First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 959: Calculate

   Seeing Aunt Gongsun’s change of color, Zhang Bairen interjected: "It's weird, don't scare your sister."


   "Sister, how come your skin is so good, it seems transparent!" Gongsun Xiaoniang exclaimed, eyes full of excitement.


   After hearing what Gongsun Xiaoniang said, Aunt Gongsun raised her head and looked at her arm. As she said, her skin was very good.


   "How do you feel?" Zhang Bairen came to Aunt Gongsun and sorted out the scattered hair of Aunt Gongsun.


   Aunt Gongsun smiled softly: "It's better than ever, I can live a long, long time!"


   "That's good!" Zhang Bairen let out a sigh of relief. It seems that the elixir of immortality has worked.


   was talking, a figure walked from the horizon, Taihua Mountain came to Zhang Bairen respectfully and bowed: "Meet the Governor!"


   "Mountain gods are happy and free nowadays" Zhang Bairen looked at Taihua Mountain God once, and the other's body solidified a lot.


   Listening to Zhang Bairen's words, Taihua Mountain God flattered and said: "Thanks to the blessing of the chief governor, Huashan Mountain God valued him and divided a part of the incense."


   At this point, he looked at Zhang Bairen: "The governor, the Huashan Mountain God is a well-known righteous **** in the world. Now he is hosting the governor, you see?"


   While talking, Taihua Mountain God carefully observed Zhang Bairen's complexion, and said in a low voice: "Taihua Mountain God, you think about it, Taihua Mountain God is truly an old mountain god, and he is capable of shaking the world.


   Zhang Bairen nodded: "The Governor understands what you mean!"


   Zhang Bairen looked at the Taihua Mountain God, and after a while he said, "It's a pity that I can't walk away now. I just finished the elixir of immortality, and I am about to return to your majesty."


"You reply to the Huashan Mountain God for me, saying that it will not be too late to go to the meeting after the Governor of the Sui Dynasty is resolved!" After speaking, Zhang Bairen left floating, leaving the Taihua Mountain God to bow respectfully to the Gongsun sisters. Then turned and left.


  West Garden


   Zhang Bairen returned to the yard. Yuan Tiangang was waiting in the yard. Sun Simiao had gone to study the refining process of the Immortal Medicine.


   "The governor, I don't know what the magic medicine of longevity looks like, can the governor open his eyes to the old way?" Yuan Tiangang said.


   Zhang Bairen took out the jade box and opened the box to reveal the elixir of eternal life in it: "Dao Chief, the governor doesn't say much, you go and make me a fake elixir of longevity."


   "Fake?" Yuan Tiangang was taken aback.


   "There is still a play for the people of the rivers and lakes. The rivers and lakes are not chaotic, and the governor will not be idle!" Zhang Bairen took the jade box unhurriedly, turned and left: "I will leave it to you!"


   "I..." Yuan Tiangang looked at Zhang Bairen's leaving back, and stomped his feet: "You are showing me two more eyes, it's stingy."


   A wisp of purple air rose from the horizon on the second day. After Zhang Bairen vomited the sun, he slowly stood up and walked out of the courtyard.


   saw Yuan Tiangang standing outside the gate with red eyes, holding a red pill in his hand and placing it in front of Zhang Bairen: "Captain, fortunately not insulting!"


   "So fast?" Zhang Bairen stopped.


   "It's just a fake medicine, this projectile is highly toxic, and it is indescribable!" Yuan Tiangang sneered.


   Zhang Bairen smiled: "Mr. knows what I want, it's really wonderful!"


   stuffed the red projectile into his arms, Zhang Bairen smiled and said: "Remember your work, the governor will enter the palace to meet your majesty!"


   "My lord, the carriage is ready!" Xiaohu walked out.


   Zhang Bairen nodded, and as the guard got on the carriage, he headed for the Ouchi Imperial Palace.


   went straight to the palace, at this moment Yang Guang had been sitting on the soft collapse and waiting.


   "Farewell to your Majesty!" Zhang Bairen gave a salute and looked up and down at Yang Guang. Today, Yang Guang is rarely dressed.


   "Sit down!" Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen with a smile.


  Zhang Bairen sat down and took out a jade box from his arms: "We live up to our mission, the elixir of immortality has been practiced."


   "Really?" Yang Guang's eyes burst into light.


   Zhang Bairen nodded, and Yang Guang showed ecstasy: "Let's show it up!"


  A guard handed the jade box to Yang Guang.


   Yang Guang held the jade box, looked at the black pill in the jade box, a strange color appeared on his face, and then said: "How many of them were refined? Have someone tried the medicine?"


   Zhang Bairen nodded: "Your Majesty can eat it without worry, but there is something that needs to be prepared by your Majesty."


   "Ai Qing does not matter what he says" Yang Guang raised his head.


   Zhang Bairen whispered in a low voice. Yang Guang was stunned when he heard it. Then Zhang Bairen opened his palm, revealing a red pill: "What do you think?"


"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! If this plan is successful, I will definitely go to the next level, but... Isn't it too sinister to do this?" Yang Guang showed a trace of unbearable: "I also know the difficulty of cultivation, this Such a bad humanitarian fruit, I am afraid it will never die!"


   "The officials have clean hands and feet and leave no traces. What can the other party do even if he suffers a big loss? Do you dare to shout out?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed mockery.


   "Okay, just as Aiqing said, I am correct about this matter!" Yang Guangdao.


   Speaking of this, Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen: "Otherwise Aiqing swallows this magical medicine, Aiqing is my great pillar of the Sui Dynasty, and Aiqing is here, and I am a wasteful medicine!"


