First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 954: 1 palm

The sharp smell of Zhang Bairen's words made everyone in the field shudder.


   Someone has an ear, it is your ear. Isn’t it possible to monitor other people’s conversations?


   If someone has eyes, wouldn’t they have no privacy in front of you?


   What is even more exaggerated is, what if you want to commit suicide if you have a long hand?


   What if I run around with my long legs?


   What should we do if we grow our heads and compete for control?


   Thinking of this series of consequences, everyone in the field shuddered for a moment.


"Everyone, the magical medicine for immortality is about to be born. If I can't exhaust its power before the magical medicine is born, I won't want to get involved with this magical medicine!" Chunguijun sneered in his eyes: "I want the magical medicine for immortality, but also Without effort, where is there such a good thing in the world!"


   "Yes! Well said! Where are such good things!" There was a sound of footsteps, and God strode into the arena, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen: "General Governor, are we seeing each other again?"


   "Oh, last time I asked you to take a drop of drought and blood to escape, and now I dare to come to the Central Region to find something, it seems that I have made a lot of progress." Zhang Bairen looked up and down, and waved a cold wave: "Frozen!"


   The world is frozen, everything is frozen!


   This is the power of the law of water in the divine world, no less than the mighty power of Xuan Ming.


   When the cold wave passes, everything turns into ice sculptures.


   Li Jiancheng's complexion changed: "How is it possible! How can his ice power be as good as me!"


  The flames all over the gods rose, the golden flames burned, and his clothes turned into dust in an instant, and he called Zhang Bairen without showing any weakness.




   Li Shimin scolded.


   Warriors from all walks of life made their moves. At this time, there was a burst of laughter from the horizon, and the servant bone Mohe broke through the sonic boom, rolled up the liquid air, and hit Zhang Bairen.


   When the ice passed, the liquid air was instantly frozen and solidified, but the servant bone Mohe was unaffected. After breaking the ice, his momentum weakened slightly, but he still smashed at Zhang Bairen fiercely.


   A punch in the face of the servant bone Mohe, if the two sides are one-on-one, Zhang Bairen has a thousand ways to resolve, and even counterattack, but at this time the attack of God and Li Shimin has come close, but he dare not care.


  For example, the best way to deal with the gods and Li Shimin is to use the essence of ten thousand waters to be frozen in ice, but the servant Mohe is not affected by the power of ice. How about your name Zhang Bairen?


   There is no way!


   The strongest way to fight against the servant bones is to turn into a metal body and a real body of Jumang, but the two are simply incompatible.


  Using the Aoki real body, you cannot use the powerful metal body.


   Zhang Bairen already had a choice when he was moving. The cold ice in his hands was hidden, but in an instant, a ray of blue air flow turned into qi, and surrounded his body.


   "Servant bone Mohe, if you intervene in my Da Sui affairs, you are not afraid that the governor will settle accounts after autumn?" Zhang Bairen's face was cold, and his body suddenly flicked into fluttering willow leaves, and his servant bone Mohe drifted past.


   "With the elixir of immortality, all costs are straight!" Mu He looked firm.


   Zhang Bairen avoided the servant bone Mohe, and came to the front of the **** and Li Shimin with a palm, and the two slammed together.






   The air turned into a liquid, but it exploded continuously, and then quickly bridged, blowing Zhang Bairen's clothes and hunting.


   The mang body and the powerful Hou Yi Shooting Sun Scriptures, Li Shimin was shaken three steps back by Zhang Bairen's palm, but on the one hand, the spirit was full of battle in his eyes, blocking Zhang Bairen's blow.


   Grabbing the palm of his hand, Zhang Bairen wanted to plunder God's vitality through the void to strengthen his body, but at this time the servant bone Mohe attack had already arrived.


   At the moment, Zhang Bairen is fighting against top figures in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It is difficult to compete for a moment with outstanding talents.


   At this time, the three of them tried their best, in order to force Zhang Bairen to fit together, and over time, to seize the elixir of immortality.




When    fell, Zhang Bairen flew upside down and smashed into the courtyard. The servant bone Mohe hit Zhang Bairen's head without mercy with a palm.




   The dust vibrated and the earth exploded.


   Zhang Bairen's escape technique has disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already covered with khaki fluorescence, standing behind Li Shimin and the god, with a palm on the back of the two.




   The two were hit hard by Zhang Bairen and fell to the ground instantly, burning flames all over, and began to recover from their injuries.


