First Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 30: Cicada move

After getting rid of the black Zhu’s trap, it also meant that Fang Linyan took the initiative to "deliver to the door" and delivered himself to Yaohu's mouth.

He knew that the monster in front of him was very fierce, so without saying a word, he once again pressed an ice banana fan to the demon tiger's back.

At this time, Hei Zhu was also fierce, and he rushed forward while Lord Bashan was unable to move at this time. The sharp mouthparts pointed at the left eye of Lord Bashan!

Obviously, this demon spider's combat awareness and combat experience are still there, and he has long seen Bashan Jun's fatal weakness.

But this time, Lord Bashan no longer had a second adversity and fell to the rescue. Hei Zhu’s sharp mouthparts pierced in without any hindrance, his fragile left eye burst directly, and the mouthparts were inserted deeply. brain.

Facing such a heavy injury, Lord Bashan could only endure painfully.

What's more vicious is that Hei Zhu's abdomen began to contract rhythmically, apparently beginning to **** blood.

And this time it was sucking the brains of Lord Bashan, which belonged to the category of great tonic, and every time it sucked, it would restore about 300 points of health!

The freezing time of the ice banana fan is five full seconds. Even if the black Zhu's penetration process takes one second, four seconds can restore it to 1200 points of health.

At this time, Fang Linyan had already retreated to the rear, because he knew very well that Lord Bashan's counterattack would be a violent storm...


Just when Fang Linyan was fighting Bashanjun fiercely,

A big change has also taken place in the Golden Light Temple.

The abbot Ban Zhida was standing leaning against the fence in the backyard with a smile on his face, as if he was looking at the leisurely swimming fish and turtles in the release pool in front of him.

But just ten meters away from him, the old monk Bai Siba was expressionless, sitting cross-legged, with his hands lying flat on the side of the "sounding drum", his hands were frequently beating the drumhead, the strangest thing was nothing. Can make any sound!

The "Wearing the Drum" in front of Bai Siba is a magical tool that he refines into a unity of mind and spirit, so it is very powerful, but since then his life has also been linked to the drum, which can be called a drum. Now, people are killed.

At this time, his forehead was already dripping with sweat, and the yellow vest of the monk robe became darker, and it was obvious that he was mostly wet by sweat! But still can only support hard.

Suddenly, there was a slight cracking sound on the drum, and Persiba also snorted, and a red blood slowly came out from his nostrils, like a snake.

Just seeing that Ban Zhida can still maintain the posture of watching fish at this time, and Bai Siba has been injured and hematemesis, we know that the victory or defeat of the two sides has been divided!

At this time, Persiba also knew that he was invincible, so he raised his eyes to Ban Zhida and sighed:

"The Abbot's Dharma is boundless, and Persiba is ashamed. Please guard West Tallinn."

In ancient temples like Shaolin Temple, there are countless high-ranking monks who have passed away. According to the rules of Buddhism, cremated relics will be built to enshrine them.

The same is true of Jinguang Temple, but the name of the last king of the sacrificial nation has a mausoleum, so in order to avoid taboo, the West Tarim of the Jinguang Temple is called Xitarin.

The old monk Baisiba also said very straightforwardly: Abbot, you are awesome, we can't beat the counsel, give up our current position and go to West Tallinn to guard the grave, should this be done?

But Ban Zhida turned around at this moment, looked at Persiba and smiled:

"It's not appropriate, it's not appropriate."

Bai Siba's face changed, and said in grief:

"I gave myself to the Buddha in the Jinguang Temple when I was nine years old. It has been 70 years now! Is the abbot going to drive me out of the temple?"

Ban Zhida laughed loudly:

"Not so much, I think the position of the Lord is quite suitable for seniors."

Perthbar was stunned.

Because in the monasteries, the master is the master of spreading the Dharma, in charge of the Tibetan scripture pavilion, disciples' cultivation, and so on.

To put it in a more intuitive way, it is equivalent to the elder of the beggar gang. Not only that, but also part-time responsible for keeping the eighteen palms of the dragon on the body of the Qiao gang, the dog-playing method, the dragon capture and other secrets of the beggar gang. .

It can be said that it is extremely powerful, but it is a role under the abbot and above the tens of thousands.

The Baisiba→Zongyan line has always been at odds with Ban Zhida. Not to mention that the two sides are incompatible, but there are always frictions and conflicts in the weekdays.

Last month, Ban Zhida tried every possible means to remove Bai Siba's junior from the position of Yunshui Hall. How could he suddenly kindly give up such a position?

Therefore, Bai Siba couldn't help but looked at Ban Zhida, and found that his eyes were deep, and more importantly, I don't know when the strange pupils appeared in his eye sockets! Being stared at by his pupils, Persiba felt a numb scalp or even exploded.

