Besides, if the copyright owner changes, how could he, as the director above Feiyun, not know about it?

"Why, don't you believe it?" Chen Yun was very calm, "If you don't believe it, you can call and ask!"

Chen Yun's tone was slightly sarcastic, and all the entertainment reporters' faces were filled with excitement!

That's right, I thought it was just an ordinary opening ceremony, but who would have thought that such a wonderful scene would be staged? They even thought about the topic of tomorrow's motherboard, so they called Fei Yunshang's launch ceremony imminent, and they were slapped in the face by the copyright owner?

Who would pay attention to Li Bin now! Compared to the conventional opening ceremony, their entertainment reporters still love explosive news like this!

Xu Chen's expression was extremely bad, he stood there not knowing what to do.

If he calls, he loses face. If he doesn't call, if what he said is true, he won't lose face!

He was hesitating when his phone rang suddenly. When he saw the caller ID, his whole heart was taken aback, and his attitude became more and more respectful!

"Mr. Ma, please tell me!" Li Bin laughed along. He dared to be disrespectful to Chen Yun because he didn't know Chen Yun's identity. However, Ma Liqun is different. He is the chairman of the entertainment company, and his connections are not comparable to that of a director who makes a literary film!

However, Li Bin's voice was very loud, and he deliberately played the phone's external voice! He felt that Ma Liqun must be calling now to inquire about the opening ceremony.

However, he thought too much! Because, what he said next made his move look a bit like he was blowing himself up!

"Well, let me tell you something, above Scarlet Cloud, you don't need to shoot!" Ma Liqun's tone was particularly blunt, but the meaning was clear anyway.

Li Bin, who originally wanted to make a fuss, was completely confused now! What's happening here?

"Why? Chairman Ma, what difficulties do you have?" Li Bin was still struggling, but the entertainment reporters below immediately exploded!

It turned out that they were somewhat skeptical of Chen Yun's words, but now no one would doubt it!

"Because I have already sold the copyright on Scarlet Cloud!" Ma Liqun said coldly, "There is nothing else, I will hang up first!"

Li Bin wanted to say something else, but Ma Liqun didn't give him a chance at all, so he hung up the phone!

Although Ma Liqun didn't say who he sold the copyright to, anyone with a discerning eye can guess who owns the copyright!

Far away in the sky and right in front of us, isn't the owner of the copyright above Feiyun the young man who came to make trouble?

Now, those entertainment reporters became even more excited, and they rushed over one by one, surrounding Chen Yun and his sister.

"Excuse me, is what you said just now true? Is the copyright on Scarlet Cloud really in your hands?"

"Excuse me, what is your next plan?"

"Excuse me, if you really own the copyright of Scarlet Cloud, how much are you going to invest, and when will the filming start?"

This is all first-hand information, and no one wants to miss it.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yun ignored everyone, looked at Li Bin instead and continued, "Who did you just say is irrelevant? Who should get out?"

What Li Bin said, Chen Yun returned it to Li Bin intact, and it was even more penetrating!

Li Bin was completely dumbfounded, and he couldn't figure out what was going on now! As for whether Chen Yun's words are true or not, that doesn't matter!

Li Bin felt like he was riding a roller coaster. He was still at the top just now, and he was looking forward to becoming the first person in Chinese literary films, but now, everything is shattered!

"Why did this happen? I don't accept it!" Li Bin roared angrily, blushing. Although no one interviewed him at all, how could he not be angry when something like this happened?

"Why? Why do you say it yourself!" Chen Yun snorted coldly, "Being a human being requires a little discernment!"

Speaking of vision, if Li Bin had it, he probably wouldn't have it!

This can be regarded as an explosion. How powerful is the media now? Moreover, the current news is also timely and timely! For such an important matter, the news on the Internet was released almost simultaneously!

It can be said that not only the scene, but also the comments on the Internet exploded!

"Damn it, isn't it? Has the copyright changed hands?"

"Looking at the posture, he seems very dissatisfied with Li Bin?"

"That's right, although Li Bin is great, but his character is not good! I'm a fan of Fei Yunshang, even if that's the case, if it's directed by Li Bin, I definitely won't watch it!"

"The director has changed, so the actors must be changed, right? That Zhang Mei is really embarrassing, is she okay now? I guess she can't be embarrassing anymore!"

All of these, it took only a few minutes to make this matter into the headlines of the news, the speed is simply frightening!

So many fans of the original work did not agree to let Li Bin do the filming before, but Qinghua actually asked Zhang Mei to do the filming, which is simply an insult to the show.

Well now, the ownership of Scarlet Cloud has changed! Moreover, seeing Chen Yun's disdainful eyes towards Li Bin, everyone guessed that Chen Yun must have other purposes for choosing this time to come!

Sure enough, Li Bin didn't speak, but Chen Yun snorted coldly and said, "A director like you really has a lot to catch! What kind of character do you really think of yourself?"

What Chen Yun said, it seems that the director is worthless! However, it is impossible to refute!

After all, how do you say that? Money is easy to do, but there are not many directors, especially the directors who make literary films are very few! However, as long as you have money, are you afraid you won't be able to find a director?

Li Bin's face was livid, he wanted to refute, but he couldn't say anything, what could he use to refute others?

If you say you are talented, Fei Yunshang will definitely be popular if you leave it to yourself to shoot? Don't be ridiculous, since people are here now, they definitely don't mean to let me take pictures.

Moreover, he has a guilty conscience!

At this time, when he saw Chen Mengmeng again, how could he not feel guilty? This is obviously just revenge! He suddenly thought of a sentence, the way of heaven has reincarnation, who will the sky spare?

He made Chen Mengmeng lose the chance to participate in the acting, and he brought someone over to relieve him of his job as a director after changing hands! And this time, he might not be able to get along in the entire director circle.

"You...can you give me a chance?" Li Bin had lost his fighting spirit, like a deflated balloon!

"Give you a chance? Who will give me a chance?" Chen Yun didn't speak, but Chen Mengmeng, who was beside Chen Yun, suddenly stood up, "Don't you have any sense in what you do?"

Chen Yun looked at Li Bin in front of him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, giving you a chance?


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