First Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 75: 1 defeated

Seeing this scene, Dui Chan sneered:


Ouyang Nv Zhu sneered and said:

"That's right! The gate of the treasure house of my Xiliang Women's Kingdom is guarded by the God of Kuilong, no matter what artifact is under its supreme power, you must bow your head to the court!"

"The golden hoop in your hand has been suppressed and enslaved by God Kuilong in the treasure house for twenty-seven years. Even if it is in your hand, you still have to tremble under the power of God Kuilong at this time!"

It turns out that the Xiliang Women’s Country is also a country of thousands of times, with millions of people under its jurisdiction. There are also several useful artifacts.

And the artifact is different from the rest of the ordinary treasure equipment, it has its own spirituality! And usually the disposition of the artifact is very strange, even in an unowned situation, it will bring up many situations, which is very difficult to serve.

It’s like the notes of many literati and guest writers: Seeing a place where the sky is full of sunshine/wind and rain/the sky is dyed red in the middle of the night, etc., most of them are the birth of gods, attracting many people from the rivers and lakes. Make the world turbulent.

However, these notes selectively ignore what will happen to the local people. The artifacts triggering these celestial changes will actually affect the surrounding people! Therefore, not too many people will die tragically.

This is where the magical artifacts are so awkward, what's more, the Xiliang Women's Kingdom also put several artifacts together for safekeeping? This is equivalent to imprisoning a few guys who were originally violent in a cell. Can you say that you can quarrel with each other?

Therefore, at the beginning, the situation occurred frequently in the treasure house of the Xiliang Women’s Kingdom. At first, I thought someone came to steal things, but later I realized that several artifacts were causing troubles. Relevant measures were taken many times and the results were not very effective. .

Later, someone proposed to rebuild the treasure house and store several artifacts separately. However, it is really thankless to do this because since these artifacts are all thrown into the treasure house and eat ashes, it means that the daughter's country is only in the country. No one can use them.

In order to build a special treasure house for a few artifacts that are not useful, the minister must come out for impeachment.

Of course, there is another way to exchange these unused artifacts, but this kind of thing is feasible for the individual, but it is not feasible for the country.

This is like a reason why a beautiful country, even if it owes 27 trillion national debts, will never sell a B-2 stealth bomber, even if the B-2 stealth bomber eats ashes and rusts in the desert.

How can a nation’s heavy weapon be sold lightly to others?

The artifact has a very special status in this world. It is similar to the big killer of the B-2 stealth bomber, and even stronger than its strategic effect! The Xiliang women's country can be regarded as a powerful country among the surrounding countries, and it has been traded for short-term immediate benefits, and it may be able to cultivate several major enemies, and then the gains outweigh the losses.

In the end, the Xiliang female country exhausted all the methods and all the luck of the country, and finally created a Yinmai Kuilong with a secret method to suppress the treasure house, and it was calm and calm since then!

After all, the dragon is the leader of the lark, and the royal family on the earth is regarded as the dragon vein, but the royal family of the empire is regarded as the true dragon emperor, and the king of the small country is the branch of the dragon.

At this time, the phantom of Kuilong summoned by Ouyang Nvzhu was actually the clone of the Yinmai Kuilong that suppressed the treasure house. The magical golden hoop curse was suppressed by it for more than 20 years! Obviously, Ouyang Nvzhu believed that no matter how strong this magical golden hoop curse, it would be restrained to the death.

But at this time, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the magical golden hoop curse went straight to the sky, and then rose when the wind turned into a golden ring, and it was about to be put on Kuilong's head! But how could Kuilong let it do as he wished, spraying a crimson breath of the dragon and flying it off.

When the magical golden hoop curse hit the sky, Dui Chan, who was confronting Ouyang Nvzhu, snorted coldly. The golden light he shot before exploded, and directly shook both sides back several steps, causing smoke and dust in the field. , Dui Chan had disappeared when he regained his eyesight.

At this time, Fang Linyan had already discovered that the female disciple Qiongxian who had been enslaved by Dui Chan had fallen to the ground and seemed to be completely dead.

Not only that, she originally looked like she was in her twenties. At this time, her body was gray-haired, shrunken skin, covered with age spots, and even more skinny. It looked like a malnourished and starved to death. Old people!

Regardless of how Dui Chan pretended to be before, it was an ironclad fact that he was beaten and disabled. Otherwise, old fritters like Ouyang Nvzhu would not be fooled.

But Dui Chan, who had confronted Ouyang Nvzhu before, had obviously recovered more than half, as if he had been normal before.