He was about to speak, but Ban Zhida suddenly rushed into trouble. He pinched his neck and lifted it high. The two of them looked face to face, the distance between their faces was only ten centimeters at most. arrive.

There was a series of dark and unpleasant sounds in Presiba's throat, as if trying to say something.

However, there was a strange light shining in Ban Zhida's pupils. At the same time, the big Brahma rosary that Ban Zhida was wearing also appeared faintly light, which instantly killed Persiba. Suppressed, Persiba quickly collapsed to the ground completely, completely losing his consciousness.

At this time, Ban Zhida squeezed his cheeks with his hands and opened his mouth. Then he placed the index finger of his left hand on top of his mouth, and with a slight force, there was a drop with a weird red color. The drop of blood fell into his mouth.

At this time, the two looked as static as statues, but they were actually engaged in a very fierce confrontation on a spiritual level.

After a while, Persba woke up directly, looked at Ban Zhida with a complex expression, then gave a silent salute and left quickly.

After Persiba left, Huiming suddenly appeared from the side and looked at Ban Zhida worriedly:

"Abbot! Are you okay?"

Ban Zhida gave a long smile:

"How can I be bad? I'm fine!"

Huiming said nervously:

"But Tang Jinchan's Dafan rosary is too evil. You still actively communicate with it. Look at what you look like now..."

Ban Zhida chuckled and said:

"Double pupils? I can get rid of such a vision at any time! If Tang Jinchan is still upholding his ninth world's way of doing good, then I will fear him by three points."

"But! Now that he has turned his head, no matter how much he writhes, it can only be used as a knife in my hand."

"Chi'er, you really don't need to worry about this, because although Tang Jinchan's string of big fan rosary is strong, as long as I have Holy Relic Town on my body, everything will be as stable as Mount Tai!"

Speaking of this, Ban Zhida raised his right hand, and you can see that on the back of his hand, there is a vivid lotus shining brightly. This is the treasure of Jinguang Temple, the Buddha that only the abbot can have. Bao: Great wish for lotus!

This magic weapon is one of the noble treasures, playing the role of expelling evil spirits and diligent cultivation.

Ban Zhida could clearly feel that the Great Brahma rosary that had lost his master's control happened to be restrained by the Great Vow Lotus, and the power of the Great Brahma rosary was only half of the power of the Great Brahma rosary, so he was relieved to use it boldly. The Dafan Rosary is a magical artifact, and it controls the magical powers in it.

As a result, it turned out to be extremely useful. His old enemy Persiba was caught off guard, and, more importantly, was restrained by one of the magical powers in the Great Brahma prayer beads: his heart power.

People understand that he can listen to the hearts of others and control the thoughts of others.

But how simple is it that Tang Jinchan can be used as a tyrannical skill at the bottom of the box?

The psychic faculty that the Dafan rosary displays can even reach the realm of "I am one" and "His heart is my heart", and he can forcibly infuse his own thoughts into the target's mind! In turn, the enemy was completely "educated" and converted to Buddhism.

There are also rumors that the top-notch "Hexintong" needs to be used with another magic weapon. The name of that magic weapon is mysterious, but it is said to be in the shape of a golden hoop.

Seeing the great wish lotus slowly spinning on the back of Ban Zhida's hand, Huiming's worry faded a little, and he nodded and said:

"Then I will do something, Abbot."

Ban Zhida nodded and said:

"Do it well. As long as our plan is in place this time, we won't have to play the argument of arguing in the future. As long as I prefer you to take over the abbot, there will be no more noise!"

Huiming's face showed a crimson red, and the joy in his eyes was also lingering, loudly saying:

"Okay, Abbot!"

After Huiming left, Ban Zhida flicked the monk's robe and removed the magic weapon "Knowing Obstacles" that was previously displayed to cover the area. This thing was used to cover people's eyes.

He fought with a strong man of the level of Presiba, and if he did not cover up, the overflowing air wave could even shake most of the Golden Temple.

Immediately afterwards, Ban Zhida walked towards the quiet room dedicated to the abbot, and then sat down cross-legged and began to adjust his breath. After all, a battle with Persiba seemed easy, but in fact it was extremely dangerous. After all, Ban Zhida's idea was not to defeat the least difficult, nor to kill the opponent, but to directly manipulate the opponent's thoughts.

After resting for about half an hour, Ban Zhida breathed out slowly, then opened the door to look around, and then closed the door again.

At this time, the dignified abbot of Jinguang Temple actually took out something wrapped in dried lotus leaves from under the altar next to it. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a deep-fried vegetable box, wrapped in potato shreds and peppers with flour, and then used vegetables. Deep-fried crispy, topped with chili noodles.