"With the help of the origin of the earth, I temporarily reversed my body to be in harmony with the earth, and I can use the power of the Xiyuan earth veins. Why can't you help me! You can't force the deity of the capital governor's law body. When the eternal life medicine is born, it will be you Waiting for the time of death!" Zhang Bairen was light and light, and said coldly.


   In the body of the five elements, or Zhang Bairen was inspired by the real body of Jumang, which can be transformed into a ten-thousand-year-old tree, why not?


   It’s just a lot of hard work. Zhang Bairen promoted the earth’s dharmakaya. Soil can hold everything. The whole body of the human body is all the five elements, which makes it a thousand times easier for Zhang Bairen to understand the real body of earth.


   Transforming the five forms is not so easy to say. If you are not careful, you will completely turn yourself into a golden or native, and you will never be able to return in the future.




   Zhang Bairen sneered at the corners of his mouth. In this state, he has mastered the origin of ‘earth’ in the microcosm. Is it so easy to dissolve it with the palm of himself?


  While Li Shimin and God were about to recover from their injuries at this time, they suddenly looked on the side. They saw that the place where Zhang Bairen hit was stiff, and they started to slowly turn towards the stone.


   "What a domineering supernatural power!" Wang Yi jumped out from the shadow, and pierced Zhang Bairen's heart with a knife.


   With a single shot, Wang Yi backed away instantly, not knowing that he could not kill Zhang Bairen in this state with a single shot.


   Zhang Bairen's complexion was gloomy, with a little bit of khaki blood left at the corners of his mouth, and his complexion was like golden paper for a short time, and the khaki brilliance of the whole body circulated for a while, instantly disintegrating and turning into Zhang Bairen's body.




   Zhang Bairen knelt down on one knee, and blood spurted from his mouth, his face was gloomy and he swept through the crowds, his fingers were holding the golden slips, his knuckles were white.


   hold back!


   hold back!


   Zhang Bairen forcibly resisted the idea of ​​laying down the four swords of Zhu Xian, and now the four swords of Zhu Xian are still devouring flesh and blood in the four seas and preparing for the final evolution, absolutely can't kill the snake.


   Looking at Zhang Bairen, who was kneeling on the ground, everyone in the field hesitated for a while, but they didn't dare to make a move.


   No one will be sure whether Zhang Bairen will be irritated next moment and fall into a state of unity between man and god. If he rushes past, it will be him who will be unlucky then.


   So the field fell into silence, and everyone looked at Zhang Bairen.


   On the pavilion in the distance, Xu Fu shook his head: "Oh!"


   Although he shook his head, he didn't mean to shoot.


   In the distance, Yuan Tiangang and Sun Simiao stood there worriedly, waiting for Zhang Bairen's choice.


"If you force me to become one, then I will show you one, and tell you to know how powerful the capital is, and to kill all of you before the elixir of immortality is born!" Zhang Bairen had a cold, pale face. A gleam of divine light appeared on the top, and the supreme and noble aura slowly escaped.


   "We are in harmony! Zhang Bairen is in harmony!"


   Everyone was in an uproar, and the next moment they flee lifelessly in all directions, the real figure of the Yang God gathered and scattered invisibly and disappeared in the Xiyuan. The people who saw the gods also ran away for their lives.


   Pugu Mohe immediately broke through the sonic boom without saying a word, Wang Yi plunged into the shadow, and the Spring Return King rolled up Li Shimin and disappeared into the banyan tree.


   He hurriedly dived into the depths of the In a blink of an eye, the strong men from all walks of life walked cleanly.


   "Go?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a cold light: "Is it time?"


   Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm. Under this palm, everything seemed to be shrinking, and the immortal brilliance burst into the palm of his palm.


   "Don't! Governor, please forgive me!" Seeing the magical warrior looking at the palm that covered the sky, his eyes were filled with despair, and he gave up escape.




   A palm fell, thousands of mountains were destroyed, there was only a palm mark the size of a foot, and the martial artist did not know his life or death.


   "Where to go!" Zhang Bairen saw the servant bone Mohe who was escaping towards the mountains with his eyes: "People outside the Great Wall dare to come to my middle earth to be presumptuous, really when I am no one?"


   The words fell, Zhang Bairen patted the servant bone Mohe with a palm.


   At this time, the two were separated by dozens of miles, and the servant bone Mohe suddenly turned around to gather all his energy and greeted Zhang Bairen's big hand.

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