Then the only explanation is that Dui Chan, a bitch, actually kept a hand! He actually possesses the peculiar ability to draw the vitality of those enslaved by him!

Of course, this ability is very likely to be developed after he obtained the Golden Hoop Charm.

As soon as Dui Chan disappeared, the attention of the people present quickly gathered on the dragons fighting in the air.

In order to vent his own grievances, the magical Golden Hoop Curse, the Kuilong Phantom released by the battle, at first, the two sides were still evenly matched, but as time went on, it was obvious that the Golden Hoop Curse was obviously declining.

After all, artifacts need to be controlled by someone to exert their maximum power, and Kuilong's body is specially made to suppress Qi Luck and specifically suppress artifacts, so even though it is a illusion, it is still gradually suppressed.

The Golden Hoop has been condescending from before, and the domineering offensive has turned into a defensive position. Kuilong's shadow began to coil it up, trapped tightly in it, but the Golden Hoop can only exude golden light and try its best to contend, and it seems that there is no chance of a comeback. .

However, the space fighters who fought at this time made an obvious breakthrough. After directly killing in, they did not care about the battle situation here, but went straight to the main line of the summer palace: that looks very ordinary table of the Eight Immortals!

This is actually in line with their nature-what is the use of helping Duzen to regain the artifact?

What I want is affordable! What you want is to do milestones and missions. The summer palace was clearly repaired to suppress/cover/protect the source of the son and mother, so obviously, the top priority is to lift the **** cover!

At this time, the Arctic Circle also showed its great strength, and directly created a cold and solid ice wall, nearly 20 meters long, directly blocking the chasing soldiers behind for at least five seconds.

Seizing these five seconds, the group of people rushing in front shot one after another. At this time, they didn't have any reservations:

Dracula’s causal gun, the blood axe, Visgo’s axe cut, Deng’s third eye also opened directly, and a continuous light green light was shot from it, like a welding gun nailed to the eight immortal table. superior.......

At this time, there was a shield on the outside of this thing, resisting their attacks stubbornly.

Of course, what Fang Linyan didn't know was that a series of beating numbers appeared in front of the people who participated in the attack.

In Fang Linyan's eyes, the last straw that crushed the camel was nothing but a grenade thrown by a space warrior he didn't know.

This ordinary grenade exploded suddenly next to the "Eight Immortals Table", and a large number of steel **** and fragments inside shot out, but in the last attack like this, there was a "click" in the air, like a bowl. The sound of chopsticks breaking is average!

Immediately afterwards, the appearance of the "Eight Immortals Table" disintegrated, and what was exposed was a ferocious beast head staring into the sky, and then desperately and helplessly let out a roar, which turned into a rock cracked cracked cracked. Cracked.

With the collapse of the eyes, a crimson blood rushed to the sky, lightning flashed and thunderstorms, and heavy rain, and in the middle of the summer palace, there has been an extra large hole with a width of more than ten meters, which emits bursts. There was a chill, and there was a cave at the bottom of the big pit, and it looked so dark that it was bottomless!

This is the secret hidden under the summer palace! The summer palace built by the daughter of the country, which was laborious for the people and money, was not actually a palace for the royal family to escape the summer heat, but a large formation used to suppress the lower air veins!

The summer palace in people's eyes is just a layer of skin that has been draped over. The troops stationed here know very well that it will be dark and deep into the bones at night.

Not to mention living in such an environment, just stay here for one night and go out for fear that you will be seriously ill. If you are weak, you might die, so why don't you escape from the heat!

Suddenly there was such a world change in the guarded place. It is false to say that it is not shocked. Therefore, Gongfenjun and Wang Wei's people are in a certain degree of confusion. Only Ouyang Nvzhu is at this time dedicated and dedicated.

Because at this time, it was a critical moment for her, and the illusion of Kuilong that had been unleashed had been entangled with the Golden Hoop Curse, and she wanted to swallow it completely!

Therefore, she also has to go all out to infuse vitality towards the Kuilong illusion, even if it hurts the source for this, she can only use "shanggong" at this time. "Atonement" is described in four words.

Fortunately, at this time, Ouyang Nvzhu's side was surrounded and protected by four disciples, allowing her to control the phantom of Kuilong without any distractions. This could be regarded as a solution to her worries.

But at this moment, another lightning flashed across the horizon, illuminating the face of the big disciple in front of him. Suddenly Ouyang Nv Zhu felt something was wrong, and the three disciples suddenly screamed:

"Master sister! What are you going to do?"

Everyone was already in a nervous state at this time. After being called by her, they immediately looked at the master sister at the same time!

