First Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 42: routine

Only according to historical records, Wang Ping was originally a low-level general in Wei State at this time. After being captured after the Battle of Dingjun Mountain, he surrendered to Liu Bei, but he was appreciated by Liu Bei and appointed as a general of Yamen.

Then it has been delegated to carry food, schedule and so on.

Strictly speaking, Wang Ping would not be able to successfully show his talents until the Battle of Jieting ten years later, and there is no record of his capture during this period.

Fang Linyan immediately deduced that Wang Ping himself was a minority, and he was good at fighting in such an environment. After being captured this time, he might have escaped successfully later.

And this kind of shameful thing to be caught, it must be that the less people know, the better. If Wang Ping didn't tell it himself, then of course no one else would know.

Just after so many thoughts went through Fang Linyan's mind, the tent next to him was also directly opened, and then two Shanyue guards carried in a big man who was **** with five flowers. The big man looked different from the Han Chinese. , dark skin, high cheekbones, and a gold ring on the ear! There are also ferocious snake tattoos on the arms.

The big man's eyes were closed at this time, but his face was ruddy. He was placed on a stretcher, and his hands and feet were tightly bound by vines. It could be seen that the people of Shanyue were very jealous of him.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan immediately dropped an investigation.

Because he is obviously in the company of the Shu army now, if he throws an investigation on Wang Ping of the same faction, then even if the strength gap between the two sides is too large, he can still detect some information.

The result of the investigation turned out to be:

Name: Slim bone

Faction: Shanyue.

After only seeing this, Fang Linyan groaned twice in his heart, and didn't want to read any more. He smiled at Mao Gan in front of him and said:

"Before I came, the owner of the house showed me Wang Ping's portrait, and then let the enshrined real person use the technique of water mirror to directly evolve Wang Ping's appearance. Dagi is usually generous, and there must be some people below who make their own decisions. , I just want to make fun of me, please don't punish him."

Fang Linyan's words were neither humble nor arrogant, and incidentally brought Mao Gan down a step.

So Mao Gan narrowed his eyes for a while and said:

"Call Nashal over here!"

After waiting for about five minutes, Shalton, whose name was called, came running out of breath, knelt down as soon as he entered the tent, and said:

"My subordinates should be damned, my subordinates should be damned! I saw that this Han man was very rebellious before, so I had the idea to tease him, and let Xiaoguli tease him! Everything is up to the servants to make their own decisions!"

Mao Gan snorted slightly from his nostrils and waved his hand:

"Go get five whips later and bring Wang Ping up."

Nashal, who took the initiative to take the blame, hurriedly nodded and said:

"Yes! Come down and go."

After Nashal finished speaking, he bent down and stepped back.

As a result, he had just retreated to the door curtain, and suddenly opened the curtain from the outside and rushed in a person. The two suddenly collided face to face, golden flowers appeared in front of their eyes, and Nassar was unable to speak in pain. He could only hold his blood dripping nose and tremble:

"you you!"

The man who knocked him away was dressed as a scout, and he was also smashed, and his eyes were shining with gold stars, but he was calm, and when he was about to speak eagerly, Fang Linyan suddenly raised his hand. The satin-wrapped thing laughed and said:

"The treasure is here!"

All the people present had been caught by Fang Linyan's appetite, and they couldn't help looking at it immediately. As a result, after Fang Linyan tore off the silk and satin, he saw an ordinary plate inside, and there was a fist-sized one inside. Something, with a faint white smoke.

The thought of "???" appeared in everyone's heart at the same time, and then, a dull explosion sounded, and the entire tent was suddenly filled with a lot of gray smoke! Everyone was choking crazily, and they felt that there was a gray area in front of them, and tears were still flowing.

Because this "treasure" is a **** smoke bomb!

When Fang Linyan was specializing in drones at that time, he often used the smoke bombs launched by this thing to cover himself. Therefore, although this function is now lost (smoke bombs), he is also letting goats collect similar props.

Anyway, this kind of thing is a one-time prop, and it is still not lethal, so the price is not expensive.

This smoke bomb is a fine product collected by goats, and it also has priority!

At this moment, the entire camp was in chaos, and some people even let out shrill screams. Not only that, but another voice suddenly shouted in horror:

"Big give to die, big give to die!"

Then there was an incomparably violent choking sound. After the sound came out, it immediately made people all over the place feel a sense of imitation. The power struggle within the Shanyue people was equally cruel and bloody.

The one who can accompany Mao Gan here must be his confidant. And everyone knows the rules of the emperor and the courtiers, and naturally they will think of the future and their family.