   Zhang Bairen shook his head: "The minister has faith in immortality and does not ask for foreign objects!"


   "Good ambition!" Yang Guang praised it.


  Leaving the imperial city, Zhang Bairen gathered the magic seeds in his body and slowly poured it into the red pill in his hand: "If the evil does not kill the opponent, you still need to leave behind. The mystery of Taoism must be guarded! It is always good to be prepared."


   Three days later, before dawn, Zhang Bairen got up on the carriage and came towards the imperial city.


   Now that the gate of the imperial city has not been opened, all the officials are standing in the cold wind and waiting, three people in groups of five people in a group, each discussing various chores in the world today.


   was talking, suddenly a carriage arrived, everyone in the field was quiet, a pair of eyes looked at the carriage, and then there was silence in front of the imperial city.


   This carriage seemed to have an unspeakable power, and everyone in the field couldn't help but silence it.


   A new champion looked at the ordinary carriage, showing a weird look, and whispered to a minister next to him: "Sir Niu, I don't know where this carriage comes from, so everyone is so jealous?"


   "Quiet!" The minister hurriedly made a quiet gesture, with a panic in his eyes, and quickly lowered his head without saying a word.


  The New Division champion was taken aback, he was not a fool either, he learned a lot.


   Just when there are thousands of doubts in his heart, he only listened to the faint voice of mosquitoes and flies in his ears: "He is Zhang Bairen!"


  "Zhang Bairen, a sage Confucian master?" The Xinke champion was taken aback, and hurriedly stepped forward to kneel on the ground and bowed respectfully: "Confucian disciple Wei Zhongxian, pay homage to the sage master!"


   Inside the carriage, Zhang Bairen's mouth twitched.


   Wei Zhongxian, a good name!


   "The chief governor is in front of him, and he doesn't retire quickly!" The Xiaohu who drove the carriage snapped.


"The champion of the new discipline, who can climb up from the people, is actually a talent" Zhang Bairen's gentle voice suppressed Xiaohu's words: "Since you can escape from the poor, you know that the first line of opportunities is not suitable. Your Majesty can use it for you and other poor disciples. Do your best to be loyal and patriotic in the future, serving the Great Sui Dynasty and serving the people!"


   "The disciple will follow the teachings of the sage teacher." The new champion of the new subject was tearful and knelt down and said excitedly.


   "Xiaolong, go and bestow the Four Treasures of the Study from Beihai to the Governor!" Zhang Bairen said.


Xiaolong took out a tray from the carriage behind, and came to Wei Zhongxian under a red silk cloth, with envy in his eyes: "You guys are lucky, this ink-paper-inkstone was mostly used for three years. It’s a rare treasure to kill demons and demons. Ordinary ghosts and gods can’t get close to you three feet. Pen, ink, paper and inkstone are not exchanged for ten thousand dollars. You must not let down most of the expectations of your life."


Wei Zhongxian did not speak, but kneeled down on the ground respectfully and knocked nine heads. He reached out and took the tray: "My father once said that the governor of the city is the arrogant man of the contemporary era. He is a man who suppresses the people in my Han family. The younger generation. My father used the governor as an example and studied the affairs of the governor day and night. He felt that the governor was unpredictable and had the power of overthrowing. Now it seems that he is truly well-known."


   Hearing this, Zhang Bairen smiled while sitting in the carriage, but he didn't take it seriously. He didn't know that when he met again in the future, he almost shocked his three hundred and sixty degree titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.


   After speaking, Wei Zhongxian stood up and retreated into the crowd.


   The officials were silent. Suddenly, only a creak sounded. The gate of the imperial city opened. The officials all let go. Zhang Bairen's carriage reeled into the imperial city.


   The officials did not receive this treatment. They all followed Zhang Bairen quietly, with wry smiles in their eyes.


   Everyone filed in and entered the cabinet. Yang Guang hadn't arrived yet, so the officials stood on schedule. The guards raised the brazier, and the hall was warmer.


   Time passed, and only three poles of the sun did I see Yang Guang yawning, and came out unhurriedly, his eyes full of sleepy eyes.


   "Long live my emperor long live long live long live!" The officials bowed.


   "Get up all!" After a moment of silence, Yang Guang spoke, and the officials stood up straight.


   Yang Guang saw Zhang Bairen, his eyes lit up, and he said to the guards around him: "You are blinded by your dog's eyes, so I don't have to quickly show him a seat!"


  The guard moved to Jindun quickly and asked Zhang Bairen to sit down.


  I heard Yang Guang open his mouth and said: "Why does the governor have time today?"


   "Return to your Majesty, the elixir of immortality has been trained." Zhang Bairen was beaming with joy.


   "Practice it?" Yang Guang was overjoyed when he heard this.


   Zhang Bairen smiled and said: "That's look at your majesty!"


   Zhang Bairen took out the jade box, revealing two black and red pills.


   "There are two pills of immortality here. If your majesty swallows the black, you can live forever" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.


   "What about the red pill?" Yang Guang showed a look of surprise.


   "Your Majesty doesn't use the red pill, just a black pill is enough" Zhang Bairen said.


   A guard came up from the front of Zhang Bairen's hand with the elixir of immortality, and respectfully placed it in front of Zhang Bairen's case.


   Yang Guang looked at the two pills, then said after a while: "Have you ever found someone to try the medicine?"


   "I have tried it with someone, no doubt the magic medicine for immortality!" Zhang Bairen said.


   "Aiqing has worked so hard, and I am the pillar of Sui Dynasty. This red pill is bestowed on you. If you live forever, my empire will survive forever!" Yang Guangdao.

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