me, but I can't remember it anymore."


   "No matter so much, the elixir of immortality is the most important thing!" As he said, he covered the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire, and his whole body was completely concealed with poison and dryness.


   "It's really a treasure!" As he said, the drought separated the waves and hurried to Middle Earth.






A crowd of ghosts was about to move, as if the prime minister looked at the emperor who closed his eyes and refined the blood of the phoenix, and said: "Emperor, the elixir of immortality is here, this is an opportunity, we can't miss Yao Yao headed his head and slowly opened his eyes: "Idiot, the elixir of life can only save one person. I am waiting for hundreds of thousands of brothers. A mere pill of eternal life is only a drop in the bucket. Zhang Bairen is the top power in the world, not good. You're offended, don't wait to make trouble for the emperor! "


   After hearing this, everyone below smiled bitterly.


  Franji Temple


   The old monk sat cross-legged with his eyes looking in the direction of Zhongtu, and then stood up after a while: "After all, the monk is a layman, and he cannot avoid the temptation of birth, old age, sickness and death."


   "Brother, I will go with you!" A figure walked out of the temple.


   "No, the Lord is born, there is no slightest negligence. You can stay in the temple and walk for the brother yourself!" After speaking, the old monk Shang Yang Shen has gone out of his shell.


   At the same time, there are Yangshen real people in the world one after another, and martial arts experts come from all directions to Luoyang City.


   The goal of everyone is very clear, Luoyang City-Immortal Medicine.

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