After the smoke had dissipated a little, you could see the real guard beside Mao Gan: Chergi, who was wearing a bone bow, leaned against the pillar next to him with a pale face, and he seemed to be very good at standing. Difficulty, it should have been plotted.

But the big fat man sitting in the main seat was unscathed, and turned his head and looked around with a terrified expression on his face.

Fang Linyan, who made the raid, hid behind the "guard" holding a giant shield, strangled his neck with his left hand, and pointed a dagger at his eyes with his right hand. .

Obviously, the so-called "big giver" was just a stand-in who was pushed to the front desk, but the real Mao Gan was disguised as a guard and stood behind him!


"Good thief!"


A group of people shouted angrily. Some people seemed to want to try to step forward, but the knife flashed, and then they saw that the Predatory Fang had cut off a finger of Mao Gan!

Mao Gan snorted suddenly. Although this powerful and powerful man was extremely good at scheming, he was not worth mentioning in terms of force, and he could only be slaughtered when he fell into Fang Linyan's hands.

At this time, Fang Linyan said lightly:

"Big head man, you are powerful, and of course you can do what you want. However, even if you have thousands of troops in your hands, you can't stop me from doing anything to you at this time! Make me anxious, next time I just cut off my hand! If you feel that this kind of deterrence is not enough, then you have to say goodbye to your harem!"

After Fang Linyan finished saying these words, the Predatory Teeth moved down half a foot, intentionally or unintentionally, and pointed directly at the position three inches below Mao Gan's navel.

Therefore, Mao Gan immediately closed his mouth honestly. If the dignified person has no eggs, it means that he has lost almost everything, and even brings shame to his ancestors and children. This is an unbearable pain!

At this time, Mao Gan's forehead was sweating because of the severe pain, and his eyes had become bitter and cold. He must have delayed the eighteenth generation of Fang Linyan's ancestors in his heart.

Seeing that the headman was successfully threatened, Fang Linyan found a piece of rags and blocked his mouth. Immediately afterwards, to the following humanity:

"Go and bring Wang Ping here."

As a result, at this time, the scout who had rushed into the tent before had already shouted loudly:

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

After hearing the news, everyone's expression changed, and all those who could attend here as non-voting delegates were all human beings.

At this time, if the enemy only detained the big gift, then it's okay to say, surrounded by hundreds of warriors, if he doesn't want to die, then he has to release him honestly.

But now this group of **** Wu dogs (at this time the Shanyue people still thought Fang Linyan was from the Wu country) actually played the trick of combining the inside and the outside! This **** is holding the big money inside, leaving the dragons without a leader, while the people outside take the opportunity to rush over with all their strength. At this time, it is already an extremely dangerous situation.

Obviously, what these subordinates can think of, Mao Gan can also think of it. His forehead bulged out, his face even flushed red, and he made a "woo woo woo" sound from his mouth, obviously trying his best to think. To express yourself.

It's a pity that Fang Linyan had already anticipated his reaction, and then strangled his neck one step ahead of time, not giving him any chance to express his opinion!

One of Mao Gan's confidants, Hou Zheng, was shocked and angry, and hurriedly asked:

"How many enemies are there, and what's the situation outside now?"

The scout said with a weeping voice:

"There are many enemies, and they are all riding horses. What's more important is that our brothers who were guarding the post were attacked by someone secretly, and more than half of them died directly. When they found these enemies, they were already very close to the main camp."

"After the big brother found out, he took more than 30 brothers to intercept and let me come back and report!"

It turns out that when Fang Linyan came to the Shanyue camp, Xiang Hezhen was also not He also practiced ninjutsu, and was waiting for the opportunity to assassinate the sentinels who wiped out the Shanyue people. This is convenient. Shu cavalry can drive straight in.

Obviously, Xiang Hezhen still did a pretty good job, and directly caught the other party by surprise.

After hearing these words, everyone present was instantly cold.

However, Mao Gan has worked hard for almost 30 years, and there are still capable people under him. When he saw this situation, a short and stout man turned around and left without saying a word.

This short and strong man is called Zhuang Zhuang, and his father died fifteen years ago when he blocked a poisonous arrow for Mao Gan. Therefore, he has won the trust of Mao Gan, and Zhuang Zhuang himself is also extremely shrewd and talented, and has been regarded as an assistant by Mao Gan.

Obviously, Zhuang Zhuang has already felt the current crisis at this time, and he has to go out directly, first relying on his own prestige to repel the invading enemy.

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