The second disciple even shot directly at any disagreement, and slapped her waistcoat with a slap.

The master sister suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and turned back suspiciously:


The fourth child suddenly understood at this time, and said sharply:

"The master sister did nothing, didn't move! The second child, you have a problem!"

Suddenly, the situation on the court can be said to be chaotic.

Ouyang Nv Zhu seems to be doing her best to control the illusion of Kuilong. In fact, she is extremely aware of the surrounding situation. She immediately shouted decisively:

"The boss didn't do anything! Watch out for the second and third children! They have problems!"

After she finished speaking, she had already used a magic weapon, and a black whirlwind suddenly appeared around her body, directly flying her second and third child out.....

Originally, Ouyang Nvzhu was manipulating the phantom of Kuilong. At this time, after distracting and casting the magic weapon, it directly caused the illusion of Kuilong to be unstable, and almost escaped by the golden hoop curse, causing Ouyang Nvzhu to wear his vest. In a cold sweat, I almost gave up all my work.

But when she was ready to control Kuilong again, Dou felt a pain in the back of her head! It was the big disciple who had just been protected by her magic weapon that had a black hand, and directly pierced the back of his head with a seven-inch long bone needle, until it reached the handle! !

This needle is very vicious. It is necessary to select seven women who were born at the Zhongyuan Jiezi, and then directly make them die without bleeding, and then use their seven corpses to raise corpses!

The seven corpse insects feed on the corpse and will grow up quickly within three days. Then they will be numbered and put into the box to kill each other by raising the gu. Finally, the remaining one will be stitched back to feed again. Inside its corpse.

The next thing is the most important thing. The corpse needs to be burnt for seven days with a yin fire. At the same time, you have to hold the mantra seven times a day. You can't slack off. The device can communicate with the mind.

Seven days later, the corpse and the corpse were all turned into ashes, but there would be a spicule seven inches, seven cents and seven centimeters long in the ashes. This means that after this shot, you will definitely die within seven days!

The tool spirit in the bone needle is the spirit of the corpse insect. Once it penetrates the enemy’s body, it will first inject the resentment, hatred, and poisonous thoughts on it, and the corpse insect will temporarily resurrect through the flesh and blood, and become tangible. There is almost no solution to the extraordinary things in the middle.

Not only that, users will also suffer backlash because of this, and they will live for three years!

However, this big disciple did not hesitate to pay the heavy price of three years of life, and directly pierced this vicious bone needle into the head of the teacher.

Not only that, while the eldest disciple was acting, the fourth child next to him was not idle either. He shot a flash of electricity and put a blood-colored talisman directly on Ouyang Nvzhu's neck!

It turns out that the **** is not one, but two! !

At this time, Dui Chan also knew that it was a matter of life and death. He sacrificed all the tricks at the bottom of the box, and quietly used the magical power of "Hexintong" to directly control the two major disciples of Ouyang Nvzhu. live.

Then, at the right time, a round was set up, and the second and third disciples who were at a loss were trapped in it.

As soon as the talisman sacrificed by the second disciple was pasted, Ouyang Nv Zhu could not feel the sensation of the body below the neck, and it was directly abolished like a high paraplegia patient. Of course, this also caused her hands to become weak instantly. Unable to fight back.

The 2nd and 3rd disciples who witnessed this scene suddenly had a canthus and wanted to rush to save people, but the irony is that they were blocked by the black wind beads released by Ouyang Nv Zhu himself!

At this time Dui Chan has already appeared. He took advantage of the opportunity of Kuilong's illusion to be uncontrolled, and the chaos was already faded. He flew directly through the mid-air, and then let out a long smile. With one move, the magical golden hoop was once again in his hands!

At this time, the anger and resentment of the magical golden hoop had almost been consumed, and it was obediently re-turned into a golden hoop and put it in Dui Chan's hand.

At this time, Dui Chan has returned to the gentle appearance of Fang Linyan when he first saw him, and the eyes of Ouyang Nvzhu are full of sneers:

"Yes, old lady, the Kuilong Phantom you took out is really fierce. I admit that it is really a big trouble. I can't fix it. But I can just fix you, the troublemaker... ."

Ouyang girl wished her eyes canthus split! At this time, she really felt a kind of madness. Originally, in her heart, Dui Chan was a poor worm, chess pieces, prey, and even the next step of planning completely fell into the incompetence of their calculations.

However, the truth was revealed at this time. The entire hunting of Ruyizi was actually done by the guy Duzen. These talents are chess pieces and prey. Such a contrast is really hard for her proud and arrogant to accept. .

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