Then, Ban Zhida ate it with big mouthfuls.

If Huiming were here at this time, he would be stunned.

Because Ban Zhida doesn't eat spicy food like chili in this life! Even if others ate near him, he would frown and avoid it when he smelled the spiciness.

But at this time, looking at Ban Zhida's mouthful and savory appearance, where is the slightest annoying appearance, even the chili noodles that fall into the palm of the hand will be very cherished to eat, where is the slightest dislike of spicy food?

It is worth mentioning that Tang Jinchan, who has made great ambitions to travel the world and save all living beings, has a special liking for pepper. As a walking monk, it is inevitable that he will eat and sleep and get moisture into his body. Eating some chili can get rid of moisture in the body and make the body more comfortable.

In this case, even if he doesn't have the habit of eating spicy food, he has cultivated it over time. What's more, Tang Jinchan himself always likes to eat a big bowl of lasagna?

In the distance, it seemed that the cicada's cries came vaguely.


Just when Ban Zhida secretly avoided turning on the small stove,

In the thousand silk caves thousands of miles away,

It is already devastated here, and as far as the eye can see, the whole world is gray and black, occasionally appearing just a little bit of scarlet embers!

In a piece of scorched earth, there are deep and huge craters, and there are rolled up new soil everywhere, even the roots of the trees that are rolled up are scorched black.

The lush forests that were full of mountains and valleys have disappeared, but on the side of the hill, it still maintains the original green trees and the green scenery of the mountains.

The feeling of extreme contrast is as if a stunning beauty has been directly burned by the fire, which is shocking to the point of indescribable.

This is the result of the combined team's direct use of the ultimate move: the fleet attack!

Fleet Strike is a personal forbidden technique. The backlash after use cannot be sustained by a single person. It requires at least five people to achieve its effect. The cost of casting materials is up to 100,000 general points. After use, it can be summoned from an alien plane. An elite battleship interstellar cruiser strikes at the designated area.

At the request of the summoner, the battleship star cruiser used Yamato cannon to bombard the area thirteen times, and used specially filled high-explosive incendiary bombs! It formed the current tragic situation.

This big move is purely PVE, and can only be used to deal with very large strategic targets under normal circumstances, because the process of summoning a battle star cruiser takes almost five minutes, and the range of attack must be specified in advance.

All space fighters in the attack range will be warned at the beginning of the summoning, so unless the leg is broken and there is no companion to rescue, the chance of being bombarded is almost zero.

This is really a move that the joint team has no choice but to make...

Since successfully killing Bess, one of the bosses of Qiansi Cave, troubles have hit everywhere, first of all, the core figure who supported their actions: Li Chi unexpectedly had an accident.

Such a fierce and fierce man actually fell ill directly, and after vomiting and diarrhea, he fainted and felt unconscious.

Then, the periphery of the joint team was attacked again, and the two sentries were targeted by powerful snipers and were directly killed.

As a result, Li Chi's promised cooperation was not in place, and their actions were delayed for a whole morning.

Fortunately, Li Chi was a sensible person. After waking up, he angered the people around him and asked them to cooperate with the "joint attack", and they were repeatedly harassed by snipers, traps, and monsters along the way.

As the saying goes, it is easy to destroy one thing, but difficult to accomplish one thing.

Therefore, they were delayed for a whole night! Then I was blocked by the dense forest in front of me that seemed to be beautiful, but actually hides murderous intent. This was also the last barrier that blocked the Qiansi Cave.

There are countless holes in the underground of this dense forest, and a large number of spiders crawl in and out of it. There are traps made of cobwebs everywhere in the dense forest. Once stuck, they will be very poisonous!

The jungle that obscures the sky makes everyone have to split up, but the mysterious spiders in the jungle will appear at any time, take a bite and then disappear.

Among these terrifying spider monsters, UU reading has Sirius spiders appearing in groups,

Like a heavy tank, the flower-snout spider is rampaging,

There are moon demon spiders that are as swift as the wind and can numb their enemies.

There are phantom spiders that can release a large number of spontaneous little spiders and have a protective color like dead wood!

What's more terrible is that in these spider monsters, there are even enemy space fighters joining, which really makes people feel big.

Seeing the rapid passing of time, the enemy is constantly relying on geographical advantages and monsters, absorbing honor and soul orbs from the joint team-even some people feel that this battlefield has become very tasteless and retreats.

But how can a man like Li Chi let people just leave? Directly put a harsh word.

So the Arctic Circle and others discussed it and directly used the big move. Seeing the **** dense forest turned into scorched earth, they even felt relieved, and then directly pointed at the front and pushed it forward.

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